Really Stumped With Eye/face Swelling And Irritation.


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 13, 2017
Hello everyone.

This is going to be a bit of a long story, but please stick with it, we are really at the end of our rope here and we don't know what to do next.

About 3 months ago a sweet little cat wondered up to our driveway while I was feeding the other strays in my neighborhood, he was VERY sweet and loving, but looked terrible so my wife and I decided to get him into a carrier and take him to our vet to see if anything could be done. I've attached some pics of him right before we got him in the cage, and when he was laying in the cage at the vet.

The vet did a lot of tests, and found that he did not have any serious diseases, so we started him on treatment for his upper respiratory infection and tons of rodent ulcers, also some flea drops and eye drops for his conjunctivitis. We have four cats already, but we have a finished basement, so we're keeping Theo (the cats name) in the basement until he heals up and we can get him fixed.

His face healed up pretty fast, by May all of his hair had grown back, he had gained 3 lbs. (6lbs - 9lbs), his face wounds had healed up, he was doing really great. At this time he was on 4 types of medication. I don't know off the top of my head what they are, but I can check the bottles at when I get home. He had some milky stuff he had to drink, and three types of pills. This first round was for a month, and he was totally healed up besides some large blisters on his upper lip. After his medication was done, we took him back to the vet and she prescribed him another 2 weeks of medication to try and get rid of the blisters on his lip. During this month and a half period, he would periodically flare up with a red rash between his right eye and his ear. You could tell he was scratching up there, because he'd sometimes bleed. He was also having issues with tears coming out of his eye that appeared to be burning or irritating his face, because the area around his tear duct down to his lip would get red.

Eventually, last Wednesday, his final one month round of treatments were done. This round did not include the milky stuff, and my vet had me ween him off of one of the three pills in the first two weeks. Last Wednesday was his last day of meds, and he looked great. The only thing I could find was a tiny little scar on his lip from where the blister was, but it was not red or swollen. I have also included a picture of him that I took this past weekend.

Now, during this time of healing, at some point we asked our vet if he was contagious, and would it be OK to start bringing him upstairs to start introducing him to our other cats. She said it would be fine, so we've been bringing him up for an hour or two at a time, just to get everyone used to each other. Last night he was laying on the couch with us and suddenly he had like 3 or 4 good sneezes, and then all of the sudden his right eye started watering like crazy and he was twitching out and scratching his eye uncontrollably. It really reminded me of whenever my sinuses are acting up and my eye starts to water. We turned the light on and realized that his eye was already super red! I gave him some eye drops, and we kind of held on to him so he couldn't dig his claws into his face, and we helped him gently scratch it. We have a little cone for him too and we put it on him last night, as much as I absolutely hate to do that (nothing worse than having an itch you can't scratch) we felt like it was all we could do to keep him from hurting himself.

I checked on him this morning and his eye is still a bit red, but looking much better already.

What do you guys think might be going on? I'm wondering if he's got some sinus issues, and I'm really confused as to why his tears seem to be burning him. We're going to take him to the vet again on Friday, but right now I just want some peace of mind, or some hints or tips about what might be going on with our sweet little guy.

Thanks to anyone who read this far,




Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Hello Matt, welcome to TCS :wave3:

Thank you for having a part in looking after strays in your neighborhood and taking in Theo and taking him to the vet to have him healed. Bless your heart :clap:

What a transformation from the day you took him in. He is such a beautiful cat :lovecat::lovecat4:

I really have no idea what's with his eye. It's best to let the vet examine him.

While you are here, take a moment and introduce yourself and Theo and the rest of your kitties to the community in New Cats on the Block. Do post photos of your kitties as we love photos here.

Feel free to ask questions if you have any and post them in the respective forum pages and do check out the Articles section for the many informative articles.

See ya around and do update us of the situation with Theo :wink:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
I wanted to say thank you to you and your wife for helping this poor baby. Under your care, he looks like a completely new cat. This made me cry. I hope you can find out why this keeps happening. Would Lysine powder in his food or Lysine treats help? It helps my cat with runny eyes, but they never turn that red...
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  • #4


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 13, 2017
I wanted to say thank you to you and your wife for helping this poor baby. Under your care, he looks like a completely new cat. This made me cry. I hope you can find out why this keeps happening. Would Lysine powder in his food or Lysine treats help? It helps my cat with runny eyes, but they never turn that red...
Thanks so much, honestly I think just about anyone would have done what we did if they could meet this cat. He is one of the most loving and sweet cats I've ever met, even when he was in really bad shape he would walk right past the food we gave him just to come up and get some love and pats. Also, I totally forgot about the Lysine. Our vet cave us a can of it and we've been putting a scoop in his food every day. Thanks for the tip, and thanks for your kind words!
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 13, 2017
Hello Matt, welcome to TCS :wave3:

Thank you for having a part in looking after strays in your neighborhood and taking in Theo and taking him to the vet to have him healed. Bless your heart :clap:

What a transformation from the day you took him in. He is such a beautiful cat :lovecat::lovecat4:

I really have no idea what's with his eye. It's best to let the vet examine him.

While you are here, take a moment and introduce yourself and Theo and the rest of your kitties to the community in New Cats on the Block. Do post photos of your kitties as we love photos here.

Feel free to ask questions if you have any and post them in the respective forum pages and do check out the Articles section for the many informative articles.

See ya around and do update us of the situation with Theo :wink:
Thank you! I will go ahead and make a post on the new cats forum.
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 13, 2017
I got home today and checked on him, his eye and lip are still red, but not as bad as last night. He always has issues with his litter box when he's got a cone on, so he ends up making a mess all over himself. My wife and I decided to give him a bath. Here is a pic of how his face looks now, it doesn't seem to be irritating him at the moment.


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  • #7


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 13, 2017
Just got back from taking Theo to the vet. She is pretty certain he just has a severe allergy to something, we just don't know what. She gave him a shot of Convenia, and we have to put him back on 2 of his meds (Gabapentin, and Atopica) for his itching, we're going to get the dose as low as we can, and then we will probably have to keep him on that low dose forever. The good news is that he is scheduled next week for his vaccinations, and then in 2 weeks we can finally get him neutered.

Grumpy boy.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Awww, he does look grumpy, poor baby. But his eyes look better.


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
What a cute pouty boy!
Not sure what your vet has said about the uri but blisters are the calicivirus, the 2nd most common uri in cats next to rhinotracheitis (herpevirus)
I'm surprised he was not put on predisolone/prednisone which is a steriod.
But the thing with calici is it is not so much an issue with the eyes, which is the first sign for herpevirus, but he may have both too.
That discharge is what I would focus on having it tested. I have never seen burns from discharge nearly as bad as his was.
Once on here in another country a lady had a cat who had this extreme burning, but so bad it actually began eating away at the skin. It was horrible. Ended up to be some very rare fungal infection needing only 1 specific medication that would help it.
Not meant to worry you but just how uncommon it is for eye discharge to cause burns to this degree.
I have a feeling that if his discharge is sent to a lab, it just might give specific answers needed.

As for allergies, these are seen on the skin surface unlike in people.
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 13, 2017
What a cute pouty boy!
Not sure what your vet has said about the uri but blisters are the calicivirus, the 2nd most common uri in cats next to rhinotracheitis (herpevirus)
I'm surprised he was not put on predisolone/prednisone which is a steriod.
But the thing with calici is it is not so much an issue with the eyes, which is the first sign for herpevirus, but he may have both too.
That discharge is what I would focus on having it tested. I have never seen burns from discharge nearly as bad as his was.
Once on here in another country a lady had a cat who had this extreme burning, but so bad it actually began eating away at the skin. It was horrible. Ended up to be some very rare fungal infection needing only 1 specific medication that would help it.
Not meant to worry you but just how uncommon it is for eye discharge to cause burns to this degree.
I have a feeling that if his discharge is sent to a lab, it just might give specific answers needed.

As for allergies, these are seen on the skin surface unlike in people.
He was on prednisone for a while, but we had to ween him off it because he has to be off steroids for about a month before we can get him neutered. We had a skin scrape, and some of his eye juice sent into a lab and nothing crazy came back. I'm wondering if its not the discharge that's burning his skin, but him feverishly scratching at it as soon as it starts. Thank you for the input.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Did your vet say if it was herpes? My boy kitty has bad eye herpes, but he never scratches at it and it never turns that red. I have to give him lysine twice a day 250mg with breakfast and 250mg with dinner or it just keeps coming back.


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
I feel pretty confident that it is not from scratching, it appears to have burnt the fur off and the skin is actually burned.
If anything all he can do to scratch it would be with his forearm, which couldn't possibly cause damage like this as it would be more rubbing the area.


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
There is no actual treatment, only supportive care basically.
Usually antibiotics are given to ward off secondary bacterial infections, especially since calici likes to invite pneumonia to the party.
There is a slower recovery period, mostly with the blisters/mouth ulcers.
The longer he is owned and has regular food and love his system will eventually get this virus under control to where you won't see it much at all if ever. Same thing triggers it as herpevirus, stress.
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  • #15


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 13, 2017
Thanks everyone for the ongoing conversation. Please keep in mind that the really bad picture of Theo from the original post was from the first day we were able to capture him and take him to the vet. He had never been close to looking that bad again. It probably took him a long time to get that bad, and honestly when I finally got him in the cage I stood there for a while thinking all sorts of things like "this could be really expensive, this could end in heart break, etc.." then I called my wife and we talked about it and we decided that we'd do whatever we could. If supportive care is the best we can do then that's what we'll do. I don't want people getting the wrong idea and thinking he gets as bad as that first pic when he has his flare ups, because it's not even close.

Noah Vosa

TCS Member
Jun 15, 2017
I honestly wish I give you advice, but all I can do is send prayers-- so here they are! Praying for your cat to feel better soon! God bless!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Synthbent- you're doing a great job taking care of him. The thing I hate about my little guy's eye herpes is that it never goes away completely. I can keep it away with the lysine twice a day, but if I stop even for one day it comes back. I wish there was a cure for these eye problems.
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  • #19


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 13, 2017
I created a new thread with Theo's new issue.
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