

TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 13, 2024

It was mid 2004 when I got these babies.
We were told there were only girls left. I crouched and picked the first ones who came to me, the 2 most lookalikes. My sister picked the red one (the one at the bottom).
I quickly realized that one of the twins was a boy, and swapped it with my sister's pick, so she got the boy twin. Easier when you have 2 girls.

My sister has sheltered a lot of cats. Different philosophy, she lets them free to live their life outside. And thus like most cats outside, boy twin had a short (but happy I guess) life of 4 years.

I didn't name them, because a cat isn't a dog, and I think that a cat wouldn't let himself be named if he was asked. So they were just my girls, the white one, the red one. Red one is every cat, independent, haughty, cold. White one was special, like reincarnated human. She was weird & loving. And intelligent enough to force me to turn all of my door handles vertical.

Anyway, red one still alive, will probably reach her 20. White one passed on on sunday.
And now I can't stop thinking that I could have cared better. She (and her sister) got very thin & bony, fully deaf, sleeping very deeply, that all quickly happened. But ok, that's 95 years in human age, I wish I'll reach that age.
Still, while they wouldn't jump around like before, white cat was still happy to live.

This is how I found her, and I'm sad that it happened behind the door while I was only a few meters away but heard nothing. I like to think that she got out of her bed and just fell dead, not suffering. Her eyes and mouth were open. I thought that she had choked on something, but there was nothing around to choke on, the food in the dishes was just sauce to lick. There was no vomit either, nothing. Only weird thing is one of her leg was all wet. Can a cat choke and die on a fur ball? Picture at the bottom, don't look if you don't wanna see death.

20 is a nice age and it was bound to happen, and she possibly got the best ending with the least suffering. But still, I can't keep thinking that I could have done something. I looked inside her mouth - something that a cat normally doesn't let you do - she hardly had any tooth left on one side. But that I already knew, they both had troubles with kibbles. She had appetite, though. She was eating well, as I was picking a lot each day outside her litters (she has done that all her life, I could never train her properly, perhaps the red one, being the chief (despite being weaker) "claimed" all 3 litters, I don't know. She was eating, but not processing much anymore I suppose, as she was really skinny.
Would I have been able to do anything if I had noticed her falling, I don't know, and that might not even have been the best for her. But that didn't leave me time to tell her goodbye, so something's missing in this natural process and I wish I had been holding her for her last breath, and I'll miss her forever.

/end of rant




TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Sorry for your loss. But we who live will all, eventually, sooner or later, die. And not always after such a good long life filled with love.

If it was a hind leg that was wet her bladder might have let go as she died.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 13, 2024
Sorry for your loss. But we who live will all, eventually, sooner or later, die. And not always after such a good long life filled with love.
Thank you.

No it's one of her front legs. (also there was pee but very little)
It was entirely wet so I don't think it's because she tried to remove something from her throat (I can't even imagine cats doing that).
So I guess she was cleaning it.
I would have asked a vet to investigate but I didn't wanna be told it was forbidden to burry her (it depends where but generally it's not allowed here) and imagine her being discarded in a trash bag.

Yeah we will all die. I'm an atheist and cynical enough to think that even our life itself is just an illusion. Yet I can't stop crying.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
It was entirely wet so I don't think it's because she tried to remove something from her throat
I think what might have happened is that as she was dying she drooled on her leg a little. I recently lost two of my cats to kidney failure in the same month. Sick cats tend to drool, elderly cats without teeth must drool a lot. I think she passed away from old age.

To live to the age of 20 is wonderful for a cat. You obviously loved her and took very good care of her. I don't think you did anything wrong at all.

It's always hard to say goodbye to them. We always ask ourselves if there was more we could have done, but death comes to us all. She had a great life she had with you and she passed away at home without ever being sick enough for you to know she was reaching the end of her life. That's the kind of death we would want for anyone we ever loved.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
She died at home, surrounded by all she loved. Cats want nothing more…..
It’s so hard for them to physically leave us, no matter what we always feel we did something wrong or feel guilt about something in the past. Not one of us is perfect, there will always be these feelings. You gave her what she wanted most in this world, a home, care, and someone to love her.
your bond of love is strong after so many years, this will always connect her to your heart and soul, always give you a pathway to send your love and to receive hers. She will live on through you now, so send her joy and love, not tears and sorrow.
my heart breaks for your pain, I’ll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. Take care of yourself…….Rip precious girl, you will never be forgotten. You will always have a secure place in a loving heart. May the good Lord bless and keep you until you meet again!


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, Nameless, dream you deep. Your pawprints are on someone's heart forever.

20 years is a remarkable age for a cat, and a testament to your love and care of her. And I am certain that she loved you just as much. I agree that older cats drool a lot, many of them, and this is probably why her front leg was wet. Her death was quiet, which means that she probably simply...went, between one breath and another, without pain or fear. Let that comfort you. I tell people that love never dies, and for me, that need not be a spiritual statement, it is a statement of energy. Some part of her is still vibrating around in this world, and one day, your love will join that love again. You may (or may not) know it, but it will. Meanwhile, so long as you remember her, and love her, she is not entirely gone.