Ollie, the forest cat?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 21, 2016
We found Ollie 2 years ago when he was a stray 3 month old kitten. At the time people suggested he was some kind of Maine coon mix. As he has gotten older though, he does not seem to be Maine coon, but he does have similarities to other forest cats like the Norwegian and the Siberian. What do you guys think? Is he related to a forest cat or is he just a domestic long hair? Your thoughts and comments are appreciated!!

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Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Wow, that was a lot of handsomeness gathered together in one single place! He seems to be a classical tabby in pattern - may be difficult to see on a longhair.

I dont get the vibes of a Norwegian, sooner a Siberian- look alike.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 22, 2016
The Peach State
I'm not a Geneticist, and I'm not a breed standard,expert, so this is pure speculation, Nevertheless, I'll be very glad to help you out..This cat is very good looking, and it seems pretty well suited to the taiga climate, I don't think this is a domestic long hair. Period.

I love the Maine Coons, Wegies and Siberians, Never had the privilege to meet one, but I´ve seen thoushand pictures, I've read a ot abou them, and I have a good grasp of their appearence. This cat doesn´t look like a Maine Coon.

This is a very interesting case

The muzzle is longish, more similar to the Wegies´s. However, the eyes are not almond shaped. They´re oval shaped. more similar to the Siberian.s. Both breeds have tufted ears, but your cat´s ears are smaller and rounder in the tips, more similar to the Siberian's.

However, your cat is not as stocky and as heavy boned as the Siberian. Its Body is slendersih,, more similar to the Wegie's.

I think I need more info about his temperament; Is he active?. Vocal?. Very affectionate?. Prone to jump great heigts and to perform dizzyng acrobatics, both indoors and outodrs?. If so, he might have a Siberian ancestor..

Is he on the quieter. lazier side when he's indoors?. Is he a bit more reserved?. Does he come alive in outdorrs and show great athetic conditions?. If so, he might have a Wegie ancestor.

Regardles of genetics, I think your cat rules. You´re lucky to live with such a magnificent feline.
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TCS Member
Super Cat
Sep 6, 2013
Funny how we all think differently. To me, he does give off some kind of Norwegian fibe. It's surely a mix of larger (domestic) long-haired cats, and the facial shape to me leans more towards Norwegian, if I had to pick any of the larger forest breeds that he could possibly look like. As a Siberian breeder, I simply don't see it. I am also very familiar with the Norwegian and the Maine Coon; The Norwegian has more of a triangle-shaped face, the Maine Coon overall is more square-like. To me, this face has a triangle shape. The profile is also rather flat, also more like a Norwegian than a Maine Coon. That being said, he is most likely a mix of some very stunning long haired cats - we can never know if one of those was of a specific breed.

And as our dear @StefanZ  said, he has a classic pattern. The color would be mentioned as 'Black Tabby Classic'.

A stunning boy, congratulations!
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angels mommy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
Thanks!  Well, you know way more than I do, so thank you for the input! I always thought he was so beautiful. I wish they'd keep him inside, but I think he just stays between the 3 houses. Doesn't wonder too far, I think.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 22, 2016
The Peach State
Thanks!  Well, you know way more than I do, so thank you for the input! I always thought he was so beautiful. I wish they'd keep him inside, but I think he just stays between the 3 houses. Doesn't wonder too far, I think.
You're welcome. Yes, it would be better to keep him indoors, away from dangers and illnesses.
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TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 9, 2016
We found Ollie 2 years ago when he was a stray 3 month old kitten. At the time people suggested he was some kind of Maine coon mix. As he has gotten older though, he does not seem to be Maine coon, but he does have similarities to other forest cats like the Norwegian and the Siberian. What do you guys think? Is he related to a forest cat or is he just a domestic long hair? Your thoughts and comments are appreciated!!

M mkendrick3

Wow, what a beauty! He's certaibly not the typical domestic long hair. But I can't decide which breed he resembles most. The eyes don't scream Norwegian to me but he has a fairly straight profile and the head shape is similar. In any case, he is a very handsome cat!

I too have a cat that I think could be part-Norwegian Forest cat. This is Tesla:

He has a very straight profile (please ignore the mess in the background, my sister was moving out for college):



TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 22, 2016
The Peach State

He has a very straight profile (please ignore the mess in the background, my sister was moving out for college):

Very pleasing to the eye!. Besides the profile and the headshape, I think that his tufted ears also resemlble the Wegie's ears. He even has a black and white coat. You're right, his eyes are not almond shaped (maybe oval shaped?).. I'm not a Wegie breeder/owner, and I'm just speculating., but I would say he might be part Wegie  Is Tesla quiet?. Vocal?. Affectionate?. Reserved?. Active?. Calmer? Do you have other pets in the house?. I'm asking just to get a better idea of  him.. You adoted a feline Apollo!. I didint notice the mess until I read about it


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 22, 2016
The Peach State
Thanks!  Well, you know way more than I do, so thank you for the input! I always thought he was so beautiful. I wish they'd keep him inside, but I think he just stays between the 3 houses. Doesn't wonder too far, I think.
You're welcome. Yes, it would be better to keep him indoors, away from dangers and illnesses.
The neighbours should heep it safely indoors
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TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 9, 2016
Very pleasing to the eye!. Besides the profile and the headshape, I think that his tufted ears also resemlble the Wegie's ears. He even has a black and white coat. You're right, his eyes are not almond shaped (maybe oval shaped?).. I'm not a Wegie breeder/owner, and I'm just speculating., but I would say he might be part Wegie  Is Tesla quiet?. Vocal?. Affectionate?. Reserved?. Active?. Calmer? Do you have other pets in the house?. I'm asking just to get a better idea of  him.. You adoted a feline Apollo!. I didint notice the mess until I read about it :D .
ganesha0 ganesha0

He's pretty active, but he's only a little less than a year old. Though he can be very lazy, I often find him lounging around on our cat tree. He plays with our other two cats for a while every day.

He is also very smart. He plays fetch and knows some verbal commands. Fetch is his preferred method of play, so he knows the cammands "bring me your toy/birdie/mousie." "Where's your toy?" He also knows "be nice." When I say this when we play fetch, he will not try to scratch/play with my hand when I take the toy to throw it again. Instead, he will rub his head/chin on my hand and the toy.

He can be very vocal when he wants to and he "trills" or "chirps" a lot. You can sometimes have "conversations" with him, as sometimes he meows back when I ask him questions. His meow is very high pitched and squeaky. Its actually kinda funny considering how big he is (15lbs and under a year old, and not fat!).

We have 2 other cats in the house that he loves to play with and he cuddles with 1 of them. The other is not his biggest fan (but they still get along) so she won't cuddle with him.

Oh and he is definitely the most affectionate out of our 3, the other 2 don't really care to be petted (except when THEY decide they want to be petted). But you can pretty much pet Tesla all day and he wouldn't care too much. You can also carry him around for hours and he won't care most of the time. He actually used to love piggyback rides before he got too big for them. This is him at around 7-8 weeks riding around on my dad's back:

He was dumped alongside our road at only 6 weeks old, so we didn't get him from an adoption center/shelter. I couldn't believe someone would ever abandon such an adorable sweetheart like him. We know he was abandoned because he was already socialized. He loved to be petted and held from the first day we got him as a tiny baby.

I spent weeks checking with neighbors and looking online to see if he belonged to someone but nobody claimed him so he is ours now :)


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 22, 2016
The Peach State
He was dumped alongside our road at only 6 weeks old, so we didn't get him from an adoption center/shelter. I couldn't believe someone would ever abandon such an adorable sweetheart like him. We know he was abandoned because he was already socialized. He loved to be petted and held from the first day we got him as a tiny baby.

I spent weeks checking with neighbors and looking online to see if he belonged to someone but nobody claimed him so he is ours now
Lazy at one year old?. He will probably  become just a bit lazier as he grows up. He will not be a couch potato, for sure. He gets along with the other pets, so he is easy going,,and from what you describe, he seems to be gente and affectionate in a soft, and sweet way. He trills and chirps (I know its funny to hear such soft sounds from 15-30 pund cats). And he likes to be in the cat tree (in the top spot, I suppose?).  All this traits seem consistent with the Wegie's personality. Please bear in mind that I don't have the privilege of being owned by one. The Wegie is my favorite forest breed and I try to get as much info about it as I can. Trainable wegies are not unheard of. I saw a video of a Wegie girl perfoming tricks for his dad (with food rewards, of course). Tesla lives up to its name
.. Now, the Piggy Back ride love and the fact that he's 15lb before turning one year old might come from another ancestor. Devon Rexes and Shpynxes love piggy back rides. Wegies?, I'm not sure. It´s likely that yout will cat continue to grow and gain weight for the next 2 to 3 years.. Wegies are on the big side, but not that big!. Yes, I think he 's a Wegie Mix.

Congratuations, you're lucky to live with such a gente soul.

Yes, there are people who simply cannot understand that a pet is not a being to buy on a whim,, but a lifetime commitment, and a serious responsability that implies doiig everything they can to keep the cat safe and healthy, and doing the right math, in order to be shure that they can afford to own a pet,

I'm happy for you and for Tesla. Cheers.
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Site Owner
Staff Member
Oct 23, 2000
Domestic (i.e. "not purebreds") have such a huge variety. There are so many facial and body types and when you keep mixing that genetic pool, you never know what will come out in the swirls. IMO, that means a domestic longhair can be larger than usual and then we can look at him and say things like "the eyes are like breed X and the nose is like breed Y". Which may very well be true but doesn't say much about any actual genetic connection with these breeds. 

I think there are genetic tests available today for some genetic markers, so if anyone is curious enough to pay for those, that might be an option. 

pc nguyen

TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 29, 2013
wow he looks wonderful with his beauty. I can relieze he a man from the first sight. Handsome boy ^^


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Ollie is gorgeous, whatever he is.

He looks a bit like my girl Chicken. She was born into the feral colony I take care of and the only thing I know she has in her for sure is Japanese bob-tail. Other than that, she's just a lucky mix of genes.

That's her half-brother, Button Moon, lying behind her.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
No, Chicken and Button both have long tails with a slight kink in the end. Their other sisters have bob-tails or funny little corkscrew tails. On the long haired cats the bob-tail looks like a little pom-pom.
