Let's Babble Our Way to Post #4,000,000 And Win Prizes Too!

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Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
So, everyone is already in bed here, and I'm kinda sorta wide awake. There's even a small part of me that wants to go out, but already took my one pill that I can't drive with. Dangit. And I have no beer in the house. Wait, I have my big bottle of Matilda, but it's not in the fridge. Thinking I'll pick up some of the funky cool-looking beer they have at Jewel when I go tomorrow. Anyway, I'm sure I'll get tired eventually. Will probably have a grapefruit and just chill for the night. Maybe get back into Farmville :lol3: I've not played that since the week of Thanksgiving.

Stoked about tomorrow! Going out with some friends to Kuma's (the one in the city). Then either I'll go with them to a bar afterwards, or maybe go to one of the shows playing. It's the Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend, so there are shows a'plenty going on tomorrow. Oh, and a "Top Gun" airing at one of the venues I sometimes go to. Decisions decisions.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina

i broke down and ordered it for Hekitty, and I'm thinking that Frankenstein has nothing on me in the "create a monster" department!  It arrived at 3:30 this afternoon, and already Hekitty is grabbing the end of the stick and dragging it over to me to play!  And this is the cat who totally ignored all other wand toys and laser pointers!  Wait...I lie...she loved the laser pointer.  She wouldn't chase the red light, but she liked to knock the actual pointer around the house.

Have you all noticed that Hekitty is...odd?


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago

i broke down and ordered it for Hekitty, and I'm thinking that Frankenstein has nothing on me in the "create a monster" department!  It arrived at 3:30 this afternoon, and already Hekitty is grabbing the end of the stick and dragging it over to me to play!  And this is the cat who totally ignored all other wand toys and laser pointers!  Wait...I lie...she loved the laser pointer.  She wouldn't chase the red light, but she liked to knock the actual pointer around the house.

Have you all noticed that Hekitty is...odd?

I'd venture to say that I would describe most of my cats as "odd". Which I guess makes them normal? Pea-Pea especially is odd - she doesn't like treats!! But all my babies love anything on a string. They saw me going toward the drawer where the cat dancer is housed and they KNEW what I was doing.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State

i broke down and ordered it for Hekitty, and I'm thinking that Frankenstein has nothing on me in the "create a monster" department!  It arrived at 3:30 this afternoon, and already Hekitty is grabbing the end of the stick and dragging it over to me to play!  And this is the cat who totally ignored all other wand toys and laser pointers!  Wait...I lie...she loved the laser pointer.  She wouldn't chase the red light, but she liked to knock the actual pointer around the house.

Have you all noticed that Hekitty is...odd?
Da bird is in my experience the best cat toy ever created. One of the cats at the shelter location I volunteer at is afraid of it, but every other cat I've seen around it loves it. It is what Carrot and Angua bonded over


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Okay, so a few things here. I'm waiting on a background check for a  job (actually, I also need a drug test, bu they won't test me until the background check comes back), and I can't help but wonder--shouldn't I have had the results by now? (The information went into the system Monday.) On the  one hand, I know that I've done absolutely nothing that would prevent me from getting the job. On the other hand, I have a very common name (Tallyollyopia is just my screenname), and I know that there are multiple women in the area (three of whom use the same bank) and I don't know what would show up if the background check was accidentally run on them instead. I plan to call Tuesday, just to make sure. (I figure it can't hurt to check.)

Tomorrow the City is holding its annual Memorial Day parade (and in this city that's always on the Saturday closest to Memorial day) and I don't know if I'm going or not. The cats have been sticking to me like glue (I thought it was because they were trying to emotionally console me about Slipper, but it turns out I was incubating a stomach bug) and I simply don't know if it'll be feasible to go.

I'm hoping to get some swimming done this year on Memorial Day. We might  be going to a lake, and we might not. Depends on what the weather does. 

Spot's sweet. The past few days as part of yardwork I've been picking up pine cones. After getting over his pout about the snake, Spot decided to make peace with me by bringing me a pine cone. (I'm sure he has no idea why I've been picking them up, and just figures I'm hoarding them for something. Silly humans. 
) I've got the pine cone sitting on my dresser now.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
I always thought that background checks were run with identifying info like your birthday and social security number- but now I think about it I can't remember ever being asked for my social security number. 

So cute he brought you a pine cone.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Hi, everyone.

I'm back, in a limited fashion.  Last Friday I had to talk Roger into going to the hospital because he was so sick he couldn't stand without more help than I was able to give him.  It took some real talking to convince him, too.  Turns out he hadn't been paying bills for some time; we were without health insurance.  {As a side note, my mother taught me many years ago that some illnesses produce states of mind or actions that make the illness more successful.  Roger has depression, and for the last four years it has been causing him to make some really poor decisions, both in his business and at home, which, in turn, make the depression worse.  I knew he was on an antidepressant; I had suggested it.  What I didn't know was that he was taking it only three times a week, so it was unable to do its job.  And I'm seriously embarrassed that it took me four years to figure out which question to ask.  I only got him to begin taking it daily about two weeks before this other illness hit, and the depression and shortage of money from the bad business decisions explains the unpaid bills.  This also explains the poor decisions he made with regard to the house guests from hell.}  Anyway, in the hospital Roger was diagnosed with a blood sepsis and colitis, both caused by staph.  If I hadn't gotten him in when I did it's extremely likely that I would have lost him.  He is now much better and is in a rehab facility working on getting his strength back.

It never rains but it pours.  When I found out how sick Roger was I had just noticed that my computer had decided it couldn't charge.  I'm unable to get on TCS effectively with either my first generation iPad or my smart phone, and until today I've been busy running around, visiting the bank to deposit the first check from my mother's estate, paying bills, visiting Roger in the hospital, talking him into going into rehab instead of trying to come home when he still couldn't stand on his own, visiting him in rehab, etcetera.  I've been running on too little sleep, too few meals, and too much caffeine.  Today was the first day I had any chance at all to get the computer in to Micro Center, and I lucked out -- it was a simple problem for them to fix and they did it for free.  I'm out the time and gas, and $12 I spent on impulse purchases, and that's all (though if I'd stayed any longer the impulse purchases might have become overwhelming; Micro Center is almost as bad as a book store that way
).  So, I can now get back on TCS, assuming I can find the time to do so.  There are still at least three bills that need paying, one of which is to my doctor, I still need to visit Roger frequently, and I am still running on caffeine more than anything.  It is now a quarter of midnight; I haven't had supper yet, and I need to visit the grocery store as well before I go to bed.  Fortunately, once I do go to bed I should be able to get ten hours or so of sleep, assuming I don't get any more calls from nurses who need me to talk Roger into being sensible about something.  Unfortunately, it's likely to be another week before I have a chance to sleep in again.

And, by the way, I just hate it when it feels like I'm living in a soap opera.  I'm much happier being bored.  That's an easy problem to fix -- it's what books are for.

Later, all.  Margret


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 18, 2015
Northern Michigan
@CatLadyVetTech Ivy is doing well.She starting to feel better and eliminating better. I feel so bad for her. It's no fun having a UTI. Thanks for asking.

Margret Margret Wow! Sounds like you're not having a good week at all. So sorry. I know it's easy to forget about ourselves during bad days, but just remember, it will get worse if you don't take care of yourself too. Try to make it a top priority to fuel your body, especially with the most nutrient dense foods you can during this time. No junk food! It's easier said than done, but sleep is just as important. Sneak in a nap whenever you can. I hope this all passes quickly for you.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Got a rude awakening this morning to start the Memorial Day weekend.... the building fire alarm went off at 3:30 am
The cats naturally hid under the bed. I left them there for the moment to use the bathroom. Then I got out both carriers and dragged the cats out from under the bed. Grabbed my keys and phone, put on shoes and headed out. Unfortunately I didn't have enough hands for the cats' roommates
Was outside for a minute before the lawn sprinklers went off  
I moved from the back of the building to the front. I tucked my phone into Emma'a carrier so I could have two free hands. There's more room in Leroy's carrier but if I even crack open the door, Leroy will escape
There were two fire trucks and a police car out there. Since it's a holiday weekend and many left for vacation yesterday not too many residents were outside. Saw a few resident dogs but no cats. Someone using a walker did mention that her cat was under the bed and couldn't get to her, which was understandable. Leroy made a fuss the entire time. He hates being in the carrier. I briefly thought about leash training him so I could just walk him out next time
We were outside for about half an hour. I should have brought a sweater because it was a little chilly
It was a wait for the elevator when we were allowed back inside. Lugging two carriers down three flights of stairs was hard enough and I didn't want to lug them both back up. Leroy was wired when I let him out of the carrier. He was just zooming around trilling at the top of his lungs. it was time for breakfast anyways so I fed both cats. Emma was a bit stressed out and wouldn't eat right away. Then it was back to bed for me
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Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
@Mamanyt1953     My guy could care less about Da Bird!! Now if it was something soft, that he could chew on, that would be a different story...

@Margaret, I am so sorry to hear about your husband. Depression is horrible ..  

My dad had blood poisoning. It is also called septicemia. They could not find the source of it. Just before he was discharged to a rehab, they ran one more test which showed it an abscess in his spine.. who knows how that happened.. I have my theories, and so didn't my Dad. It seems wherever he had an infection, it congregated in his spine. Because he had severe heart disease, they said it was from pericarditis (a heart lining infection)....

My dad was very lucky. Blood poisoning is very dangerous. He had to be on a penicillin pump for 6 weeks. 

Please take care of yourself. You have to, in order to help your husband...((hugs))

@LTS3    Don't you absolutely Hate when that happens!!??? 

The alarms in my apartment go off periodically, usually for someone cooking something. I used to run out the door, in a panic. Now, I am not in such a hurry. I do go to the bathroom, quick change of clothes, grab phone, and a flashlight if it is at night (lights go off --emergency lights are a minimum) grab keys, telephone, and run downstairs. The elevators automatically go to the first floor and stop working (stupid)...

I am usually one of the first people to make myself find out what is really going on. I am noisy...no I have to know because there are some elderly people in here who cannot get up and down so easily. I also have to know if I can run upstairs and fight Artie out from under my bed. It is not worth it to get him so upset so fast, if it is a false alarm. I know where to check to see where the alarm went off. I usually ask someone from that floor, or slowly go up there to see what it was.....

I know it sounds kind of chancey to keep Artie up here, but honestly, he takes off like a "bat out of heck" and is so scared..it sets him off for the rest of the day and the next. 
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
We live in a house so we're the only ones to set off our smoke alarms. Both of the cats hate them, Angua especially. She hides in her litter box cubby since you cannot get into the space under our bed.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Margret Margret

You have been under an enormous amount of stress lately! You've certainly had your hands full keeping things going and caring for your husband. It's good to see you back here with us!

Will they be able to treat Roger for his depression once his other issues are clear? It sounds like he's having a really rough time.

Please do take especially good care of yourself right now.


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
Margret Margret , omg, that doesn't sound like living a soap opera, it sounds more like living a nightmare. Please take care of yourself, I can only imagine that kind of compounded stress.

NewYork1303 NewYork1303 , the batteries on our smoke detectors were going off a couple weeks ago, and it was sending my dog Sugar into panic attacks. I feel your pain. Thankfully the cats and Honey could have cared less about it. But had to drive my brother in from the city to help us change them (I'm THAT terrified of falling off the ladder).

Trying to get back in the habit of brushing the youngin's teeth every other day again. Got way out of the habit after Sara got sick. Been a month since she's been gone now so time to get back to it. Thankfully I've managed to keep on top of doing their nails every two weeks. But yeah, time to get back in the brushing habit for them. Oliver looks like he might have gingivitis, lots of red along the gum line! And he's only a year old. Hard to tell with Pea-Pea, her gums have a lot of black (just her coloring) so hard to tell if there is any red. She is the hardest to clip nails for, but the easiest to brush teeth with, ironically enough, so I get to have a nice look at her teeth and gums.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Hi, everyone.

I'm back, in a limited fashion.  Last Friday I had to talk Roger into going to the hospital because he was so sick he couldn't stand without more help than I was able to give him.  It took some real talking to convince him, too.  Turns out he hadn't been paying bills for some time; we were without health insurance.  {As a side note, my mother taught me many years ago that some illnesses produce states of mind or actions that make the illness more successful.  Roger has depression, and for the last four years it has been causing him to make some really poor decisions, both in his business and at home, which, in turn, make the depression worse.  I knew he was on an antidepressant; I had suggested it.  What I didn't know was that he was taking it only three times a week, so it was unable to do its job.  And I'm seriously embarrassed that it took me four years to figure out which question to ask.  I only got him to begin taking it daily about two weeks before this other illness hit, and the depression and shortage of money from the bad business decisions explains the unpaid bills.  This also explains the poor decisions he made with regard to the house guests from hell.}  Anyway, in the hospital Roger was diagnosed with a blood sepsis and colitis, both caused by staph.  If I hadn't gotten him in when I did it's extremely likely that I would have lost him.  He is now much better and is in a rehab facility working on getting his strength back.

It never rains but it pours.  When I found out how sick Roger was I had just noticed that my computer had decided it couldn't charge.  I'm unable to get on TCS effectively with either my first generation iPad or my smart phone, and until today I've been busy running around, visiting the bank to deposit the first check from my mother's estate, paying bills, visiting Roger in the hospital, talking him into going into rehab instead of trying to come home when he still couldn't stand on his own, visiting him in rehab, etcetera.  I've been running on too little sleep, too few meals, and too much caffeine.  Today was the first day I had any chance at all to get the computer in to Micro Center, and I lucked out -- it was a simple problem for them to fix and they did it for free.  I'm out the time and gas, and $12 I spent on impulse purchases, and that's all (though if I'd stayed any longer the impulse purchases might have become overwhelming; Micro Center is almost as bad as a book store that way
).  So, I can now get back on TCS, assuming I can find the time to do so.  There are still at least three bills that need paying, one of which is to my doctor, I still need to visit Roger frequently, and I am still running on caffeine more than anything.  It is now a quarter of midnight; I haven't had supper yet, and I need to visit the grocery store as well before I go to bed.  Fortunately, once I do go to bed I should be able to get ten hours or so of sleep, assuming I don't get any more calls from nurses who need me to talk Roger into being sensible about something.  Unfortunately, it's likely to be another week before I have a chance to sleep in again.

And, by the way, I just hate it when it feels like I'm living in a soap opera.  I'm much happier being bored.  That's an easy problem to fix -- it's what books are for.

Later, all.  Margret
Well, I hope you take this in the spirit of comfort that it's intended: and this too, shall pass. Good luck!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
@Margret, omg, that doesn't sound like living a soap opera, it sounds more like living a nightmare. Please take care of yourself, I can only imagine that kind of compounded stress.

@NewYork1303, the batteries on our smoke detectors were going off a couple weeks ago, and it was sending my dog Sugar into panic attacks. I feel your pain. Thankfully the cats and Honey could have cared less about it. But had to drive my brother in from the city to help us change them (I'm THAT terrified of falling off the ladder).

Trying to get back in the habit of brushing the youngin's teeth every other day again. Got way out of the habit after Sara got sick. Been a month since she's been gone now so time to get back to it. Thankfully I've managed to keep on top of doing their nails every two weeks. But yeah, time to get back in the brushing habit for them. Oliver looks like he might have gingivitis, lots of red along the gum line! And he's only a year old. Hard to tell with Pea-Pea, her gums have a lot of black (just her coloring) so hard to tell if there is any red. She is the hardest to clip nails for, but the easiest to brush teeth with, ironically enough, so I get to have a nice look at her teeth and gums.
When we got Carrot, he had a lot of redness and swollen gums. A few weeks of brushing fixed them up nicely so I bet Oliver will have good looking gums when you get back to brushing.


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
When we got Carrot, he had a lot of redness and swollen gums. A few weeks of brushing fixed them up nicely so I bet Oliver will have good looking gums when you get back to brushing.
I brushed their teeth this morning (that's when I noticed) so I just need to STAY on schedule. Monday's the next brushing. I hate that I got out of doing it because I think they were finally getting used to it shortly before I stopped. And that took a couple of months!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
I brushed their teeth this morning (that's when I noticed) so I just need to STAY on schedule. Monday's the next brushing. I hate that I got out of doing it because I think they were finally getting used to it shortly before I stopped. And that took a couple of months!
I get off track with brushing too. It is always a pain to have to reintroduce it. 

I have had a productive day so far. I brushed Carrot for a good amount of time since he's shedding a lot. I also clipped his nails, Angua's nails, and our dog's nails.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
@Margaret please take care of yourself! Its so hard to treat loved ones when they refuse. Mom was similar. Used to argue with the doctors that she doesn't need to take the meds. Mom had depression and bipolar heck. Luckily I learned at a young age to gage when she was going to snap. Its so hard to see them in pain especially when you tell them you love them but sometimes it is not enough. Sometimes love isn't enough. I remember the fear and anger I used to feel when she was being stubborn. She also never got looked at unless we dragged her to the doctor.

Today its hot as heck 88-90. Got a fan on and reading a book. Honeybee is pestering us to let her out but nope she has asthma and I don't want her out in this air. Jons giving her treats to distract her.

As far as gums amd gingivitis-once you start brushing it helps a lot. Of course maybe a cleaning may be needed in six months if brushing doesn't help clear up the redness. Too bad we cant floss their teeth. I've only been able to brush two out of the three cats teeth but I should do it more than once a week. That will be something I work on during the summer.

Had fun yard saling and looking at all the plants starting to bloom in people's yards.
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Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Da bird is in my experience the best cat toy ever created. One of the cats at the shelter location I volunteer at is afraid of it, but every other cat I've seen around it loves it. It is what Carrot and Angua bonded over
Hi, everyone.

I'm back, in a limited fashion. And, by the way, I just hate it when it feels like I'm living in a soap opera.  I'm much happier being bored.  That's an easy problem to fix -- it's what books are for.


Later, all.  Margret
@Mamanyt1953     My guy could care less about Da Bird!! Now if it was something soft, that he could chew on, that would be a different story...
@NewYork1303    I hesitated because Hekitty never would chase anything on a stick.  She was more like @Artiemom's cat...she wanted something stuffed that could be gnawed and chewed.  However, I have seen the error of my ways...more to follow...

@Margret   Glad your back and that things progress.  I was hopeful, although where you found the time with everything else going on to handle the computer is beyond me!

And on to newer things....

About Da Bird.  We must realize that Ms. Hekitty Renee is a cat of sedentary disposition.  She's very Zen...her favorite yoga position is Napping Cat.  She has, for eight years, refused to chase after anything on a string or wand, although she would reach out and snag it if it came near enough.  Then came Da Bird.  Last night my furry advertisement for Valium got so worked up chasing that fluttering bit of feathers that she ran across the coffee table, jumped to the love seat, went over the back of that, and around the end again.  The really nice thing from my point of view is that it doesn't entice her to hold on to it.  As soon as she catches it, she lets go and give me the look, "Well, SWING IT MAMA!  WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?"

on another front...It's just as well that a new computer is coming.  I've worn the "a" and "e" off of the keyboard here.  The rest of the alphabet seems to be surviving without problem. 
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