Should I Still Be Hoping My Missing Cat Will Come Home?


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 7, 2014
OK Guys,

                  Here is what I got so far. I did get to speak to an animal communicator just a little while ago. She said the cat is alive. But she is afraid she is going to get hit with a car because she is near a busy highway. She said I really need to channel on getting her across the highway so she doesn't get hit.  I'm trying to do that but I keep thinking about her getting hit and I don't want to think that. Anyhow she said something chased her maybe a fox or racoon, and scared her and she is about 1/2 mile away. The cat just ran and got turned around and is scared and confused. The cat is hiding. The cat is near water because she has gone there for a drink. The cat is scared at what chased her.  She said if it is a fox, it will stalk her until it gets her.  She said she sees tall straw, a field.  Well across my road which is a very busy highway is a field of all tall dried weeds and below that is a creek.  So how real is that. I don't think it was a racoon because we have them in my yard and there was never a problem. She said to try and guide her with my mind which I am really trying to do. She also said that people she has spoken to about there animal that  channeled in there minds to bring them home they have returned within  24 hours. I'm hoping I get to talk to another one so I can compare information. Lets try to channel in on Kali and George and hope we can bring them home.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 17, 2013
Torrance, California
OK Guys,

                  Here is what I got so far. I did get to speak to an animal communicator just a little while ago. She said the cat is alive. But she is afraid she is going to get hit with a car because she is near a busy highway. She said I really need to channel on getting her across the highway so she doesn't get hit.  I'm trying to do that but I keep thinking about her getting hit and I don't want to think that. Anyhow she said something chased her maybe a fox or racoon, and scared her and she is about 1/2 mile away. The cat just ran and got turned around and is scared and confused. The cat is hiding. The cat is near water because she has gone there for a drink. The cat is scared at what chased her.  She said if it is a fox, it will stalk her until it gets her.  She said she sees tall straw, a field.  Well across my road which is a very busy highway is a field of all tall dried weeds and below that is a creek.  So how real is that. I don't think it was a racoon because we have them in my yard and there was never a problem. She said to try and guide her with my mind which I am really trying to do. She also said that people she has spoken to about there animal that  channeled in there minds to bring them home they have returned within  24 hours. I'm hoping I get to talk to another one so I can compare information. Lets try to channel in on Kali and George and hope we can bring them home.
An animal communicator???? How much did that set you back???? Puleese do not fall for this mojo.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 7, 2014
Actually the women didn't charge me a dime.  She doesn't know me at all, I live in Pa and she lives on Oregon. And some of her MOJO was spot on.  So I have to believe in her at least a little.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 6, 2014
North Augusta, South Carolina
Actually the women didn't charge me a dime.  She doesn't know me at all, I live in Pa and she lives on Oregon. And some of her MOJO was spot on.  So I have to believe in her at least a little.
Neither of the two I spoke with charged me anything either. Such a great scam eh ;) and channeling is such a good idea. Did she give you any tips?


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 7, 2014
Bita,   What do you mean by tips? She just said to try and channel her to my house and get her safely across the road. She said she was alive but she see's heavy traffic and is worried about her.  So I had asked her- is that what you see or can we save her. She just said to channel her safely across the road to home, she has crossed twice.  She never said she wasn't going to make it unless she didn't want to tell me. But I have been sitting here all day and night doing just that. I even put some food out for her hoping she will be home tonight. And the fact that she said she crossed twice makes me think she is a little further. Past the field that I was talking about is a really bigger field across another road, and they did bale hay there. She said something about predators  stalking her that's what chased her in the first place when she was out hunting.  Then I asked my husband if there were fox's close by and he had said he saw one a week ago, but his buddy said he heard wolves on the hill side the other night, and that's about right where she might be.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 7, 2014
Bita,   What do you mean by tips? She just said to try and channel her to my house and get her safely across the road. She said she was alive but she see's heavy traffic and is worried about her.  So I had asked her- is that what you see or can we save her. She just said to channel her safely across the road to home, she has crossed twice.  She never said she wasn't going to make it unless she didn't want to tell me. But I have been sitting here all day and night doing just that. I even put some food out for her hoping she will be home tonight. And the fact that she said she crossed twice makes me think she is a little further. Past the field that I was talking about is a really bigger field across another road, and they did bale hay there. She said something about predators  stalking her that's what chased her in the first place when she was out hunting.  Then I asked my husband if there were fox's close by and he had said he saw one a week ago, but his buddy said he heard wolves on the hill side the other night, and that's about right where she might be.
Meant to say coyote not a wolf, before someone corrects me.
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  • #547


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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Hi, just catching up with this thread now.

@Bita  is there a place anything like the animal communicator described to you west of your place? Farmland sounds like an ideal place for a lost cat to hang out. My outdoor cats now have their big enclosure and a cat door so they can come inside any time they please. Before we moved half of them used to sleep in barns, garages and empty houses. They all survived our freezing Japanese winters. I think as long as they have somewhere dry that they can shelter they're OK. Kali has those feral cat smarts, I'm sure she can find a warm place to sleep.

I'm really not sure if I believe in Animal Communicators or not. I think the important thing is that you need to feel as if you've done everything in your power to bring your lost cat home. If it keeps hope alive and gives you more ideas for places to search and things to do then it's worth it. Especially if you don't have to pay. 

@segelkatt  @mysticdragon72  I'm sorry to hear about your lost cats. I never found out what happened to George either, I still think about him every day but I doubt if I'll ever find out where he went.

@buffy2011  good luck, I really hope your girl makes it home safely.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 7, 2014
Hello guys,

                     Any sighting of Kali yet? No sighting of my feral kitty either. I haven't posted because I have been waiting to talk to another animal communicator and we just can't seem to get together, but supposedly tomorrow we are going to talk. I live on a busy road so I am always looking to see if maybe she got hit with a car. The other day me and my husband were coming home and there was a cat on the road. I was devastated. I kept asking him if it was her and he said no. I made him turn around and go past again so I could see for myself. It was close to my house so that's why I thought it could be her. Anyhow I made him go and pull it off the road so no more cars could run it over. He said it must of just got hit.  I know it can't be helped but I hate to see cars just running over an animal. I have been watching for a sign to see if someone is looking for it, so I can tell them where it is, so they can get some closure. What a heart ache. Well I will let you know what this communicator has to say.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 7, 2014

            That's kinda funny you didn't like this last communicator. I had one, maybe the same one that kinda told me the same thing. She east chipmunks, rabbits. She left for an adventure to live cat hood life to its fullest in the wild. She's in the woods but near houses. Not thinking about coming home. Her nose and paws are cold but she is ok. She hasn't thought about the snow until now and she doesn't like it.  She was very grateful for all the care I gave her. That reading was hard for me to believe. But then I had another reading  the other day and she said close to the same thing. She said she has memories of me, liked me a lot for the care. She is exploring the rest of the world, on a mission or journey. She wanted to see different things and talk to different animals. She prowls everyday out and about. She is somewhere she shouldn't be. She wandered off far. She is not scared but not sly or bold. She is cold and grieving. She told me the link kept diminishing, whatever that meant. She did say she thought she still was alive. I just know this cat would of never left on her own. I do believe the first animal communicator that said she was chased and lost her way back. And I am afraid for her with all the critters out there. But anyhow I do have another cat I saw coming to my house to eat, then the other night I saw another one. Do people really let there cats outside in the cold or do you think these cats are all strays or ferals. I've gained two more cats since my kitty (Tobby) has been gone. Maybe she has sent them to me to keep my mind occupied. Your new kitty is probably so happy and looks so comfortable.  You have saved her. Are there many more cats where she came from? Are they running wild or do they have owners?  I hope to have some more news in a week or so, I have another communicator that I am going to talk to. Its been a month now so the longer it goes, I do believe she won't come back. I did post something on Craigslist. Just to notify me if seen and maybe I can go trap her and bring her back to her surroundings.


TCS Member
Nov 28, 2014
This is a pic of my Bubba he has been missing for 6 months I know someone had to get him he snuck out 1 time and vanished I would do anything to get him back driving me into depression what is the longest a male cat stayed gone and eventually returned
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  • #553


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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Hi Clintray,

Bubba is gorgeous. I'm so sorry that he is gone. Why do you think someone stole him? Have you tried putting up posters and offering a reward? Maybe if someone knows the person who took him they'd call you anonymously if they thought they'd get a reward.

My cat Lizzie was gone for 10 days and Mia was gone for three and a half weeks. They were both out in the woods though. I live in a very rural area, no one around here would bother trying to pick a cat up.

@Bita  I have the same  reservations about animal communicators as you do. The information I got about George just didn't ring true. Any sign of Kali yet? I still haven't heard or seen anything of Spike. I spoke to a guy who lives about a mile from here who said he sometimes sees a tabby cat near his fields, but when I left my trail camera out it turned out to be a big old tabby tom cat. The same colours as Spike but at least twice her size.

I'm still hoping she's surviving out in the woods somehow.

How are the two new cats getting on? The Kali look-alike seems so at home with you already. She must be so happy to be indoors.



TCS Member
Nov 28, 2014
Hi Clintray,

Bubba is gorgeous. I'm so sorry that he is gone. Why do you think someone stole him? Have you tried putting up posters and offering a reward? Maybe if someone knows the person who took him they'd call you anonymously if they thought they'd get a reward.

My cat Lizzie was gone for 10 days and Mia was gone for three and a half weeks. They were both out in the woods though. I live in a very rural area, no one around here would bother trying to pick a cat up.

 I have the same reservations about animal communicators as you do. The information I got about George just didn't ring true. Any sign of Kali yet? I still haven't heard or seen anything of Spike. I spoke to a guy who lives about a mile from here who said he sometimes sees a tabby cat near his fields, but when I left my trail camera out it turned out to be a big old tabby tom cat. The same colours as Spike but at least twice her size.

I'm still hoping she's surviving out in the woods somehow.

How are the two new cats getting on? The Kali look-alike seems so at home with you already. She must be so happy to be indoors.

Hey all sorry for the late reply I have been up to my eyes with cat stuffs. We finally were able to bring the stray from the trailer park down the street to our yard. She has a bed with a heating pad and a makeshift shelter and she has stayed here for three days now. She comes to her name and is always here at night so it makes me happy. We had great success with her. When my hubby is out of school after this fall and has his big boy job we will be getting her fully vetted. She seems to be really pleased with being outside and now more so that she is far away from those terrible children, far from the road and she adores her soft warm bed thats up on our large porch. I was so worried she would bolt. She looks so much like my Kali that it makes my heart jump if I dont get a decent look at her. She is a bit less white and less orange but acts almost exactly like my baby.

Norachan I thank you for your comforting words. You are totally right my kid is out there and she is smart. I have been able to stop stressing a wee bit about the cold but still need to get her home. I have found a place that is actually east of us with cows and goats and huge farm lands that we will be searching either tonight or tomorrow. Heres hoping the owner wont mind and wont shoot lol. still no sign of Spike? How is life in Japan?

Buffy gosh Im so very sorry that you still havent seen her. I had someone text me yesterday claiming that they saw a cat just like mine hit in the road months ago -.- my hubby happens to drive that road daily and hasnt seen one hit baby so he thinks she was mistaken....God I hope she was mistaken. Iv seen quite a few hit kitties and it effects me the exact same way. I too will pull them on to the side or have been known to bury them. Hell just last week we had to bury an opposum that came up and raided the cat food regularly. some one had hit the poor guy infront of our drive way and I couldnt stand that they just left him there to be continuosly hit. If we find any kitties or doggies that have lost a battle with a vehicle we will always take a picture just incase someone is missing it. maybe we can give someone closure. luckily it isnt often that we see such a thing.

Careful with communicators. I had a second reading done and Ill post it below. Ill say this, it doesnt sound like my cat. She slept under the couch and bed in the comfort of her own home. no way she would be sleeping under a tree out in the open. I may try to find yet another and see if I can get anywhere but Im not banking on them. I know there are legit ones out there but just like anything else there are always fakes too. I dont know what the deal was with this reading but it just struck me as beinng soo off.
Please see below for responses.

She did start the communication saying that you need to let go that she is not coming back. When I asked if she was willing to answer your questions, she said yes.

Questions for Kali: Was she chased off by a person or animal at any time? Yes, by animals, feels like dogs. Is she staying in one neighborhood or is she traveling? I’ve been all over if she is traveling what is her plan? I don’t have a plan, I go as I please Does she have a safe warm shelter to sleep in? no, I’m outside  where has she been sleeping? Mostly under trees What does it look like? Wooded area Has she been frequenting the same shelter/s?  I stay for a while than I go Can she see any signs or numbers around her? No response What has she been eating? I get rats, chipmunks, wild things Does she have a water source? Wherever I see some, sometimes puddles Is she near any businesses or just houses?  I’ve been near businesses, now it feels rural, farms Can she describe in more detail what the houses/buildings and cars look like around her? I see a silo, white structure (maybe a barn), lots of fields, tractor, woods, She mentioned she was trying to communicate with me, what was she trying to say? That I’m okay and not to worry, you worry enough about everything, I was meant to go, you don’t need me anymore Is she comfortable in her surroundings? Sometimes Is she happier outside at this point? I’m okay, I’m a cat Has she caught a bird, I know she has always wanted to? sometimes, they are crunchy, they are hard to get sometimes but fun to chase What was it about the new house that she didnt like? No response, it feels like the stress around the situation How can I fix it or make her like it? No response Will she please try to come back to the new house? No response Has she crossed any large roads (wider than two lanes)? how many roads has she crossed? I stay away from big roads, mostly little roads with less traffic, I’m good at hiding How can I help her to come home? I don’t want to come home or plan to come home. I did what I came for. Can she hear my communications to her? She hears your cries which makes her sad. Has her winter coat come in? I’m warm Is she ok with it so cold?  I’m okay does she still feel that she is close to where she last saw me and got lost? I am not too far but not that close How is she doing? She is fine What is she feeling? No response What sounds does she hear? Birds, cars, trucks, horns, tractors, birds, dogs, Has she heard me calling for her at all? Not recently Does she sun herself during the day? I love the sun Does she hang out near any houses regularly? It depends, sometimes if she feels that there is food she does but not always, some places leave food out.

all that being said I refuse to give up.  Well please keep us posted with the feral situation. Ill leave you all with a picture of the Kali look alike that we saved from down the street. It was her first night here and she let
me swaddle her like a baby
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  • #555


Thread starter
Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
I know how you feel, it's really difficult to get over that special one and no way to replace him. Each cat is such a unique, special creature.

Was Bubba friendly to other people? Would he have let a stranger pick him up and carry him off? One of my cats used to love my neighbour's kids and tried to follow them to school a few times, could Bubba have wandered off and lost his bearings?

Cats do come back months or even years after they went missing. Keep checking the local shelters, keep putting up posters so that people are reminded to keep an eye out for him. You could ask the local authorities if there have been any reports of animal hoarders in your town, sometimes lost cats are found that way.

Good luck, I hope he turns up.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 6, 2014
North Augusta, South Carolina
I will never get over losing Bubba I never stop looking for him but I know someone has him how could someone steal somebody's pet
Im so sorry about your Bubba. keep up the search. People adore those types of cats so I hope he had been taken in and someone will see a sign or something. my heart goes out to you.
Hi Clintray,

Bubba is gorgeous. I'm so sorry that he is gone. Why do you think someone stole him? Have you tried putting up posters and offering a reward? Maybe if someone knows the person who took him they'd call you anonymously if they thought they'd get a reward.

My cat Lizzie was gone for 10 days and Mia was gone for three and a half weeks. They were both out in the woods though. I live in a very rural area, no one around here would bother trying to pick a cat up.

@Bita  I have the same reservations about animal communicators as you do. The information I got about George just didn't ring true. Any sign of Kali yet? I still haven't heard or seen anything of Spike. I spoke to a guy who lives about a mile from here who said he sometimes sees a tabby cat near his fields, but when I left my trail camera out it turned out to be a big old tabby tom cat. The same colours as Spike but at least twice her size.

I'm still hoping she's surviving out in the woods somehow.

How are the two new cats getting on? The Kali look-alike seems so at home with you already. She must be so happy to be indoors.

Well while out searching today i did run across a house on a farm with cows only a couple miles away fro us in the direction of our old house. On the off chance that the communicator is legit we stopped and spoke with the owner. He took Kalis picture and our info and promised to keep a look out so fingers crossed. Spike sounded like a self sufficent girl. Judging by the actions of the near by tom your woods have to be loaded with fun prey for her to hunt. I hope she turns up sooner rather than later though. I hope you all are having happy holidays and that this new year starts with or brings our fluff butts back home.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 7, 2014

        I do try
One thing i did take from the animal communicator is to keep envisioning the best possible outcome. whenever you start to get down try to change the thought. Easier said than done I know. Any sign of Tobby yet? I believe that animals come to us for various reasons. The two that have allowed contact have kept me occupied and help me to feel like im doing something good out of a bad situation. The new one that is the Kali look alike is in love with it here. We dont have her inside she isnt at all ok with the idea of it so we set up a kitty shelter complete with a heating pad and a box that has been padded and reinforced with a make shift tent. She adores it here she is entirely different. And Silas the kitten from the woods is doing pretty good adjusting to our older indoor babies. He is a little toobold and needs to learn how to not annoy his older siblings but im just happy that no one has gotten hurt.  He spends about 8-10 hours a day outside of his room and that little thing has more energy than any fluffy thing iv seen.

Im so sorry about your Bubba. keep up the search. People adore those types of cats so I hope he had been taken in and someone will see a sign or something. my heart goes out to you.

Well while out searching today i did run across a house on a farm with cows only a couple miles away fro us in the direction of our old house. On the off chance that the communicator is legit we stopped and spoke with the owner. He took Kalis picture and our info and promised to keep a look out so fingers crossed. Spike sounded like a self sufficent girl. Judging by the actions of the near by tom your woods have to be loaded with fun prey for her to hunt. I hope she turns up sooner rather than later though. I hope you all are having happy holidays and that this new year starts with or brings our fluff butts back home.

        No Tobby yet. I  understand about thinking positive and bringing her home safe, but sometimes its hard to think that, especially when they are gone so long. I do have a vision of her in my mind leading her  back to my house safely.  And now I do have a few other cats that have showed up at my door step. I only see them at night so I don't know to much about them. Where do all these cats come from? I'm not sure what to do with them. I had read a post that a person said that you should go door to door and find out who owns them before you feed them or take them in. Don't worry about taking them in because that isn't going to happen, we have 3 in the house now. I just took a feral kitten in last year and I'm still taming her. My husband gets mad when all these cats show up. The place that I take my ferals to get spayed and neutered told me that if you can't get near them then they are feral. Not sure what to think about that. But I myself think that if you own a cat you should have it spayed or neutered. And if that isn't done then I would assume that this animal is feral. I haven't had a chance to see them in the light since it gets dark fast now. But I do put food out for them everyday. After Tobby left I had one, then another one showed up, and yesterday another one showed up. What do they do go tell everyone where the food is? I do have a nice shelter, but I think I should move it away from the house, maybe they will use it. I have to keep the feeding station close because I need electric for my heating bowls. What are your thoughts on all these cats? I have asked people when I see them but I can't go running around asking people if they are letting there cats run around. My inside cats will always be inside and I don't want to see them hurt so I keep them in, not saying that they very well could get out by accident, but we try real hard for that not to happen.  The ferals I have them TNR and get them shots and shelter and food and that's the best I can do for them. But I can't be taking on everyone's cats. My husband tells me not to feed them and they will go away, but it is real hard for me to see an animal out in the bitter cold. I would think that if this animal belonged to someone that they would have it in the house in this kind of weather, but not sure how some people think.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 7, 2014

              Forgot to say good luck.  I hope this gentleman on the farm brings you some good news about Kali.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Apr 5, 2012
I haven't been to this forum forever(Since my late siamese cat passed away back in 2012). I too now have an outside cat that's missing.
Now, I'm not all for having cats outside, but the reason (TK) is  an outside cat is because I found him back in the spring of 2013. I wasn't sure if he belonged to someone so I would just leave food out for him
and he became a regular. He seemed sorta feral at first, yet talkative, but then he finally warmed up  to me. My mom
was hesitant to let him stay since we already have a zoo(1 husky and 2 other cats) but she eventually warmed up to him to the point she would let him inside the house too.

I tried to keep him inside when he would stop by every morning but come night time he'd start yelling to be let out. He would always come back in the
morning for food and to just cat nap with my other cats.
Sadly this isn't the first time he's been gone, but now its going on week 3(or week 4...I forgot...but it should be a month by next Tuesday) and the longest he's been missing has been 2 weeks(in counting)
I don't think he's dead cause I didn't see any dead cat bodies around, he knows how to avoid cars, and the other neighborhood cats that go outside are still around.

I'am not too invested in putting up flyers because last time I did I heard nothing from my neighbors, and if he did belong to someone, no one bother notifying me of that.
I asked the closest vet to my house if anyone bought in a Tuxedo cat and they said not but they're on the lookout since I bought him to their clinic last January when he got back from a fight 3 days later.
I also put a flyer at the local shelter but when I inquired, no one has picked up a Tuxedo cat in our area.
I may go around and ask my neighbors if they saw him cause maybe he does actually belong to someone. But I doubt it since he's not neutered, and I have yet to see any kittens
which means the neighborhood outside-access cats are fixed....

I'm doing the food trick which seems to be working for every other cat except my TK and the birds!(it worked the last time though..)
I also have our security cam stationed at the front door, but its a  live cam meaning I can't record it and have to constantly keep my eyes on it=/

Sorry to hi-jack this thread but I just want to air my worries for anyone whose willing to read it as well s offer my sympathy to the other people whose cats are missing.

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  • #560


Thread starter
Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Hi Papermoon,

If he's not neutered it's very possible that he has wandered off in search of an un-spayed female cat. The feral tom cats in the colony I used to care for would regularly go missing, one of them was gone for about 6 months once. Tom cats have a much wider territory than fixed cats and if there is a female cat on heat anywhere nearby he'll have headed that way.

Is there any way you could get him neutered when he comes back? It will stop him wandering as well as stop him getting into fights. Tom cats are more likely to get injured or pick up a fatal disease by fighting with other toms.

Do you know of any cat colonies in your area? (Your vet might know if anyone is feeding them and doing TNR.) If there are un-fixed cats and a regular food source he might be hanging out with the ferals.

Good luck, hope he shows up soon.