My Feral And Rescued Cats

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Dec 5, 2017
United States
We have news! Get to that at the end of the post!

rubysmama rubysmama The tail in the paint? Did she use it to help paint the trim? How were her brush strokes?;) Washing the tail was probably harder than washing paws!
@Avery These cats really are funny! Banjo had such an innocent look on her face. Of course cats are very good at playing innocent. On the other hand, the most of the other cats got a little irritated with me when I asked them about the incident. It seems like it’s always the innocent looking ones! :lol:

We have some news of the feral front!
Remember this lovely lady? She is Aunt to Whistle. Here she is on the left and Whistle is on the right. Her name is Mittwo!

Mittwo’s white patch on the side of her cheek is practically the only thing that let me tell her apart from her sister when they were outside. ( her sister had the white on her opposite cheek)

This is her sister Mitsy who is still here.

Mittwo got adopted once from the shelter back in September but the adoption failed. The man who adopted her had never had a cat before. He made the mistake of trying to force her into a carrier. When she scratched him he decided to return her.
I was devastated by the news that she had to go back to the shelter and be put on hold as a returned kitty. She is one of the friendliest kitties I have rescued so I did have hope of her finding another home. A better one.

My sweet girl. She helped me to tame her sister Mitsy when I caught with her Cloud babies. I’m not sure if I ever would have petted Mitsy without Mittwo showing her I could be trusted.

I’ll never forget how gorgeous her eyes are. They have a double ring of two shades of green! She’s been waiting a long time for that loving home she deserves.

Mittwo has been adopted.

I didn’t post about her adoption right away. I wanted to make sure that it was going to work out this time. I’ve been very anxious about it but it seems that she has found her proper home. The reports are good this time! My poor little Mittwo has to wait a long time but I know that sometimes it just takes finding the right match. I am very grateful to the new family for giving her what she deserves this time. She went through more than any of my other kitties to find her rightful place. I will rest much easier knowing she is safe. I know Mittwo will rest much easier now too. I appreciate everyone who has ever adopted a kitty. Especially the kitties who wait at shelters. I can tell you that the people who rescue them do watch and wait for that one person to come along and take home the baby they poured their heart into. We hope for someone else to love them like we do and there is no greater relief to us than to hear that this has happened. Thank you! :redheartpump: Good luck my little Mittwo.


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Nov 25, 2013
I'm so happy for Mittwo. :clap2: :woo::heartshape::catlove:

And I hope in time your other kitties find homes too. :crossfingers: :hearthrob: :redheartpump: :catrub:

rubysmama rubysmama The tail in the paint? Did she use it to help paint the trim? How were her brush strokes?;) Washing the tail was probably harder than washing paws!
She didn't have time to practice her brush strokes, as I chased after her and cleaned the paint off right away. :catman:


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Dec 5, 2017
United States
rubysmama rubysmama Hmmmm. Chasing Ruby to clean her tail. I bet that was a little like having a tiger by the tail.:lol: Banjo wasn’t thrilled about getting her paws washed.

surya surya Thank you for the Yay! I know you fully understand the feeling. I haven’t forgotten the Himalayan!

I’ve got some feral updates in photos tonight. Smile time.

Muffin posing by a twisted willow cane to get my attention away from BJ. Lol

BJ got caught with a stray Christmas tree icicle on his face!

He rewareded me for removing it by giving me a lick on the hand instead of eating me.

He’s getting very confident in his snuggle abilities and made lots of biscuits on my arm tonight.

He’s starting to enjoy being in front of the camera.

He is becoming very content in my arms.

Whistle has discovered how relaxing a heating pad can be. He looks like he melted. :lol:

It’s been a good night with all the kitties tonight. It’s chilly here and they are all enjoying the temperstures, either by being extra frisky and playful or by melting into heating pads and blankets. It doesn’t get much better than a house full of happy ferals.
Have a great night everyone! :heartshape:


TCS Member
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Sep 10, 2015
So glad about Mittow. I never thought about rescuers watching and waiting for their kitties to be adopted <3. But it’s so true. I did do that myself when I brought a stray to the no-kill shelter!

Aww BJ. He’s a little doll. Adorable with his meaty cheeks and little black nose. :)


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Nov 25, 2013
rubysmama rubysmama Hmmmm. Chasing Ruby to clean her tail. I bet that was a little like having a tiger by the tail.:lol: Banjo wasn’t thrilled about getting her paws washed.
Since she hates being restrained in any way, yep, "like having a tiger by the tail". :lol:

Muffin posing by a twisted willow cane to get my attention away from BJ. Lol
Hmmm... don't recall the name Muffin, or that cute little face. Another newbie to your thread?

He’s starting to enjoy being in front of the camera.
Gotta learn to take selfies next, BJ.

Whistle has discovered how relaxing a heating pad can be. He looks like he melted. :lol:
Sounds lovely.


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Dec 5, 2017
United States
kittyluv387 kittyluv387 Thank you about Mittwo! I really do wait anxiously for every one of them. The longer they wait, the more I worry. I check on the site constantly to see if they are still there and call at least weekly. I try not to bug anyone but checking is important to keep the kitties forefront in the minds of the volunteers. They actually are glad that I stay involved. If the kitties ever need anything, I’ be made sure that the workers know I will always be available for them. Sometimes they run short on supplies like cat litter so I need to help out at times.
BJ is a cutie. He looks a little like a teddy dear. The little black nose it sooo cute. Lol

rubysmama rubysmama I can just imagine how indignant Ruby was about getting a wet tail! I bet there was a lot of tail twitching afterwards. Poor Ruby.... or maybe it should be, poor you!

Muffin is one of the Bengals? that I rarely photograph. She is sister to Sherrie, Cheetah and Jeremiah. They are usually displeased by the camera. ( unlike BJ lol) They have very different personalities. A bit like Siamese or Tonkinese. Very loving but also independent when they decide to be. She was one of a litter of four. She has three brothers! Very unusual. I think there are some interesting genetics there. Not really sure who the Daddy was. Never got more than a glimpse of a huge cat! Very brown tail. Not chocolate but a lighter brown. Biggest cat I have ever seen. We know that a wild African cat that was used to breed nearby had gotten away from the breeder. It was been on the news shortly before this cat appeared in the woods. All the neighbors caught a brief look but nothing more. No one ever got a picture or saw the entire cat but the babies that turned up shortly after were different in appearance. We’ll never really know. I do have the mother of Muffin.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Oh, WELL DONE, Mittow! Your "real" life starts now. Everything up until now was just getting ready, and you had the best help in the world starting out on that journey!

BJ, I just love your big, squishy tomcat cheeks!

Oh, Banjo, Banjo, Banjo...escapades like yours are why my father woke up one morning to find little black pawprints across the hood of his brand-new, white car. Being my dad, he did NOT have them removed, he had the car dealership clearcoat over them to preserve them.


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Dec 5, 2017
United States
Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 Too funny. Clear coated the paw prints! I guess I could have saved the Banjo prints but they were really more smear than full print.
However, when I first came to look at this house..... I should have known it was marked by a cat as a safe haven. This is my front step.

I should have known it was a sign to all the other cats. Kind of like a welcome mat.:lol: I’ve always wondered, where are the other three paw prints? I guess that is how cats sign their names! :lolup:


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I should have known it was a sign to all the other cats. Kind of like a welcome mat.:lol: I’ve always wondered, where are the other three paw prints? I guess that is how cats sign their names! :lolup:
LOL, that's how Hekitty signed my Christmas cards this year!

Mamanyt1953 Your dad was cool!
My dad was one of the most remarkable men I have ever known, and I'd think that even if we weren't related. He was a man of gentleness, truth, and honor. And OH, how he loved animals! And they loved him. I've never seen anything with fur that didn't want to be next to him within 3 minutes flat. Even our neighbors' rather unpredictable guard dogs turned into puppies in his presence (to their owners' deep disgust). Horses wanted to be lap-pets. And cats thought he was made of catnip. He always claimed it was because he accepted and respected them for just what they are, and expected them to react according to their own nature, and that they sensed that.

I think that Jcatbird Jcatbird has a lot of that in her.


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Dec 5, 2017
United States
Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 As you know, I have long suspected we are related! We both inherited a love for animals. I love the idea of a horse being a lap pet! Maybe your Dad has a lot of “ horse sense!” :)
I think it’s neat that Hekitty has a supply of ink for signing cards. I suppose she uses an old fashioned ink pawd. :lol:
Very late posting. A lot of phone calls coming in.

Prime has become a lady! Hummmppph! Too little to be spayed but.....
Thank goodness I got her inside BEFORE kittens! That was cutting it pretty close. It might explain the visiting cat outside recently. Now I suspect it was a he. His parents should get him neutered!

Here is little lady Prime! I feel kind of bad for her. She kept scrunching down and doing a little dance featuring, sort of like making biscuits with her back legs. Poor Prime!

When I let her out to visit she told me she was lonely.

When I told to be happy......

She started to dance. Lol

Then she showed me just how lonely she is by hugging the floor so.....

I picked her up to hug her.

I had to smile at her keeping her front legs out like she was going to take flight. She finally did calm down a little but it’s going to be a bit before the hormones settle. At least it looks like she smiled after being held.

Good night everyone!


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Oh, poor little Prime! I had the same thing with Happy. She was so sick when I first took her in and the vet wanted to make sure she'd but on enough weight, got over her chest infection and wasn't anemic anymore before he spayed her. She still managed to have a heat cycle even while she was that sick though.

Wandering around wailing and spraying things, the whole bit.


Luckily it was only the once, we got her spayed soon after that.

So, has Prime just got to grow a bit more? How much does she weigh now?


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I think it’s neat that Hekitty has a supply of ink for signing cards. I suppose she uses an old fashioned ink pawd. :lol:
She does, indeed! And is inordinately fond of them. She has several colors, and has to choose just the right one!

Prime has become a lady! Hummmppph! Too little to be spayed but.....
Thank goodness I got her inside BEFORE kittens! That was cutting it pretty close. It might explain the visiting cat outside recently. Now I suspect it was a he. His parents should get him neutered!
LORD YES! To all of the above! Hekitty got spayed late, bless her, due to all sorts of things. However, she didn't have her first heat until she was over a year old. I actually wondered if she was born sterile. HOWEVER...she made up for it in spades! I was $25 short of having the vet's fee when it hit her like a ton of bricks! She ran around, shrieking, "Let meowt! Let MEOWT! NEOW! NEOW! NEOW!" So we had "the talk," and I explained to her, "Baby, those tomcats will promise you the moon and the stars, but the only thing they will give you is KITTENS! And they won't be there to help you feed them, and chase after them, and bathe them, and litter box train them. They will be off with some other willing little girl." And Hekitty said, "I know, Mama, but...LET MEOWT!"


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Dec 5, 2017
United States
First let me notify everyone that my email is not working! I have to come check here to get notices! Hoping to correct it but who knows if I can or not.
Second, I may be absent tomorrow evening, depending on whether or not I return home early enough. I am going to pay my respects to someone in the city and I am depending on someone else for transport.

One last thing. Ring, who left here as a kitten in September, (a Gingerbread baby)

was returned to the shelter. He is reported to be well and in good condition. The adopting person had continued his immunizations. If they cannot keep him, then it’s good that he was returned. My Foster friend happened to be at the shelter when he was returned and immediately got him back on the adoption floor. He is now about 7 months old. I’m sure everyone knows how I feel about this.

Now, on to....
rubysmama rubysmama I have fallen in love with that horse! When it pulled the sheet up I was past this.....:flail:I once rescued a Welsh Pony who did amazing things. She used to go downtown to visit all the shopkeepers where we lived ( they spoiled her rotten with treats) and would steal my Mothers’ coffee in the morning but she never slept in a bed. That was priceless video. Thank you for the laughter!

surya surya Prime had her immunizations and the vet here wanted to wait because of that and her age. Every vet seems to have different rules. In the city, she would have been spayed. Now the rule is, she can’t be in heat. As long as she is safe from males, we’ll get through it. :ohwell: She only meows all night.

Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 Hekitty is brilliant and I can sympathize with the, “let Meowt” part!
Very glad you had the talk with her though. Every girl should know about the birds and the Toms. I’ll have to read what you wrote to Prime. :flail:More laughter! Thank you too!

Now for some grin returns.

Bj seemed to understand that I could use some extra snuggles tonight. This look melted me.:redheartpump:

Then I got snuggled......


loved......and finally.....

He made me laugh! Belly rubs are sooo good! :lol:

He’s a very big kitten! Belly rubs to everyone! :)

Goodnight everybody! :wave3:
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