Old cat chronic cough and now new kitten doing the same


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 3, 2019
My Peanut who recently died of lung cancer used to have a chronic cough which was diagnosed for years as asthma. She also had a lot of skin allergies. I recently found a 6 month old kitten on the street who is now doing the same coughing this wheezy wet cough. I am so concerned it is environmental since this apartment has had water damage and also roach issues that I have been fighting with management for years (please don’t tell me to just move because I own this co-op and nyc is way more expensive now) But could it happen that she also has asthma/allergies or maybe that was a faulty diagnosis by vets who never tested for parasites or maybe it’s different than Peanut’s and is an infection? I may be making false observations but it seemed to be worse when AC was on or in winter and this kitty is doing it at night/early morning before the building heating is on (another complaint I submitted). I need community insight because I am so upset and want to make sure I advocate for her at the vet, I can’t handle seeing my new baby having these issues too. Thank you for the help!


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Hello and welcome to TCS. Sorry about the concerns you have that brought you here. And condolences on the recent loss of Peanut. :alright: RIP sweet girl. :hearthrob::angel::hearthrob: If you feel it might help, we have a Crossing the Bridge forum where you could post a tribute to her.

About the new kitten you found, thanks so much for rescuing her. Has she been to the vet yet? It could be a URI which is common in cats. If you're concerned about the vet making the right diagnosis, perhaps look into a cat only veterinary practice. Here's a link to search for one in your area. Just be sure you choose "Feline Only" in the Practice Type Drop Down menu.

Find a Veterinarian and Practice | The Cat Community

She's a witch

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 21, 2018
Europe/WA, USA
If the apartment has had water damage, is it possible that you have mold somewhere there? I would get rid of it as it can trigger asthma in some cats, and also can cause allergic reactions. If the place is generally dump, I would consider using dehumidifier. Although my asthmatic kitty had the worst symptoms with very dry air when the heating was on and actually humidifier helped her a lot...
Also, what litter do you use? Dusty litters had horrible effects on cat's respiratory system.
If new kitty coughs the same as Peanut, I would certainly bring it up to good cat only vet, I would also be worried it's environmental. Although fingers crossed it's not and it's only some minor URI infection!