Poor Appetite For Days


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Aug 8, 2016
Sorry, in advance, for the wall of text.

Smokey, my 3.5 year old, 11lb cat has me completely confused. She’s been eating a purely wet food diet for the last 3 year (Wellness grain free, Soulistic, currently Max Cat). She’s a kibble junky, but is only gets 1-2 teaspoons of Orijen kibble on a given day as treats (not every day). We add 1-2 tablespoons of water to her wet food, since she mostly won’t drink water (tried bowls, fountains, offering water from a tap). The wet food she eats is ~82% moisture, which helps as well. We do still leave water out. Her urinalysis results in 2015 and 2016 were completely normal, same for her blood panel for 2015-2017. Her teeth also looked fine in May.

Smokey’s usually finishes off her food quickly. Last Wednesday morning, I noticed she hadn’t finished a small amount of her evening food. I threw that away, opened a new can of Max Cat. She ate it, but slowly. That evening, I gave her more Max Cat and a bit of Canidae Wingin’ it Chicken and Turkey. She barely touched these.
Thursday, I put a new can of Max Cat out. I got home at 4pm and saw she’d only eaten a couple pieces. I offered her a new can of Max Cat, Canidae, and a can of Nature’s Instinct – she refused all three. She had no energy to play and just curled up on the floor. I ran and bought her some Orijen – she ate maybe 2 pieces. She’s NEVER rejected kibble.

That night, I left out a 1/3 cup of Orijen - she ate very little. She was still peeing and pooping. Friday, her vet was booked, so I took her to the E-Vet . Her temp was normal and she wasn’t dehydrated at all (probably drank a water overnight). They gave her a B12 injection, took blood and urine, and gave 4 pieces of a 15mg Mirzatapine to give her.

At home, I was unable to give her the Mirzatapine. I did coax her into eating a bit of Orijen (1/8 cup), and left some out overnight (she had a few pieces). Saturday morning, I took her to her regular vet and one of the techs gave her the 1st dose of Mirzatapine. She spent the entire day curled up on the bathroom rug. Saturday and Sunday I hand fed her a few pieces of Orijen every hour. I did try syringe feeding her - the look of disdain on her face, wow :lol:. Saturday, she ate 1/3 cup of Orijen. Sunday, I bought Soulistic and Wellness (she was still rejecting Max Cat and Canidae). She ate 1/3 cup Orijen, 1/2 of the meat of the Soulistic and licked all the liquid! Monday she was doing better and ate 1/4 cup of Orijen, ½ of a 3oz can of Wellness and ½ of the 3oz Canidae. Today, she ate 2 cans of Max Cat and 1/2 a can of Canidae!

Every day, she’s peed and pooped like normal. Her lab results were supposed to come in on Saturday. They did not. I called twice Saturday, the E-Vet was closed Sunday, called 3 more times on Monday. The lab results came in today, on Tuesday. According to the vet, her blood panel was completely normal, but that they found crystals in her urine (didn’t specify which kind). I have to take her back to the E-Vet on Thursday - they didn’t take enough blood to do a FeLV test and to discuss the urine results. They were supposed to email me the results of the labwork, but they never did, so I’ll pick up a copy of that too.

Has anyone had a bizarre experience like this before? I have no idea what’s going on with her. She currently loves Max Cat and the Canidae Wingin’ It, and always loves kibble, so I don’t know why she would stop eating out of the blue. For the crystals in her urine, is it possible they formed after the sample was taken? I doubt her labwork got run until Monday. I’ve never heard of urinary crystals in cats fed wet food diets. Does this happen? If so, would adding more water to her food help her out? Should I consider a diet change?

Sorry for the wall of text, I’m mostly just confused, freaking out, and impatiently waiting for Thursday evening to see the E-Vet again….


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Even cats fed an exclusively canned diet can develop crystals. Your vet will probably recommend a change in diet, e.g., a prescription food that will lower her urine pH (make it more acidic) if she has struvite crystals or raise it (make it more alkaline) if she has calcium oxalate crystals. The more water she consumes, the better, because fewer crystals will form in less concentrated urine.
Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (flutd)

:vibes::vibes::vibes:for her!