Oral squamous cell carcinoma advice


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 9, 2013
Last Thursday my cat went in for dental surgery and they found a mass under her tongue, after doing a biopsy they diagnosed her with squamous cell carcinoma. I am devastated. She is also not even 9 years old yet.

The vet said that it was local and has no lymphatic invasion, and her best chance is surgery, so we have a consult with a surgeon tomorrow. Right now she is on medication that keeps her hungry and it seems to be working. She is drooling a lot and her tongue sticks out sometimes, and it hurts me so much to see her like this. I was wondering if anyone else has had a similar situation and what to expect? Her vet isn't sure if surgery will be possible because its on the base of her tongue but I am just really hoping it is. I'm wondering if its possible to get all the cancer with a surgery like this or if just delaying the inevitable? If there is anything I can do for her, I want to do it.

Thank you for any advice on this cancer or what I can do to keep her comfortable.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 27, 2015
I'm heartbroken for you.

Although I have no experience with this, I'm sure other members will chime in shortly.

Your cat is infinitely lucky to have such a caring custodian.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 9, 2013


Snowshoe Servant
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Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
I've had a cat who had throat cancer. Surgery can remove all of the mass and chemotherapy can be used after to ensure any remaining cancers cells are killed off. But it isn't guaranteed. I've heard of members here who have done surgery and chemo with great success but in my case my boy lost his battle with cancer less then a year after diagnosis.

Listen to your surgeon. Each case is different so someone else's outcome will be different. Chemo isn't horrible for cats and my boy had minimal side effects with the treatment.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I lost a cat years ago to squamous cell carcinoma that appeared on the jaw. She was a feral who was retrapped and taken in for a biopsy but I elected to go no further because the prognosis was very poor and she would not have been manageable for treatment.

To be honest with you, I would be much more hopeful with the mass on the tongue. Be sure to ask about clean margins and whether or not they carry a lot of weight in this type of cancer as that will determine the next steps. Find out about side effects from any drugs that will be used and ask about management of the cat once the surgery is over. The article is very helpful and I would formulate questions based on it for the surgeon/oncologist.

The only part I wonder about is cost. Out here in a specialized setting, the $325 would be to simply walk in the door and talk to the doctor.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 9, 2013
I lost a cat years ago to squamous cell carcinoma that appeared on the jaw. She was a feral who was retrapped and taken in for a biopsy but I elected to go no further because the prognosis was very poor and she would not have been manageable for treatment.

To be honest with you, I would be much more hopeful with the mass on the tongue. Be sure to ask about clean margins and whether or not they carry a lot of weight in this type of cancer as that will determine the next steps. Find out about side effects from any drugs that will be used and ask about management of the cat once the surgery is over. The article is very helpful and I would formulate questions based on it for the surgeon/oncologist.

The only part I wonder about is cost. Out here in a specialized setting, the $325 would be to simply walk in the door and talk to the doctor.
Thank you so much for the recommendations. We just got home and she is not a candidate for surgery because the tumor is too large. My heart is broken. Our next appointment will be with an oncologist to see what our other options are. How long did your cat have? I'm so sorry for your loss.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
I'm sorry to read the story of your cat, and I'm sorry I have read it only now.

The cat that you see in my avatar died to a squamous cell carcinoma which grew under her tongue. It developed quickly and gave her no chance to survive.
I realized of something not normal towards the end of August 2016, she would drop some kibble every now and then. She was coming from a very heavy surgery so I thought she was just weak/lazy. About three weeks later I saw a red drop in her food, I checked her mouth and noticed this lump under her tongue. I rushed her to the clinic where they told me it was just an inflammation but a few days later it was clear it was a mass. The surgery was unsuitable for her condition, the vets followed the path of chemo and radiations. The treatment started October 2016, a whole week of radiations, and ten weeks of chemo.
Things went as expected, that is they went bad, and she passed away at the end of March 2017.

Had we found that out two or three months earlier, things could have been much different.

I do hope your doctors can give your kitty a better future.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Apr 9, 2013
I'm sorry to read the story of your cat, and I'm sorry I have read it only now.

The cat that you see in my avatar died to a squamous cell carcinoma which grew under her tongue. It developed quickly and gave her no chance to survive.
I realized of something not normal towards the end of August 2016, she would drop some kibble every now and then. She was coming from a very heavy surgery so I thought she was just weak/lazy. About three weeks later I saw a red drop in her food, I checked her mouth and noticed this lump under her tongue. I rushed her to the clinic where they told me it was just an inflammation but a few days later it was clear it was a mass. The surgery was unsuitable for her condition, the vets followed the path of chemo and radiations. The treatment started October 2016, a whole week of radiations, and ten weeks of chemo.
Things went as expected, that is they went bad, and she passed away at the end of March 2017.

Had we found that out two or three months earlier, things could have been much different.

I do hope your doctors can give your kitty a better future.
I am so sorry to hear about your cat. How did the chemo and radiology affect her? I have a feeling that may be what the oncologist recommends.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
I have to say that the radiation therapy was absolutely devastating on her body, and she was going to die halfway through it.
The course of treatment was 10 applications over 5 days, that is twice daily Monday to Friday. On the Wednesday night the facility called me to let me know that my cat had a hard time. Nevertheless we went through it till the end.
The radiation therapy didn't help her much, but probably slowed the carcinoma down a little.
The chemo wasn't heavy at all, I think it didn't affect her at all, but gave her no advantage either.

Learning of the carcinoma wasn't the worst part of the story, what came in the next months, even after the treatments, was much much worse.
I am sure it was the worst period of my life ever, but I am proud to be part of it, because it gave me the chance to understand how much strength I had in me. I felt like I could have go on like that forever. When the end came, I found myself exhausted and aged, and I asked myself how could I have been that strong.
It was definitely the worst experience of my life, but I wish I could do it again.

If you have time, you could read my thread on what my cat Lola went through
Lola's fight with OSCC

Never mind any possible grammar mistakes, English isn't my first language.
Please, do not hesitate to ask me anything, even in PM if you want.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Since surgery is not an option ask about the benefits of chemo and/or radiation and prognosis. Antonio65 Antonio65 's thread certainly documents a great deal of his fight for and with his cat.

To answer about Matilde....she was feral and because of that I did not see the swelling in her face until the cancer was well established. She had two biopsies which rendered her miserable and she declined rapidly. She was a cat who I was afraid to even touch due to her aggressiveness and that was a huge factor in her outcome and treatment decisions. you certainly have been on top of your cat's health if she was going in for dental procedures, so the outcome could be more hopeful.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 9, 2013
I have to say that the radiation therapy was absolutely devastating on her body, and she was going to die halfway through it.
The course of treatment was 10 applications over 5 days, that is twice daily Monday to Friday. On the Wednesday night the facility called me to let me know that my cat had a hard time. Nevertheless we went through it till the end.
The radiation therapy didn't help her much, but probably slowed the carcinoma down a little.
The chemo wasn't heavy at all, I think it didn't affect her at all, but gave her no advantage either.

Learning of the carcinoma wasn't the worst part of the story, what came in the next months, even after the treatments, was much much worse.
I am sure it was the worst period of my life ever, but I am proud to be part of it, because it gave me the chance to understand how much strength I had in me. I felt like I could have go on like that forever. When the end came, I found myself exhausted and aged, and I asked myself how could I have been that strong.
It was definitely the worst experience of my life, but I wish I could do it again.

If you have time, you could read my thread on what my cat Lola went through
Lola's fight with OSCC

Never mind any possible grammar mistakes, English isn't my first language.
Please, do not hesitate to ask me anything, even in PM if you want.
Thank you for sharing this. I'm not sure what our options are yet, but now I'm wondering if radiation is provided as an option if I should be doing it, or sticking to chemo. I'll do whatever I can for Lily, but I would like to try to make her remaining time as comfortable as possible.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
Thank you for sharing this. I'm not sure what our options are yet, but now I'm wondering if radiation is provided as an option if I should be doing it, or sticking to chemo. I'll do whatever I can for Lily, but I would like to try to make her remaining time as comfortable as possible.
I decided for the radiation therapy even though the vets warned me against the poor results and the huge stress for the cat because my same cat had had another aggressive carcinoma 5 years earlier and was treated the same way. On that occasion too I was warned of the poor outcome, the huge costs and the stress for the cat, but on that occasion the carcinoma was won against all odds. I only hoped we were just as lucky...


TCS Member
Jun 6, 2020
Hello Mar1na and other Cat Owners........
My heart goes out to all of you. My kitty now diagnosed, began with Squamous Cell Carcinoma about 15 months ago. Doctors at the time (4-5 Veterinarians) kept saying the oral lession was (A) Rodent Ulcer (B) Food Allergy [especially to chicken since cats eat mostly chicken they've developed allergic responses to chicken] (C) Stomatosis. Only 1 veterinarian spoke of possible Cancer and or another that they saw a mass, and a possible biopsy was needed with teeth cleaning. Prior to the biopsy the cat showed worse symptoms (not eating, drinking water, loosing spunk/energy for living, seemed depressed and was 4.5 yrs old, now 5 years old. She is a beautiful cat like yours, and now after 5 Vets later.......I insisted her to have pathology vs. aiming @ a moving target. The Hills nd Royal Canine did absolutely nothing except depress, distress my cat more to not want to eat those other healthier brands, since this was NOT the presenting issue. Professionals (innocently??) missing it "on this one?" Had been made to feel, them missing it by a long shot was to sell me a can of goods not fitting nor appropriate and at a later point when they made the money, they'd throw in oh.....the cat has cancer. To me this is NOT pristine, animal care with compassion. It is about how much they can take a shot in the dark, earn a great living at my expense, versus doing ethically what was needed and necessary for my animal. When bright red blood began to come out of her mouth on her leg when cleaning her face, I realized though the doctor kept saying, "I know Rodent Ulcer when I see it," I interjected based on being NOT a Vet., Rodent Ulcers by my research show to most often "typically" do NOT always bleed continually.
I wanted to know. Now I know......Next the vetnarian states that the lesion may be removed with the entire 1/2 part of the lips which means, yes, food, fluids will leak out of her mouth. :(( What quality of life is it for this animal. NOT...Also do not want her to go through chemo. At this point, all I can look to is, keep my cat our of pain, allowing her as much quality of life and joy until the time of euthanasia.
Prayer to God for healing (Yes.....St. Francis of Assisi was a lover of animals and did this) along with perhaps Holistic Treatment if proper surgery cannot be done leaving her mouth open and exposed. Just cannot do this to my animal. I have given Coloidal Silver, but need to do other things to increase this only 5 year old cat's immune system, retard or put into remission cancer. Humans can take a variety of supplements but does anyone know what can work for a cat?
God Bless you all and I so appreciate everyone of you taking the time to read this and offer any thoughts or suggestions you may have for me at this hour. I appreciate each of you. Bless you with your animals as you enjoy the furry loves of your life!!!! : ))

Last Thursday my cat went in for dental surgery and they found a mass under her tongue, after doing a biopsy they diagnosed her with squamous cell carcinoma. I am devastated. She is also not even 9 years old yet.

The vet said that it was local and has no lymphatic invasion, and her best chance is surgery, so we have a consult with a surgeon tomorrow. Right now she is on medication that keeps her hungry and it seems to be working. She is drooling a lot and her tongue sticks out sometimes, and it hurts me so much to see her like this. I was wondering if anyone else has had a similar situation and what to expect? Her vet isn't sure if surgery will be possible because its on the base of her tongue but I am just really hoping it is. I'm wondering if its possible to get all the cancer with a surgery like this or if just delaying the inevitable? If there is anything I can do for her, I want to do it.

Thank you for any advice on this cancer or what I can do to keep her comfortable.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Apr 9, 2013
Hello Mar1na and other Cat Owners........
My heart goes out to all of you. My kitty now diagnosed, began with Squamous Cell Carcinoma about 15 months ago. Doctors at the time (4-5 Veterinarians) kept saying the oral lession was (A) Rodent Ulcer (B) Food Allergy [especially to chicken since cats eat mostly chicken they've developed allergic responses to chicken] (C) Stomatosis. Only 1 veterinarian spoke of possible Cancer and or another that they saw a mass, and a possible biopsy was needed with teeth cleaning. Prior to the biopsy the cat showed worse symptoms (not eating, drinking water, loosing spunk/energy for living, seemed depressed and was 4.5 yrs old, now 5 years old. She is a beautiful cat like yours, and now after 5 Vets later.......I insisted her to have pathology vs. aiming @ a moving target. The Hills nd Royal Canine did absolutely nothing except depress, distress my cat more to not want to eat those other healthier brands, since this was NOT the presenting issue. Professionals (innocently??) missing it "on this one?" Had been made to feel, them missing it by a long shot was to sell me a can of goods not fitting nor appropriate and at a later point when they made the money, they'd throw in oh.....the cat has cancer. To me this is NOT pristine, animal care with compassion. It is about how much they can take a shot in the dark, earn a great living at my expense, versus doing ethically what was needed and necessary for my animal. When bright red blood began to come out of her mouth on her leg when cleaning her face, I realized though the doctor kept saying, "I know Rodent Ulcer when I see it," I interjected based on being NOT a Vet., Rodent Ulcers by my research show to most often "typically" do NOT always bleed continually.
I wanted to know. Now I know......Next the vetnarian states that the lesion may be removed with the entire 1/2 part of the lips which means, yes, food, fluids will leak out of her mouth. :(( What quality of life is it for this animal. NOT...Also do not want her to go through chemo. At this point, all I can look to is, keep my cat our of pain, allowing her as much quality of life and joy until the time of euthanasia.
Prayer to God for healing (Yes.....St. Francis of Assisi was a lover of animals and did this) along with perhaps Holistic Treatment if proper surgery cannot be done leaving her mouth open and exposed. Just cannot do this to my animal. I have given Coloidal Silver, but need to do other things to increase this only 5 year old cat's immune system, retard or put into remission cancer. Humans can take a variety of supplements but does anyone know what can work for a cat?
God Bless you all and I so appreciate everyone of you taking the time to read this and offer any thoughts or suggestions you may have for me at this hour. I appreciate each of you. Bless you with your animals as you enjoy the furry loves of your life!!!! : ))
I'm so sorry for what you're going through, it is not an easy journey. I feel lucky that Lily's vet is extremely compassionate and caring. Lily is still with me but its looking like it won't be much longer. This week she has almost fully stopped eating. :( Being on a steroid seemed to help her with inflammation. I also found a natural treatment that seemed to work well, I'm happy to share the link if you'd like it for your cat.