Me again, with Sammy


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 28, 2023
Please, I need your advice and reassurance again. After keeping Sammy in my home over 2 months he stopped hiding under the couch and was eager to explore the whole house. He had completely stopped hiding, and would meow if I closed him in the den where he had spent the first two months hiding. He was really becoming a part of the family. But even from the beginning he would come out in the still of the night and eat.

I cannot keep him long term due to severe cat allergies in my family and my neurotic geriatric dog, but I couldn’t stand to give him away. My daughter to the rescue! She said she wanted him, so we packed him up and made the 12-hour car ride to her house near Orlando. She lives alone and adores all animals. Now Sammy is again hiding under the desk in her office refusing to come out.

I know this is a huge setback for him, but hopefully the last. I know the long car ride and now the strange home are overwhelming and scary. My worry is he’s not eating or drinking. When I go over to her house I coax him out of hiding, and yesterday I successfully got him to eat a very small amount of food and water. But when I’m not there he is not eating or drinking. It has only been a couple of days, but I need assurances that he WILL eat and drink at some point, hopefully soon.

We brought his water fountain, litter boxes, blanket, food bowls all from home to ease the transition. I don’t mind waiting as long as I know he won’t end up on IV’s at the vet from dehydration.

Will he start eating and drinking, or stubbornly waste away? What do you think? Any advice?

thank you!!!!!


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
yesterday I successfully got him to eat a very small amount of food and water.
Hi - This is very good. It's only been a couple of days, so you need to slow down your expectations and worries, and know that he's working out all the changes and differences. Since you were able to get him to eat and drink then, you may be able to do that again tomorrow.

Otherwise, one approach would be to have your daughter go about her regular routines and ignore him, other than talking softly, but not looking directly at him. She can sit on the floor, with her back to him and read aloud, or work on her laptop or whatever without talking.

The idea is to allow him all the emotional space he needs to listen, watch and learn the new household, and to allow him to venture out on his terms. Some people have described that they did this (basically left the cat alone other than providing the necessities) and all of a sudden the cat came right on out :)


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Will he start eating and drinking, or stubbornly waste away? What do you think? Any advice?
I suggest that you leave some of your clean unwashed non perfume garments with him for a start. It'll take some time for him to reorganize and settle down. With you scents, he'll feel more secure for the time being till he starts to accept the new scents and environment.

Most important thing now is let your daughter know to keep noise and movements to the minimum. Try not to startle him and give him lots of assurance and speak sweetly to him. It's like starting all over for him but at least he's in good hands.

Can you get your daughter to sign up as a member here and continue on this thread and if she has any questions and need guidance, we are here to help and at least she is not alone in this rather than going through you and back to her again and waste time in between to pass her the message and back and forth.

Remind her not no rush him. Let him settle down first and let him gain confidence again before letting him explore the house.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Poor baby,he's terrified but your daughter loves animals and he will overcome his fears- it's much more important that he drinks than eats ,he can survive quite a few days without food but not water- be sure to put his fountain nearby where he's hiding - leave him be and if he's not touched his food for 3days than try something very smelly ( sardines,anchovy).... depressed cats can run into trouble so there is no guarantee he will eat and it's very important to get him over this hurdle- the best way is to allow him the time to not feel threatened by a stranger trying to coax him ,make eye contact or continuously go in and out of his safe room.... is there any way your daughter can set up a video camera to watch if he is drinking

I certainly do not want to alarm you but it is crucial he remain hydrated and of course eats in a couple of days
- however,I do believe since he has his familiar water fountain that is a big plus.

Feeling safe in a cats environment is always the priority when placed in an unfamiliar territory ,it's much more important that trying to establish any kind of relationship.....put the food close to wear he's hiding on one side,water close on the opposite side..... in 3days( after you were there) he should start to feel its okay to venture out at night and eat some

I understand you cannot drive 12 hrs every 2 or 3 days - does Sammi have a favorite treat? We're you able to pet him yet?I'm not sure how far along he was before the move
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 28, 2023
Thank you! My daughter has a camera and saw him drink water in the night. She is prepared to just let him have time to adjust but we were concerned about his not eating and drinking, because even when he does it is very little. We'll see how it goes. I will be here in Orlando for two weeks. I wasn't sure if daily visits helped or slowed his adjustment. Any thoughts on that?


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Well he's drinking so that's a relief--- he's eating ( a little is fine,he'll eat more as he settles)

I'd talk with your daughter softly nearby so he gets used to her voice ,he already knows yours- put down an article of your clothing with your daughters so he gets her scent as well

Since you are there you should visit him to comfort him as he is adjusting to being in an unfamiliar environment - try to stay to the same feeding schedule he had at home--

It's great you are there for 2 weeks ,it will help him alot----- tell your daughter to be patient because it's not intro time- he can hear her,get used to her scent but needs to feel safe first and you're around to help with thst- by the time you leave your daughter can start sitting in the room talking softly ,slow blink& turn away and all the basics - give him like a good 30 days to establish the safe room as his territory


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Just to encourage & reassure you - now that you said he's drinking a little and you are there as well I'm not very concerned anymore - hell be okay,you'll be able to coax him to eat ( if he doesn't eat past 2 days )

My Timmy gave me a fright after he first came inside,he stopped eating & drinking but by day 4 (I think)he finally drank some water - he was well into the 5th day before he ate and only a few nibbles- but that meant he was hungry and I was jumping with joy...your boy will be okay ❤Your daughter is a Blessing from Heaven


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
Sammy is so blessed to be part of your family!
It's good that he has the desk to hide under. I would cover part of it with a blanket so that he has a "cave" from which to establish "base camp". If there's room, I would add a box with an entrance cut out, in case he wants an additional cave. Also, I would put one of his litter boxes in a nearby, secluded area. Playing "cat music" videos might help him relax. It's great that he's at least drinking - I would ask your vet if they recommend adding unflavored Pedialyte to his water to keep his electrolytes balanced while he adjusts.
Again, huge thanks and kudos to your daughter and you for rescuing Sammy! :rock::cheerleader::clapcat:

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Is she leaving food out at night fro him to eat at least leave some of his favorite kibble. Get some Delectable Lickables and leave that out at night and see if any is missing. a cat's system if very different from ours, they can eat things that are set out too long. Just pick it up in the AM, I hope your daughter realizes this is a VERY long and delicate thing to tame a cat.......but it WILL happen!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 28, 2023
Well he's drinking so that's a relief--- he's eating ( a little is fine,he'll eat more as he settles)

I'd talk with your daughter softly nearby so he gets used to her voice ,he already knows yours- put down an article of your clothing with your daughters so he gets her scent as well

Since you are there you should visit him to comfort him as he is adjusting to being in an unfamiliar environment - try to stay to the same feeding schedule he had at home--

It's great you are there for 2 weeks ,it will help him alot----- tell your daughter to be patient because it's not intro time- he can hear her,get used to her scent but needs to feel safe first and you're around to help with thst- by the time you leave your daughter can start sitting in the room talking softly ,slow blink& turn away and all the basics - give him like a good 30 days to establish the safe room as his territory
We are following your advice and putting a shirt of mine down and will add her shirt. I’m trying to be patient. I went through this at home after he came back from the vet, bit I hoped it would go faster this time. But we are on his schedule, not ours. Thank you!
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 28, 2023
Is she leaving food out at night fro him to eat at least leave some of his favorite kibble. Get some Delectable Lickables and leave that out at night and see if any is missing. a cat's system if very different from ours, they can eat things that are set out too long. Just pick it up in the AM, I hope your daughter realizes this is a VERY long and delicate thing to tame a cat.......but it WILL happen!
She is going to put some very stinky canned food out tonight. I thought the extra liquid would be good and in the night he is braver. Thank you!
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 28, 2023
Sammy is so blessed to be part of your family!
It's good that he has the desk to hide under. I would cover part of it with a blanket so that he has a "cave" from which to establish "base camp". If there's room, I would add a box with an entrance cut out, in case he wants an additional cave. Also, I would put one of his litter boxes in a nearby, secluded area. Playing "cat music" videos might help him relax. It's great that he's at least drinking - I would ask your vet if they recommend adding unflavored Pedialyte to his water to keep his electrolytes balanced while he adjusts.
Again, huge thanks and kudos to your daughter and you for rescuing Sammy! :rock::cheerleader::clapcat:
His blanket from home is draping over the desk chair creating a hiding space. Also, we brought his cub-shaped bed from home and his teepee. We will try the cat music. Thank you!
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  • #14


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 28, 2023
Just to encourage & reassure you - now that you said he's drinking a little and you are there as well I'm not very concerned anymore - hell be okay,you'll be able to coax him to eat ( if he doesn't eat past 2 days )

My Timmy gave me a fright after he first came inside,he stopped eating & drinking but by day 4 (I think)he finally drank some water - he was well into the 5th day before he ate and only a few nibbles- but that meant he was hungry and I was jumping with joy...your boy will be okay ❤Your daughter is a Blessing from Heaven
Thank you for saying that! I love this little boy so much and want everything to be good for him. I visited him today, alone, and Sammy came right out to me from under the treadmill. The past two days he would not come out while anyone was in the room. We had an exceptionally good cuddle, with lots of purring, kneading, hand-licking, brushing of fur, touching noses. He ate all his food while I was there… At first eating it while in my lap, but then he climbed down and finished it on his own. I gave him water in his little dish and he drank quite a lot. He loved his water fountain at home so I think he will continue to drink from it. I feel a million times better!! I know all this is with me, but I feel like it’s a good start because we are in his new, unfamiliar room. Thank you!!
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  • #15


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 28, 2023
Well he's drinking so that's a relief--- he's eating ( a little is fine,he'll eat more as he settles)

I'd talk with your daughter softly nearby so he gets used to her voice ,he already knows yours- put down an article of your clothing with your daughters so he gets her scent as well

Since you are there you should visit him to comfort him as he is adjusting to being in an unfamiliar environment - try to stay to the same feeding schedule he had at home--

It's great you are there for 2 weeks ,it will help him alot----- tell your daughter to be patient because it's not intro time- he can hear her,get used to her scent but needs to feel safe first and you're around to help with thst- by the time you leave your daughter can start sitting in the room talking softly ,slow blink& turn away and all the basics - give him like a good 30 days to establish the safe room as his territory
Thank you. We are following the plan you outlined. Today was a good day. He and I cuddled. He is eating more and drinking more. Today I feel much better about him. He’s going to make it. Thank you!!


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Thank you. We are following the plan you outlined. Today was a good day. He and I cuddled. He is eating more and drinking more. Today I feel much better about him. He’s going to make it. Thank you!!
Of course he is- he's got you and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree❤❤❤
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  • #17


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 28, 2023
New question about Sammy. He is adjusting slowly to his new home in Florida and definitely making progress every day. He has been with my daughter for 11 days and he is now eating and drinking regularly. I took one of my shirts to her house, put it under the desk. He sleeps on it always. I went to visit him every day for the first week because he would eat and drink only when I was there, and he loved cuddling with me. Now he comes out of hiding to eat when my daughter enters his room to feed him. She sits with him and pets him. He is definitely getting used to his new home. I only visit every other day now. I am returning to Tennessee in 4 days. My question is, when I come back to Florida to visit my daughter, should I go to her house to see Sammy, or will that just confuse him and be a setback for him? He and I are very close. I know he will learn to love her and I don't want to mess that up. Thoughts?


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
New question about Sammy. He is adjusting slowly to his new home in Florida and definitely making progress every day. He has been with my daughter for 11 days and he is now eating and drinking regularly. I took one of my shirts to her house, put it under the desk. He sleeps on it always. I went to visit him every day for the first week because he would eat and drink only when I was there, and he loved cuddling with me. Now he comes out of hiding to eat when my daughter enters his room to feed him. She sits with him and pets him. He is definitely getting used to his new home. I only visit every other day now. I am returning to Tennessee in 4 days. My question is, when I come back to Florida to visit my daughter, should I go to her house to see Sammy, or will that just confuse him and be a setback for him? He and I are very close. I know he will learn to love her and I don't want to mess that up. Thoughts?
Glad to hear little Sammy is doing so well - he will do great with your daughter and you visiting him will be just fine ,it will not confuse him.... he'll enjoy seeing you and he will continue to get closer and closer to your daughter - no worries

I've worked with many many animals over the years and have become very close to them before parting ways and passing them off to an adopter- I had alot more trouble leaving them than they did- they were always excited to see me but out of sight/out of mind I believe

Cats are all about familiarity and they adjust very well...


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
New question about Sammy. He is adjusting slowly to his new home in Florida and definitely making progress every day. He has been with my daughter for 11 days and he is now eating and drinking regularly. I took one of my shirts to her house, put it under the desk. He sleeps on it always. I went to visit him every day for the first week because he would eat and drink only when I was there, and he loved cuddling with me. Now he comes out of hiding to eat when my daughter enters his room to feed him. She sits with him and pets him. He is definitely getting used to his new home. I only visit every other day now. I am returning to Tennessee in 4 days. My question is, when I come back to Florida to visit my daughter, should I go to her house to see Sammy, or will that just confuse him and be a setback for him? He and I are very close. I know he will learn to love her and I don't want to mess that up. Thoughts?
No worries. Just go see him and he'll be glad to see you too!
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  • #20


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 28, 2023
Glad to hear little Sammy is doing so well - he will do great with your daughter and you visiting him will be just fine ,it will not confuse him.... he'll enjoy seeing you and he will continue to get closer and closer to your daughter - no worries

I've worked with many many animals over the years and have become very close to them before parting ways and passing them off to an adopter- I had alot more trouble leaving them than they did- they were always excited to see me but out of sight/out of mind I believe

Cats are all about familiarity and they adjust very well...
Thank you so much for your guidance. This site has been a godsend. I have worked a lot with trapping feral/strays and getting them total vet care, but having a pet cat is a completely new experience. After being a 100% dog person my entire life, I cannot believe the joy I denied myself by not bringing cats into my world sooner. They are amazing animals with uncanny abilities and incredible sensitivity. Thank you!