Owners Of Multiple Cats: Your Favorite Number Of Cats To Own


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 11, 2017
I was just wondering, what is your ideal number of pet cats? I'm especially interested in answers from people who have owned multiple cats, but anyone can chime in.

Background: I was a very happy owner of one cat, but he passed away. I am making plans to get 2 or 3 cats in the near future (a pair of bonded kittens, and maybe a one-year-old). They will be neutered and indoors.


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Hello FrogQueen, welcome to TCS :wave3:

So sorry to heat about your kitty :grouphug:

Many members here have many cats. They'll be coming in soon to share with you. Hang on :wink:


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
I think it really depends on the space available and personality of the cats in question.

I currently have 3 and 3 seems to be the perfect number for me. But that is largely because of the personalities and other factors. I have two on opposite ends of the personality spectrum and one that is a middle ground between them. Whatever mood the middle one is in she will play or cuddle with the other two. While the two on the ends have one in the middle that they both mesh well with. When I just had the two they got along okay but there were moments of tension when the playful one wanted to play and the relaxed one didn't. With my current mix I don't think we will purposefully add any more in out of fear of upsetting the balance. I know we couldn't add in a dominate personality.

I am curious what some people with more have to say.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
I genuinely enjoyed having a single cat, and being able to bond with her so easily. Having two cats, however meant that we both got an extra Friend in the bargain, and an extra Friend is never amiss. I remember having three cats as though it were yesterday, and three cats is extremely cozy, especially in Winter. Having four cats is one cat better than three, of course, and twice as nice as having only two cats. Five cats in the house is great fun, however, because one never knows where one might see a cat simply lounging in the sun, or curled up with a good catnip mouse.

Six cats is really quite charming, and has a certain Feng Shui appeal to it, since both, "six," and, "Shui," begin with the letter "s" though I'll admit quite readily that I wouldn't recognise a Shui if it flew in through the window and alighted on the butter dish. Seven cats - now we're getting somewhere - and the chances are that where we're getting is just a bit closer to that "Psychoanalyse Yourself" shelf at the local library; having seven cats is like Tolkein's explanation for the Barrel Rider and the Lucky Number.

Eight cats is the fulfillment of that old seventies Dick Van Patten sitcom, "Eight Is Enough," because, quite frankly, it's enough for any clear-thinking person on most of the planets which currently support Life. Realistically, I do, indeed, have eight cats when it comes down to technicalities, since I built a new home next door for my last two ferals who have not yet been integrated into the rest of the clowder. Eventually, I suppose I'll claim that ten cats is the perfect number, though now and again I'll recall that scene in Blazing Saddles where Bart declines Lili Von Schtupp's kind offer and retorts, "fifteen is my limit on Schnitzengrüben," and I'll wonder how it might have sounded if - instead of "Schnitzengrüben" - he'd said, "cats."

Welcome to TCS, by the way, FrogQueen FrogQueen .
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 11, 2017
Thanks to everyone for the welcome and the replies!

I also really enjoyed having one cat; he was my best friend, and so easy to spoil. I took his death very hard, and really missed having a cat in my home. So Mr. Frog suggested that we get 2 cats this time. We have just found the perfect pair of Maine Coon brother kittens; they will be coming to live with us in September. I am also considering adopting a particular 1-year-old male cat from a local shelter. He is sweet, well-behaved and good with other cats, although a little people-shy. I think they would be a very compatible trio of cats.

Mr. Frog is not entirely convinced we need 3 cats. I think I want as many cats as possible, haha. Although I did really love having one special kitty. So I just thought I'd ask for opinions from people with more experience. Keep the opinions coming!

I agree, kieka, that 3 cats seems like a great number for a lot of people. Not too many, and not too few. Although, we'll have to wait and see how I feel when I have more cats!

1CatOverTheLine, what a great post. It reads almost like a poem. Thanks so much. Gosh, I want a kitty.


Charlie's Purrson
Feb 18, 2017
Charlie is a single cat, and I do enjoy the bond that we have. At the time I adopted him, I felt I didn't have the knowledge to care for more than one furbaby. I have at times contemplated getting a friend for him, but Charlie seems happy, he always has a lot to do, and I would be worried about stressing him out.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jun 24, 2017
Northeast Montana
There was a middle eastern wise man who was asked a question something like this cat question except it concerned wives. How many wives is a good number to have? The wise man thought about it a little and said "If you have only one wife she will forever pester you because she will always be looking for something to do and will never be busy enough to stay out of your affairs. Having 2 wives is a very very bad idea. They will discuss everything and make plots and plans to maneuver you to their will since they will often be in agreement with each other and against you. It is a very terrible way to live. But 3 wives --- that is the perfect number because, you see, 3 women will never be able to agree on anything so you will always have one on your side no matter what you decide."
I think Cats are kind of like that. If you have just one you are its main source of entertainment and if it's not sleeping it will be in your business. Two will keep each company and you won't see much of them but you will see the aftermath of their adventures together. With 3 one will usually hang out with you while the other 2 team up and destroy the universe together.

I currently have 9 altogether and one feral who actually let me touch him for the first time after feeding him for 2 years. A few of them are always outside (in the shop and buildings) a few are always inside by their choice and the rest go out in the day to climb trees and such and return in the evening. However last year I lost six including several that were ready for adoption so I have had more, but also less. That could change tomorrow if someone dumps a pregnant mom in my driveway again. But better that than just throwing them in the river.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 3, 2015
I have 4 cats, all indoors, and to me there is no favorite number of cats to have. To me, there is no difference between 1 cat or 4 cats, because I am used to it. I also grew up with 3 cats and a dog. The only thing to consider is the more cats you get, the higher chance for bad things to happen, whether that be more vet bills, a cat/s not getting along, more difficult when you travel or go on vacation, etc....


Accidental Ailurophile
Top Cat
Jun 29, 2017
Pennsylvania, USA
At one time we had as many as 3 cats and it was so difficult to feed them. One cat always wanted food and she was so overweight. Another cat liked to pick all day and wouldn't hardly eat in one sitting, but we couldn't leave the food out for him or else the other two cats would eat his food. He had to have special food for UTI, and it was just impossible to get them all to eat their own food. Plus having to clean all those litter boxes. Triple the vomit on the floor...

I am happy with just one. But now I had to take in my mom's cat because my sister's dog was chasing it. And they both hate each other and want to fight and introductions are not going well. Eventually if Kitty outlives the dog, she can have her cat back, and it will be much easier with just one cat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 9, 2014
Fredericksburg, VA
My cats have all passed away now, but the most I ever had was 8 of them. They were all formal feral and all related to each other. I adopted them from my colony I had at the time. Eight was a lot of cats and a lot of work. Il could not keep up with that many today. If I ever get more which I doubt (I have severe arthritis) I think three would be a nice round number.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
I have two cats now- a female long-haired Tuxedo and a male short-haired Orange/White Tabby. If I won the lottery I would definitely have more. I would get a female Tortie, a male short-haired Tuxedo, and a male Blue (Gray) British Shorthair. So I guess I would have 5 cats if I could afford it.
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TCS Member
Jul 10, 2017
Three is my magic number. You can see my little clan in my avatar. From top to bottom is Shadow currently about 8 or 9, Kitt, who we think is about... eh 6 or 7, and Apache who turned 2 on May 5th.

We've had up to five cats at a time, actually. two upstairs that never came down because my mom lived upstairs, one that belonged t me (or, to whom I belonged) One cat that didn't really take to anyone beause he was abused as an itty bitty and was a scardy cat, and then the one who died at 22 years old, who used to be my mom's cat but just..honestly because the queen of the house.

When Inkie died, we actually had six, now that I think on it.

But three is a great number for a story and a half house like mine.

Now, if I could just get the younger two from trying to go outside all the time!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 17, 2017
Appleton, WI
I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty. We always only got 1 kitten at a time, until we got both Cinder and Toothless last Oct and I'd NEVER get just 1 kitten anymore. Not only are they so much fun to watch playing together, because they have each other they don't bother the older cats as much, which makes everyone happier.

To answer your original question, we've had as few as 1 cat and as many as 7, but I think the 4 we have now is the perfect number for us. I definitely wouldn't go with less than 2 because an only cat is a lonely cat.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 10, 2017
Sorry about your kitty! I am not sure what your finances are like, but it's easy to start accumulating cats, and then figure out later that the diets we feed them really aren't that great for them (can cause a lot of problems!!) and that vet bills will be out of control before you know it! I had a urinary surgery on my male cat because he blocked up again (total for the year: $6,000! ER surgery albeit). 4 months later, and my oldest cat (only 9!) had advanced dilated myopathy. Costs are outrageous.. keep that in mind before you get too many!! I wish I had. They are totally worth it though if you can properly take care of them, and deal with the varying diets and habits that they might have one day!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 10, 2015
I think I like having two. It's still a lot of work to me since i don't feed dry. I would love to add a third but i don't think i can handle the extra work load and the money it takes to feed them a species appropriate diet. I also have one semi automatic litterbox and i don't think i would be able to get away with just one for 3 cats. My 2 cats also love their attention and cuddles at their own times and i think i would be drowning in cats if i had a third. Sometimes i have to use both my hands to pet both of them at the same time! Lol.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 5, 2014
Eastern PA
I am afraid my answer varies by the day and situation........

Right now we have three.
Makena, a large bold male Bengal

Lilia, a small, sweet and timid female Bengal

June Bug, a cute little girl kitten whose feral mum abandoned her

The best number to have?
Three when June Bug wants to cuddle, Makena talks me into a long hike on a nice day and Lilia falls asleep in my lap
One less when I am exhausted and Makena is demanding to go for a walk in the rain
Two less when Makena and Lilia play at 4AM and sound like bowling balls being thrown around the house
None when we get to the cash register at Pet Smart and see the total for the food
One more whenever I see a cat that needs a home
Several more when I look through these forums at all the beautiful cats people own

I guess I am undecided, but overall and for the moment, three feels about right.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2017
Greg and Arnold say the minimum number is two.......of course they dont pay all the bills. Seriously..... they play together, keep each other company and interact with each other. We absolutely love watching them play wrestle.

boney girl dad

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 13, 2016
Thank you all for this thread. This is something I've been thinking about lately. I am without cat 8 months now. Two is the most I have had at a time. Usually one. Have also had a cat and a dog together. I'm about ready for a kitty refill, just undecided on how to accomplish. My preference is for them to find me.