Lost My Sweet Cat Oscar Today.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss!!! In a way Oscar & you were lucky. He got to spend his last moments at home with you instead of a scary vet office! I lost my beloved bud last December .... and well it still hurts. I try to remember the good and the joy he was in my life.

I'm not sure if this helps or not but Amazon (and other websites) have many nice pet urns. I still haven't decided on my bud's final urn but someday he will be buried with me.

In my case I was fostering kittens before I knew my bud was sick. So I kept one and it is bittersweet. Especially since the one I choose was needed to keep his sister company and I was left with the returned kitten, who reminds me so much of my bud it makes me cry some times.

Someday when you are ready, the right cat will know it and walk into your life. Until then you grieve and memorialize your memories with Oscar & send your love to his spirit. I don't know if this will help you but I found talking to my bud and telling him how much I love & miss him (while petting his kitten pal) to be therapeutic. Someone once told me that love never dies, just changes forms.



TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
Oscar was beautiful. My soul cat, Max, was a black and white tuxedo like your boy. They are so special. Oscar was truly loved and he knew it. It is a blessing that he passed at home. Everyone one of my cats, I had to make a difficult decision. That makes things so hard. When I lost Max, I wrote his life story. I gave a copy of it to my vet and a copy to his previous owner. Writing it helped me heal. My husband never read it. From time to time, I do read it. I always cry and he has been gone since 2005. I am so glad I wrote his story because there are things I forget and the story brings it all back to me, how really special he was. I recommend it to you as therapy. Cry when you want to. It helps. In time, I pray that your memories will be sweet and the pain of losing him be less.