Questions About Introducing New Kitten


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Young Cat
Apr 13, 2018
Staffordshire, England
Hello, hello!

So you might have noticed in my introduction post, that I have 2 furbabies!

One is an established resident cat who has been the sole cat in my home for almost 2yrs, (Merlin), and the other who arrived yesterday afternoon (Corey).

So, we've kept Corey (new kitten) away from Merlin for the whole day yesterday, and again today. He has the standard "safe room" set up for when bringing home any kitten. He is settling really well in our bedroom and seems pretty happy to explore and adventure.

Earlier today though, Merlin snook into the bedroom while my children were in there fetching something. Corey was out and about.
Merlin gave a bit of a surprised "hiss" and stood still watching Corey. I slipped in between them at this point, casually, and said Merlins name to bring his attention to me. Corey at this point seemed a little caught off guard by the hiss and puffed up his little tail! But it all seemed to resolve quite easily once they both took each other in.
At this point I ushered Merlin out of the room, not in a rough way, just gently.

They weren't supposed to bump into each other this early. I was pretty narked at the kids, as I do realise it could have gone much much worse!

However, I was encouraged by how they responded and calmed quickly and seemed more curious rather than intimidated.

Later however, Merlin wouldn't come away from my bedroom door, he kept pacing outside. Again not in an aggressive way, just sniffing and pawing at the door gap.
So I put Merlin into his travel crate (as this has long been established as Merlins "safe quiet space". And I carried him into the room where Corey was free roaming.

Again, at first Merlin hissed, only once. And then did nothing. He sat in his crate and simply watched Corey who went about the expected kitten business, pouncing at his own shadow!
I gave Merlin treats through his crate gate for quiet behavior, as I have read it is always good to reward non aggressive behavior in these situations.

I then swapped who was free roaming and who was crated. Corey went into a crate of his own, and Merlin was allowed to free roam in the bedroom. He approached the crate without making any noise and was again rewarded; petted and generally given a lot of fuss.
Corey in his crate didn't make a peep. Merlin scouted out Corey's litter tray, showed no signs of wanting to territory mark etc, and was happy to wander the room and leave when he found there was nothing to eat!

It may be worth mentioning Merlin is neutered, and in time Corey will be neutered.

So, realistically I suppose my questions are the usuals!

Does it sound like they may be willing to get along?

Is their introduction going so well because Corey is only 9wks old and isn't yet sexually mature?

Can I expect problems to arise as Corey hits sexual maturity before he is neutered?

What should my next steps be for introduction? Would you take the chance of a FULLY supervised non-crated meeting? I stress fully supervised because there would be 2 adults to 2 cats and at the first sign of aggression they would be separated.

It will not be possible to feed Merlin and Corey at the same time in the same room as Merlin is a gobbler. He scoffs his own food down so fast I'm not even sure he tastes it anymore!! and I have no doubt whatsoever that Merlin would wolf his then steal Corey's.

Any help or advice is much appreciated as I have had pretty mixed "ideas" of how to introduce them. Some "well meaning relatives" have suggested just drop them together and let them figure it out!! :eek:
Others have suggested Merlin will see Corey as no threat and will just take him under his wing! - nonsense as far as I'm concerned!
And obviously, the method and idea I'm following is that slowly, slowly is the best policy, but how slow is too slow?

Sorry for the long post, and all the questions, I just want to make sure I'm doing it right and not going to make my boys hate each other for the rest of their days!


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
LOL, well, you're doing everything right, or there would have been far more hissing and growling and attempted attacks. As to how soon is "too soon," that, frustratingly, varies from cat to cat, so it's very hard to advise. I'd suggest doing a few more of those meet and greets...a few a day for...oh, say, another 5-7 days, then (if everything still looks good) try a well-supervised face-to-face, no barriers. Have a big piece of cardboard handy to slip between them, just in case. Now, don't jump the gun with the cardboard. A hiss or two, even a growl, can be expected, and doesn't mean anything horrible. They do have to establish who is alpha, and that depends on catitude and fursonality, NOT on who is bigger, or has been there longer! Come to think of it, I have a friend whose 14 weeks old kitten immediately took control of their home, lording it over everyone, including a wolf hybrid (yes, she is licensed, and has a rescue).


Forum Helper
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Nov 25, 2013
I agree with Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 you seem to be doing everything right. So, keep on doing what you've been doing. ;)

TCS has some articles on multi-cat households, so I'll post the links in case they have some helpful tips for you.

Introducing Cats To Cats
How To Successfully Introduce Cats: The Ultimate Guide
How To Fix An Unsuccessful Cat Introduction (don't think you'll need this one)
The Multi-cat Household
How To Safely Break Up A Cat Fight (hopefully you won't need this one either, but it does mention "mock fighting" which your 2 boys will likely eventually do)


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 28, 2018
Wow things sound like they are doing wonderful! To be honest in your place I would try the fully supervised face to face, but I can also get a bit excited about things like this and you should probably follow Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 advice . From the sounds of things though I bet they become best friends.

I do have to say though that until the little one grows up a bit that you probably shouldn’t l ave them alone for long periods even after they know each other well. This isn’t because I think Merlin will try and hurt Cory but because sometimes when two cats with a bit size difference play accidents can happen and the last thing you want is Merlin accidentally bitting down to hard to damage their relationship.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 13, 2018
Staffordshire, England
LOL, well, you're doing everything right, or there would have been far more hissing and growling and attempted attacks. As to how soon is "too soon," that, frustratingly, varies from cat to cat, so it's very hard to advise. I'd suggest doing a few more of those meet and greets...a few a day for...oh, say, another 5-7 days, then (if everything still looks good) try a well-supervised face-to-face, no barriers. Have a big piece of cardboard handy to slip between them, just in case. Now, don't jump the gun with the cardboard. A hiss or two, even a growl, can be expected, and doesn't mean anything horrible. They do have to establish who is alpha, and that depends on catitude and fursonality, NOT on who is bigger, or has been there longer! Come to think of it, I have a friend whose 14 weeks old kitten immediately took control of their home, lording it over everyone, including a wolf hybrid (yes, she is licensed, and has a rescue).
Thank you so much for this, I am pretty sure in this household it is going to be the newcomer, Corey who rules the roost! Merlin is just laid back and a little on the quiet shy side, I can't see him being dominant. But, then as he's never really been put in a situation to be so, I might find I'm surprised!!
Corey has a lot of bravery! He's a bold one that's for sure!!

Wow things sound like they are doing wonderful! To be honest in your place I would try the fully supervised face to face, but I can also get a bit excited about things like this and you should probably follow Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 advice . From the sounds of things though I bet they become best friends.

I do have to say though that until the little one grows up a bit that you probably shouldn’t l ave them alone for long periods even after they know each other well. This isn’t because I think Merlin will try and hurt Cory but because sometimes when two cats with a bit size difference play accidents can happen and the last thing you want is Merlin accidentally bitting down to hard to damage their relationship.
Ah, Desertmouse, you are much like me! I tend to get over excited and over-encouraged and am very likely to rush at the first sign of positive steps haha. But I am determined to take it slowly. Corey is still getting used to the humans in the household, and his one little room of safety. The plan is, to let him have a few more days in that room, while swapping in and out myself. I am obviously touching both cats on a regular basis, so I'm pretty certain they're getting the smell of each other through me. In a few more days, Corey will get to safely wander the rest of the house and get to know Merlin's usual territory. We will see how Corey responds to being in said environment and then consider a supervised face to face. In the meantime we are continuing barriered meetings throughout the day.

Merlin doesn't seem to hate me when I come out smelling of a different cat xD and Corey is not afraid either.
Merlin is still happy to sleep in his bed - which sits right outside my bedroom door, even when Corey is sitting the other side right behind my bedroom door!

Today, I have taken a blanket from Corey and placed it inconspicuously in the lounge for Merlin to approach in his own time. I am sitting nearby, and watching while typing on my computer.

This photo shows Merlin's immediate reaction to the "alien" blanket xD
I think it's safe to say he's curious, but not territorial, and he actually went on to lick it a little :3
That location is somewhere he sits occasionally. He is yet to actually sit there since the blanket arrived, but it's not a spot he frequents all day, so I'm not concerned he hasn't sat there yet.


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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 13, 2018
Staffordshire, England
I agree with Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 you seem to be doing everything right. So, keep on doing what you've been doing. ;)

TCS has some articles on multi-cat households, so I'll post the links in case they have some helpful tips for you.

Introducing Cats To Cats
How To Successfully Introduce Cats: The Ultimate Guide
How To Fix An Unsuccessful Cat Introduction (don't think you'll need this one)
The Multi-cat Household
How To Safely Break Up A Cat Fight (hopefully you won't need this one either, but it does mention "mock fighting" which your 2 boys will likely eventually do)
The articles were very very useful, thank you so much rubysmama.
I will take a look for some follow up articles on "mock fights" and how to identify them. I'm pretty confident I'm clued up on body language, but it doesn't hurt to have a refresher or some extra tips. That way I can be sure I'm not breaking up a mock fight.
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 13, 2018
Staffordshire, England
So, I just thought I'd share this little video I took of the boys' Day 2 barriered meeting. Something new happened this time, which I have been pretty encouraged by, because by the looks of it there was ZERO aggression, or even ill-intent from either boy.
But, I thought I'd pop the video up and see what y'all make of Merlin's behavior. Merlin is the one in the travel crate. He seems pretty relaxed about Corey, am I right?! :)
(hopefully the video works!!)

Merlin meets Corey day2.mp4


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 28, 2018
So, I just thought I'd share this little video I took of the boys' Day 2 barriered meeting. Something new happened this time, which I have been pretty encouraged by, because by the looks of it there was ZERO aggression, or even ill-intent from either boy.
But, I thought I'd pop the video up and see what y'all make of Merlin's behavior. Merlin is the one in the travel crate. He seems pretty relaxed about Corey, am I right?! :)
(hopefully the video works!!)

Merlin meets Corey day2.mp4
Aww they did so well! What good, beautiful guys! What s good cat mother for encouraging Finn when he backed away! By the way, Merlin looks like Sadie, a cat after my heart
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 13, 2018
Staffordshire, England
Thank you! :3
I feel like they did really well too! And wasn't sure whether to touch the littl'un or not during the meeting, but he did seem to take some encouragement from my touch. I'm not discouraged by Corey floofing up his tail, it was expected, Merlin isn't really a big cat, but compared to Corey xD he's mahoosive!!

Merlin is now curled up and snoozing on the inconspicuous smelly Corey blanket xD n'awww
He really does look like your Sadie :) they're both beautiful, I do love a grey cat <3


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
He did floof his tail, just a bit, and that position showed caution, but his ears were forward, as were his whiskers. He was more curious that cautious, and there was no aggression on EITHER side, as best I could see! In fact, it looked to me as if Merlin actually rolled over in the crate, showing his belly a bit as a show of that what actually happened? Hard to see inside the crate.
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  • #11


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 13, 2018
Staffordshire, England
He did floof his tail, just a bit, and that position showed caution, but his ears were forward, as were his whiskers. He was more curious that cautious, and there was no aggression on EITHER side, as best I could see! In fact, it looked to me as if Merlin actually rolled over in the crate, showing his belly a bit as a show of that what actually happened? Hard to see inside the crate.
I'm not sure he rolled over completely, but he was definitely practically turning himself upside down to get a good sniff of Corey!
The problem is, the crate Merlin was in is a little on the small side. But I decided to use that one because of the gate style. They both have a crate with a full, clear plastic door, bar some air lines in the front, but I was hoping for less of an obstructive barrier, so used Merlin's old crate to enable a better smelling experience, and a little more hands on.

I'm thankful for the second opinion on Corey's tail floof. It did seem cautious, but also curious to me too. I'm really keeping my fingers crossed that I'm reading their behavior right :D and that my two kitties are gonna be good friends.
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 13, 2018
Staffordshire, England
Well, well, well!! Do I have an EXCITING update!!

So, me and my partner were both home together tonight. And I orchestrated another barriered meet and greet. Again, both boys displayed EXEMPLARY behavior, of curiosity and cuteness.
So my partner and I decided to take the plunge and let them both out in Corey's safe room.

I am soooo sooo proud to say my boys DIDN'T fight!

Merlin rolled on his back and showed Corey his belly on several occasions, which was later mimicked by Corey!
They play swatted their paws at each other, and Merlin sniffed Corey's butt - Corey didn't seem to like that so much!! lol but it didn't end in a squabble, just Corey ducking out the way!

Merlin even tried to instigate play with Corey, but Corey either didn't understand or was just too taken aback by the curious, soft furbaby in front of him hahaa.

It was sooo sooo cute and I was sooo soo impressed I wanted to share with y'all our progress today.

They spent a good 30 minutes together, fully supervised and everything was just FAB!
We ended the meet and greet with a bowl of kitty milk each - which they both LOVED, and Merlin even let Corey lap up the first few sips of milk from his bowl, and just sorta waited patiently til Corey had a few licks and sat back at which point Merlin figured he was finished and butted his own nose in til the bowl was empty!
Corey then plodded off to find his own bowl of milk and and just wow :)
Merlin (who is a well seasoned gobbler) waited while Corey drank the milk from his own bowl, and didn't butt in didn't push Corey out the way, just sat/lay next to him.

I... am just blown away!

WhatsApp Image 2018-04-15 at 22.21.49.jpeg


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 28, 2018
Well, well, well!! Do I have an EXCITING update!!

So, me and my partner were both home together tonight. And I orchestrated another barriered meet and greet. Again, both boys displayed EXEMPLARY behavior, of curiosity and cuteness.
So my partner and I decided to take the plunge and let them both out in Corey's safe room.

I am soooo sooo proud to say my boys DIDN'T fight!

Merlin rolled on his back and showed Corey his belly on several occasions, which was later mimicked by Corey!
They play swatted their paws at each other, and Merlin sniffed Corey's butt - Corey didn't seem to like that so much!! lol but it didn't end in a squabble, just Corey ducking out the way!

Merlin even tried to instigate play with Corey, but Corey either didn't understand or was just too taken aback by the curious, soft furbaby in front of him hahaa.

It was sooo sooo cute and I was sooo soo impressed I wanted to share with y'all our progress today.

They spent a good 30 minutes together, fully supervised and everything was just FAB!
We ended the meet and greet with a bowl of kitty milk each - which they both LOVED, and Merlin even let Corey lap up the first few sips of milk from his bowl, and just sorta waited patiently til Corey had a few licks and sat back at which point Merlin figured he was finished and butted his own nose in til the bowl was empty!
Corey then plodded off to find his own bowl of milk and and just wow :)
Merlin (who is a well seasoned gobbler) waited while Corey drank the milk from his own bowl, and didn't butt in didn't push Corey out the way, just sat/lay next to him.

I... am just blown away!

View attachment 227127
Yay!!! This is so wonderful! I’m so happy for the whole family!:yess:
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  • #16


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 13, 2018
Staffordshire, England
They've had some more supervised face to face time again today and everything has gone smoothly again. Corey was allowed out of his little bedroom and once we could see he was his usual fearless self in the face of a strange new area of the house we let Merlin join the party as he was chirping in his crate trying to play with Corey and Corey was enticing Merlin to come and do so. We figured it was nicer to just let him out too.

Again, the fun and games ensued and Merlin and Corey tussled and play swatted. Again there was no aggression noted from either cat, a fair amount of mock "fighting". Corey tried hissing a little at Merlin when Merlin showed Corey he was bigger hahaha and Corey could see he was just too little to tussle Merlin to the ground!!
But other than the occasional hiss, there was nothing else. From the articles I've read on this site, a little hissing isn't anything serious or even a sign that they're not getting along, as it wasn't backed up with irritated or bad body posture. Both boys were happily rolling and showing bellies, Merlin was chirping :D and Corey was pouncing like a nutter!! So very very cute.
And both boys had their own little spots to escape to if they needed to. It seemed Merlin was happy to just lay on the floor watching Corey while Corey dashed off to the safety of a table Merlin is too big to sneak through the middle of! But Corey wasn't showing signs of being terrified, just doing a little recon/regroup before planning his next attack on Merlin the Goliath :lol:

Any way, hopefully it still sounds like things are going well? So far I'm still in shock that this has gone so smoothly I'm seriously expecting a major setback just around the corner any day now!! Because it's just been way too smooth!


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Congratulations! IT'S A FAMILY! Yes, there may be a setback or two here and there, but this is a good, solid foundation to build on. And you may never see a setback at all. Some cats just get along. And some toms are pure foolish about kittens in general. It seems like Merlin may be!
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  • #18


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 13, 2018
Staffordshire, England
They've been together for longer periods over the last few days, finally coming to an all day together while we lay around the house. Its going well, no nastiness, but I have noticed they tend to play fight to an almost endless degree. Eventually one will snap at the other when a nap is needed, but it doesn't seem to be anything too bad. Mostly I think Corey gets sleepy and as he fights it, Merlin gets the short end of the straw when Corey has a little toddler tantrum.
But as I say its nothing super bad really.
No blood she'd and both seem happy to sleep and relax in the same room after the play fighting is done.
And I have witnessed them passing each other without even poking paws etc.

I think we have harmony!