Sick Cat, Not Confident In Vet's Care, Need Reassurance


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 4, 2018
It was just plain pumpkin puree - yes?

Be nice ;-) when you asked the questions. You'll get more fly with honey as they say. That being said - write down all the questions as if you are anything like me when really worried - you'll go blank when with them and forget everything!

Edit to add: Also write down what you've been told, when, tests etc. Keep a log.

If they avoid the question - ask again and again. Until they finally answer or you get an admission that they have no idea. If they have no idea that 's fine - we can't know everything -but that opens the door to ask how you go about getting an idea. I've met some vets that needed some prompting to get their creative problem solving skills working.

Although I still am leaning hard towards a second opinion as they don't seem to be coordinating on treatment and the overall issue.
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1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
After over $1500 with no answers, I'd be seeking out other vets as well.
Did they specify what anti-nausea shot she got, and if it was meant to control vomiting for 24 hours or so?
Your vet can be a very, very nice person but if you're not getting results, sparing their personal feelings is not something that should even be considered.
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  • #25


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 27, 2018
Yes, plain pumpkin puree. No additives.

Happy update - we just came back with Sophie and we're so relieved to see her doing better. She has more energy and meowed the whole way in her carrier. Jumped out of her carrier and is walking around sniffing everything. Looks like she has some appetite back - we dipped some freeze dried chicken and boiled chicken in baby food and she was able to eat it. Will observe her to make sure she doesn't vomit anything back up.

They ended up giving her another Cerenia injection for the nausea and finally an antibiotic injection as well. They force fed her a high-calorie food and apparently she was a bit difficult and growled at the vet tech. That cheered me up because it makes me think she is regaining her energy. Both of their bloodwork and fecal results will be in tomorrow so we will call for updates. They took her catheter out; if it turns out she vomits again and needs fluids, we will go tomorrow to pick up a bag of fluids that we can administer to her at home.

I'm very, very hopeful that is the turnaround point and she will only improve from here. We are still thinking of switching clinics if we have any future issues as we were not pleased with the disorganization, forgetting to send out the stool sample, not doing the exams until we specifically requested it, and the fact that they didn't volunteer much information throughout the process (we had to ask about every little thing or they wouldn't have mentioned it to us or explained anything in more detail).

I just want to thank everyone here for your replies and advice. My sister and I are so grateful and blown away that strangers on the internet were so responsive and so helpful and willing to listen. We will continue monitoring the 2 cats and post another update, hopefully a positive one!

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
Yes, plain pumpkin puree. No additives.

Happy update - we just came back with Sophie and we're so relieved to see her doing better. She has more energy and meowed the whole way in her carrier. Jumped out of her carrier and is walking around sniffing everything. Looks like she has some appetite back - we dipped some freeze dried chicken and boiled chicken in baby food and she was able to eat it. Will observe her to make sure she doesn't vomit anything back up.

They ended up giving her another Cerenia injection for the nausea and finally an antibiotic injection as well. They force fed her a high-calorie food and apparently she was a bit difficult and growled at the vet tech. That cheered me up because it makes me think she is regaining her energy. Both of their bloodwork and fecal results will be in tomorrow so we will call for updates. They took her catheter out; if it turns out she vomits again and needs fluids, we will go tomorrow to pick up a bag of fluids that we can administer to her at home.

I'm very, very hopeful that is the turnaround point and she will only improve from here. We are still thinking of switching clinics if we have any future issues as we were not pleased with the disorganization, forgetting to send out the stool sample, not doing the exams until we specifically requested it, and the fact that they didn't volunteer much information throughout the process (we had to ask about every little thing or they wouldn't have mentioned it to us or explained anything in more detail).

I just want to thank everyone here for your replies and advice. My sister and I are so grateful and blown away that strangers on the internet were so responsive and so helpful and willing to listen. We will continue monitoring the 2 cats and post another update, hopefully a positive one!
:beerchug: Here's to a good update in the next day or two!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 4, 2018
XOXOXOXO :cloud9::bunnydance: wonderful news!

My sister and I are so grateful and blown away that strangers on the internet were so responsive and so helpful and willing to listen. We will continue monitoring the 2 cats and post another update, hopefully a positive one!
Yes. Please keep us update. :-)

I have to say - you came to the right site. This group is about the best people I've ever been honored to meet in my life.

We'll be with you the whole way - we got your backs and the kitties! :beerchug:
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
I just want to thank everyone here for your replies and advice. My sister and I are so grateful and blown away that strangers on the internet were so responsive and so helpful and willing to listen. We will continue monitoring the 2 cats and post another update, hopefully a positive one!
Contrary to appearances, we aren't "strangers on the internet." Because of the severity and urgency of your cats' problem we've been remiss in welcoming you to The Cat Site:

TCS is the largest and most supportive community of cat lovers on the internet, and the most important word in that statement is "community." When you signed on to TCS you joined our community, and we're very glad to have you here. We hope that you and your cats will be members of our community for many years to come.

Now that that's taken care of: I'm very glad to hear that Sophie seems to be doing better. Do please keep us updated; we worry.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
Happy dance for Sophia.

Look for another vet now. You want some one you know when you have the next emergency. You want a staff that knows cats.

A little growling difficult? That person doesn't qualify as a vet tech. Difficult is when things are mashed in the exam room by flying cat and the help is shredded with at least one person going to the human ER.That's difficult. (I told them not to open the carrier until they sedated her. But did they listen?)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
(I told them not to open the carrier until they sedated her. But did they listen?)

Yep! Maybe next time they'll believe you. I seem to recall that @Mamanyt1953 has said that when she takes Hekitty in to the vet she hears "Oh, ****! Hekitty's here," from the back of the practice....



TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
So glad to hear your update. It's wonderful news that Sophie is eating, I hope she keeps it down.

A little growling difficult? That person doesn't qualify as a vet tech. Difficult is when things are mashed in the exam room by flying cat and the help is shredded with at least one person going to the human ER.That's difficult. (I told them not to open the carrier until they sedated her. But did they listen?)
LOL!!! I can relate!
I remember bringing my Hank in when he was really sick. And the vet tech actually said. "Oh the poor thing! I know he's not well because I can touch him." She was so good with him, even though he was a terror, and even with the blood shed, she always treated him with the best, loving care.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 16, 2018
So glad to hear she is perking up. Any further update? Another good thing when cats won't eat is some nutrical paste, smear it on her mouth or paws and she should lick it off. You can also syringe feed petcal syrup diluted in a little water. Both of these will give kitty the nutrients and some calories it needs to get well.
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  • #36


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 27, 2018
So sorry for the late update! I've been spending a lot of time with my cats and appreciating them. They seem to be 100% better now. Playing, headbutting me, sleeping with me. I'm so relieved. So far it's still a mystery what happened but I'm going to guess a virus or something. Their bloodwork and Marcie's stool sample came back normal. Turns out they never even sent in Sophie's stool sample and the vet said "We didn't test Sophie's stool but since Marcie's came back negative, Sophie's is too." I wasn't happy with that response because I don't think you should ever assume results from one animals will apply to the other one too.

We fought to get Sophie to accept her medication for the first 2 days but thankfully she seemed much better after that and we felt comfortable stopping the medication.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
So glad they are feeling better!!!

But something is bugging me...

Turns out they never even sent in Sophie's stool sample and the vet said "We didn't test Sophie's stool but since Marcie's came back negative, Sophie's is too."
Had you already paid for the second stool sample to be done? If so, I would be demanding a refund. If not, just ignore me. But I agree that the test should have been done.
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  • #38


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 27, 2018
Oops sorry, pressed post too quickly. But I just wanted to leave some pictures of Sophie with her sister and our third cat :)

last 2 photos are of sad Sophie with her ecollar and catheter, getting medication.The rest are of her being happy with her family! :biggrin: Because what cat parent doesn't want to show off their babies?
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  • #39


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 27, 2018
So glad they are feeling better!!!

But something is bugging me...

Had you already paid for the second stool sample to be done? If so, I would be demanding a refund. If not, just ignore me. But I agree that the test should have been done.
We had requested it and they had put in the invoice quote but in the end they didn't send it in and didn't charge us. They just seemed overall very busy and sometimes it feels like we were being rushed, especially at the end. I had to specifically request full instructions about the medications that were given. They're my first pets so I'm not familiar with most of these medications and wanted more information about dosages and timing, etc. And good thing I did, because there were some details about timing which medications to give that night that see important; otherwise I would've given them all to her that same night without knowing any better!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
You should get a sheet that tells you about each medication and the side effects to watch out for. You should get this every time the medicine is given. If you take a Rx for veterinarian medicine to a pharmacy, they should give you the same information sheet.