My Cat Is Bi Polar


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 30, 2018
my cat only likes to be stroked when she’s dozing off to sleep any other time she scratches bites and hisses and dose not like getting picked up we handled her since 9 weeks when we got her is this due to the lack of socialisation before we got her or can she be helped at all she’s 10 months now she’s absolutely fine wit our dog she loves her to pieces



TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
Some cats do not like to be petted. Or picked up. I have one of those, so i don't stress her out any physical contact, unless she instigates it. At 10 months she did not want to be touched! She is almost 3 now, and still doesn't want much petting. But over the last 6 months or so she has been coming to bed with me when i go, and she cuddles up right against me, wanting pets. she may only stay 5 min. or she may stay a few hours and sleep with me. :) She will also walk up to me now for a quick pet, as long as i don't try to pick her up. I think. don't touch me cats, generally do get more comfortable with age, and petting. But i also think we need to let them set the pace, otherwise we stress them out and the problem may get worse. Good Luck.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
This is fairly normal. Here is the strategy:

(1) we are only going to do stuff the cat likes. No trying to pick up or pet at times the cat doesn't want;

(2) when petting when the cat is sleepy, make a call noise to indicate you are going to start. Some people click, some people coo, it doesn't really matter. Use the noise a few times during petting too, you don't have to go crazy.

(3) use the same noise when giving treats;

(4) after a week or two of doing this, see if you can lure your cat up to a particular spot -- maybe a sofa or favorite chair where the cat likes to nap and gets petted. I not only make the noise, I tap the spot with my hand. Maybe the noise, the treats, and the usual nap spot gets the cat in the right frame of mind for petting even if the cat isn't sleepy -- the goal is a small expansion, so use the cat's normal nap spot if you can;

(5) once you have a spot working even when the cat isn't sleepy, and use that spot for a week or two (using the call noise and/or treats), you may be able to use the call noise more generally.

Thats the strategy. Its not a guaranty, but it can work. Just remember, treat the cat like someone you are courting -- you find out what they like, and you do that. You bring gifts. You don't get grabby.

Good luck
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TCS Member
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Jan 30, 2018
Thank you both for your great advise my cat sleeps with my mum on her bed but I think I move too much in the night she only comes into my bed to get my feet when she wants me to get up she is also very vocal and will coo and make “ meep meep” noises when she’s walking around the house I don’t know what this means although I’ve also never heard her purr unless she’s suckling on her blanket and pawing at it


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
yes, i am a bit too active at night for my cats to sleep with me a lot too :) I would say the purring and suckling on the blanket is her way of comforting herself. Maybe she is lonely sometimes? I dont know. I do read that kittens, which she still is at 10 months, who were separated from their mom, and litter mates too early exhibit this behavior quite a bit. with patience and love i feel it will all work out for you guys :)
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