Silent heat and lack of appetite?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
Our cats dad was 10 lbs, mom 9. Street cats rarely get to make their largest possible size.

I was thinking about your glasses string. Was it still on your glasses over night? If so, where did you find your glasses? I would think if the string was not in Freya it would be close to that place. Though I would certainly look all the way under the bed and any other furniture she can get under. Flashlights the best thing that happened to kitten owners.
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  • #22


TCS Member
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Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
I left my glasses (not really necessary, I used them for reading, the kind you buy anywhere for a handful of euro) next to the TV in the dining room, like I do every night.
This morning they were on the floor. Of course I looked around that spot, and then I started looking farther and farther. The only place where that string could hide is under the sofa, I looked under it and didn't find it.
Of course I will keep looking.
I find it hard to believe that she ate 13 inches of string. But until I find it, I have no other choice but to think she ate it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
Cats are very good at pushing string, and egg shells, to the furthest reaches under furniture. It's difficult to see thing lying on your side, our eyes aren't made for that sort of vision. It's best to pull the sofa out, turn it over and see if the string got caught on the underpinings of the springs. You might do the same with other pieces of furniture, in particular your bed. That is where we eventually found the egg shells.

When you get your new string for your glasses, consider putting a cup hook in the wall away from things Freya could climb on and about 6 feet up. Use it to hang your glasses on.
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  • #24


TCS Member
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Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
Well, my search for that string failed. It was nowhere to be found. And the reason why I didn't find the string is because Freya HAD swallowed it.
Saturday at 8 pm she pooped some runny poop on the floor and the string was in the poop!!!
Happy ending? No.
Only 8 inches of string have been passed, it seems that about 5 more inches are still in there.

Unfortunately, even if she poops the missing part, there will be more occurences in the future, and sooner or loter things will go wrong.
Yesterday we caught her chewing on the plastic foil that wraps a 6-pack of mineral water. There's absolutely nothing that we can leave unattended, how can we live that way?

The vet said she would like to spay her in the next few days, despite and regardless the issues that prevented the spaying so far. She wants to see if Freya changes her approach to the environment once that she's been spayed.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
That's good news, Antonio, it's not a neurlogical problem, she's not wired wrong, nor is she damaged, she is just one of those kittens. Now you know, you can make the house safe for her. Except that cats climb so you have to protect stuff higher up, it's no different from having a toddler around the house. YOU CAN DO THIS! I know you can. HUGS!

You need a trash can she can't get into, one with a locking lid. It's worth the money.

Get a nice wooden box with a latch to keep your glasses in. If your wife doesn't have a latching jewelry box get her own. Cats have been known to eat earrings as well as bracelets and necklaces.

Then you need to buy hooks and eyes for your kitchen cabinet doors, they make some that are child proof, that require thumb strength. Get those. Or put in a door you can latch to the kitchen and keep her out. I know you don't want to do this, you want to live in harmony with the cats going everywhere, but this is life and death here.

Remove all heavy objects from the upper bookshelves - those lovely bookends made of brass-- put them away for a few years. When she's older and you get them out it will be like Christmas all over again. Same for vases, heavy and breakable.

With most, not all, but most, cats what Freya is doing is a kitten phase and should be over by the time she's two or three. The eating every thing.

Again, Antonio, you can do this! I have faith in you and your love for your Freya!
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  • #26


TCS Member
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Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
Nearly two weeks now, and no more traces of the string in her poop.
Everyday I "analyze" her poop thoroughly, in the attempt and hope to find the missing pieces. So far I have found other foreign objects (two olive stones, I don't know where she got them, and fragments of a plastic envelop), but no string.
I wonder how long I will have to keep analyzing that poop for.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
Olive pits? Oh, dear, her poor stomach. You really do need a trash bin with a locking lid for inside your house. yes, they are expensive, but nothing compared to the vet bills for unfortunate snack choices, and, I know you want to protect your little ones from themselves. Hardware stores sell these trash bins. With cats, heavy plastic with a twist to lock ( like a cake saver) lid will generally do.