I got a new kitten last week. He is now 12 weeks old. I have not seen him cleaning or grooming his anus once yet. After he uses the litterpan, if I don't wipe him, he leaves little brown wet spots where he sits. So I've started dabbing his bottom with t.p. after he goes. Will I have to do this forever? Please tell me that cats eventually learn to groom their backsides! Is there anything I can do to encourage this? Like, putting Vaseline back there to get him to try to lick it off? He acts like he doesn't have a clue that he's supposed to use his tongue as toilet paper. I've had cats for 20 years and never encountered one who didn't take care of their business. I feel bad for him, but I don't look forward to 15-20 years of wiping kitty butt so he doesn't leave wet, stinky butt prints around the house. HELP!!