New Cat Owner - Adopted 6mo Stray


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 16, 2018
Charlotte, NC
Hello! New to adopting and cat keeping, and figured I should come ask for advice from veteran owners. I apologize in advance for the long post!

I'm not new to having animals in the house and currently have a 15 year old Silky Terrier (Coco) and a leopard gecko (Nidhogg). I've had my dog as a single pet since she was 2 months old, and hasn't been super well trained since I was very young and my parents didn't know much about dog obedience (also probably didn't think much of it because she was such a sweet and quiet puppy when we first got her- didn't even teeth on things or bark!). But this is a separate issue I'd like to address later when I eventually introduce my resident grandma to the new cat.

As for the new kitty Haki... I adopted him just under a week ago (Feb 11th). He was found Feb 03 dodging cars in the street by animal control, allegedly, so it's no surprise that he's very fearful of everything going on around him. Estimated to be 5-6 months old. I've done my research before adopting any cat and have been keeping Haki in my apartment bathroom to help him adjust to the new surrounding and smells, and it seems that he has been adjusting fairly well... I think. I have a small cat tree in the bathroom, litter box, bowl of water and food at all times, plenty of throws fluffed in a corner that has been used by me / boyfriend / and dog for him to sniff at. He likes to hide by the toilet, though recently I've walked in on him lounging around the sink counter and in the little cat tree by the door. I have yet to see him even interact a tiny bit with the throws on the floor. He doesn't run or hide when my boyfriend or I walk in either. A lot of the time, his eyes are half closed like he's about to pass out any moment. He's actually very welcoming of slow hands, purring quite loudly and headbutting / rubbing his face.

He hasn't approached me on his own quite yet even though I spend almost every free time just sitting in the bathroom with him. I read, nap, and talk to him frequently. I might be clocking 2-5 hours a day with him on the bathroom floor (which my boyfriend finds amusing, and dog not entirely happy with my disappearance). He's only hissed at me twice without swiping when I might have reached out to pet him a little too quickly, but he's very calm and purrs loudly as soon as I start lightly stroking him and often headbutts my palm, but never comes out on his own to "chase" for more pets. He doesn't resist or really run to hide when I go to pick him up either. In fact, he purrs loudly and snuggles up on me as soon as I plop him down on my lap. He's fallen asleep on my chest for 3 hours a couple days ago, waking every so often to stretch / knead/ purr/ headbutt against my chin then falling straight back asleep. My back was killing me, but I had to endure for the furbaby, haha. I brought him out to the couch one time to let him observe the living room, and he was just so good and napped on me / next to me with his claws in my jeans.

But what confuses me is his still very shy/fearful behavior around me. Even though he loves being held and pet and shows all the affectionate behaviors, he has yet to approach me AT ALL on his own. He's very aware of my presence and is always looking whenever I'm around him in the little bathroom. He doesn't walk around at all with me in the room, the most being that he snuck over to sniff at my chocolate shake before curling back up by the toilet and looking as if he's about to fall asleep. I've tried playing with him, but he doesn't seem interested in any string, toy, or laser. He recently became interested in the treats I've been giving him, but I also don't know if it's healthy to give him so many. He eats and uses the litter box wonderfully, even in my presence. It also seems to kind of freak him out whenever I stand, as if he didn't realize how big I really am. I locked my dog in my bedroom while she was napping to let the cat explore the living room a bit, but he crouches in utter fear with his big eyes whenever I walk by him. I'm still keeping him in the bathroom until I'm sure he feels safe with me, and until I can figure out a way to properly introduce the cat and dog together with the least amount of stress on both animals, but I figure it would be nice to let him slowly become accustomed to the rest of the apartment. Not sure if I should be doing that... But would it be a good idea to keep him in the bathroom until I'm sure he's comfortable with me and eager to go out to the living room? Or is that just suffocating...? He hasn't shown much interest beyond the bathroom door yet, honestly. How long should I wait before I even think about introducing the two animals?

I'm super new to cat behavior as an owner and completely new to keeping more than one 4-legged furbaby in the same living space, so I'm not exactly sure if I'm helping him adjust properly or if I'm rushing anything. I've already seen first hand how wonderfully sweet he is, and I just want to give him all my love and have all my animals be content around each other, haha. Any and all advice is MUCH MUCH appreciated! Again, sorry about the long post! Thank you so much for even reading this far!!

[Side note: Regarding my dog, she's been a single pet and hasn't been very well socialized with other animals as I used to live in a neighborhood that didn't have many dogs. She used to show "excitable / aggressive" behavior toward other dogs when she was younger, but with age, she seemed to mellow out. Nowadays, she stands her ground a distance away and watches other dogs on walks instead of running after them, and I haven't seen her chase after a squirrel in years. Often at home, she's sleeping around me or in my closet and I walk her at least once a day for about 20 minutes. She still got quite a bit of life in her, but the only time she's truly unreasonably excitable is when there are treats and food involved. It's my fault for not properly conditioning her, but I've made active efforts to curb her behavior. I made the mistake of keeping the bathroom door open a crack, and Haki peeked out. Coco didn't notice him until he turned a corner and she immediately ran after him while growling and yipping (thank god I'm quick enough to catch her before she even got anywhere near him). The boyfriend eventually coaxed the kitty out of the kitchen corner, and while it was cute to see Haki proudly perch himself on my boyfriend's leg like "haha you can't get me", I'm truly worried about having to socialize my dog with the cat. There were other times Coco tried lunging at the cat while both of them were in the living room with me heavily supervising (dog on the ground and too old to really make one clean jump on the couch, cat on the couch with me). I'm in my apartment alone most of the day, and I have no idea how to keep an excitable dog and a cautious cat safe while I try introducing them. Also, my dog is stupid (in the most loving way) and I'm sure she hasn't truly noticed the cat's presence via smell. I've even plopped a towel with Haki's smell in her sleeping corner and she hasn't actually sniffed it or showed any interest or acknowledgement. She literally only noticed him when she sees him visually.]


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi and WELCOME!! You are doing a tremendous job with this little guy!! The purrs, headbutts, naps on your chest, all are incredible to be happening already and you each are SO lucky in the
Personally, I'm wondering what about if you just leave the bathroom door open? That way, he can peek out and even explore, yet have the bathroom as his safe place (which by the way, might stay as his safe place for the rest of his life while you're there - I've had several cats who still rely on the "safe place" years later on.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 22, 2013
Hi! I'm the crazy one with 12 cats. You might want to get a tall 37" metal baby gate. Regalo makes one you can get from Amazon or at Walmart. about $50.
Go slow on the introductions. Eventually you might be able to feed them on either side of the gate!
I think you are doing GREAT with this cat! and what a nice person you are to save him. I wouldn't sweat the occasional shyness. 3 of our cats were adult ferals grabbed from our yard, and your guy is way friendlier than ours. I wish you the very best with the new kid. Your boyfriend sounds awesome too!


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Regarding the treats, there is a brand called purebites that you could try (a little healthier than some others), also you could boil some unsalted unseasoned chicken, cut that up and give a few pieces.
About the eyes - does he ever open his eyes fully when he's not being wary/scared? Which is to say has the little guy been seen by a vet?
My back was killing me, but I had to endure for the furbaby, haha
Yeah, I'm pretty sure a bunch of us have been there in one way or another! :redheartpump:
Anyway, you have no way of knowing what this little sweetie went through before coming to you. Everything you're saying is an indication to me that given time, he will come to know that you are all about shelter, safety and good things, and that he can trust that always.
I wish and hope for you all a very long life filled with joy, laughter and more love that you thought could happen.
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 16, 2018
Charlotte, NC
Regarding the treats, there is a brand called purebites that you could try (a little healthier than some others), also you could boil some unsalted unseasoned chicken, cut that up and give a few pieces.
About the eyes - does he ever open his eyes fully when he's not being wary/scared? Which is to say has the little guy been seen by a vet?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure a bunch of us have been there in one way or another! :redheartpump:
Anyway, you have no way of knowing what this little sweetie went through before coming to you. Everything you're saying is an indication to me that given time, he will come to know that you are all about shelter, safety and good things, and that he can trust that always.
I wish and hope for you all a very long life filled with joy, laughter and more love that you thought could happen.
Thank you SO much for your reply and all the great reading materials!

Kitty has been looked at by a vet with all the standard procedure when he was taken in by the shelter apparently(shots, deworming, neuter, microchip), but I've scheduled follow up to get him checked out post-adoption. His eyes seem fine from what I can tell. Great big dilated eyes when he's feeling scared, round eyes / less dilated when he's looking around and curious, half closed when he's hanging out on the floor or sink. Eye movement seemed normal from what I've been observing so far, but the vet will know better! He did vomit once the second day and sounded like he had a cough or something for the first couple days, but it seemed to clear out. Definitely things to talk to the vet about :)

The reason I haven't kept the bathroom door open much was because I'm wary of my dog. The couple times my dog has seen the cat walking around were all pretty aggressive / excitable behavior, and I don't want to risk any fights or true aggression. Though the times Haki has been curious enough to explore out into the living room, he's always been going into dark corners and cubbies (TV stand cabinets, in the corner of my desk, under the couch) while my dog is sleeping in my room (I always close the bedroom door just in case too). I generally leave him alone to go where he wants, but I dislike him going under the couch because it's so difficult to get him out by myself and I don't trust my dog to keep calm if Haki decides to come out and explore. The last thing I want is for him to wander around and my dog notice him as a threat or prey. I'm still unsure of how to properly manage this in practice, so caution is my go-to at the moment!
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 16, 2018
Charlotte, NC
Hi! I'm the crazy one with 12 cats. You might want to get a tall 37" metal baby gate. Regalo makes one you can get from Amazon or at Walmart. about $50.
Go slow on the introductions. Eventually you might be able to feed them on either side of the gate!
I think you are doing GREAT with this cat! and what a nice person you are to save him. I wouldn't sweat the occasional shyness. 3 of our cats were adult ferals grabbed from our yard, and your guy is way friendlier than ours. I wish you the very best with the new kid. Your boyfriend sounds awesome too!
Thank you for letting me know where I could find a gate that tall! I wasn't entirely sure where to get one, haha. Would the 37" be tall enough to keep a cat from jumping over it? I do want to desensitize my dog to the kitty sooner than later, and the gate idea sounds great so she can learn to just look and ignore.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I had to almost laugh at myself, I was so focused on you and the cat I actually forgot about the dog I am sorry!
I have heard about people stacking baby gates...
Something else for down the road, would a leash on the dog, with you, while the cat gets to roam help your dog get used to the fact:)? I get the sense you'll figure out what works, due to the success you're having already ;)


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 22, 2013
Thank you for letting me know where I could find a gate that tall! I wasn't entirely sure where to get one, haha. Would the 37" be tall enough to keep a cat from jumping over it? I do want to desensitize my dog to the kitty sooner than later, and the gate idea sounds great so she can learn to just look and ignore.
Hi! Depends on the cat. None of ours have managed to jump it. They CAN squeeze through the bars if kitty is thin and flexible enough. Most of ours don't bother trying though. We have a bullying situation between two kitties--big black female and sweet sensitive boy..bullied to the point where he got bladder blockage from not being able to get to litter box (b/c of the other cat). After $3k vet bill, little dude has his own room with gate that keeps big girl out while he can get in & out, which has solved the problem. Not that you needed to Know all that! Lol.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Welcome to The Cat Site. :wave2: And congrats on your adoption of little Haki. :catrub:

It sounds like things are progressing well, and Furballsmom Furballsmom has posted links to a lot of good articles, which will give you something to read when you're sitting on the bathroom floor with Haki. :)

When it's time to introduce Haki to Coco, here's one more article that may be helpful: How To Safely Introduce A Cat And A Dog



Life isn’t perfect, and it’s lovely that way. ❤️
Alpha Cat
Feb 17, 2018
New Hampshire
Please forgive the lack of punctuation as I used voice:

Congratulations and don’t worry you are just a couple weeks behind where we are with our first kitten who was feral too! we have a six-year-old Shih Tzu and started the kitten in the bathroom also. she was too afraid of the whole bathroom so we let her use one of the cupboards as a safe space we called her Harry Potter for a while :) After a time she seemed to not be progressing and I videos on YouTube suggested closing off areas where she could hide I suggest using painters tape because it’s cheap and won’t leave marks and you can make a gate across any doorway or keep them from going behind the toilet etc cats hate touching sticky and about three strands off the floor to about 10 inches or so and she won’t go behind the toilet I also use it to keep her from scratching furniture or going anyplace I don’t want her to be try watching Videos by kitten school on YouTube a series about Taming Doormouse the kitten and one let her see you walking by and know that you’re not always going to pay attention to her that way she won’t think that she is constantly your only focus that way she won’t feel like everyone is after her and run away I hope these help and really try these videos I hope the tape offers you a cheap suggestion instead of gates too!

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  • #12


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 16, 2018
Charlotte, NC
Please forgive the lack of punctuation as I used voice:

Congratulations and don’t worry you are just a couple weeks behind where we are with our first kitten who was feral too! we have a six-year-old Shih Tzu and started the kitten in the bathroom also. she was too afraid of the whole bathroom so we let her use one of the cupboards as a safe space we called her Harry Potter for a while :) After a time she seemed to not be progressing and I videos on YouTube suggested closing off areas where she could hide I suggest using painters tape because it’s cheap and won’t leave marks and you can make a gate across any doorway or keep them from going behind the toilet etc cats hate touching sticky and about three strands off the floor to about 10 inches or so and she won’t go behind the toilet I also use it to keep her from scratching furniture or going anyplace I don’t want her to be try watching Videos by kitten school on YouTube a series about Taming Doormouse the kitten and one let her see you walking by and know that you’re not always going to pay attention to her that way she won’t think that she is constantly your only focus that way she won’t feel like everyone is after her and run away I hope these help and really try these videos I hope the tape offers you a cheap suggestion instead of gates too!

These are all great suggestions, thank you!
I grew up with a dog, so I am super used to giving attention to a fluff butt. Even though Haki is super affectionate when held, I probably stressed him out with my attention as well. Which would explain why he still hasn't approached me on his own. I'll have to give him another week ish without any of my attention to let him know I'm not an overbearing mama.
The tape seems like a good idea for a gate, so I'll try that out !
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 16, 2018
Charlotte, NC
Welcome to The Cat Site. :wave2: And congrats on your adoption of little Haki. :catrub:

It sounds like things are progressing well, and Furballsmom Furballsmom has posted links to a lot of good articles, which will give you something to read when you're sitting on the bathroom floor with Haki. :)

When it's time to introduce Haki to Coco, here's one more article that may be helpful: How To Safely Introduce A Cat And A Dog

I did look at A LOT of articles regarding introduction, but none of them really told me when exactly it would be appropriate to start the introduction.
Haki has yet to really walk around and approach me on his own even though he doesn't run to hide much while I'm hanging out with him. He hasn't shown any interest in beyond the bathroom door either.
The last thing I would want to do is traumatize the kitty by forcing an introduction he isn't ready for ... I did try a crate method with Haki in the crate and me leashing my dog to "look, look away" practice. Haki seemed okay in the crate despite my dog barking at him, but is still clearly afraid of Coco walking around by him (big eyes, ears down, defensive crouch).

So when would it be appropriate to introduce ? Should I wait for Haki to be 100% comfortable walking around / approaching me in the bathroom before I even think about letting Coco meet him?


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi again! Can you get your dog to stop barking first - ie; rewire the dog's brain before putting Haki through the stress, I think?
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  • #15


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 16, 2018
Charlotte, NC
The thing is my dog really doesn't bark much at all. She doesn't bark to other dogs barking, loud noises outside the apartment, squirrels or rabbits hopping by, etc. She's an older dog, 15 years old, and is clearly over the "let's bark at everything around me" phase. She'd much rather be basking in the sun or sleeping in my closet when nothing of interest is going on.
She does get very excited around treats, which I've been actively curbing and only rewarding her for calm submissive behavior so she can calmly associate treats to behaving properly around the cat. She did relatively well during the crate introduction with the treat training. I had Haki in my dog's crate with my boyfriend keeping watch over him just in case. Coco went from semi-fixation and barking to calmer whines and sniffing after about 40 minutes. She did try nipping a bit, but it seemed more out of anxious curiosity than true aggression. It doesn't seem like my dog is really out to hurt the cat and is just anxious about a new animal in her territory; but, again, I would hate to put Haki through that stress again when he's not ready. I'd hate it even more if Haki genuinely associated Coco with utter fear.

Coco doesn't actively scratch at the bathroom door and didn't seem all that interested when I did a scent exchange with a small hand towel. I even stuffed the towel in her face and she looked at me like "What am I supposed to do with this?" She didn't even notice Haki AT ALL when my boyfriend was holding Haki in his lap on the bathroom floor literally 3 feet away from her. I actually had to direct my dog's attention towards the cat to remotely practice "look, look away," but she lost interest in the practice within a few minutes and removed herself entirely from the area, and I didn't want to keep Haki against his will for too long. The few times we've left the bathroom door open, Coco would come in to sniff around a bit and leave without a fuss, even after sniffing the litter box and cat tree. If only she could associate her boredom with actually seeing the cat!!


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
So when would it be appropriate to introduce ? Should I wait for Haki to be 100% comfortable walking around / approaching me in the bathroom before I even think about letting Coco meet him?
I've never even introduced 2 cats, let alone a cat and dog, so unfortunately I have no experience to share. But my gut would say to ensure the kitten is comfortable before letting them meet. I also think, since your dog is 15, it's likely the high energy kitten may pester him to play when the dog just wants to sleep.

Maybe you could try starting another thread on the Cat Behavior asking for suggestions on introducing cats and dogs.


Life isn’t perfect, and it’s lovely that way. ❤️
Alpha Cat
Feb 17, 2018
New Hampshire
Best of luck! I can’t say enough thank you’s to whomever made those Kitten school YouTube videos, they have been so helpful. I know you will feel a bit better with each small milestone. :)
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  • #18


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 16, 2018
Charlotte, NC
So, I've decided to hold off on introductions until Haki is actively exploring and such around me in the bathroom and to focus on managing my dog's energy level so she's not so excitable in the apartment. I may start introductions again in about a week if both animals are showing progress in the way I want them to.:rolleyes:

But, is it normal for a 6 month old stray cat to be so ...relaxed in very specific situations? He is currently sprawled out on his cat tree while I read my textbook to him in the bathroom.

Pardon the mess on the floor, but that's my little corner in the bathroom, haha!

He's also shown very friendly behavior with my boyfriend as well. Almost shamelessly.

But he only behaves this way in the bathroom or literally on top of someone. I've allowed him to explore a bit of the living room before, but he looked like I was going to beat him every time I walked by and quickly tried to scurry away into dark hideaways. It's like he turned into a completely different cat!

I'm just slightly confused by this drastic change in behavior when he's literally just beyond the door. It's not like I've grown three heads outside of the bathroom!:lol: Could it be the stronger dog scent, or is a new area simply that terrifying for the little guy? But even in the bathroom, he doesn't approach me or even move around while I'm in there with him. He still doesn't show any interest in play either or really moving about the bathroom at all. YET, he very rarely runs away from me while we're in the bathroom and is usually incredibly receptive of petting (though I've made the decision to not overwhelm him with my affection and have been actively avoiding touching him). I've noticed new signs of his comfort around me: always stretching out when he sleeps, rolling over to show his belly at times, shyly peeking over at me from the cat tree, yawning right in front of me, and it seems like he's starting to recognize his name (or he's starting to respond to my voice at least??). I'm absolutely in love with the confidence that he's been showing!

Is he just a lazy fluff nugget? Or am I still intimidating enough for him to not want to walk around with me there? Why does he go into super-scared-kitty mode in the living room suddenly? Is there anything else I can do to make him feel more at ease?


Life isn’t perfect, and it’s lovely that way. ❤️
Alpha Cat
Feb 17, 2018
New Hampshire
Oh my goodness I felt the same- “I thought we had gotten past this since you were passed out drooling on me?!” I started leaving the door open, then I would move her tree closer to the door each day by a few inches. Wait until he’s hungry, then he will train for treats! Start using a treat near the door, at the door and finally out the door. If he won’t go that far, move twin inches instead of eight for example. Then, at night he will explore when it’s quiet. Also, get a few jars of turkey or chicken and gravy Gerber stage two baby’s food!!! A rescuer swore it was like no treat she’d ever used- and OH. MY! It works best in a syringe you can suck up and squirt little bits in their mouth. She will ignore me when I call, or even rattle treat bags, so I rattle “meat stick” in the glass I store it in and she zooms out, try it I promise it will help!
Sorry for bothering you but you sound so like I did two weeks ago it’s unbelievable!
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  • #20


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Feb 16, 2018
Charlotte, NC
Oh my goodness I felt the same- “I thought we had gotten past this since you were passed out drooling on me?!” I started leaving the door open, then I would move her tree closer to the door each day by a few inches. Wait until he’s hungry, then he will train for treats! Start using a treat near the door, at the door and finally out the door. If he won’t go that far, move twin inches instead of eight for example. Then, at night he will explore when it’s quiet. Also, get a few jars of turkey or chicken and gravy Gerber stage two baby’s food!!! A rescuer swore it was like no treat she’d ever used- and OH. MY! It works best in a syringe you can suck up and squirt little bits in their mouth. She will ignore me when I call, or even rattle treat bags, so I rattle “meat stick” in the glass I store it in and she zooms out, try it I promise it will help!
Sorry for bothering you but you sound so like I did two weeks ago it’s unbelievable!
No bother at all! I didn't even think about using baby food, but I definitely will now!