My Kitten died from Distemper and I have another 2 cats


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 28, 2019
My kitten Berry 6 months old, diagnosed with FPV/ distemper in Wed last week (worst new year ever). He got fluids theraphy, some vitamins, and antibiotics. I also cleaned entire house with bleach. However his health was getting worst and died in friday. I took care of him since he was still a month, since his feral mom died and he was all alone. He's indeed had weak immune, he got URI and took almost two months to heal even with vet medicines. I was positive that he will survive distemper, but in the end, he gave up. When I'm still grieving of him, his bestfriend Creamy (10 months old) threw up and had diarrhea in Saturday. She wasn't weak and still playing around, but I took her immediately to vet. Her blood test seems normal, but vet wanted to watch for her since it's very possible that she got distemper too. So I decided to leave her in vet care.
After two days in vet, she wasn't show any symptomps. She is eating well, no vomit, no diarhea, still allert and active. So I decided to took her home, and vet gave me a lot of vitamins and antibiotic.
But I am still worried of her. Now she's normal, and my other cat Darky (5 years old) still normal too. I can't stop clean my house with bleach and watching for their odd behaviour. I regret that I never give them vaccines, so I decide to give them as soon as possible, but I wonder if it's okay to give them vaccines immediately after berry case?
sorry for my english.


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
My kitten Berry 6 months old, diagnosed with FPV/ distemper in Wed last week
Oh, we are so
to hear about Berry :alright: but we are glad that Creamy has improved and feeling good now :hugs:

Just :hangin: on in there as they'll be someone with similar experiences on how to clean up the house will be able to help you.

You may want to pay a tribute to Berry here :- crossing-the-bridge.19


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
Your English if very good. Don’t even worry about that. I am so sorry that you lost Berry!

I don’t know where you are but if you have access, a vet can give you the best information about vaccines right now. Getting your other kitties there is the best route for them.

You should get rid of any items that Berry used just to be safe. Fabric toys, scratching posts, litter box, food and water dish unless they are stainless steel and can be soaked in bleach and cat bedding especially. Clorox is good but make sure it is thoroughly dried before the other kitties are around it. Soaking things like cat carriers in a bleach solution for twenty minutes is the routine I used when sheltering other cats. Use rubber gloves while cleaning and clothing that can be bleached afterwards. Don’t walk through cleaned areas in the same shoes or clothes worn during cleaning. If possible, bleach shoes or at least the bottom. Don’t forget to clean doorknobs and any place that Berry may have liked to hide like the underside of the bed. When you discard the bleach used for cleaning, it is best to flush it down the toilet. If you have a vacuum, then use it but make sure to clean it out by wiping down with bleach too. If it has a vacuum bag then close that bag up in a plastic bag and seal the bag before going into any other area and then discard that bag so that no other cat can get into it.Basically, once you have cleaned every surface then you have eliminated the germs in the best way possible. I know you feel you must keep cleaning but just be very thorough in your efforts. I believe it takes a couple of weeks before vaccines take effect. The best advice can be given by the vet who will give the vaccines. Tell them everything about your situation with Berry and let them check your other two before administering the vaccine. You have our greatest sympathy. Just hang on. I’ve had a kitten with distemper too. He was also around some other cats but the others did not catch the illness. I followed exactly what I posted here. Get your kitties to your vet for advice as soon as possible. Please do write back to us and let us know how you are doing. Love sent to you all.:redheartpump:

She's a witch

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 21, 2018
Europe/WA, USA
My understanding is that unvaccinated cats should be given FPV vaccine when exposed to the virus - but please verify it with the vet, as I’m thinking there must be a reason why he didn’t vaccinate your girl when you brought her in. I know that some vets would administer anti-FPV serum to exposed cats with good results. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Best of luck!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 28, 2019
Oh, we are so View attachment 316514 to hear about Berry :alright: but we are glad that Creamy has improved and feeling good now :hugs:

Just :hangin: on in there as they'll be someone with similar experiences on how to clean up the house will be able to help you.

You may want to pay a tribute to Berry here :- crossing-the-bridge.19
Thank you!
Berry is precious to me. I remember spent every single hours for months to watch for him when he was sick. I gave him warm wet food every 4 hours when he got weakened because of URI. I wiped her nose and eyes like everytime. I was unemployed that time, but I always gave him the best food and vitamins so his health will improve. One time he gone missing, I was searching for him from morning till night cause I was worried and he's still sick, then he went home by him self next morning, I was so so grateful and cry, I thought someone may kill him.

When he was healthy, he's playing like crazy, scratch everything, run everywhere, he just won't stay still, like there's no tomorrow. I always tought that the way he play when he was still alive, because he knew that his age is short.
He never yelling for food, he always waiting for me and purring and saw me with his big eyes, trusted me to bring him food. Very good little kitty.
then vet told me he got FPV/ distemper, I was about to faint. God :''
at least now he's free from pain. Miss him so bad.
I wish I can get rid off that virus from our planet.

Your English if very good. Don’t even worry about that. I am so sorry that you lost Berry!

I don’t know where you are but if you have access, a vet can give you the best information about vaccines right now. Getting your other kitties there is the best route for them.

You should get rid of any items that Berry used just to be safe. Fabric toys, scratching posts, litter box, food and water dish unless they are stainless steel and can be soaked in bleach and cat bedding especially. Clorox is good but make sure it is thoroughly dried before the other kitties are around it. Soaking things like cat carriers in a bleach solution for twenty minutes is the routine I used when sheltering other cats. Use rubber gloves while cleaning and clothing that can be bleached afterwards. Don’t walk through cleaned areas in the same shoes or clothes worn during cleaning. If possible, bleach shoes or at least the bottom. Don’t forget to clean doorknobs and any place that Berry may have liked to hide like the underside of the bed. When you discard the bleach used for cleaning, it is best to flush it down the toilet. If you have a vacuum, then use it but make sure to clean it out by wiping down with bleach too. If it has a vacuum bag then close that bag up in a plastic bag and seal the bag before going into any other area and then discard that bag so that no other cat can get into it.Basically, once you have cleaned every surface then you have eliminated the germs in the best way possible. I know you feel you must keep cleaning but just be very thorough in your efforts. I believe it takes a couple of weeks before vaccines take effect. The best advice can be given by the vet who will give the vaccines. Tell them everything about your situation with Berry and let them check your other two before administering the vaccine. You have our greatest sympathy. Just hang on. I’ve had a kitten with distemper too. He was also around some other cats but the others did not catch the illness. I followed exactly what I posted here. Get your kitties to your vet for advice as soon as possible. Please do write back to us and let us know how you are doing. Love sent to you all.:redheartpump:
Thank you !
Glad that your other cats were fine! I am worried sick that my other cats will get distemper too. I cleaned like every single thing that berry may touch, I will do some cleaning session again after I went home from work.
Creamy got distemper too, but I wonder why she doesn't sick like berry. I mean, I am really really glad, but I am still worried if she's really strong, or because distemper waiting for her immune to weakened?
God, I wish that's not a case.

My understanding is that unvaccinated cats should be given FPV vaccine when exposed to the virus - but please verify it with the vet, as I’m thinking there must be a reason why he didn’t vaccinate your girl when you brought her in. I know that some vets would administer anti-FPV serum to exposed cats with good results. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Best of luck!
Thank you!
The last time vet told me that if cat got infected with distemper under x days after vaccines, it may not very effective. However, I will make sure to contact vet again soon after Creamy's antibiotic is done. And maybe contact another vet for second opinion.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
It sounds like you have things moving along very well for the other kitties. Just remember, you have Berry the happiest life a kitty could have. If only we could give them all that quality of life and that love while they are here, the world would be better. You have made it better for all of yours!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 28, 2019
It sounds like you have things moving along very well for the other kitties. Just remember, you have Berry the happiest life a kitty could have. If only we could give them all that quality of life and that love while they are here, the world would be better. You have made it better for all of yours!
Berry was a happy kitty, he brought a joy for me too. Miss him so much. I only had him for 6 months but he amazingly left the most memorable moments. I wish to see him again if it's possible, he will always remembered by me and family. :angel::redheartpump:


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
As cats get older distemper isn't as hard on them, it Is the young kittens that get very ill and often don't make it. Adults sometimes actually have no symptoms. A cat that has it while pregnant will often have kittens with neurological deficits even though they had few if any symptoms.
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  • #9


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 28, 2019
As cats get older distemper isn't as hard on them, it Is the young kittens that get very ill and often don't make it. Adults sometimes actually have no symptoms. A cat that has it while pregnant will often have kittens with neurological deficits even though they had few if any symptoms.
I believe that one of my older cat (Darky, 8 yo) got distemper as well like creamy and berry since they're interacted a lot, even after berry showed some symptoms (which was I thought he may eat something bad). But they're fine now. Creamy was in stayed in vet for two days in room full of cats with the same virus, but vet said Creamy is strong. She is the most allert and active cat in that room, and she's eating well too, and never puke or diarrhea, she was angry and wanted to escape from vet cage so bad lol. So I wonder if they will be fine? Will Creamy or Darky immune to the virus forever like other survivor? I didn't find the answer anywhere. My Vet just told me that the virus is unpredictable, she didn't really answer my question. But I wish they will be okay furrever free from those nasty virus and it's rainy season in my place, so virus spread really quick

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
It's possible to test the blood for antibodies to see if they actually survived distemper. If they have none, I would immediately vaccinate them for distemper. (you might discuss it with your vet and vaccinate anyway, I would.) My vet came to my house and vaccinated many when we went through a breakout here, he said it may be the only chance for them. Many still died, mostly a year or younger. if they survive distemper they are immune then. I really worried about my house cats, but they had been vaccinated and came through fine. We lost at least 8 cats then, 4 of them 6 week old kittens, which is what happens when cat colonies build up to too many cats. Disease comes and spreads quickly.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 28, 2019
It's possible to test the blood for antibodies to see if they actually survived distemper. If they have none, I would immediately vaccinate them for distemper. (you might discuss it with your vet and vaccinate anyway, I would.) My vet came to my house and vaccinated many when we went through a breakout here, he said it may be the only chance for them. Many still died, mostly a year or younger. if they survive distemper they are immune then. I really worried about my house cats, but they had been vaccinated and came through fine. We lost at least 8 cats then, 4 of them 6 week old kittens, which is what happens when cat colonies build up to too many cats. Disease comes and spreads quickly.
I'm sorry for your cats.. That's horrible, I can't imagine losing a lot of cats at the same time.
After some vet check up, my cats will be vaccinated this week! Vet said that my other two cats were strong but of course vaccine is a must.
Thank you guys for replying my post. Berry's death is still painful for me, I keep watching for his favorite spots again and again like he was there and I am crying while writing this post. Berry taught me a lot of lesson, and he will be always remembered.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
May your memories of that precious little one bring you comfort in the coming years instead of pain. To be remembered and mourned is a great honor. Your love is spiritual, so eternal, he will be forever as close as your thoughts and prayers. RIP dear Berry........