Meet my 5 cats


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 10, 2016
3 years ago, I was lucky enough to be chosen by a cat to be her human. I named her Shuggie (rhymes with boogie, not buggy). She is an indoor/outdoor cat, and she like to patrol her turf, which consists of about 3 buildings in my apartment complex. She is very friendly and beloved by everybody she meets. She has even inspired a couple of residents to get cats of their own. When somebody remarks to me how sweet she is, I tell them that she's sweet AND salty.

I really didn't know anything about cats at the time,  so imagine my surprise when I came home from a short business trip to find a surprise. Or, should I say, 4 surprises.

I originally planned to just keep one or two of the babies, but as they grew, I just couldn't bring myself to part with any of them. Today they are all grown up, happy and healthy.

This is Conan (named after the Barbarian, not the talk show host). He was a real terror as a kitten (in a good way), but he's mellowed considerably. Every morning he waits for me to get out of the shower. For some reason, he's chosen that as our bonding time. He jumps up on top of the dryer, I pet him, kiss him, sing to him, and tell him how much I love him, and he purrs like crazy. If there are clothes in the dryer, he'll go in and roll around in them, that's like his version of Disneyland.

Francesco (left) and Buddy Boy (right). Francesco got his name because he was just so beautiful as a kitten, I gave him a name that reminded me of a handsome European playboy. He's very sweet and affectionate, but also very fearful, with a "touchy", sensitive personality. When I vacuum, he will hide for a good couple of hours at least. Buddy Boy got his name because of his sweet. loving nature. He's much smaller than all his brothers. He is super energetic and adventurous; he loves to go outside and chase squirrels and birds and just explore (I keep a very close watch on him whenever he's outdoors).

And last but not least, Jellybean. I named him Jellybean because I like black jellybeans, and I needed a gender-neutral name because I wasn't sure if he was male or female. He's always been the lovable oddball of the litter. He's a bit of a loner, he likes to hang out by himself sometimes, but he will interact with his brothers on his terms. His two great loves in life are food, and his mama Shuggie (which is heartbreaking, because she usually wants nothing to do with him, but he refuses to take the hint). Like Buddy Boy, he loves to go outside, but he just parks his butt under a bush and smells the leaves and enjoys the breeze. He is huge, like twice the size of Shuggie and Buddy Boy, and his fur is much longer than any of my other cats. And if he's in the mood, he can do a trick: I toss him a treat, and he catches it with his paws.



Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Hello ezwriter, welcome to you and your kitties to TCS :wavey:

Your kitties are lovely and I'm glad that you decided to keep all of them and glad that you've got them fixed too otherwise you'll come back with another 25 new additions :lol3:

Ok, jokes aside, it's good that they are fixed and they won't get into fights with other toms and get the females pregnant and have unwanted kittens.

This site is wonderful as you know, there are many who are well experienced in cats and can give you great advice. I read about Jack in the other forum page that you posted. You are getting great help there and I do hope you can get Jack fixed and integrate him into your home.

If you have questions, just ask and help is on the way to help you get Jack into the house. Don't give up on Jack please.

Do post more photos of your kitties please ;)

Boris Diamond

Cat Valet
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Handsome group of kitties!  I'm not surprised Jellybean can catch treats with those big paws!  
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