Missing Cat


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Aug 3, 2017
i have an amazing solid black cat he is 3 years old now and i take him on walks without a leash and everything hes like a mini dog

our normal routine is he wakes me up every morning at 4 30 or 5 30 minutes before day light and i let him out to play for several hours till i wake back upa round 10 or 11 well it was around 3 30 and i noticed he wasnt at my door crying to come in

normally when i go outside and yell his name he runs to me and he doesnt go to far i live in country so its like football field lengths to next house so kind ahard for him to have rgeta hiding spots anyways im afraid the dogs got ahold of him my neighbors to my left are hillbilly bastards who let there dogs run wild they have chased after my cat before but he always ran under house he never felt to threatened cause he was always close to the house

they always are on my property i told them about it and they claimed theyd stop it but they havent its 6 pm now and he hasnt came home hes never done anything like this before iv looked all throught the woods and everywhere trying to find a body but nothing.. i think the dogs may have gotten him and maybe they saw it and threw it in there trash can.

i kinda want to look in and see i know that sounds a bit crazy but i live in hillbillyland where people dont care for animals there dogs are always on my property cause they dont feed them enough. even told me once that they didnt have the 8 dollars to buy there bag of food for the month... police told me to shoot them if they come on my property i didnt wana do that but if i find out they for sure killed my cat i probably will

is there anything you think i should try to do to find him any tips? sorry im a bit shucken up for past 3 hours iv been outside yelling for him and so on


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Is he neutered? Lately I've been hearing SO many people say their tomcats have "disappeared". If that's what it is he'll come back when he's done carousing.

Honestly, though, anything can happen to an outdoor cat. Cars, dogs, coyotes or other wild animals, even eagles. Is it possible for you to build a fenced area (with a cat-proof fence) for him, to keep him safe?

I hope he comes back soon! It's always so nerve-wracking when they go missing.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 17, 2018
So he's been gone for just a few extra hours right? I don't know where you live but here in FL right now its dusk and its the perfect time to be out hunting, napping, etc. so don't freak yet. Have you shook the food container or played the "I'm opening the can game"? Black cat's are exceptionally smart (yes, I'm biased as I too have one), he might have just found a good hiding spot and he's waiting until dark to come home.
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Aug 3, 2017
yes he is
Is he neutered? Lately I've been hearing SO many people say their tomcats have "disappeared". If that's what it is he'll come back when he's done carousing.

Honestly, though, anything can happen to an outdoor cat. Cars, dogs, coyotes or other wild animals, even eagles. Is it possible for you to build a fenced area (with a cat-proof fence) for him, to keep him safe?

I hope he comes back soon! It's always so nerve-wracking when they go missing.
neutered thats why im scared normally males go off to find mates for days but he completely depend son me for food he only goes out for like 3 to 6 hours max and he never goes far from home anytime ic all his name he is on my porch within 1 minute iv searched all over and i cant find him the only thing that could have gotten him was the neighbors dogs

he isnt really an out door cat he spent first 2 years of his life in doors then he started to live going out so i give him 4 hours a day or so to go have his fun then he comes in eats and lays with me i wish i could have kept him in more but he goes nuts when i wont let him out in the mornings he cries and rips at the window nonstop till id just give in
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Aug 3, 2017
So he's been gone for just a few extra hours right? I don't know where you live but here in FL right now its dusk and its the perfect time to be out hunting, napping, etc. so don't freak yet. Have you shook the food container or played the "I'm opening the can game"? Black cat's are exceptionally smart (yes, I'm biased as I too have one), he might have just found a good hiding spot and he's waiting until dark to come home.

well reason im scared is cause i know his patterns what he does hes a big baby he doesnt like to stay out long and the only thing he eats is dry cat food hes been gone all day which has never happened before i live in country where only 3 houses in a 5 acre radius he never goes up the road n fear of dogs so he stays behind the house in woods or across the road he is very skiddish anytime he even hears a car he darts off he would never go up to a random stranger either

he doesnt like to hunt usually likes to just lay outside and pounce around being goofy iv been yelling for him the past 4 hours now

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
...police told me to shoot them if they come on my property...
No, I wouldn't want to shoot them either but I would certainly turn a hose on them!
Back when I was a kid, that was the "standard" way people dealt with stray dogs.
The dog (owner) got three strikes. After being told to keep their dog on their own property, on the third time the dog came into my yard, uninvited, I would yell, "GIT-HOME," and spray them in the face with a hose!
This was normal! I've only ever seen it happen, maybe, once or twice in my life but it was still considered normal.

Anyhow, give your cat until morning. It's too dark outside to go searching for him.
(Trying to find a black cat at night is probably a lost cause, anyhow! ;) )

If he's out carousing, he'll come home when he's had his fun. ;)
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Aug 3, 2017
No, I wouldn't want to shoot them either but I would certainly turn a hose on them!
Back when I was a kid, that was the "standard" way people dealt with stray dogs.
The dog (owner) got three strikes. After being told to keep their dog on their own property, on the third time the dog came into my yard, uninvited, I would yell, "GIT-HOME," and spray them in the face with a hose!
This was normal! I've only ever seen it happen, maybe, once or twice in my life but it was still considered normal.

Anyhow, give your cat until morning. It's too dark outside to go searching for him.
(Trying to find a black cat at night is probably a lost cause, anyhow! ;) )

If he's out carousing, he'll come home when he's had his fun. ;)

the dogs are always causing me issues they destroy my trash i have to take my trash to a dumpster due to the dogs the pieces of shit owners dont care and try to deny being the owners of the dogs yet they live there eat n sleep there they chase my cat around and the other cats i feed and when i walk outside they are barking at me on my front porch lol id thrown water on them ect they dont care they still come back

i use to feed the cats outside and then dogs started coming to t get the food and they still wont leave even though i havent fed cats outside n months so yeah i know it sounds bad but having to see there faces everyday i know which one did it as well to see it barking at me on my front porch i dont think i could hold back on him

i love animals im not a peta nut or anything but i didnt mind dogs on my property at first till i saw how they were treating my cat and destroying my trash and barking at me its been happening for months owners try to pretend it wasnt there dog when the cops came last time

but when a dog goes to killing peoples pets or biting humans its not a pet anymore and needs to be put away i feel tbh id have no remorse for taking its life now not out of anger for killing my cat but so it cant hurt another cat again i dont see how anyone could logically tell me im wrong for this when the dogs gonna continue to be on my property and im suppose to ignore it and pick up trash and things ti destroys in my yard


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jun 6, 2016
What good would killing the dog do?

A dog is only as good as it's owner. The behavior of a dog is a direct reflection of the human. Anything the dog does is the fault of the person, not the dog. The dog doesn't know cats are pets that shouldn't be chased because no one taught it that. You have no proof your cat was killed by a dog, and even if it did happen killing the dog would not bring your cat back. It doesn't know it did anything wrong. It's like if your neighbor kept pet rabbits and your cat jumped over their fence and killed a rabbit, so they killed your cat in retaliation. Would that be fair to the cat? No, it wouldn't. The cat doesn't know it's not supposed to kill the obvious prey item. It would be your fault the cat is outside and in their yard, and thus your fault the rabbit died, not the cat. The dogs are a matter for animal control to handle if need be.

I hope your cat didn't get attacked by a dog, but even if it did the dog does not deserve to pay for the irresponsible humans and does not deserve to get shot. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Aug 3, 2017
What good would killing the dog do?

A dog is only as good as it's owner. The behavior of a dog is a direct reflection of the human. Anything the dog does is the fault of the person, not the dog. The dog doesn't know cats are pets that shouldn't be chased because no one taught it that. You have no proof your cat was killed by a dog, and even if it did happen killing the dog would not bring your cat back. It doesn't know it did anything wrong. It's like if your neighbor kept pet rabbits and your cat jumped over their fence and killed a rabbit, so they killed your cat in retaliation. Would that be fair to the cat? No, it wouldn't. The cat doesn't know it's not supposed to kill the obvious prey item. It would be your fault the cat is outside and in their yard, and thus your fault the rabbit died, not the cat. The dogs are a matter for animal control to handle if need be.

I hope your cat didn't get attacked by a dog, but even if it did the dog does not deserve to pay for the irresponsible humans and does not deserve to get shot. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

but the dogs are constantly destroying my trash and owners pretend they dont own them and cops tell me to shoot them to get of them what am i suppose to do about this to know that the dog did that to my boy and id have to see him everyday on my front porch cause he wont leave and they wont do anything about it

i was very very close to this cat he is very special to me not just a pet


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jun 6, 2016
but the dogs are constantly destroying my trash and owners pretend they dont own them and cops tell me to shoot them to get of them what am i suppose to do about this to know that the dog did that to my boy and id have to see him everyday on my front porch cause he wont leave and they wont do anything about it

i was very very close to this cat he is very special to me not just a pet
Going through trash does not justify death, and there is no evidence your cat is dead. Contact rescues, animal control, offer to set a trap to catch the dogs so animal control just has to load them up and take them away, etc. You can put up a fence, put up a small electric fence, set up motion activated sprinklers or alarms or strobe lights to deter the dogs from entering your property, make loud noises, put pepper or chili powder in areas they frequent to make it unpleasant. There's plenty of things dogs hate. Unfortunately, the threat of larger predators is an unavoidable risk to any cat that goes outside. Dogs, coyotes, foxes, bears, mountain lions, cars, other cats, super aggressive raccoons, animal traps, and poisoned rodents could all seriously injure or kill a cat. You can't prove what, if anything, the cause could possibly be.
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Aug 3, 2017
Going through trash does not justify death, and there is no evidence your cat is dead. Contact rescues, animal control, offer to set a trap to catch the dogs so animal control just has to load them up and take them away, etc. You can put up a fence, put up a small electric fence, set up motion activated sprinklers or alarms or strobe lights to deter the dogs from entering your property, make loud noises, put pepper or chili powder in areas they frequent to make it unpleasant. There's plenty of things dogs hate. Unfortunately, the threat of larger predators is an unavoidable risk to any cat that goes outside. Dogs, coyotes, foxes, bears, mountain lions, cars, other cats, super aggressive raccoons, animal traps, and poisoned rodents could all seriously injure or kill a cat. You can't prove what, if anything, the cause could possibly be.

thats the problem where im at atm there is no animal control for the county only in the city thats why when i called they told me to shoot them lol i said i dont want to thats wrong but they said ohh well they wont nothing to do with it the dog owners dont give a damn and having them tear my stuff up and having to face them daily after this event would be hard for anyone what would you do im in a very poor country area atm so there are nothing for animals out here stray dogs all around the town and people dont care

my house is much to large for a fence its 3 acres wide and im only renting for me to try to fence it would be impossible

Kittens and chickens

TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 5, 2017
I'm so sorry about your cat! I live out in the country too and my cats go missing some times and don't come back. In the situation we don't find a body we figure that during the night they fall asleep in my dads truck and in the morning they 'take a ride' and jump off at his destination. Maybe your cat went and did the same? Hopefully he comes back!

We have dogs that come on our property too. They get their kicks by terrorizing our chickens and cats. When I catch them I grab my BB-Gun and shoot them with it. It doesn't kill them it's just very painful and after that they don't usually come back. If they did kill a chicken and didn't learn from the BB-Gun then we'd get a shot-gun and it's bye bye doggy. It's NOT because we hate them or for revenge or anything it's because they're not welcomed on our property and they shouldn't be allowed to do what ever they want. We also don't want to spend our time and money to chase dogs off our property that's ridiculous! Just because their owners are too lazy to build a proper fence to keep their animals in doesn't mean you should have to pay for it by your cat getting killed. It is their own fault if their dogs get shot you gave them a chance. We have tried calling animal control but they don't do crap they tell us to catch the animal and they will come pick it up which they never do. I suggested trapping them and taking them to a shelter but thats unreasonable because the nearest shelter from our house is a hour and a half away and ammunition is cheaper then gas. So for the dogs try animal control if that doesn't work trap them and take them to a shelter if that's unrealistic then there is nothing wrong with defending your property so I would suggest to pop a cap in their head. We do it to snakes, raccoons, coyotes, foxes, hawks, pigs, possums, and skunks for killing our animals and dogs are no acception. Even if your kitty does come back I would still take care of those dogs because they might have ran him off and of course we don't want that to happen again.

So all I can say is I hope you find your kitty and for the dogs... Happy hunting.:goodluck::bigeyes::alright:
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TCS Member
Super Cat
Jun 6, 2016
thats the problem where im at atm there is no animal control for the county only in the city thats why when i called they told me to shoot them lol i said i dont want to thats wrong but they said ohh well they wont nothing to do with it the dog owners dont give a damn and having them tear my stuff up and having to face them daily after this event would be hard for anyone what would you do im in a very poor country area atm so there are nothing for animals out here stray dogs all around the town and people dont care

my house is much to large for a fence its 3 acres wide and im only renting for me to try to fence it would be impossible
There is absolutely no circumstance in which I would ever recommend killing an animal. I don't value the lives of certain animals over others.
I would do everything in my power to scare the dogs away from the property. Shoot blanks, use pepper spray (ones with a 10-foot range are incredibly easy to find and less than $10), squirt them with a mix of lemon juice and cayenne pepper, bury balloons just barely under the surface of the soil that will pop if they step on them, throw those irritating poppers little kids use during the 4th of July, anything I mentioned in the previous post. Make your property as unpleasant as possible.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 2, 2017
Usually I would agree and say it is jot dogs fault and when punish the dog for bad owner but I understand the urdge. I love my cat more than I could ever love a human baby. If you hurt my baby your going down. So I see both sides on this problem. I hope your cat got lost and was not attacked by a dog. I hope he returns. But without proof I would leave the dogs alone.
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  • #16


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Aug 3, 2017
Usually I would agree and say it is jot dogs fault and when punish the dog for bad owner but I understand the urdge. I love my cat more than I could ever love a human baby. If you hurt my baby your going down. So I see both sides on this problem. I hope your cat got lost and was not attacked by a dog. I hope he returns. But without proof I would leave the dogs alone.

reason i know its the dog is because i know my property the only animal that could harm my big cat would be a coyote thats the largest animal that could kill him and they are extremely rare the dogs are the only animals near here within acres and they have chased him around my house many of times he never goes off far out of fear of it i take him on mini walks all the time and when he starts crying we walk back home about 100 yards down the road is as far as he likes to go

there is no animal control they see there animals destroying my trash as its laid out all over my driveway as they pass my house they know its there dogs doing it and they dont seem to care when it effects my life it becomes my business and i feel my cat is the last straw wells ee what happens tomorrow i cross my fingers my boy is ok
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  • #17


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Aug 3, 2017
I'm so sorry about your cat! I live out in the country too and my cats go missing some times and don't come back. In the situation we don't find a body we figure that during the night they fall asleep in my dads truck and in the morning they 'take a ride' and jump off at his destination. Maybe your cat went and did the same? Hopefully he comes back!

We have dogs that come on our property too. They get their kicks by terrorizing our chickens and cats. When I catch them I grab my BB-Gun and shoot them with it. It doesn't kill them it's just very painful and after that they don't usually come back. If they did kill a chicken and didn't learn from the BB-Gun then we'd get a shot-gun and it's bye bye doggy. It's NOT because we hate them or for revenge or anything it's because they're not welcomed on our property and they shouldn't be allowed to do what ever they want. We also don't want to spend our time and money to chase dogs off our property that's ridiculous! Just because their owners are too lazy to build a proper fence to keep their animals in doesn't mean you should have to pay for it by your cat getting killed. It is their own fault if their dogs get shot you gave them a chance. We have tried calling animal control but they don't do crap they tell us to catch the animal and they will come pick it up which they never do. I suggested trapping them and taking them to a shelter but thats unreasonable because the nearest shelter from our house is a hour and a half away and ammunition is cheaper then gas. So for the dogs try animal control if that doesn't work trap them and take them to a shelter if that's unrealistic then there is nothing wrong with defending your property so I would suggest to pop a cap in their head. We do it to snakes, raccoons, coyotes, foxes, hawks, pigs, possums, and skunks for killing our animals and dogs are no acception. Even if your kitty does come back I would still take care of those dogs because they might have ran him off and of course we don't want that to happen again.

So all I can say is I hope you find your kitty and for the dogs... Happy hunting.:goodluck::bigeyes::alright:

thanks i appreciate it it just kills me to think something could harm him he really is the sweetest best cat i have ever had iv never had a cat that was this loving and dependent on someone i wont be able to have another cat after this


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jun 24, 2017
Northeast Montana
We had a situation here where I live some time ago. There were a number of dogs, all belonging to people that let them run, that formed into a pack at night and went around killing. They killed a bunch of sheep among other things. They didn't eat them, they just killed them for the fun of it. Agents from the Fish and Game dept were the original investigators. When the evidence pointed to a domestic dog pack they had a meeting with the county sheriff, the tribal police (it's on a reservation) and the tribal fish and game people. They formed a hunting party with members from all 4 authorities and hunted down all the dogs and eliminated them. Then they put out a notice that any dogs running loose in the country as a dog pack would be shot. After that everybody kept their dogs in at night and we never had the problem again. Try the department of fish and game and see if they are interested in the dog problem. It's a long shot but you never know. Many consider domestic animals "poaching" to be in the same category as people poaching.
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  • #19


TCS Member
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Aug 3, 2017
We had a situation here where I live some time ago. There were a number of dogs, all belonging to people that let them run, that formed into a pack at night and went around killing. They killed a bunch of sheep among other things. They didn't eat them, they just killed them for the fun of it. Agents from the Fish and Game dept were the original investigators. When the evidence pointed to a domestic dog pack they had a meeting with the county sheriff, the tribal police (it's on a reservation) and the tribal fish and game people. They formed a hunting party with members from all 4 authorities and hunted down all the dogs and eliminated them. Then they put out a notice that any dogs running loose in the country as a dog pack would be shot. After that everybody kept their dogs in at night and we never had the problem again. Try the department of fish and game and see if they are interested in the dog problem. It's a long shot but you never know. Many consider domestic animals "poaching" to be in the same category as people poaching.
isnt much here not even an animal control the police told me to shoot them myself they said thats my only option since i live in the country


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
A coyote or a coydog probably got your cat, since you have woods surrounding your house. If you want to keep your cat safe, keep him inside. Please don't shoot dogs or spray them with pepper spray or cayenne pepper. That is animal cruelty. Please call the proper authorities and have them deal with it in a humane way.