Question of the Day - Tuesday, January 21


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Top Cat
May 30, 2013
Ontario, Canada
Greetings! Happy Tuesday!

What do you like the least about travel?

Now, I am a big travel lover so overall totally worth it in the end, with many pros outweighing the cons - but probably my least favourite parts is waiting around in the airport (Always feels a little long for me, even with all the wifi, reading and duty free shops). And red eye flights. I know overnight flights are common and necessary for certain directions but not always a fun thing to go through, of course :lol: I always have a hard time falling asleep on the plane and tend to feel particularly grimy and dazy during the arrival day. Reality of jet lag, is all!

Not the end of the world, but the bleh moments for sure. So far I have been pretty lucky in terms of nothing worse happening, not even bad fellow passengers. *knock on wood*.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
I don't travel except small road trips to go camping, or out of necessity for weddings, funerals (again - road trips only) etc...
I don't really have much interest in travelling overall other than one day I would like to go to Ireland and Scotland.
So basically, I'm just not a fan of travelling as a whole, I'm a home body.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
I dislike going through security, being squeezed in next to strangers and generally all the discomforts of flying. But I do like exploring new places, especially where you can walk around a city rather having to drive or be driven. I also like eating meals out in new places and trying local cuisine.

My favorite trips have been train trips. I have been across Canada once by train and across the US a few times.

Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
I also love to travel, especially when I travel with my family ( that means me, my husband and our two kids, plus my brother & his wife and their 4 kids). What I don’t like is going through the long lines of Immigration (when we travel overseas).

I also don’t like the hassle of airline check in, so what I do is check in online in advance. We still have to fall in line when we get to the airport, but not as snail-paced as the regular check in.

Since there are usually 10 of us traveling there is always this risk of somebody being left behind especially during the rush on the Metro ride. So we make sure the small ones are always strapped to an adult just in case. But it gets stressful at times.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Everything. Except enjoying the destination. Getting everything ready; especially with kids, packing for everyone and making sure the girls are going to be taken care of by someone who can handle their med and food routines properly. I actually need a new sitter this year. My sitter sent a mass text on New Years Day that basically said "Happy New Year! I found a real regular job now so sorry; but toodles!" :bawling: I mean she said it nicer than that; but still!! :frustrated:

Then the actual traveling. I have done SO MUCH car travel over the years because we don't live near family. Having a DVD player with headphones for the kids helps a lot! But sometimes the road feels like it will never end. I wear sea bandz and keep dramamine on me for motion sickness. I can't pass the time by reading because that has triggered motion sickness. I tried it once while wearing the sea bandz and the green feeling lasted for days after we got home! :barfgreen: At least with the kids wearing headphones DH and I can listen to music or podcasts again. And now that we don't take portable beds, strollers and all that stuff we pack almost half the stuff we used to. And it's been a few years since someone peed their pants mid trip. They can fetch their own snacks too. :yess: Also everyone is big enough to sleep while we are there. My kids were both good sleepers at home but in a different place where they'd be overtired on top of it...we had some rough nights and it was always my job to handle it.

Flying with my kids was actually much much easier and more comfortable than car travel. Airports are interesting inside and out. Even taking the shuttle from the parking lot to the airport was a fun adventure for them. Both kids did great on the flights themselves. And we got there so much faster! :crazy: I still don't know that I would really enjoy a long flight; but car vs plane? Plane wins! Even if it is more expensive. ;)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 2, 2013
Pretty much everything. I'm extremely prone to motion sickness, and I get panicky when I'm in a confined space with lots of people for hours on end. Plus, I just hate the hassle of flying anywhere anymore.

But if they ever invent a Star Trek type transporter where I could just beam directly to a particular destination, there are lots of places I'd like to go. :)

Willow's Mom

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 28, 2019
inside of your imagination and/or smartphone app
Being old. :lol:

I know part of it is just that the world has changed and I have been having adventures in downward mobility, but I am so glad that I travelled while I was young. I want to encourage folks to do what it takes, because reading and looking at pictures on the internet isn't the same thing as actually being there.

Other things I don't like are my carbon footprint, since I certainly cannot afford a Prius or anything as fuel-efficient as I would like, and all the "illegal camping" laws in my country. I live near a lot of BLM land, but most of it is clearly posted with "no camping/no parking after dusk" signs.

My greatest fear and my most outrageous wish fantasy are the exact.same.thing. The difference between dying in disgrace in a dark alley because you're such a loser that you have to live in your car and hitting the open road with the wind in your hair to live the dream in your DIY RV is attitude.

She's a witch

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 21, 2018
Europe/WA, USA
when travelling by plane in the US, I absolutely hate taking my shoes off and stepping on the same spot where previous people stepped seconds ago. Sometimes you even see the wet mark from sweaty feet. I'm not germophobe by all means but this really grosses me out. You don't have to take your shoes off on European airports unless you have big boots or really high heels, and then you're given the plastic cover on your feet. Not eco friendly but less gross.
I don't really like flying in general as I can almost feel how it physically dehydrates me, but I don't like to drink a lot like I should because of the small and heavily used bathrooms.
(Having just read what I wrote, maybe I'm a germophobe in denial after all :D)