My Cat Wants Me To Pet Him When He Eats


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 13, 2015
Hi, I have not written in a while. I adopted a cat named Sushi. We are together today for 10 months. I cannot think of my life without him anymore.

He started some new behaviors in the past few months. Now, I have to bend down and pet him when he eats. He will walk away from his food if I do not keep him company whenever he eats. I moved his bowl to where I eat, but that is not good enough anymore unless I pet him as well. When I leave for work and come home, he has eaten, but not as much as he does when I am home.

Another new behavior is when he comes to bed to sleep with me, which is every night, he started kneading on me for a while or the blanket. Just started that a month ago.

Some of you know when I got him that I was given bad news after I had many tests performed on him when he started getting sick a few weeks when I brought him home and found out he was already in third stage of kidney failure. So far, he is eating Renal Dry Food and I also give him light tuna in water since he cannot eat canned cat food. He gets sick on any of the canned cat food, whether natural, without grains, etc. and I have tried them all. For some reason, my canned tuna is fine and he really enjoys the variety. My vet could not find out why but said something in the canned cat food is making him sick. I am willing to steam fresh fish for him, but he doesn't like it. Thank goodness he will eat the Renal.

I stopped getting depressed over his condition. We are both happy. He is bouncy, playful, loving and has become very demanding of my attentions all the time, unless he is napping. He gets in my face and meows at me with a high pitched voice as if he is suffering unless I come over and give him attention. He really makes me laugh. I must admit no one has ever loved me that much.

Wishing all the best and praying that all our fur balls live happy and healthy lives.

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Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
jkuras jkuras

Hi Joyce, it's been awhile since you were here. How's Sushi doing?

I'm not sure about why he wants to be petted while he is eating. Maybe he just wants your company and wants you to be more affectionate with him? :dunno:

As for the kneading part, here's an article on that :-

Why Do Cats Knead

Well, I hope he gets better and glad that you are getting over with his condition.

Please take some photos of him and show us as we have not seen him foe quite a bit :wink:
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jul 13, 2015
20170207_101733_001.jpg 20170423_000338.jpg 20170309_134338.jpg Hi there:

I give him so much attention. He is always either spread out by my side, playing with me, or I pick him up and love him up. When he is sleeping in the sun, I can trim his nails and he doesn't wake up. So much trust. I know why cats knead, I am saying that he just started kneading on me at night before we sleep. He never did that before.

Here are some pictures.



TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 31, 2017
My dog won't eat unless i give him the food from my hand.... unless he is hungry, if you know what i mean :p


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
I strongly suspect that his eating behaviour may be related to his kidney disease. I've never had a CKD cat, but I have nursed a cat and a dog through congestive heart failure. As they became less eager for food, I had to sit with them and encourage them to eat, with all my attention focused on them. With my guys, this manifested in wanting to be hand fed, but it's perfectly possible to for this need for support to manifest in the way you're describing too. Just go with what he wants and needs from you - so long as he's eating, don't get hung up on the 'how' :winkcat:

The intense kneading behaviour is a pretty kittenish thing. My best guess is that he finds it soothing, and is showing the strength of his bond with you (kneading like that is what kittens would do with their mom:kneading:). To me, it's a rare privilege, and something to be treasured :lovecat:

With food, obviously speak to your vet, but I'd be wary of feeding him too much tuna. It's not the greatest food for cats (except as a treat), and can actually prevent absorption of and deplete the body of certain vitamins. Can I Feed My Cat A Fish-based Or Fish-flavored Diet? Fresh cooked chicken or turkey (cooked without seasonings, of course :winkcat:) is usually pretty irresistible, especially when still warm :yummy:, as well as being gentle on the tummy. It might be worth trying that as an alternative. As he's eating his prescription food with no problems, I wouldn't get too worried or hung up on feeding extras ;)

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I think he feels your love and concern for him and just wants as much as he can get. He is kneading because he loves you so much he can't contain himself and it comforts him to do so. He is most at ease when you are there and touching him, so associates good things with this and wants your touch when he is eating. It does encourage him to eat more, so I hope you can indulge him often. I stand beside my old male, Burt, who craves this too, and rub him with my foot, ti is better on my back then leaning over. Bless you for giving him such a wonderful home and your care and love, I'm sure he is most thankful to have you, I'll keep you both in my thoughts and prayers.