Let's Babble Our Way to Post #4,000,000 And Win Prizes Too!

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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 18, 2015
Northern Michigan
In the summer, I also like cold foods. I turn just about anything into a salad. One of our favorites is hamburger salad. You crumble your hamburger on top of lettuce, onion, tomato and cheese and mix it all together with some mayo. It's awesome!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Floey ate a bit. But she is uncomfortable. Gave her pepcid but I think it still tastes horrible. I put it in yogurt. She wore more than swallow. Tomorrow hopefully the meds arrive. I opened a bag or orijen food and she has been snacking. She meows at me to hand feed her. I gave her freeze dried treats and she ate some. I don't like how fast she is wasting away. I noticed more muscle mass gone on her shoulders. What would burn 2 ounces a day of body weight? She had sugar level of 160. That's normal isn't it? Her liver valies were really good. We wonder if its lymphoma or other cancer? She still poking around outside. I am honestly thinking about sending her to the Bridge soon. Its not because I don't want her-it's because all I think about is her suffering.

I told myself to see how it goes with the three meds once we get them in. If nothing else we could try injecting pred but I really don't know if it will make her worse due to her cardiac issues. Why is this so hard? I just wanted to fix it.

Jon is mowing the lawn at 7:30 as it finally cooled off. I ran the AC when I got home to cool it off in here. Man death really stinks. Hoping things turn around but I hate that feeling in my stomach that says otherwise. But it's been wrong before.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
My fridge doesn't have much so it's easy to find stuff
The freezer is 90% raw food for the cats with a few things for me. My parents' two refrigerators (yes, two) are bascially back holes: food and stuff goes in and never comes out. Both refrigerators (one is the basement) are filled to capacity. And nothing is labeled and Mom re-uses plastic contaners so the container might say "butter" but what's inside is something like rice that has long gone moldy and bad
And there are random items in the fridge that don't need to be in there, like the glass baby bottle from 40+ years ago


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
One thing for sure is that Floey has a whole load of TCS people willing her on to be strong and get better.   She is a lucky cat to be loved to much, and that can give more strength than anything in this world I reckon - stay strong for her and like you say, your gutt feeling can be wrong.  These meds might make a big difference and really turn things around foxxycat.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015

I wonder what you will name her? If you stick with the theme of your other kitties how about Cheery Littlebottom? I recently adopted a Sam myself. Once Discworld gets a hold of you it doesn't let go....kinda like cats! Congratulations on your new addition.
Well, she's too cute to be a Nobby! 

 @foxxycat  I am so sorry to hear that Floey is not feeling well.  Poor baby.  I really hope that she starts to feel better soon.  Sending kisses and hugs her way.

@Artiemom  Kisses and hugs to Artie and hope he feels better.  He really has been through the ringer recently.

@NewYork1303   I think all of us saw that a certain sweet tabby would be going home with you soon!  She really is a little doll.  Her brown eyes are just beautiful.

Confusing news for me.  After being told that all the paperwork was done and that I should be receiving my share of my ex's pension within days, I received another email telling me they were just beginning the whole process.  
  It has been over a year since my ex-retired.  Now begins another round of leaving voice mails and emails that are not returned for weeks, if ever.  At least the payment will be retroactive but....grrrrrrrrrr!!!!!
Hang in there!
We need refrigerators that are wider but shallower so that stuff doesn't get lost in the back. The ones with the freezer at the bottom are a lot of help as everything is at eye level but still. When my landlord had to get a new fridge he was so cheap he put another of those with the freezer on top in here so I have to bend just to get anything out of the fridge part and it is a pain to clean. At least I do clean up everything that gets spilled immediately and I hardly ever have anything that spoils so I don't have to clean the fridge but every once in a while. It's one of my least favorite chores.
At least they're better than the fridges that have freezer side-by-side with the fridge! 
 That was a terrible idea--I don't know who thought of it, but I bet it wasn't someone who actually stored food!
Breaks my heart, all the sick kitties here.  My prayers, beemz, good vibes headed out your way

Those seeking jobs...my the job you never dared dream of come your way!

I am getting new glasses!  Medicaid finally approved it, due to my diabetes!  Who'da thunk I'd be grateful to this dratted disease?  Life is passing strange.
Life certainly is. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
O I sure hope so. I can't stop crying. I don't know what is wrong with me. I just fall apart when an animal is dying. If I have to I will get some mirtazapine and crush it in butter but I worry about too much meds but I guess at this point its worth trying. I only wish she was pillable. I would have already given her the pepcid.

And onto somethin lighter. I hate **** food that has been in there for a week. Jon will eat food that's been in there for two weeks. Me if its over five days=trash! Unless its condiments etc or Gatorade type stuff. The drawet that holds cheese is the black hole. He drives me crazy because he never sees food I buy him.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
There's a big fire outside somewhere. It's awfully smokey outside with a burning smell
A few fire trucks just went down the street. I live on the edge of town and there's not much between my building and the town line: supermarket, a car dealership, a trampoline park, a few small businesses. Maybe the fire trucks are headed into the next town over to help out.


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
  Scary.    Doesn't sound good if you can see and smell the smoke @LTS3, hope it isn't one of the buildings near by.  
      Any way you can check out if it's somewhere local, maybe local radio or news chanel?  Might be a good idea keeping windows closed if the smell's bad, esp if there's a risk of it being a warehouse or something.   


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
There's a big fire outside somewhere. It's awfully smokey outside with a burning smell
A few fire trucks just went down the street. I live on the edge of town and there's not much between my building and the town line: supermarket, a car dealership, a trampoline park, a few small businesses. Maybe the fire trucks are headed into the next town over to help out.
 I hope everything's okay! 

Out of curiosity, what's the difference between asking and nagging? When I was in charge of doing dishes, I asked that dishes be rinsed and returned to (if not in, then near) the sink. Deaf ears. AWM asks and suddenly the dishes are all being returned properly. When I asked RB about it, he said that I was nagging about the whole thing. 

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
O I sure hope so. I can't stop crying. I don't know what is wrong with me. I just fall apart when an animal is dying. If I have to I will get some mirtazapine and crush it in butter but I worry about too much meds but I guess at this point its worth trying. I only wish she was pillable. I would have already given her the pepcid.

And onto somethin lighter. I hate **** food that has been in there for a week. Jon will eat food that's been in there for two weeks. Me if its over five days=trash! Unless its condiments etc or Gatorade type stuff. The drawet that holds cheese is the black hole. He drives me crazy because he never sees food I buy him.
It's an emotional release. Handing you a heavy duty roll of paper towels. We're here for the good the bad and the really ugly.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
More sirens are going down the street
My unit windows face away from the direction the fire trucks are heading so I unfortunately can't see anything (maybe) unless I go outside which I'm too lazy to do right now
  I'm not seeing anything on the local news sites or Twitter accounts yet. The smell has mostly dissapated which is good.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Re fridges: I had a side by side once and I was happy because the freezer was bigger and I could find things in it. Now I have a giant stand alone freezer and I want my fridge to have a freezer on the bottom and with french doors.

I don't have ready-made bought things but I have those I made myself as living alone makes it almost impossible not to have leftovers. So I just cook for 4+ like I was used to and divvy it up into 1-person meals.

Too many people throw out food that is still perfectly good. I saw a report that in the western world, not just Americans, people throw away over 1/3 of food they buy, and that over half of all food produced gets thrown away world wide. On the other hand there are people who go hungry. Something is wrong here.  Americans in particular want only food that looks perfect so everything that does not LOOK perfect gets thrown out before it even hits the grocery store. Thus it is really hard for farmers to sell the heirloom tomatoes (I love the commercial for those) because they are not beautifully round, have strange colors etc but the taste is heavenly. Grocery store tomatoes are picked green (unripe), covered with food grade wax to keep them from wrinkling, put in storage until needed. Then they are hit with ethylene gas to make them red, they are still unripe and hard and thus they are sent to the store for sale. No wonder they don't taste like tomatoes should. And so it goes with cucumbers, apples and who knows what else.

@MServant: congratulation on buying what you call "breakage stuff". I assume those are things where the package is damaged on the outside, slightly dented cans, day old bread (heck, after you bring it home it is a day old the next day anyway), that sort of thing. I do this all the time, it's either half price or even less. I know which day the clerks put that out. They also put things out where the "best by" date is a few days in the future and hat gets thrown out by that date. There is nothing wrong with that, food in cans and sealed packages will last for years without going bad, google it and you'll see I'm right. Dairy, eggs and frozen food will last at least a month after the "best by" date, it does not mean that the food is bad after that date, it simply means that the quality will start going down almost imperceptively after that date. 
 ok, I'll get off.


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
@LTS3   Not good in terms of curiosity perhaps, but maybe it is good for getting less smell / smoke. Hope where ever it is that the fire is out soon and that it's somewhere where there are no people inside, or at risk other than the emergency services who sadly can not avoid it.  

@segelkatt   I work in a frozen food store so mostly it is stuff where the seal on the package has been damaged by weight of food on top of the packaging - but worse than we could sell at a discount rate. Either that or past the BB date like you say, and it is fine, esp as it's usually stuff that has been stuck at the bottom of a pile of other food and in the coldest part of the freezer.  
   The company gives a lot of seconds stuff to food charities as well, but they like staff to be able to eat the food and know what it tastes like as it helps with sales.  It also helps survival on a minimum wage though so I totally appreciate it.   We do get a great discount but the food's so expensive at normal price it's still luxury even at the discount rates.   I'm also lucky and often get my breaks / finish work when the local supermarkets are reducing fresh foods and baked goods so I can buy them if need be at good prices most weeks.   I usually end up buying a few cookies or nice sourdough bread that way as treats.  My salary wouldn't go nearly as far if I had to buy normal groceries.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Re fridges: I had a side by side once and I was happy because the freezer was bigger and I could find things in it. Now I have a giant stand alone freezer and I want my fridge to have a freezer on the bottom and with french doors.

I don't have ready-made bought things but I have those I made myself as living alone makes it almost impossible not to have leftovers. So I just cook for 4+ like I was used to and divvy it up into 1-person meals.

Too many people throw out food that is still perfectly good. I saw a report that in the western world, not just Americans, people throw away over 1/3 of food they buy, and that over half of all food produced gets thrown away world wide. On the other hand there are people who go hungry. Something is wrong here.  Americans in particular want only food that looks perfect so everything that does not LOOK perfect gets thrown out before it even hits the grocery store. Thus it is really hard for farmers to sell the heirloom tomatoes (I love the commercial for those) because they are not beautifully round, have strange colors etc but the taste is heavenly. Grocery store tomatoes are picked green (unripe), covered with food grade wax to keep them from wrinkling, put in storage until needed. Then they are hit with ethylene gas to make them red, they are still unripe and hard and thus they are sent to the store for sale. No wonder they don't taste like tomatoes should. And so it goes with cucumbers, apples and who knows what else.

@MServant: congratulation on buying what you call "breakage stuff". I assume those are things where the package is damaged on the outside, slightly dented cans, day old bread (heck, after you bring it home it is a day old the next day anyway), that sort of thing. I do this all the time, it's either half price or even less. I know which day the clerks put that out. They also put things out where the "best by" date is a few days in the future and hat gets thrown out by that date. There is nothing wrong with that, food in cans and sealed packages will last for years without going bad, google it and you'll see I'm right. Dairy, eggs and frozen food will last at least a month after the "best by" date, it does not mean that the food is bad after that date, it simply means that the quality will start going down almost imperceptively after that date. 
 ok, I'll get off.
One of the things that I try to do is make the food go as far as possible, to the point of making and canning my own turkey and chicken soup made from the carcasses left over after everyone's eaten. (If anyone else decides to do that, I highly recommend you buy a hammer for the kitchen to be able to break the bones for the marrow. Marrow adds flavor.) At the same time, we can't afford to get sick, so we're very careful with borderline (between "good" and "bad") foods. 


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
The fire trucks left a little while ago. Two ambulances with sirens blaring headed down the street as well. Hoping the injured will be ok
I'll check the news tomorrow morning to see if there's anything about the fire or whatever happened.


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
  Hate seeing and hearing ambulances go by.  Never good.

Oh, I am always careful about damaged and BB date food.  Also with food hygiene.  I don't like stuff being wasted but I hate being sick even more.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State

I wonder what you will name her? If you stick with the theme of your other kitties how about Cheery Littlebottom? I recently adopted a Sam myself. Once Discworld gets a hold of you it doesn't let go....kinda like cats! Congratulations on your new addition.
We definitely were thinking about Cheery Littlebottom as a name. It might fit her since she is only 7 pounds- so small compared to Carrot at 12 pounds and Angua at 10 pounds.
Congratulations!!!  I just know you will be automatically approved, no questions asked!!! 
There were a few questions asked, but I was approved! Should be picking her up tomorrow evening, if that ends up working for the adoption person. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
That's so wonderful! So glad for you. You will have to post a picture when you get her home. Some of us missed the first one.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
That's so wonderful! So glad for you. You will have to post a picture when you get her home. Some of us missed the first one.
I definitely will. I have her safe room most of the way set up, just have to make sure to buy some cat litter when I go to the pet store to pick her up tomorrow.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
@tallyollyopia ;  and @ MServant: l quite agree regarding safety of food, food poisoning is no fun . I have never become ill from anything I preserved so I must be doing something right. Cleanliness is number one requirement and anything you can and does not look right when you want to use it like bubbles, weird color etc needs to be thrown out period. Compost is a good place for that if you have a garden like I do.

I buy the biggest turkey I can get although there is only me. There is more meat to the bone on a very large turkey. I cook it, then take all the meat off as soon as it is cool enough to handle and  put it into meal-size packages. I have a vacuum machine so that helps. Some of it is just sliced white meat for sandwiches, bits and pieces to make something like  chicken a la king but with turkey, dark meat I cut into smaller pieces for turkey salad etc.

The carcass and skin get put in a pot and simmers overnight with onion, carrot, celery, green pepper and anything else I can think of and salt, not too much, to make broth, I don't think I will have to break the bones into pieces with a hammer although that may get even more nutrients out of them.

The meat goes into the freezer, the broth, after it is strained, I also put in the freezer in pint jars (you can also can it) for future soup etc.

Those with only a fridge/freezer are better off canning it to save space in the freezer. Invest in a big pressure cooker for that, it will save you a lot of money in the long run.

Some kind soul who had given up on canning, making jams & jellies etc gave me hers for which I am grateful as they are not cheap. I also have one of those ceramic glass top stoves and they don't like the heat for hours you need for canning, so I bought a one unit counter top electric burner for just that and my wok, these stop tops could crack from the extreme heat. 

Things that are vacuum packed and then frozen will last just about forever, no freezer burn, no frost inside the packages, which is why I invested in a huge freezer. Besides that I hate shopping and buy in quantities whenever I can.

There is very little coming out of my place that is garbage, it's either composted or recycled. I am very green. Must be my post-WWII European upbringing, we wasted nothing.
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