Preterm loss. Support and advise?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 10, 2023
West Virginia
S Semicrazycatlady99 First let me say thank you for the update. You, your family, and Poppy have been on my mind.
Im relieved to hear that you and your little one especially are accepting thay horrible tragic event. You are an amazing person. I hope you didn't take what I was saying the wrong way.. like I said I know when reading text it can be taken in so many different ways rather than hearing someone saying those words to you.. Everything I said is coming from a place of understanding and sincerity with a heart full of love for you and your family and Poppy... and as Kwik said absolutely don't beat yourself up. Anyone with a heart and especially a woman/mother would have some feelings experiencing that. You handled that very well. I'm so glad Poppy is doing well. Poppy knows she is loved and that is what matters. I'm so glad she has you as her hooman because you really are doing everything you can for her.. She truly is blessed to have you and your family!
Again don't best yourself up everyone here is here to support you and help you. There is absolutely no judgement.
I hope you and your family including Poppy have a great day!!
With love,
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #22


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jun 27, 2023
Hi everyone!
Poppy is doing great. Still eating like a lion, sleeping loads and lounging with her belly up. I have some wondering videos of her belly jumping and wiggling from the kicking inside. My new favourite thing is placing my hand gently on her belly and feeling the kicks and rolls. I doubt that’s just one baby causing so much havoc. In one of the videos you can see her belly wiggling on two opposite sides. We’re hoping for atleast another 7 days of pregnancy. I can’t wait to see some healthy, loud and wriggly little fluff balls and of course can’t wait to see our gorgeous girl with her little bundle/bundles of joy after what she’s been through. I feel like an excited grandma waiting to finally meet her grandbaby. We got Poppy some higher quality food (within our budget). My husband has ordered some kitten formula and a full feeding kit incase of any more complications although we’ve got everything crossed for a happy delivery and bonding this time.
As I’m sitting her writing this, Poppy just plonked herself next to me (belly up of course) and again I can see 2 wiggly spots on her belly. Either she’s carrying a kitten the size of a small dog or we’re in for 2+ babies ❤❤❤


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 10, 2023
West Virginia
S Semicrazycatlady99 thank you so very much for the amazing update!!! I have been thinking about you and your family and your wonderful baby girl Poppy.
It really sounds like things are going very well. I'm so glad to hear this amazing update.
As soon as I saw a notification about this post I clicked on it immediately and as I read it my heart just melted.. I think you made my heart just turn into a pile of mush lol..
All jokes aside I am so happy for you all and I will be waiting for new updates in the near future.. 😊
Do you have any pictures of your baby girl that you would like to share in all of her pregnant belly glory lol?? If so I would absolutely love to see them.
I'll be trying to patiently wait for updates, the patiently part is hard hahaha.. especially with such good updates.
You, your family, and Poppy are in my thoughts and continuous prayers.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
S Semicrazycatlady99 thank you so very much for the amazing update!!! I have been thinking about you and your family and your wonderful baby girl Poppy.
It really sounds like things are going very well. I'm so glad to hear this amazing update.
As soon as I saw a notification about this post I clicked on it immediately and as I read it my heart just melted.. I think you made my heart just turn into a pile of mush lol..
All jokes aside I am so happy for you all and I will be waiting for new updates in the near future.. 😊
Do you have any pictures of your baby girl that you would like to share in all of her pregnant belly glory lol?? If so I would absolutely love to see them.
I'll be trying to patiently wait for updates, the patiently part is hard hahaha.. especially with such good updates.
You, your family, and Poppy are in my thoughts and continuous prayers.
S Semicrazycatlady99
My sentiments exactly- you've captured all of out hearts( and Poppy of course)
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  • #25


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jun 27, 2023
S Semicrazycatlady99 thank you so very much for the amazing update!!! I have been thinking about you and your family and your wonderful baby girl Poppy.
It really sounds like things are going very well. I'm so glad to hear this amazing update.
As soon as I saw a notification about this post I clicked on it immediately and as I read it my heart just melted.. I think you made my heart just turn into a pile of mush lol..
All jokes aside I am so happy for you all and I will be waiting for new updates in the near future.. 😊
Do you have any pictures of your baby girl that you would like to share in all of her pregnant belly glory lol?? If so I would absolutely love to see them.
I'll be trying to patiently wait for updates, the patiently part is hard hahaha.. especially with such good updates.
You, your family, and Poppy are in my thoughts and continuous prayers.
Ahhh thank you this means so much! ❤ I feel like people don’t fully understand how stressful but also beautiful this whole process/situation is unless they truly love cats (or animals in general).
These are the latest pictures of our gorgeous girl. Both pictures taken this morning. It’s hard to estimate how big her bump really is under all that fluff.
I’ll drop some more random updates as the days go on. Hopefully as very positive ❤❤❤


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Ahhh thank you this means so much! ❤ I feel like people don’t fully understand how stressful but also beautiful this whole process/situation is unless they truly love cats (or animals in general).
These are the latest pictures of our gorgeous girl. Both pictures taken this morning. It’s hard to estimate how big her bump really is under all that fluff.
I’ll drop some more random updates as the days go on. Hopefully as very positive ❤❤❤
View attachment 455334View attachment 455335
Precious darling're in tye right place,we all feel tye same way LOVE dem critters!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 10, 2023
West Virginia
Ahhh thank you this means so much! ❤ I feel like people don’t fully understand how stressful but also beautiful this whole process/situation is unless they truly love cats (or animals in general).
These are the latest pictures of our gorgeous girl. Both pictures taken this morning. It’s hard to estimate how big her bump really is under all that fluff.
I’ll drop some more random updates as the days go on. Hopefully as very positive ❤❤❤
View attachment 455334View attachment 455335
She is so beautiful and seems very happy. And she is soooo fluffy I love it haha.
And yes please if and when you have time for updates in the upcoming days that would be awesome. If you don't have time that is absolutely fine just whenever you can.
Thank you again for the amazing update!!
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #28


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jun 27, 2023
Hello everyone! Just wanted to share some more sad news :( This morning I found another miscarried baby. Interestingly she didn’t even eat the placenta and the kitten was smaller than the ones she delivered 10 days ago. It was very small and didn’t look properly formed. Before finding it this morning, I was petting and stroking her, and there’s still babies moving and kicking inside. I am confused though on the size of her litter. She already miscarried 4 and theres still plenty going on in her belly. She seems fine, happy, eating, wanting affection, using her litter tray etc. Not the best Monday morning for me though :/ (sorry if it’s all a bit chaotic)


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Hello everyone! Just wanted to share some more sad news :( This morning I found another miscarried baby. Interestingly she didn’t even eat the placenta and the kitten was smaller than the ones she delivered 10 days ago. It was very small and didn’t look properly formed. Before finding it this morning, I was petting and stroking her, and there’s still babies moving and kicking inside. I am confused though on the size of her litter. She already miscarried 4 and theres still plenty going on in her belly. She seems fine, happy, eating, wanting affection, using her litter tray etc. Not the best Monday morning for me though :/ (sorry if it’s all a bit chaotic)
Did you make an appt with your Vet? I'd want to be sure she does not have any type of infection personally-it would be very good to take her in to be checked out imo


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 10, 2023
West Virginia
S Semicrazycatlady99 I'm so sorry that this is how your day started. You and Poppy have already been through so much.

I agree 100 percent whole heartedly with Kwik Kwik ... I feel she would be better off being seen by a vet, and who knows maybe the vet can do a c section and deliver the rest of the babies safely and healthy if she is far enough along.

Either way my main concern right now is Poppy and I think it is imperative to make sure she isn't suffering from an infection that is hurting the unborn babies and potentially hurting her as well.

I dont know if this is even possible but if it is an infection I also worry that if she delivers any more babies and they are healthy then when the babies start nursing and somehow get sick from her milk. Like I said, I do not know if this is even a possibility, it very well may not be, it was just a thought I had.

Again I know you, your family, and Poppy have been through so much just that first day. I will continue keeping your family and your little lady, Poppy in my thoughts and prayers.

Also please don't feel like you need to apologize for any of what is happening. You are doing what you can for Poppy.. This being said we are here to offer our support.
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  • #31


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jun 27, 2023
Did you make an appt with your Vet? I'd want to be sure she does not have any type of infection personally-it would be very good to take her in to be checked out imo
Yes we have booked her in. We thought we could hold off after the last incident as we are really really short of money at the moment. Obviously after this morning we won’t be waiting. I managed to get an appointment for Wednesday morning. They didn’t have anything sooner and because we don’t drive I can’t take her elsewhere. She seems absolutely fine, I checked her bits and it looks clean and healthy. She’s behaving perfectly well. Hopefully Wednesday the vet can give us an insight to what’s happening.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 10, 2023
West Virginia
You and your beautiful Poppy are in my thoughts and prayers. Is there anyway you can call the vet and ask to be put on a call list. If they have a cancelation they can call you.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 22, 2023
Hello. I’ll try keep it short because I’m quite traumatised about what happened last night. Our cat went into preterm labour yesterday evening. She was about 1-2 weeks early. She was roughly on day 52. She gave birth to 3 kittens. The first was stillborn. The second passed within minutes of delivery. The third was a fighter. It cried and moved for about 1.5hr. However, our cat was completely ignorant. Once she was done delivering the kittens she abandoned the one that was alive. She did a good job cleaning them up, eating the membrane and placentas (I saw she consumed all 3 placentas). About 5 minutes after delivery she just walked off for some food and didn’t return. Instead she came back to eat the last kitten that was still moving and fighting for its life. My husband had to separate her from the poor baby while I wailed in distress. This morning she’s completely unbothered. Not searching for them. She’s just minding her business. We did try to put the alive baby to her nipples hoping it’d get some milk and that the stimulation would help her bond but she just kept kicking it away. We are disappointed, heartbroken, traumatised by having to handle lifeless little babies and we’re somewhat angry by the way she acted towards the last one. It’s distressed cry is still ringing in my ears. I’d love some words of advice, maybe reassurance that there wasn’t anything else we could have done. We felt so useless as the last baby died from the injuries of her trying to eat it. Truly a heartbreaking experience for us and our 5yr old that had to learn we are no longer going to have little bundles of joy running around the house.
I just couldn't imagine the pain and horror you must have felt 💔💔💔. I am so sorry and I just couldn't imagine.. You did what you could and no one could ever fault you for that not even yourself. So please don't beat yourself up just grieve and take your time in the grief. Don't be upset with the mother she was doing what her instincts told her I know that sounds harsh yet there might have been something wrong with the babies. Just take time to process and grieve please. 💜💜💜💜


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Yes we have booked her in. We thought we could hold off after the last incident as we are really really short of money at the moment. Obviously after this morning we won’t be waiting. I managed to get an appointment for Wednesday morning. They didn’t have anything sooner and because we don’t drive I can’t take her elsewhere. She seems absolutely fine, I checked her bits and it looks clean and healthy. She’s behaving perfectly well. Hopefully Wednesday the vet can give us an insight to what’s happening.
Oh good,happy to hear that.....

I sure do understand being short on$$$,not sure what you Believe but God Provides,your being a Blessing to Poppy you'll be Blessed double for your troubles!!!

Praying for you,your little guy and Poppy too!
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  • #35


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jun 27, 2023
You and your beautiful Poppy are in my thoughts and prayers. Is there anyway you can call the vet and ask to be put on a call list. If they have a cancelation they can call you.
Yes they did. The nurse was very apologetic but one of their vets isn’t available for the next couple days so the one vet they have is having to see his own appointments plus the appointments of the other vet. It’s a really small surgery unfortunately. She did recommend some other places but like I said we don’t drive so can’t get there (especially during summer holidays and 2 kids with me 24/7 otherwise I would have attempted a long public transport journey).
The nurse did walk me through any possible symptoms that would be visible in Poppy and of course the answer to all of them was “no”. She did mention that maybe the litter was too too big for a first time mummy to be able to cope with. They’ll have a good look and probably run some tests on Wednesday. A c-section would be fab but I can only imagine the vet bill for that :(
Atm we’re keeping her isolated. She’s got everything she needs in our bedroom so it’s now her room until Wednesday when we get some answers but ideally until she’s done delivering all the babies. I can’t cope with finding another baby somewhere in the house :(
I am of course checking up on her but she’s just chilling and happy to have some peace and quiet.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 10, 2023
West Virginia
Yes they did. The nurse was very apologetic but one of their vets isn’t available for the next couple days so the one vet they have is having to see his own appointments plus the appointments of the other vet. It’s a really small surgery unfortunately. She did recommend some other places but like I said we don’t drive so can’t get there (especially during summer holidays and 2 kids with me 24/7 otherwise I would have attempted a long public transport journey).
The nurse did walk me through any possible symptoms that would be visible in Poppy and of course the answer to all of them was “no”. She did mention that maybe the litter was too too big for a first time mummy to be able to cope with. They’ll have a good look and probably run some tests on Wednesday. A c-section would be fab but I can only imagine the vet bill for that :(
Atm we’re keeping her isolated. She’s got everything she needs in our bedroom so it’s now her room until Wednesday when we get some answers but ideally until she’s done delivering all the babies. I can’t cope with finding another baby somewhere in the house :(
I am of course checking up on her but she’s just chilling and happy to have some peace and quiet.
Ok hun I'm glad you're on a list. Also I completely understand your situation. You are doing everything you can for Poppy.
You are a fantastic momma to a wonderful furry Poppy and you are trying to do everything possible for her. I commend you in all you have been through you are doing so well and being there for your girl.

Also just know everyone here at TCS is here for you as well. Offering you support. I'll keep you, your family, and the beautiful little lady Poppy in my thoughts and prayers.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Your cat does NOT need a C-section unless she is in distress and unable to deliver her kittens. She is clearly able to deliver since she has already passed 4 premature kittens. Her body will deliver the remaining (hopefully) healthy kittens when they are ready.

My opinion is that she mated more than once and several of the embryos failed to properly develop due to genetic defects. Her body has passed those to make room for the healthy kittens.

It’s unlikely that she has an infection since she is eating, drinking, and acting normally. Unless you see abnormal vaginal secretions (yellow or green and smelly), she’s probably fine.

Mother Nature is wondrous in how she provides!

The only test I would suggest is an ultrasound or x-ray to determine how many kittens remain and an approximate gestational age, but since money is tight, be sure to ask cost before anything is done. Vet services add up quickly into the hundreds!

Also, if your local surgery is small, they may have limited equipment on hand. The vet will take her vitals and listen for heartbeats, but if her temperature is normal, they will send you home with a wait-and-see diagnosis. Do ask if there is an emergency number to call should the need arise.
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  • #38


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jun 27, 2023
We have had a really rough 12hrs. Last night about 11pm I noticed Poppy contracting and licking her bits a little more than usual. Having seen her labouring already when she delivered her 3 stillborns, I knew what was up.
I woke up my husband and we opened up the maternity ward in our bedroom 😁 she had about 4 different spots to give birth that we offered. Ofcourse she picked none of them and proceeded elsewhere. It took her a little while and definitely longer than the stillborn birth of the tiny babies.
Kitten number 1 was born at about 1:30am Tuesday. She took excellent care of the baby immediately. She cleaned it thoroughly and offered herself to the kitten to nurse. It came out strong, healthy and determined to find a nipple 😁
After that is when things went a little downhill :( At 2am her contractions started again. They were strong and consistent. She bravely pushed and pushed while still tending to her new baby. My husband and I stayed up with her til about 4am when we eventually fell asleep (me on the floor and him sitting up against the wall). When my husbands alarm rang for work around 5:15 she was still as we left her. Nursing and pushing for the next kitten.
The day before (Monday) I registered with pdsa. It’s a little while away from us but thought it could be useful with our current financial situation.
I started ringing around 6am. They were very helpful and offered me a telephone consultation with a 24hr vet through Pawsquad. The friendly female vet said 5hrs of unsuccessful labour are definitely a reason for concern, a likely blockage and a c section will probably be in order. I couldn’t get an appointment at pdsa until 8:30 when they opened up for their day appointments/duties. I was offered a 10am appointment. I called my father in law and explained that it’s an emergency. He was very understanding and offered to help.
Sadly, when it came to the moment of placing Poppy and her kitten in the carrier I discovered she did eventually deliver her last baby. A large, chunky, stillborn baby. I wrapped it up and also took it for the vet to examine.
We were seen a little late but luckily got a very friendly and warm vet. He checked over Poppy, her little baby (that we currently named a fitting unisex name, Peanut) and of course her stillborn.
Poppy’s belly and uterus feel soft and relaxed. Her vagina looks clear of any infection and her little Peanut is a good weight, lively and with no defects. The vet said Poppy has very strong maternal instincts and that everything will likely go well since she just has to focus her attention and energy on one little darling.
We are now home. Poppy is tending to her baby. She’s topped up on food and fresh water (plus some cheeky treats for a tired and sore mama).
In conclusion, from 6 babies that were present in her belly, Poppy is left with 1 little darling. We are glad at least one baby made it and that her struggles have brought her a reward.
We discussed spaying in 6-8 weeks time once she’s fully finished nursing (advised by the vet) so we will definitely be booking her in.
We will also be installing a safety camera in her safe place to keep an eye on little mama and her cheeky loud baby.
I’ll try drop some pictures as we get a better view at the little lady/fella as we don’t want to stress her anymore. A difficult delivery, loss of a baby, car ride, waiting room full of dogs and cats plus a vet handling her and the kitten is way too much in one day as it is. I’ll drop some pictures I managed to get. The little one is grey and white and will definitely be staying with us despite 5 homes on standby. We can’t let this miracle out of our arms ❤



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 10, 2023
West Virginia
First I want to say congratulations to you, your family, and especially to you, Poppy.
Welcome to the world little Peanut you have a wonderful momma and hoomans who will love you forever!

I truly believe everything happens for a reason. What some of those reasons are? We may never know...

I am sorry for Poppy and your family for how rough her pregnancy was. This being said I am so happy she has that 1 little miracle baby who made it. What a little fighter.

Poppy looks like a natural in those pictures.
Poppy is so very lucky to have you and your family as her people.

Thank you for deciding to keep Peanut. I think it is meant to be that you guys keep little Peanut after everything (s)he went through while still in Poppys tummy (s)he survived. That truly is a wonderful miracle.

Please provide little updates with pictures on Poppy and little miracle baby.

Again I am sorry the whole process was so rough for Poppy Happy birthday Peanut!
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #40


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jun 27, 2023
First I want to say congratulations to you, your family, and especially to you, Poppy.
Welcome to the world little Peanut you have a wonderful momma and hoomans who will love you forever!

I truly believe everything happens for a reason. What some of those reasons are? We may never know...

I am sorry for Poppy and your family for how rough her pregnancy was. This being said I am so happy she has that 1 little miracle baby who made it. What a little fighter.

Poppy looks like a natural in those pictures.
Poppy is so very lucky to have you and your family as her people.

Thank you for deciding to keep Peanut. I think it is meant to be that you guys keep little Peanut after everything (s)he went through while still in Poppys tummy (s)he survived. That truly is a wonderful miracle.

Please provide little updates with pictures on Poppy and little miracle baby.

Again I am sorry the whole process was so rough for Poppy Happy birthday Peanut!
Thank you ❤ She’s doing very well and seems to have really embraced her new role. She was exhausted this morning but luckily has now livened up a bit.
We will be keeping her isolated for a while. The safety of our bedroom is best for her and Peanut right now.
I’ve been checking up on her throughout the day and every single time that I step into the room she comes running out of her box (meaning she was there taking care of her baby) and she excitedly asks for affection and some more treats. I don’t want to overdo it but I think she deserves some extra yummies right now.
When I sit quietly she asks for my attention but as soon as little Peanut starts to make noises she’s right there, back in her box ready to nurse and care for her little one.
She hasn’t stopped purring which I suppose is a self soothing thing but at least she’s not in pain (hopefully) and feels comfortable walking around and going back and forth to her baby.
I will definitely be posting updates and pictures. I’m smitten with our little miracle and our gorgeous Poppy for being so brave, strong and loving ❤ I can’t get enough of spying on her. She loves having Peanut near her face and the cuddles are the most precious thing I’ve seen in a long time.
Peanut was definitely meant to be. I couldn’t imagine giving him/her away. He/she captured our hearts and regardless of anything it’s now part of Poppy and our family.
My 5yr old is patiently waiting to meet little Peanut. So far he’s only seen photos. We’ll keep it that way for another few days, maybe a week until we let him into the room for a quick sneak peak. Once Poppy has established a strong bond and recovered from all the stress and exhaustion.
Thank you to everyone that has offered us support, understanding and care. It’s been a rough few weeks. Hopefully many weeks and months and years of joy with our new darling and our sweet girl ❤