Possible IBD? Please advise me on what to do


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
I hope your cats diet/poo issues get resolved. Pumkin puree works (I had an older cat that we used to give pumkin puree mixed into her wet food.)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
@Pendragon ,

I have read most of your thread and I sympathize with you because I had to fight against the diarrhoea of my cat for many many days.

No matter what pills, tabs, powder or paste I was giving her, the loose feaces wouldn't stop until I decided to try something new on my own.

It was a probiotic for humans and it worked fine in less than 36 hours.

It was a brand of probiotics that I used to know very well as I had used it for that same cat for years everyday. As a matter of fact I had found out that this probiotic, from an Italian manifacturer, was one of the best treatment to control the progression of her CKD and I think it worked great, because her creatinine and BUN had been in their acceptable ranges for many years, thoug hthe vet say that CKD is a progressive disease.

So, first off, this kind of probiotic can be used for life. Secondly it works quickly against diarrhoea.

I think I have understood you are Italian, or you know Italy well, the probiotic I am talking about is ProLife Lactobacilli. I'm sure you can it sent to you by a relative or friend over the regular mail.

Searching the web I had found something on Wikipedia that I'm sure you are already aware of

As with all non-domestic hybrid source breeds, some Chausies may inherit intestinal tracts similar to that of the non-domestic ancestors. The intestinal tract may be a little shorter than that of the traditional domestic cat. A shorter intestinal tract is thought to be less capable of processing ingredients derived from plants. That would include any kind of cereal, as well as vegetables, herbs, and spices. Those ingredients may serve as triggers for chronic intestinal inflammation and eventually lead to chronic inflammatory bowel disease that is perpetuated by multiple allergies to proteins in commercial cat food.[10] Regardless of the cause, Chausies do seem somewhat prone to developing food allergies. To prevent this, breeders advise Chausie owners to feed only very high quality commercial cat foods, containing as little of plant-derived ingredients as possible. Some breeders advise feeding homemade raw or cooked meat diets with appropriate supplementation. However, if homemade diets are fed, it should be with the guidance of someone experienced in preparing them. Meat by itself does not contain all the nutrients that Chausies require.

All the best for your kitty!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 17, 2017
Thank you all for your info.


I am not on facebook, but I'll definitely research those links thoroughly, thank you very much.


I am indeed Italian, I can have those probiotics delivered with ease. To be honest I was worried about using a product for human consuption and therefore I only bought probiotics "for cats". I did feel like it would have been the same bacteria, however I thought that maybe the proportions would have been off.

I am well aware about that trait inherited from the jungle cat, but that goes away with the passing of generations, you are just as likely to have a domestic cat with plant matter intolerance as you do with the Chausie. In fact my bengal also has problems with cereals, I used to feed the her royal canin food that the breeder told she was using at that time, but I realized immediately that it wasn't doing her much good. She stopped having any issues as soon as I started with the raw/grain free commercial foods.

In Frenzy's case though, the raw meat still caused the problems unfortunately, however I believe we might have found the culprit, meaning anything bird related and probably pork and beef as well in smaller part.

Since I have started feeding only raw lamb and some dry food made entirely out of fish proteins and oils, so far no poisonous smells to welcome me when I come back home, and almost perfect stools, buried to boot!!!! (he normally would leave it exposed as a smart kitty to signal that there was something wrong).

Way too soon to celebrate as I heard that sometimes the novel protein may have a beneficial effect for a couple of weeks until the problems start again, but fingers crossed, it won't be the case.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
I am indeed Italian, I can have those probiotics delivered with ease. To be honest I was worried about using a product for human consuption and therefore I only bought probiotics "for cats". I did feel like it would have been the same bacteria, however I thought that maybe the proportions would have been off.
I forgot to say that I gave my cat half bottle of product a day. The bottle contains 8 ml of a liquid solution. The cap contains a powder, the bacteria strains I presume. You screw the cap fully close, the capsule in the cap breaks, you shake it well and get the effective product.
With a syringe you can take half of this solution, the other half bottle can be stored in the fridge for the next day.
Hope it helps!