Realy need help!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 17, 2021
Hi everyone and thank you all in advance for your time and any advice given regarding this issue.
3 days ago me and my bf took home a stray cat wich came to us while we were on a terasae of a bar having a drink. She let us pet her and just stayed with us the whole time. We both just adore cats, we have two girls Didi and Lizi. We live in nature in a house and our cats can go outside or be inside whatever they like. So we decided to take this cat home and try to find her a home. She is a little over a year old, she let us pet her... totaly socialized cat. We come home and she sees Didi and she went totaly demonic. We havent seen anything like that ever.The fur was flying, we closed the door and she did not stop there... she attacked me and pretty badly. So after this wild encounter we started to think that this will not go. We seperated her in another room till next morning. We went to get her and put her on terrase and talk about what can be done and while we closed our cats inside we did not notice one went out. Again, demonic cat attack, this time she badly hurt my bf. We ended the dicussion and took her to cat sanctuary. We could not put so much stress on our cats and ourselves. So she was in cat sanctuary one day and we felt quite bad about that decision, thinking we did not try enough, so we decided that we will take her and sterilize her. We came there and they already did that. She was tested for all diseases and microchiped. She is healthy cat. We kept cats seperatly and put the new one in cat transporter and try that way. Well, thank god she was in there because she could kill someone. We gave her name Gini. She can not stand a cat. When she sees a cat its like a demon comes over her. We do not know what to do or how to doit. The whole process. Does anyone here have advice on procedure how to change that behaviour. She does not stop when she chases away our cats, she then turns on us. Is there even any way we can do this? We really want to keep her, she is really nice cat and loves to pet and can sit on your lap for ours purring... as long there are not other cats. Please help and thank you for reading this.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
This is our guide. How To Successfully Introduce Cats: The Ultimate Guide – TheCatSite Articles

However, lets ask a few questions to see whether you should really do this.

First, the cat is very friendly. Not all house cats wear collars and you don't want to adopt someone else's indoor/outdoor cat. Does she appear skinny? Have you checked with folks in the neighborhood? If vet told you cat is around 1 and not spayed, that is pretty good evidence she is a stray, and you are doing a good thing getting her off the street so maybe you are done with this step, although if you haven't checked with the neighbors that can't hurt.

Second, is there another home for this cat? What does the shelter say about whether cats of this age and friendlyness are getting adopted? Some places there is still a COVID-related shortage of pets to adopt. Its quite possible you are not saving a life here and if you are not, maybe this cat is better as an only cat.

If the vet told you this cat is one years old, thats good because the younger a cat is, the better the chance you can turn things around and maybe even get them to all be friends. Not starting from the best of places though, this won't likely be an easy one. Make sure your ready for it.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Please try not to take her attacks on you personally, but do take them seriously. This is a thing called "Re-directed aggression," most probably. It happens when a cat is highly frustrated or angry, cannot reach the object of the anger, and lashes out at whomever is closest. It's pretty common.

These are a few more articles that you might find helpful. What you will definitely need is a place where you can contain her away from your other cats, while giving her her own space.

This can almost certainly be done, if, after asking yourself the questions that A ArtNJ mentioned, you decide to keep her. However, it will be a long-term process, at least weeks, possibly months, but it can almost always be done.