Part Feral Cat Has Anxiety

rosa bood

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 16, 2014
Citrus County Florida
Has anybody used Bach Rescue Remedy on a part feral or feral cat? I rescued what I think is a part feral cat 11 days ago. He or she will not come near me. He/she hides every time I go in to my garage. The first week the cat would run and hide, and also hide it's face. But now the cat still runs but it watches me from afar. Every night between 2 a.m. and 7 a.m. The cat has anxiety. He/she runs, jumps and paces on and off for 5 hours. I bought the Bach Rescue Remedy last night and gave the cat 3 dosages every 4 hours. The cat cried a lot last night which he/she usually does not do. I suspect the medicine caused more anxiety. I read online that initially more anxiety can occur when first given to animals. I would like to know how long it will take for the initial anxiety to subside, and the medicine to start producing a calming effect. I left a detailed voice message for one of Bach's Representatives however I did not receive a phone call back yet. I don't want to harm the cat more emotionally so I don't know whether I will give he/she more medicine before I go to bed this evening. I feel so badly that the cat is suffering with anxiety. I want to help it...not hurt it.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
First, thank you for attempting to help this cat! You are in for a long procedure, so don't give up hope. Next, almost all medications have about a 3 day period before you start getting to "theraputic blood levels," or doing some good. I can't find anything specific to Bach, but it could take a few days to know if it is going to work for him. One thing that you can do is to sit with the cat quietly, not trying to approach him directly, and read aloud or talk to him, not even looking at him. It is a very non-threatening way to get him used to you.

I would go ahead and give the medicine as directed, at least for the 3 days it can take. And sometimes things have to get a little worse to get better. Kinda like giving shots to cats or have to let them feel that little bit of pain now to avoid worse pain in the future!

Keep us updated on how this is going, the good, the bad and the confusing, and we'll cheer for the good, give you hugs for the bad, and try our best to answer the confusing!
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rosa bood

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 16, 2014
Citrus County Florida
Thank you so much for your reply! He/she is calming down some after only 2 days being on Bach Rescue Remedy. Tonight I sat in a chair and talked on my phone and the cat was laying down calmly 7 feet away. This was the first time the cat did not run and hide! Last night I ate my dinner in the garage and talked to the cat from afar however he/she could not see me. I have been putting my used clothing on the floor where he/she likes to lay. Apparently the cat is not threatened by my scent because he/she like to lay on my clothes. I know I need to be very patient and not expect too much too fast. However I feel very excited and encouraged after the cat stood 7 feet away from me for at least a half hour this evening. Thanks again for your informative, caring, and encouraging message Mamany1953! :)


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Oh, that is wonderful! Seven feet is very close for a cat like that! And for an extended period of time! Just keep on doing what you have been doing! This is going well, I am thrilled to say! Another feral who will know home and hearth, kind hands and gentle voices!
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  • #5

rosa bood

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 16, 2014
Citrus County Florida
Oh, that is wonderful! Seven feet is very close for a cat like that! And for an extended period of time! Just keep on doing what you have been doing! This is going well, I am thrilled to say! Another feral who will know home and hearth, kind hands and gentle voices![/QU
Oh, that is wonderful! Seven feet is very close for a cat like that! And for an extended period of time! Just keep on doing what you have been doing! This is going well, I am thrilled to say! Another feral who will know home and hearth, kind hands and gentle voices!
Good day to you Mamanyt1953! :) Happy New Year also! :)
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  • #7

rosa bood

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 16, 2014
Citrus County Florida
Mamanyt1953 I discovered yesterday that the cat has been urinating on the clothing that he/she has been laying on. I believe the cat had to be laying in his/her own urine since the pants were completely wet. I had given him/her my pants to lay on top of and the pants were soaking wet which means he/she urinated several times on them. I also found a shirt I had given him/her that was drenched in urine as well. Can you tell me why he/she is not using the litter box anymore to urinate however he/she still has bowel movements in the litter box? I have potting soil, leaves and small twigs in three of the cat's litter boxes that are spread around my garage in different areas where the cat would have privacy using the litter boxes. The litter boxes are not dirty, I clean them out everyday and I disinfect the boxes every 3 to 5 days. I'm thinking that he/she is angry and trying to let me know???


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Are you supposed to give the Bach Rescue Remedy that often? I can't find the directions.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Have you taken this cat to the vet. Urinating where they sleep is very abnormal behavior and may have a physical cause like diabetes or bladder crystals. I would most certainly have the cat thoroughly checked out.
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  • #11

rosa bood

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 16, 2014
Citrus County Florida
Are you supposed to give the Bach Rescue Remedy that often? I can't find the directions.
maggiedemi the first night I started the Bach Rescue Remedy I gave the cat a total of 3 dosages during the night because I was up the entire night. However every day afterwards the cat has only had 2-3 dosages in an entire day/night. According to the directions it is okay to give a dose of 4 drops as often as needed. The package does not state how long the medicine can be given however I don't plan on giving the cat the Rescue Remedy for several weeks. Thank you for your concern. Sincerely, Rosa Bood
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  • #12

rosa bood

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 16, 2014
Citrus County Florida
Have you taken this cat to the vet. Urinating where they sleep is very abnormal behavior and may have a physical cause like diabetes or bladder crystals. I would most certainly have the cat thoroughly checked out.
susanm9006 I plan on taking the cat to the Vet however I can not handle the cat now and he/she will not go in to the trap again at this time. The cat did use the litter box today and the urine appears to be a very normal amount. The cat is eating very well and the cat is active so I can only hope that the cat is healthy. If the cat seemed to be sick I would call Animal Control to help me get the cat medical attention. I think it may be best to not take the cat anywhere at this time, and give the cat more time to get use to me and his/her new living arrangement. At this time the stress of trapping the cat and bringing it to a new, very scary place could devastate the cat. I'm hoping he/she will continue using the litter box, and learn to trust me more as time goes on. I am also hoping I will not have to call Animal Control for help. Thank you for your concern. Sincerely, Rosa Bood
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  • #13

rosa bood

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 16, 2014
Citrus County Florida
Has anybody used Bach Rescue Remedy on a part feral or feral cat? I rescued what I think is a part feral cat 11 days ago. He or she will not come near me. He/she hides every time I go in to my garage. The first week the cat would run and hide, and also hide it's face. But now the cat still runs but it watches me from afar. Every night between 2 a.m. and 7 a.m. The cat has anxiety. He/she runs, jumps and paces on and off for 5 hours. I bought the Bach Rescue Remedy last night and gave the cat 3 dosages, every 4 hours. The cat cried a lot last night which he/she usually does not do. I suspect the medicine caused more anxiety. I read online that initially more anxiety can occur when first given to animals. I would like to know how long it will take for the initial anxiety to subside, and the medicine to start producing a calming effect. I left a detailed voice message for one of Bach's Representatives however I did not receive a phone call back yet. I don't want to harm the cat more emotionally so I don't know whether I will give he/she more medicine before I go to bed this evening. I feel so badly that the cat is suffering with anxiety. I want to help it...not hurt it.


TCS Member
Jul 17, 2016
I had a part feral cat come to me about two yrs ago. I became aware of him because I saw his footprints in the snow on my screened porch. I started putting food out for him. This was in late Jan, early Feb. He wouldn't let me approach him. This continued until April, when the weather got nicer. I started leaving my door open a bit. He became curious, and started coming into my house. He didn't let me touch him until July. In August, I finally got him into a carrier and took him to the vet for neutering, and had him chipped. I also had his nails trimmed. It took a long time for him to trust me. He's become a nice little house pet. It was a long haul, but worth the effort.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I believe the cat had to be laying in his/her own urine since the pants were completely wet.
Vet time. This indicates some physical problem that hasn't been picked up yet. Cats do NOT lie around in their own urine unless they are sick. Let us know.
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  • #16

rosa bood

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 16, 2014
Citrus County Florida
Vet time. This indicates some physical problem that hasn't been picked up yet. Cats do NOT lie around in their own urine unless they are sick. Let us know.
Mamanyt1953 I very respectfully must disagree with you on this because I have rescued other cats that did lay in their urine and after I had them Vet checked the Vet gave them a clean bill of health. I believe this cat is very stressed at times and this is what caused this cat to lay in it's urine. It has been going in the litter box again the past couple days though and it is eating, drinking, voiding normal looking amounts of urine, defecating normal looking stools, and getting daily exercise. I would not hesitate to get the cat medical help if I saw signs that the cat was ill. I understand and appreciate your concern Mamanyt1953. Please trust me that I am keeping a close eye on this cat. The cat's eyes and coat look very healthy, and the cat appears to be a very good weight for it's size. I am almost positive that the cat got very stressed by my holiday visitors, and now that the visitors are gone the cat has calmed down some and is using the litter box again. I promise to give another update over the next few days. :)
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  • #17

rosa bood

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 16, 2014
Citrus County Florida
I had a part feral cat come to me about two yrs ago. I became aware of him because I saw his footprints in the snow on my screened porch. I started putting food out for him. This was in late Jan, early Feb. He wouldn't let me approach him. This continued until April, when the weather got nicer. I started leaving my door open a bit. He became curious, and started coming into my house. He didn't let me touch him until July. In August, I finally got him into a carrier and took him to the vet for neutering, and had him chipped. I also had his nails trimmed. It took a long time for him to trust me. He's become a nice little house pet. It was a long haul, but worth the effort.
Thank you gravelgertie for your encouraging message. I'm happy to hear you made another friend. I'm hoping someday I will be able to touch this feral. However I know from my past experiences that not all ferals will trust humans to touch them. I'm hoping this cat will allow me to touch him/her however I'm also accepting the possibility I may never be close friends...just friends maybe??? I do have a little hope that I will be able to touch this cat since he/she starting lying only 7 feet away from me in less than 2 weeks. :) Time will tell.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I understand and appreciate your concern Mamanyt1953. Please trust me that I am keeping a close eye on this cat. The cat's eyes and coat look very healthy, and the cat appears to be a very good weight for it's size. I am almost positive that the cat got very stressed by my holiday visitors,
I will rest easy, then, knowing that you do have the experience, and are, so to speak, "Paws on the ground" there with him, and so attentive to his overall physical condition! Keep us posted!
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  • #19

rosa bood

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 16, 2014
Citrus County Florida
Mamanyt1953 the cat continues to be destructive which I have not mentioned up until now. He has chewed my insulation on my hot water heater, also chewed my dryer vent hose and storage totes. I accepted those things however today I woke up to find my woodwork all scratched up. I do have two different types of cat scratches for him to scratch on including one that has wood on it. The repairs I need to make to my garage are going to cost well over $200.. I honestly cannot afford to continue to allow this cat to destroy more things in my house. I have been making phone calls to my fellow Animal Rescuer friends hoping to find somebody who can deal with these type of issues. Again the cat cried from 3 a.m. to 7 a.m.. the Bach Rescue Remedy does not help to calm the cat during the early morning hours when he/she has the most anxiety. He or she kept me up all night once again. I have medical issues including recently recovering from MRSA. I need adequate sleep so I do not get sicker, and the MRSA does not return. I'm sad, but it is time for me to try my hardest to find this cat another person that will be able to take good care of him/her like I have. I will give you another update within the next couple days. Thank you for your concern Mamanyt1953. By the way I like your humor.
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  • #20

rosa bood

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 16, 2014
Citrus County Florida
Mamanyt1953 the cat continues to be destructive which I have not mentioned up until now. He has chewed my insulation on my hot water heater, also chewed my dryer vent hose and storage totes. I accepted those things however today I woke up to find my woodwork all scratched up. I do have two different types of cat scratchers for him to scratch on including one that has wood on it. The repairs I need to make to my garage are going to cost well over $200.. I honestly cannot afford to continue to allow this cat to destroy more things in my house. I have been making phone calls to my fellow Animal Rescuer friends hoping to find somebody who can deal with these type of issues. Again the cat cried from 3 a.m. to 7 a.m.. the Bach Rescue Remedy does not help to calm the cat during the early morning hours when he/she has the most anxiety. He or she kept me up all night once again. I have medical issues including recently recovering from MRSA. I need adequate sleep so I do not get sicker, and the MRSA does not return. I'm sad, but it is time for me to try my hardest to find this cat another person that will be able to take good care of him/her like I have. I will give you another update within the next couple days. Thank you for your concern Mamanyt1953. By the way I like your humor.