My Purrcy Is Grieving For His Brother


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 30, 2010
Jaspurr was PTS on Sunday the 1st. We are on day four and his brother Purrcy seems depressed. I have been holding my breath that he won’t stop eating. They’ve been together for 11 years since the womb, so I’m sure it’s inevitable that he won’t be normal for a while. Purrcy has always been such a happy boy this breaks my heart. I am giving him extra love and attention. What else can I do? I feel certain we will adopt another kitten but it’s way too soon right now.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
Im very sorry for the loss of Jaspurr too! My heart goes out to you and Percy! Give him all the love and attention you can, but he will still grieve, as will you. And when the time is right a new friend is a lovely idea for him. :grouphug: hugs for you both!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 13, 2016
I am so sorry about Jaspurr. I think that is wonderful that you are considering the possibility of a kitten down the road. :redheartpump: For now, it sounds like you are doing all you can for him. :alright:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2006
Chicago area
I am sorry for your loss of Jasper. Purrcy is mourning the loss to. In addition to extra attention try seeing if you can get Purrcy to play. Also this may sound odd to some people. But explain to Purrcy that Jasper is gone. I did this with a friend's cat that was looking for his buddy. I was cat sitting right after this happened. Ripley passed away and Neo would not stop looking for him. It was heartbreaking to hear him crying out for his buddy. He never did stop eating. Neo loved to be brushed so I used that as a distraction and had a conversation with him. Oddly enough after that conversation he stopped searching for his buddy. My friend was really worried but she had to go out of town for work. I told her not to worry I would just make sure I was spending extra time with Neo. Before this happened Neo would only approach me with his buddy. Our relationship changed after Ripley passed away. My friend was happy when she came home and Neo was no longer meowing for his buddy. I let my friend know about the extra brushing I was doing. She established a routine with brushing when she was home and I had a routine for when I was cat sitting. She did adopt another cat a few months later and they bonded very quickly. If Purrcy likes to be brushed, play or likes treats try using those to establish a new routine. Not all cats stop eating during mourning just keep an eye on things for now and try not to worry about that.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
Yes, others have posted that talking to them and explaining things helps. It sounds like voodoo, but it does work. Explain that Jaspurr was very sick and he's now gone over the bridge, that you know Purrcy misses him and you do too.

I recently had a situation where I had to talk to my cat about throwing up. It wasn't grief, but I had just had it with his constant vomiting and cleaning up the carpets. (The food wasn't at fault and he isn't sick.) I looked him straight in the eye (and kept his attention for a long time) and explained that the situation was out of hand, that he was throwing up too much and to please stop it. Further, if he couldn't keep it down, then please go to the tile foyer or kitchen to let go.

Believe it or not, it worked. He retched one time, but manfully kept it down, and he hasn't thrown up since.

So tell Purrcy how sad you are and grieve along with him. Have a long talk.