HOW COULD YOU ABANDON USSame here, I feel bad for being out at work ALL DAY then getting the "why did you leave us ALL ALONE, meowmy" meeting at the door every day![]()
HOW COULD YOU ABANDON USSame here, I feel bad for being out at work ALL DAY then getting the "why did you leave us ALL ALONE, meowmy" meeting at the door every day![]()
off topic but I don't know what I'll do when Tigger's no longer hereHOW COULD YOU ABANDON US
off topic but I don't know what I'll do when Tigger's no longer here
Willow can get unfriendly towards other cats, so idk what pet i would have to get for her so she's not alone in the house all day - literally
So sorry that Willow is behaving this way. I think it's best to ask your questions here in Cat Behavior because those that knows how to handle such situation may not come into this thread as this is not a cat behavior forum and they won't be able to notice your questions.Willow does have times when she will literally fly at another cat (not Tigger) and be like "DIEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!" towards him/her![]()
Thank you for taking TomTom in and let him lived the best of his 8 years with you.Timmy is such a handsome boy - and looks exactly like our late Thomas, or TomTom, who crossed the Bridge thirty years ago next month. He was a darling boy, abandoned by unspeakable neighbours as a kitten. We got him up to the vet for neutering and his shots quicksmart. Poor boy only lived eight years before cancer got him.
Thank you for scooping Samuda up and giving him the happiest days of his life!They said no, so he scooped him up.
Honestly,it does not bear thinking about at this time -unless of course your thinking about bringing in another kitty nowWillow does have times when she will literally fly at another cat (not Tigger) and be like "DIEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!" towards him/her![]()
Cheech sounds similar to Magnus. He was only about 18 months old when we got him, but he had all that tomcat aggression in spades and never lost it through his 22 years with us. At least he didn’t spray in the house!Honestly,it does not bear thinking about at this time -unless of course your thinking about bringing in another kitty now
As our cats get older they often mellow with age and of course circumstances & environments are different which also contributes to behavior as well.... so,you don't know what lies ahead-cross that bridge when you come to it
Also,a word of encouragement- My Cheech (Hemingway)was a breeder( for years) .... hated other cats,vicious & highly aggressive especially being an intact male plus super protective of his woman(lol) and every litter.... after we lost our little girl Cheech was nuetered & it barely altered his dominant aggression so for years it was just Cheech &I until Graycie ...... I often brought him to the facility intro room to try different cats and kittens with him- Graycie he ignored completely,we took her home with us.....
Anyway,there's a right " one" out this I'm confident...... I'm sure I could've worked to modify Cheechs behavior and have him tolerate ANY cat but when I came home I didn't want to work after doing that 8,10 & 12 hrs a day,lol No worries,enjoy the present!
Oh goodness-right? Yes,Cheech never sprayed either or he'd likely have been nuetered years earlier!lol Was Magnus intact as well?Cheech sounds similar to Magnus. He was only about 18 months old when we got him, but he had all that tomcat aggression in spades and never lost it through his 22 years with us. At least he didn’t spray in the house!
I have, before Willow came to me (Willow's the newest one)That is a problem. Have you had other pets before?
i think it depends what time of the month it is for her, even though she's spayedSo sorry that Willow is behaving this way. I think it's best to ask your questions here in Cat Behavior because those that knows how to handle such situation may not come into this thread as this is not a cat behavior forum and they won't be able to notice your questions.
He was when he was still at the RSPCA shelter, they neutered him before we brought him home, of course.Oh goodness-right? Yes,Cheech never sprayed either or he'd likely have been nuetered years earlier!lol Was Magnus intact as well?
Yes,I believe you mentioned that to me when I was trapping Timmy and he sent me to the ER!!!! Lol The things we do for love,huh?He was when he was still at the RSPCA shelter, they neutered him before we brought him home, of course.
The real joke was that he seemed so sweet and cuddly when we met him. What we didn’t know was that he was coming down with the flu! After he recovered (don’t ask me about steam for cats with flu) he showed his true colours - and and I had the scars to prove it!
Well, first there was Cosette, the cat who rescued herself.
Thank you HERO(ine)!!! Cosette, Jemmy and Leo are irresistible! *But of course. They're FELINE.*Well, first there was Cosette, the cat who rescued herself. She was in front of my house one frigid February night when my middle son came home from work and insisted it was so cold "it must be illegal" for her to be outside. The picture doesn't really show it, but she was very underweight.
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She scarfed the food I put down in the time it took me to make her a litterbox, when she emitted what might have been a bio-weapon grade stinky poo. Took her to the vet, got her healthy so that she could meet my then four resident cats.
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While she might be a dilute tortie, her tortitude is full volume!
Then came the year of the Kittenpocalypse, when I had three females show up, probable littermates. They were gray with white feet (Socks), gray tabby (Lady Jane), and dilute calico (Callie). Between the three of them, there were nine kittens that I saw, and two survivors--Jemmy from Socks and Leo from Callie. Socks and Lady Jane went on to be TNR'd, Callie disappeared. But Jemmy and Leo were young and could have a chance at becoming indoor kitties.
View attachment 457825 At first, I could only get pictures from inside when they were on my driveway.
View attachment 457827 Then I could be outside and get a picture. And then I captured them and brought them into my bathroom.
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They were neutered and nursed through upper respiratory infections. Within a month, they no longer were in isolation and met the others and decided that things were pretty fine inside. They remain best buddies, which certainly would not have been true if they had both not been neutered. They were approximately 6 months old when I caught them and brought them indoors.
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It's too soon for a then/now perspective on Pandora. Maybe next year.
Such a beautiful furmily. Does Carlos have an eye infection needing treatment?
Wow-those are some wonderful before and after pics-especially little Carlos