

TCS Member
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Jun 4, 2005

I very unexpectedly lost my girl today.

I still laugh remembering the pet finder ad that described her as a sweet girl. She was anything but sweet, but did show me she loved me in her own ways.

She was never a lap kitty, but on the day I wrote her sister’s name as my favorite pet on a security question for something (because she was the one who sat on my lap the most), Sophie sat in my lap for a full ten minutes. Never before and never again, but she did spend most of her evenings sitting NEXT to me on the arm of the chair, sometimes snuggling up to me, sometimes grooming me, and lately exchanging Eskimo kisses with me. She made some good biscuits from time to time too. She was always there to greet me when I got out of the shower.

She was always ready for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, which should have been my first clue something was wrong; she didn’t come running when I filled the bowl this morning. I was on my way out the door when I heard a strange meow. Went back in and found her halfway to the bowl, on her side, breathing strangely. She couldn’t stand up properly and I could tell she was sick. I took her to the emergency vet (because of course this would happen on a Saturday). Her temp was very low and her pulse weak and she was very pale by the time we got there. The vet said right away he was very concerned, and gave me a few possible diagnoses. Her blood work showed anemia, very low blood sugar, and protein off the charts. After seeing the results, he said there was little chance it was something curable, so I let her go rather than putting her through a bunch of testing and prolonging her suffering for what likely would be a very short, painful last few weeks or months.

Looking back, of course I question what I may have missed. She did have some vomiting and diarrhea a few weeks ago, but it seemed to be related to either eating too fast or eating too much dry food; when I gave her more freeze dried raw snd less kibble, it stopped. Her blood work earlier this year did have a few things just barely outside the normal range, but my vet thought it was probably due to inflammation from dental issues.

It feels ridiculous to say this, but I feel lucky that euthanasia was the obvious choice and not a decision I had to agonize over. She had clearly deteriorated in the 2+ hours since I left the house, and was crying, likely in pain, when I was holding her to say goodbye.

I did not stay with her for the euthanasia. I do feel a little guilty about that, but I didn’t know if I could take it. 😢


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
I'm so sorry you lost your sweet Sophie.


I think this must have been a very tough decision to make, but I'm sure you did the right thing. It's easy to blame ourselves or think we missed some clues when a cat suddenly gets sick like this, but they are so good at hiding their symptoms. It sounds like you were taking excellent care of Sophie.

Rest in peace beautiful girl, you will be missed.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, Sophie, dream you deep. Your pawprints are on someone's heart forever.

I am so glad that you realize that you did the right thing, the only thing. And Sophie, from her new home in That Place Where All Things Are Known, realizes that, as well, and blesses you for your kindness, for putting her own good above your own heartbreak.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
The decisions we make while under extreme stress and confusion always come back to haunt us. All those should haves, could haves, crowd in when we are thinking more clearly again. Do not agonize over whether you should have done something else or been with her, the love you shared with her was strong within her and she clung to that. You will ALWAYS be with her, you both will always share a little bit of each other's soul.
Your life and your home are a little emptier now without her in it, but the spirit, the 'essence' that was her will always surround you and follow you to the end of time. Love is spiritual, so eternal. She will forever be as close as your thoughts and prayers, right now try to concentrate on what she gave you, not what was taken away. She was in your life for a reason, to have never met her at all would be unthinkable.
The sharp pain of loss and grief will eventually fade into something manageable. Time is the only thing that helps with dulling the sharp edges. Do not let grief take over your life, try to go forward and live the future as you would have wanted her to go on if you were the first to go. She wants no less for the one she shared her heart with.
My thought and prayers are with you both, give that sister and kiss and a comforting hug from me. Concentrate on caring for her and giving her the routine and love she is used to, cats are comforted by routine. I always try to remember a line when I am mourning, it helps to bring a little comfort and guides my thoughts. "Don't cry when it is over, smile because it happened". Take one day at a time......RIP beuatiful Sophie. You will be dearly missed, you will always have a secure place in a loving heart. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again!


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I am so sorry for your loss, she was beautiful. We ALWAYS question and second guess our decisions, "I should've seen this sooner" or "what if I had done this instead?" but that is human nature, and it is very hard to see what is wrong as cats are masters at hiding their problems, but you did the best that you could with what you had, she had a wonderful life thanks to you and when the time comes I am sure that you will take care of another one in need.

"Their last breath on Earth is their first breath in Heaven" :rbheart:

I am sorry for your loss, she is fine now, no more pain or issues. I hope your heart heals a bit more each day, God Bless....:alright: :grouphug2: :rbheart: