My Cat Doesn't Let People Come Near Him Or Touch Him


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 11, 2017
Hi I adopted my cat back in April this year from someone who claimed to rescue him from a barn/farm where there are a lot of other cats and the barn owners can't take care of more cats. Ever since I got him he's been a little skittish towards people unless they have food or if he comes near you. I have yet to actually get to pet him because every time I try, he jumps up or walks/runs away. Due to not being able to touch/catch him I haven't been able to take him to the vet yet either. He shows his affection though with meows as I come home and long blinks and such so I know he's not scared all the time. He's super playful too and always lets you know when he wants to play. He never scratches or bites even when you try to get close, he doesn't even hiss. He also walks around like he owns the place and doesn't hide really unless there's a lot of people in my apartment. I was wondering if I can be lead to some training blogs or websites to help me work with my cat better to show that he can trust people enough to touch him and feel safe. Maybe its just his personality too I'm not sure. I would just like to at least take him to the vet soon to get him shots and neutered. Luckily he's a very good kitty because he has yet to spray.

Thanks for the help!


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
Sounds like your typical undersocialized cat. You may want to look into feral tips on advice on how to get him to let you pet him. From my experience it is just time and patience. With my girl in the beginning it was just sitting there with a hand out and letting her come to us. She'd brush up against the hand but if the hand moved it was bad. Over the last two years we have gotten to where I can approach and pet her and she demands more petting.

For the vet, you may want to call the vet and explain that he is difficult to catch so you want to group things as much as possible. Work out a schedule and you'll just have to grab him those days. I know it sucks. I know it is hard. With my girl I usually sit near her food and grab her as she finishes eating. A quick towel drop was needed in the beginning to prevent scratches but now she just squirms and complains. Another option would be to start feeding him in a carrier. Practice closing the door while he is eating but opening it when he is done. That way he doesn't freak when the door is closed.


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Hello nikeberhart, welcome to TCS :wave3:

Thank you for adopting this kitty and for giving him a fur-ever warm and loving home.

As you do not know the history of this cat while he was at the previous owner’s place, it’s kinda hard to tell why he’s skittish around people and do not like to be touched or petted.

With him showing his confidence around the house and meowing and playing, looks like he’s easy and can be trained to be petted.

Since you mentioned that he comes near to people with food, feed him with your hand and after a few times, touch him gently on his cheek or head with the other hand. So while you are presenting him the food, bring both hands to the mouth and while he is eating off your one hand, touch him with the other hand. Do this many times till he finds it normal and slowly proceed further.

After many tires with no running away while feeding with light petting, next try with food on one hand but pet first than feed. This is just the reverse so that this time round is pet first and reward is food after that. It takes time and practice and for him to get used to it. But never give up. Patience love and routine is the key.

To get him to the vet, feed him near his carrier each time and bring the dish nearer and nearer to the carrier and end up letting him eat in the carrier and close the carrier while he’s in it or if he’s already gotten used to let you pet him, swiftly but gently carry him and place him inside the carrier.

Kieka Kieka gave you good advice while I was typing my reply to you :wink:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
He sounds like a great cat, just a little scared. If he never scratches you, then half the battle is already won! The way I was able to pet mine at first was with a long handled duster. That made him realize that I wasn't going to hurt him, and after 3 days I was able to pet him with my hands. For the carrier, I just leave it out all the time and my cats are not afraid of it, they actually like going in it.