Let's Babble Our Way to Post #4,000,000 And Win Prizes Too!

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Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
Ouch and yes it takes me forever to un redden from a sunburn. Which I have worked at for a lifetime to avoid. I have to guess that like me sunscreen provides minimal protection no matter how high the SPF or you have the same allergic reactions I have to some of the big name not cheap stuff you can buy.  My husband is 100% steampunk I'm still more of a gothy/punk but thoroughly enjoy the Steampunk role playing. I'm a Kracken Wrangler ya know...
Have YOU ever heard of Voltaire? I think you'd appreciate him both musically and aesthetically. And I approve of gothy/punk AND steampunk :nod:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
I have been perusing Ebay and other sites for a good antique umbrella /parasol. We go to Steampunk conventions and our favorite is in Tucson Az. Even in March the sun/UV is awful.
I got this huge umbrella where every section is a different color, the umbrella is meant for two people in the rain, folds up to half its length and the colors are arranged in rainbow fashion. Of course I did get comments to find out if the rainbow meant that I was gay. What a rude question. What difference would it make? I tell people that rainbows are not reserved for any particular group of people and that it did NOT belong to somebody like the questioner. I love this huge umbrella, it keeps the sun and the rain off me unlike some dinky one and I keep it in my car. 

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico

We're in the audience. Awesome year , It's held yearly at Old Tucson Studios. Three days of endless glorious fun. And bunches of my favorite bands and entertainers



TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I got this huge umbrella where every section is a different color, the umbrella is meant for two people in the rain, folds up to half its length and the colors are arranged in rainbow fashion. Of course I did get comments to find out if the rainbow meant that I was gay. What a rude question. What difference would it make? I tell people that rainbows are not reserved for any particular group of people and that it did NOT belong to somebody like the questioner. I love this huge umbrella, it keeps the sun and the rain off me unlike some dinky one and I keep it in my car. 
I'm with you on the rainbow thing. It might just be because I was a child in the late eighties and early nineties, but to this day I still associate rainbow with Rainbow Brite and the Color Kids. Just because one minority group has adopted the rainbow shouldn't mean that it's ruined for everyone else who thinks of it as--well, a rainbow.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Have YOU ever heard of Voltaire? I think you'd appreciate him both musically and aesthetically. And I approve of gothy/punk AND steampunk
Don't know what you are talking about. Steampunk? Dressing like what? Do you know who Voltaire was?  I guess there is a singer? musician?? by that name now but the original one wrote in the 1700s some scathing indictments of the Catholic church, he lived in France and his most famous book is "Candide". I guess my age is showing.

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
Have YOU ever heard of Voltaire? I think you'd appreciate him both musically and aesthetically. And I approve of gothy/punk AND steampunk
Oh yes. He's a long time favorite ,  I'm pretty sure he was a the first Tucson convention and I really wish they would ask him back.


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
Don't know what you are talking about. Steampunk? Dressing like what? Do you know who Voltaire was?  I guess there is a singer? musician?? by that name now but the original one wrote in the 1700s some scathing indictments of the Catholic church, he lived in France and his most famous book is "Candide". I guess my age is showing.
Yep, Voltaire is indeed a musician. A Cuban-American one at that. I love his music, I love the lyrics, and I love to see him live because his shows are amazing.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Okay, nothing more to say, so little more in Magic School and Egg. (I'm open to suggestions if anyone has a better title idea.)

 “Is it bad that our eggs are still white?” asked Yarey anxiously.

“Not at all. Soullings don't all develop at the same rate,” Rarta reassured her. “Now follow me,” she ordered the girls. Yarey and Anba fell into step obediently behind her as Odandi and Ueni glared at each other. “All of you,” said Rarta pointedly from the hallway. “Luckily,” she added as they descended the stairs, “the seamstress is on the same level as the baths, so I can show you both areas at the same time.”

Rarta led them to a staircase that Yarey hadn't noticed before, as it was hidden behind a high-backed couch. Unlike the previous staircases, this one wasn't spiral. It was straight and had what looked to be a normal wooden railing. It was also wider than the spiral staircases; more than wide enough for four girls in court gowns to walk the stairs side by side. Yarey was shocked when she touched the warm-looking wood to discover that it was really some kind of cold stone. “That's cold,” she said as she rubbed her hand on the side of her blouse to warm it.

“It has something to do with the stone the railing is made from,” commented Rarta. “I'm not sure why, or what, but it's not cold enough to do physical harm to a body.”

“Who designs most of these buildings?” asked Odandi.

“Graduates mostly,” said Rarta calmly. “The original buildings were designed by Headmaster Zachi, but every time the school needs to expand—we've been getting more students every year—the graduates who are going into architecture create the next building. I think there's something of a competition to see who can make the most outlandish building that can also still function.”

“Are the individual buildings defensible as well?” asked Odandi.

Yarey looked behind her to see the girl looking at Rarta intently, and then looked around. She couldn't see a light source, but there was light everywhere. Where was it coming from?

“Oh, yes,” said Rarta as they reached a landing. “Headmaster Zachi insists on it.”

Yarey paused and looked around as the group headed off. There were no torches, lamps, or magic lights in the ceiling, in sconces on the walls, or anywhere near her. Actually, there was no smoke in the building, so whatever the light source was it wasn't fire. In the floors above there were windows frequently enough in the walls to allow the natural light in, but here?

“Is something the matter?” asked Odandi as she put a gentle, gloved hand on Yarey's shoulder.

“Where's the light coming from?” asked Yarey as she gently spun in a circle.

She sensed rather than saw Odandi shrug. “I don't know,” said the girl. “Is it important?”

Yarey frowned. “Maybe.” Isdel, as the heir to the family estates, had been sent home relatively early in the war with the Drar, but had been in the war long enough to pick up some habits. One of the things he insisted on was that all lighting be absolutely natural; it could be natural sunlight or natural fire light, but magical lights were not allowed. He'd never explained why, but Yarey could remember the day that he turned out one of the footmen for bringing a magical light into the home.

“The walls are made from glow sand,” said a calm voice. Yarey and Odandi both turned to see a pretty young woman. With her pale features, long blond hair, and bright blue eyes Yarey thought she looked more like a doll than a human. The image was only enhanced by the fact that she was shorter than both Yarey and Odandi. She was the smallest woman that Yarey had ever seen. The young woman smiled at them. “My name is Shy'entha, and the walls down here are made of glow sand. It's a natural substance found in the fairy forest, and the glowing is part of it's natural properties. There's no magic involved, and the glow never fades.”

“Thank you. My name is Yarey.” She offered the young woman a hand and the woman shook it while giving her a warm smile.

“Odandi,” offered the other girl as she held out her hand in turn to be shook.

“The lacy herb that cures headaches and the cold, cursed jewel,” said Shy'entha. Yarey couldn't help but blink in surprise; as far as she knew the flower that she'd been named after was only native to the lands around Isdel's house. Shy'entha smiled warmly at the two of them. “I'm the head seamstress down here,” she told them, “and we need all the light we can get.”

“Why not supplement with magical light?” asked Odandi.

Shy'entha's face took on the same expression that Yarey had seen on the face of Isdel and the one-armed stable master when someone reminded them of the war. “Magical light should not be in buildings people live in,” she said darkly.

Odandi shot Yarey a puzzled look, and Yarey shrugged. Not having been in the war, and not having been willing to grill the people who had been through it about it, she had no idea why they decided that magical lights shouldn't be in a building. “How does the glow sand work?” she asked instead, to change the subject slightly.

Shy'entha's eyes widened slightly at the question, and then she broke out into a brilliant smile. “That is a good question,” she said gently. She started walking and Odandi and Yarey followed her. “Glow sand comes from the fairy realm; our King sells it to the humans. All glow sand is connected with the original stone, and as long as light shines on the original stone, the sand, no matter where it is, will glow.”

“And that's not magic?” asked Odandi with disbelief.

“No, it's a physical property of the sand itself,” explained Shy'entha calmly. “As such there's nothing for—it's safe for use inside dwellings and homes.” Her voice was sad again, and Yarey couldn't see the woman's face from where she was standing.

They passed by a glass door and Shy'entha pointed to it. “That door leads to the female bathing facilities. Laundry comes to me where I work, over this way.” She pointed to a door with a large sewing needle painted on it. “This is the sewing room, where clothes get cleaned and mended and where uniforms get made. If you become students, you will spend time down here learning how to mend, sew, and wash. Headmaster Zachi insists that his graduates be able to care entirely for themselves.”

“I know how to stitch saddles,” volunteered Yarey. Both Shy'entha and Odandi looked at her. “My uncle's estate is known for its warhorses, and they require special saddles,” she explained. “My cousins and I have been helping in the stable since were strong enough to drive an awl through the leather.”

Shy'entha's mouth twitched up at the corners as Odandi stared at her. “Sewing cloth and sewing leather are different,” she told the girl as she opened the door. Rarta, Ueni, and Anba were inside being measured by women who were the same size and shape as Shy'entha.

Yarey stared for a moment. The women looked almost exactly like Shy'entha, except for their colors. Some of them were pale, some were dark, some were bright pink and they had hair in every color that Yarey had ever seen. There was also an odd gracefulness to their movements as they worked, but they didn't seem to actually be measuring anything. She knew that when the stable master made a new saddle he measured the horse that it was for, and then measured the leather to make sure the pieces were the right sizes. Not a single hole was drilled until he was certain that all the measurements were perfect. These—women—just seemed to be dancing around Ueni and Anba while waving their arms.

“We nyn have perfect memory for measurements,” Shy'entha said.

“So you are fairies,” said Odandi with satisfaction.

“We are.” Shy'entha sounded amused. The—nyn, as Shy'entha called them—danced away from the two girls and came back with two stacks of uniforms. “These are your approximate sizes,” Shy'entha explained as the other nyn repeated the process with Odandi and Yarey.

Ueni stared at Shy'entha in horror. “You mean we're to wear second-hand uniforms?” she demanded.

The tutor that Isdel had hired to teach her how to act like a proper lady had also been horrified at the thought of young women, specifically Yarey, wearing clothes that had originally been made for someone else. Yarey had no idea why, and no one had been able to explain it to her satisfaction. The clothes had been made, they were no longer being used by the person they had been made for, so it made sense to wear them for as long as they could be properly worn. Then again, Yarey hadn't been raised as a proper young lady as Ueni clearly had; that might be the difference.

Of course, Odandi appeared to be every bit as proper of a young lady as Ueni was, and she certainly wasn't mean, rude, or insulting. Yarey didn't think that Ueni was even trying to make friends, and that didn't make sense. They had no idea how long they were going to be in the school, but it was an isolated place from the rest of the world, and it only made sense to try and make friends while here.

“Students tend to be hard on their uniforms,” said Rarta uncompromisingly. “Besides, at any time during the next two weeks it may be discovered that you are not fit to be a student here, in which case it's not your problem anymore.”

Yarey flinched and rubbed her hand along the smooth surface of her egg. She'd only been in the school for a few hours and already she couldn't imagine what would happen if she didn't pass the exam. She'd go back to the estate and then—then what?

She resolved not to think about it until after the egg hatched. After all, even though everyone kept talking about if potential students passed instead of when— “How many potential students fail the exam?” Yarey asked into the room. She was suddenly the center of attention as one of the nyn dancing around her tugged on her leg.

She looked down into a pair of beautiful brown eyes as the nyn giggled. “Numbers aren't what matter,” it told her. “What matters is the heart.”


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
What time of the day are you getting married?  
Also, either I've forgotten (my memory is horrible) or not read back far enough in the thread, but are you having a mini-honeymoon this week?  I know the big ceremony is later...
We are getting married around noon. We are going on a mini honeymoon to the ocean for this weekend. Leaving the cats alone with my mom overnight for the first time. 


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
We are getting married around noon. We are going on a mini honeymoon to the ocean for this weekend. Leaving the cats alone with my mom overnight for the first time. 
it's really happening at last!  I'll be thinking of you tomorrow!   [emoji]127926[/emoji] [emoji]127926[/emoji] [emoji]127926[/emoji]    (Try to imagine that's the Wedding March!)

@Tallyollyopia   I've not read all of your story yet, but am going to!  So far I really like it. 
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At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
Just another friendly reminder about no consecutive posts and posts being more than fifteen words.


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
Congratulations NewYork1303 NewYork1303 !

Looking at the weather forecast. SO glad today won't be as hot as yesterday. Looks like there will be storms tomorrow. Trying to get the oomph to get up and do stuff. SO tired this morning for some reason. Probably because I don't sleep well when it's warm in my bedroom, and the vents in my bedroom are a bit sub-par (so it's cold in the winter in there too, but I'm ok with that). Tonight will be better hopefully.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
We are getting married around noon. We are going on a mini honeymoon to the ocean for this weekend. Leaving the cats alone with my mom overnight for the first time. 
Congratulations. I hope you have a wonderful day.

Congradulations! I will be thinking about you guys at noontime-or is it 3pm eastern time since you are on the west coast? Will drink a diet coke in toast! I don't do alcohol-the caffeine will work though!

Last night was hard. We stayed for 3 hours. I talked to the family for a bit and caught up with coworkers who have moved on or retired. We all didn't have a dry eye. I am so happy that all the family showed up for Barry. He will be missed. I wrote a short passage on my facebook last night about needing to video tape these types of services and showing them to kids in high school, seems most kids never learn self esteem. If they saw what would happen to their family-would it save just one person from suicide? Would having more options for therapy help?

I heard this morning that he had reached out for 2 weeks. And no one heard the cries for help.
 I know I keep bringing this up but so very important. I only hope Barry is at peace finally. The family misses him. His sister was older and she kept saying he was my baby brother. So very sad. The delayed reaction to emotions will hit me today. I hope people don't just forget about him. He has a page Barry the Base Man Proulx. I only hope we can raise our teens and young adults to hang on and fight. Don't give up.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2006
Chicago area
foxxycat I am very sorry for your loss. It stinks when people don't realize someone is reaching out for help.

This really hits home for me. A friend of mine in high school had issues at home and hid them really well. One day when I was at her house she ran into her room with a knife and said she was going to slit her wrists. Her family did not take it seriously. I did but it felt like I had no help. I could not break the lock on the bedroom door and her sister would not get off the phone so I could call someone. I ran outside screaming for help. A man painting the neighbors house quickly came over to help me. He set up his ladder and helped me break her bedroom window. I am very thankful that I was able to do something. This was a very real cry for help instead of an actual attempt.

My friend's mom actually really mad at me for breaking the window. I told my dad what happened and he came over and picked both of us up. My mom made some phone calls and my parents took us both out of town for the weekend. Her family was poor and my dad told her mom he would deal with the window issue. My actions finally forced her family to realize things in their household needed to change. My friend's mom had MS and my friend was trying to run things with no help. Once she confided in my family my mom who stayed at home to raise us offered to help her. My parents worked with my friend to find services to help her family. My dad actually paid someone to help take care of her mother short-term until things were organized. I am very thankful that my family stepped up or this would have had a much different ending.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
foxxycat I am very sorry for your loss. It stinks when people don't realize someone is reaching out for help.

This really hits home for me. A friend of mine in high school had issues at home and hid them really well. One day when I was at her house she ran into her room with a knife and said she was going to slit her wrists. Her family did not take it seriously. I did but it felt like I had no help. I could not break the lock on the bedroom door and her sister would not get off the phone so I could call someone. I ran outside screaming for help. A man painting the neighbors house quickly came over to help me. He set up his ladder and helped me break her bedroom window. I am very thankful that I was able to do something. This was a very real cry for help instead of an actual attempt.

My friend's mom actually really mad at me for breaking the window. I told my dad what happened and he came over and picked both of us up. My mom made some phone calls and my parents took us both out of town for the weekend. Her family was poor and my dad told her mom he would deal with the window issue. My actions finally forced her family to realize things in their household needed to change. My friend's mom had MS and my friend was trying to run things with no help. Once she confided in my family my mom who stayed at home to raise us offered to help her. My parents worked with my friend to find services to help her family. My dad actually paid someone to help take care of her mother short-term until things were organized. I am very thankful that my family stepped up or this would have had a much different ending.
This gave me chills.  The image of your friend with a knife in her room, desperate for help, while her sister kept chatting on the phone is one that will stay with me for awhile.  Your friend was very, very fortunate to have you for a friend.  And bless your family for also stepping up to the plate.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
 you were someone's very true friend. I hope your friend has lived on and living a better life. Sometimes kids are trapped in horrible circumstances. Thank you for helping. The world needs more people like you. How awesome that you made a difference in someone's life and your parents were willing to help out. Your parents lived by example. My heart is happy that things didn't end badly for her. My heart hurts for the pain she was feeling and how very alone she thought she was. Thank you.

I too have helped other friends growing up but not to this extent.  I just hope we can try to curb this and truly help another find purpose in life again.

On another note I will be alone for the next few days. Jon is going to see his brother for a few days. I wonder how that will go. They text all the time but I hope now he will get out and look at things. I told him about a friend who went to Utah to see those stones like Grand Canyon. He says I have no desire to go anywhere. Sigh. I have been wanting to go on a cruise for years. So I then said well what if we go for a few days? He says nope not interested. I know in the next 10 years or so I want to do some traveling. He says there is plenty to go see and do around here. So I disagree-lived here for a decade now and seen just about everything there is to see. I may be able to talk him into going hiking around the nearby hills. I would like to drive to Pennsylvania and go see those falls that they call the Niagara Falls of Pennsylvania. I went to this 20 years ago. It was so beautiful. It was on our way home from Poconos PA racetrack-we took roads to stay off the highway. It was so very pretty out there. I know how good it feels to go for a ride and breathe fresh air-help clear the head of cobwebs. Love country rides and looking around at everything.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2006
Chicago area
 you were someone's very true friend. I hope your friend has lived on and living a better life. Sometimes kids are trapped in horrible circumstances. Thank you for helping. The world needs more people like you. How awesome that you made a difference in someone's life and your parents were willing to help out. Your parents lived by example. My heart is happy that things didn't end badly for her. My heart hurts for the pain she was feeling and how very alone she thought she was. Thank you.

I too have helped other friends growing up but not to this extent.  I just hope we can try to curb this and truly help another find purpose in life again.

On another note I will be alone for the next few days. Jon is going to see his brother for a few days. I wonder how that will go. They text all the time but I hope now he will get out and look at things. I told him about a friend who went to Utah to see those stones like Grand Canyon. He says I have no desire to go anywhere. Sigh. I have been wanting to go on a cruise for years. So I then said well what if we go for a few days? He says nope not interested. I know in the next 10 years or so I want to do some traveling. He says there is plenty to go see and do around here. So I disagree-lived here for a decade now and seen just about everything there is to see. I may be able to talk him into going hiking around the nearby hills. I would like to drive to Pennsylvania and go see those falls that they call the Niagara Falls of Pennsylvania. I went to this 20 years ago. It was so beautiful. It was on our way home from Poconos PA racetrack-we took roads to stay off the highway. It was so very pretty out there. I know how good it feels to go for a ride and breathe fresh air-help clear the head of cobwebs. Love country rides and looking around at everything.
I was just in the right place at the right time. When my parents took us out of town for a few days my friend and I did sit down and talk about what had happened.  She did tell me that she really did not want to die and actually apologized for scaring the hell out of me.  She just felt scared and alone because of the situation she was in.  Her family was poor because her dad basically divorced her mom when she got sick and was doing nothing to financially support the family.  She was scared of losing her mom and really just did not have any support.  My actions made her realize that she needed to stop being afraid to ask for help and hiding what she was dealing with.  Once she realized that she had help it was like someone took a huge weight off her shoulders.  She hardly ever would even have company over because the house was messy and she did not want anyone to see it. This was one of the rare times I was over at her house.  She knew my family had money and was scared that I would think less of her for being poor.  I told her that being poor was not going to change our friendship.  Her outlook on life changed completely after that and she went on to be a happy well adjusted person.  We eventually lost track of each other unfortunately.  My parents have run into her a few times and she is always thankful to them for what we all did.
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Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
By now @NewYork1303,has hopefully had a beautiful wedding ceremony and is off with her groom to the beach. 
  Here's hoping it went off without a hitch and that the happy newlyweds are off in a happy world of their own.

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