Should I Still Be Hoping My Missing Cat Will Come Home?

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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
You probably have tried this but I'll say it just in case. Have u tried looking at weird dark hours? Only if it's safe! I have gone walking around outdoors between 2:30am-4:30am looking for one of the "regular" strays around here and I saw many cats I'd never seen before
Yes, I've tried that. I had a trail camera set up in lots of different places around here, filming whatever came to eat the food I left out. I also got up at three every morning throughout the warmer months and spent about an hour wandering around. I saw all kinds of wildlife and dozens of cats, but no George unfortunately. I think he must have gone further away than the 1 mile circle I was making.


TCS Member
Nov 3, 2013
Awwww. Best of luck.

If no one has found him dead or alive, I'm sure he must have found a really awesome place to play. He must just be lost...

If he doesn't come home, I'm sure he misses you, but is still living and having lots of fun.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 6, 2013
Wow! That's cold! I don't like winter at all. I freeze when it hits 65*! I love being outside, working in the yard, etc.. I can't do that in the winter. The coldest it gets here is around 17 and that's not very often. The cats have been catching a lot of mice and rats outside the last couple of weeks. Maybe they're too cold to run very fast. Hopefully George will be there before it gets really cold. I think cats in rural areas definitely have a better chance at survival than cats in a big city. Too many cars, people, and danger in general. It won't be long and I'm going to be reading that George is home. Keep the hope alive! I say a little prayer for both you and George each night.


TCS Member
Nov 5, 2013
I just happened to run across this thread after Googling whether I should give up looking for my lost cat.  My cat, Dexter, has been missing for just over a year now.  He was always an indoor/outdoor cat and was 11 years old at the time of his disappearance (12 now).  My family lives in Texas, where he was last seen, and at the time we did absolutely everything we could to find him--hundreds of posters, contacted shelters and vets, etc.  Heck, we even bought a trail camera and set it up in the forest near our apartment complex, but all we got were raccoons and occasional strays/house cats.  At the time I was a university student going to school in California, so it was difficult only being able to really look for him myself when I came home on breaks and holidays.

Interestingly, now, I too am in Japan, living life as an English teacher after graduating college this past summer.  When I read that some of you too had been to and lived in Japan, I felt this weird connection and felt like I had to post here.  Forgive me if I'm posting wrong or replying weirdly; this is my first time on the site and I just made an account on a whim, haha.

Anyway, I still have hope Dexter will come home.  I continuously update his Craigslist ads, and that's about all I can do, now that I'm in Japan.  And, obviously, since it's been a year now, my family doesn't hold out much hope anymore and is not actively searching.  (In addition, we moved to a house this past summer, so we no longer live in the apartment where he was last seen, which just makes it all the more difficult to know if he'll ever come home.)

Sorry to hijack this thread!  I guess I just needed a place to talk about Dexter.  And it's hard connecting to people who have never gone through this.  You guys seem like such a hopeful and encouraging bunch. :)
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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Hi Banana2013,

I'm sorry to hear about Dexter. Is that him in your avatar? He looks lovely. I'm glad to hear that you haven't given up the search, I've heard of lots of cats that come home after months or even years out on their own. Even if your family have moved house it's worth updating his information on Craiglist, he might show up in his old neighbourhood one day. I keep updating George's info on all the lost cat sites I can find, as well as renewing posters and putting his photo in the local newspaper on a regular basis. I'm convinced that he's out there somewhere, I just have to keep hoping that one day our paths will cross again.

By the way, which part of Japan are you living in? I've been here for about 12 years now. I started off living in a big city, moved around a bit and I'm now living in a little village close to Mount Fuji.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
I'm glad you're keeping happy though. Actually you sound like you have a happy disposition.
I just said to blighty who is leaning against my leg washing where's whisky and then I saw his head just above the bed. We're having a late night. It's 3.10am. Oh well. I can get up when I want. Their plates are full all the time. They graze so they only wake me when they're play fighting on me. Nowhere else in the whole house but on top of mummy.

I just happened to run across this thread after Googling whether I should give up looking for my lost cat.  My cat, Dexter, has been missing for just over a year now.  He was always an indoor/outdoor cat and was 11 years old at the time of his disappearance (12 now).  My family lives in Texas, where he was last seen, and at the time we did absolutely everything we could to find him--hundreds of posters, contacted shelters and vets, etc.  Heck, we even bought a trail camera and set it up in the forest near our apartment complex, but all we got were raccoons and occasional strays/house cats.  At the time I was a university student going to school in California, so it was difficult only being able to really look for him myself when I came home on breaks and holidays.

Interestingly, now, I too am in Japan, living life as an English teacher after graduating college this past summer.  When I read that some of you too had been to and lived in Japan, I felt this weird connection and felt like I had to post here.  Forgive me if I'm posting wrong or replying weirdly; this is my first time on the site and I just made an account on a whim, haha.

Anyway, I still have hope Dexter will come home.  I continuously update his Craigslist ads, and that's about all I can do, now that I'm in Japan.  And, obviously, since it's been a year now, my family doesn't hold out much hope anymore and is not actively searching.  (In addition, we moved to a house this past summer, so we no longer live in the apartment where he was last seen, which just makes it all the more difficult to know if he'll ever come home.)

Sorry to hijack this thread!  I guess I just needed a place to talk about Dexter.  And it's hard connecting to people who have never gone through this.  You guys seem like such a hopeful and encouraging bunch. :)
You've come to the right place


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
I want all of you whose cats gave gone walkabout not to give up. We've all heard of cats turning up years later so keep the faith ladies


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
I want all of you whose cats gave gone walkabout not to give up. We've all heard of cats turning up years later so keep the faith ladies
:yeah: My sister had a feral cat turned friendly to her go missing for 2 1/2 yrs! She thought a coyote had taken it's life and resolved herself to that fact. This cat, Birdie, showed up on her patio, looking great and healthy, like no time had passed at all. Birdie stayed with her from that day on till it was her time to go to the bridge. There are many true and heartwarming stories of cats returning home after a very long, long time. CARRY ON WITH HOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :clap:


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 18, 2013
Hot and sweaty Texas
I'm not sure what,if any,fees are involved with the animal communicator but please be careful of scammers and unscrupulous people. That being said, I wouldn't rule it out if I were in the same situation. Just saying please be careful


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
I wanted to post a happy happy update!  Patches came to my deck during the night!!!  I am in utter shock.  I have surveillance cameras that I use also for the cats comings and goings.  He was very skinny, but he is alive!!  When I went to bed last night I had a "conversation" with him.  I told him that it was to get really cold in the next few days.  I knew he was going to need shelter and I wanted him to know there was still food for him too.  I told him that I did have another cat living with Shadow on the deck, but that the new cat was sweet just like Shadow and nothing to fear.  I asked him to come by and let me know he was ok and for him to check out that I was still around.  He walked all around the deck and into both feeding stations.  At the time he came Shadow and Stellar had recently left.  I wonder if they sensed Patches or smelled him under the deck.  Patches didn't stay long as it started to rain.  He had been gone for just over 8 months.  I cried tears of joy to see him.  My hope is that he will come back at least to get some food. 

I am hoping that Patches will send some vibes to George that he too needs to make an appearance at home.
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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
That's fantastic! 

On Tuesday all the kittens came down with 'flu. One of the little boys was really bad. I took him to the vet and they kept him in over night and put him on a drip. The others all have sticky eyes and are sneezing and wheezing constantly. I have eye drops for them all and I've been trying to make sure they eat. I've managed to get a little chicken soup and milk into some of them and I've been dabbing honey on the lips of the ones who refuse to eat. I think they are going to make it but it's hard work trying to keep an eye on all of them.

On Wednesday afternoon I realised that I hadn't seen Carpet, George's little sister, for a while. I remember getting up several times in the night to let her and her sisters in and out but I can't remember if I last saw here late on Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning. I've been out to look for her several times, checked in the long grass and under the bushes in the field she always hangs out in, crawled under the decks and checked all the sheds and barns in the farm the other side of the field, but there is no sign of her. I've left my trail camera and some dishes of food in the field for the past few nights but she hasn't been back yet. She was wearing a collar and city hall say they haven't had any calls about cats hit by cars this week. I even called the forestry department to ask if there were any predators big enough to take a cat. I wonder if all the sick kittens made her decided to take off for a while? I've started putting up posters with her picture on. It's all so depressingly familiar. Where DO these cats go?

I hope some of your good luck rubs off on to me ShadowsRescue, I could do with some of that right now.

This is the last picture I ever took of George,



TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 6, 2013
I'm so sorry about Grandma Fu. You couldn't have known she was in there. Years ago I had one that got close to the fan in my car to sleep. I had no idea she was there. Luckily it only took a small piece of her tail. She never seemed right mentally after that. Sorry about all the sick kitties too. Hopefully George's sister decided she didn't want to catch it and is just waiting on everybody to get better. You have had a rough week. Hugs for you and all the kitties.
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  • #114


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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
I really wish that car makers would make it impossible for cats to climb inside the engine. It shouldn't be that difficult to do, just a few pieces of wire mesh would do the trick. It would save so many lives.

Thanks for the hugs Roxie. I'm happy to say that I managed to find Carpet yesterday. I spent a couple of hours walking around the fields, talking to every farmer I met and getting all wet and muddy from crawling around wood piles. Then, when I was about 5 minutes from home I turned around and saw that she was following me. She has the 'flu too, even though she's up to date on her vaccinations. I now have a house full of snotty kitties, but at least they're all here.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
I am so saddened to hear of Grandma Fu.  You will be in my thoughts. 

I am happy that Carpet came home.  I think it is a full time job worrying about all of these cats. 

Of course Patches hasn't come back again.  This is typical for him.  Last year when he was gone for 4 months and finally appeared, it took another month before he showed up again.  I dreamed of him last night.  He came to eat and allowed me to gently pet him.  He was all bones.  I just do not understand why he chooses to stay away when he is obviously hungry.  Tonight it is to be 15 degress with  wind chills near 10.  I hope he comes back for warmth and food. 

When I first started using an animal communicator back in late 2010 they all told me that Patches was a wanderer.  They told me he would never stay with me for long.  I thought they were all wrong as he did stay with me full time from August 2011 until April 2012.  He would go out on daily excursions, but ate every meal here and slept here each night.  When he disappeared the end of April 2012, I was heartbroken.  Yet, he was still not neutered at that time so I knew he was on his walk about.  He had eluded the trap so many times.  He did reappear, but remained standoffish.  He would come and go and sometimes not show up for a week.  I figured he had found another place to eat and sleep.  I had been told by the animal communicator that he wanted his own territory.  My yard belonged to Shadow and he didn't want to share and had no intention of fighting Shadow for it.  My yard isn't huge, but it is certainly big enough for the two of them.  Yet, Patches wanted more.  I was content having him come and go all last winter.  I tried a few times during the winter to trap him again and finally succeeded in mid March.  I had been told he would be very upset with me if I went through with it.  Yet, it was as though he was resigned to the fact as he went fairly easily into the trap.  I thought for sure after a week or so he would be back for food.  Then I thought after his hormones shifted he would be back.  Next, my thoughts went to fall when the weather was cooler.  He was never domesticated in any way, but he did allow me to pet him and brush him.  He would step briefly into my house when it was terribly cold outside and sleep by the cracked open door.  Supposedly now he is almost completely feral.  I am not surprised as he has been away from me for 8 months.  My rational brain just cannot understand his way of thinking!

Please Universe send Patches and George back to their loving homes. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
Oh Nurichan I am so sorry to hear about mama fu. I can't imagine how you must feel.
And I'm so glad georgr's


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
I'm sorry. It's either my phone or the site.
I'm so glad George's sister came home.
Poor kitties. I hope they have enough tissues for their little noses.
Big hugs.


TCS Member
Nov 23, 2013
I'm sorry to hear about all your cats, i had to go through not knowing where my kitten was. The guy i was renting a house with went on a meth bender and threw everything i had, including my 2 cats out a second story window. My older cat ran back inside and attacked him, the kitten disappeared. The kitten, Goku, has never been outside before and we never away from me fore more then a few hours. 6 weeks he was walking around in saint Paul mn, which is a very busy city. I was a emotional wreak turning that time. After 6weeks the neighbors called me and asked what goku looked like, once i told them, they said he kept coming back to the house looking for me and that they were able to get him to come to them. That night when i got to their house he was a skinny rail of a cat but was really happy to see me. He is now back with me and is back to his old self.
i have high hopes that George will come home, you and him are in my prayers
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  • #120


Thread starter
Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
I wanted to post a happy happy update!  Patches came to my deck during the night!!!  I am in utter shock.  I have surveillance cameras that I use also for the cats comings and goings.  He was very skinny, but he is alive!! 

ShadowsRescue, you've given me an idea. I've been using my camera in lots of different places and done a full 1-mile diameter circle around my house, but maybe George will come closer to home now that the weather is getting colder. I've started setting up the camera every night at the bottom of the field where George always used to hang out. The colony tend to stay in the fields in the opposite direction so maybe, just maybe he'll start coming back to his old favourite mousing spot. 

I'm sorry. It's either my phone or the site.
I'm so glad George's sister came home.
Poor kitties. I hope they have enough tissues for their little noses.
Big hugs.
Thanks Stewball.  Carpet's doing fine now. She has been vaccinated against cat flu but she's got a bad case of the sniffles. She's very patient and sits on my lap while I sponge her eyes and nose clean, she's eating well too. The other kittens have to be wrapped in a towel and wrestled to the ground before I can get their eye drops in, but they seem to be recovering. 

Kaoscats, you were so lucky to get Goku back. Poor little guy, he must have been terrified. At least he was smart enough to keep coming back to look for you. Glad to hear your older cat attacked the guy you were renting with, it made me smile to hear that. I love Goku's name, is he called after the character in Dragon Ball?