Kitty safe room issue


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 3, 2016
Hello everyone,

Allow me to get straight to the point, Espa doesnt really like it when I have to put her in her safe room. She nibbles, she wiggles, she yowls, but sometimes I have to put her in if we have to go out, if a guest is coming, or something is happening that could hurt or scare her. Otherwise, she had free reign of the house, and she does visit her safe room to play, so she doesnt hate it. Today was the worst episode, she yowled really loudly, flailed her arms, and nommed on my arm a little harder than usual (but not enough to penetrate, she never bites that hard), and even nipped at my face. What spooked and angered the most, was that she actually hissed, but didnt face me as she did it.

I've attempted different things to make things easier, the easiest one being to carry her in, show her that I'm putting treats on the top of her tower, then letting her go on her own. Or letting her follow me and showing her the same thing. However, when I'm carrying her in to put her on the tower, the struggle starts.

The safe room is supposed to be a place shes okay with going in, and I'm afraid that if she starts hating me putting her in more and more, she'll get rougher and resent me for it.

What do I do?


Snowshoe Servant
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Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
I am a little confused about the purpose of the safe room. 

My cats have free range when we are gone, hide or inspect visitors and the only time something is going on that could scare or hurt them they are pretty good at staying away from it all on their own. 

Best guess is that you are using the safe room too frequently and she resents it. There really isn't anything I can think of that will make it more tolerable for her without pictures of the set up to judge from. 


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Hi Shiaena, yea, I'm puzzled too. If your house is catsafe, why is there a need for s safe room? Let your cat socialize with the visitors. If your cat is weary of them, she'll stay at a distance to observe. No need to keep her in a safe room. She is confused by a safe room for play and same safe room to be locked up.
Since you said she has free reign of the house and why not just let it be whether you are home or not or if there's visitors or not? Don't confuse her little mind. That might explain all the struggles and I'm ruling out any injuries on her. A cat is does not like to be carried when in pain.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 3, 2016
She's not injured or anything, she's perfectly healthy. I understand that other owners just let their cats be and let them free roam, but this isnt really a good case for Espa in my opinion. Espa is social and likes to socialize, but putting her in the room isnt for her, its for the guest. Its a room where her litter, kibble, water, cat tree, and toys are.

Some people who come to our house (there are only a few visitors we really have), are either allergic to cats, or are not aware how to play with kitties, despite us telling them, therefore scaring us that we may have an accidental bite on our hands. Where I live, there have been a few cases where an animal will bite a guest, and the owner had to put the animal down, even if it was the first time. I don't wanna risk that.

Also, slightly selfish reasons that I wont lie. Espa sleeps in her safe room rather than being out and about, to avoid her getting into places (she can open doors if not supervised or distracted, and we have a room that could be a bit dangerous), she can break things, and she will cry at the door because she hates being alone around the house. In her room when alone, she just minds her own business, the only issue is when I have to put her in the room.


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
I still don't understand.

I catproof/safe my home so my cats can't cause problems and train them to not do things they shouldn't. Baby door stops if needed but if shes getting into things she shouldn't she is likely bored.

As to guests, its my cats home not the guests. I am allergic to animals and I take necessary steps visiting friends with animals or meet them elsewhere. I have never once expected someome to displace or lock up their pets when I visit.

I have never had a cat bite a guest even my sisters cat who has no fear of strangers has never bit someone. Not only are all the cats trained to not bite or scratch but just the idea is beyond me. My cats are skittish so they wouldn't approach visitors in the first place. But even if they did a visitor would have to rough handle them to the point of attack AND have them cornered in a manner that the cats only choice was to attack. That person wouldn't be someone I would invite into my home number one and number two is that a cats instinct is to run from danger or threats. Unless the guest cornered the cat the cat would run before biting. If you are talking play aggression biting then again, I wouldn't let someone rile my cat up that much. I know their triggers and boundaries and I would make sure the visitor didn't push it.

If you absolutely are attached to this idea I would reduce the amount of times you put her in there. Check with guests instead of automatically putting her away. Maybe cat proof better so there isn't as much of a need when you aren't home. I would also say post photos to this thread so people can make recommendations on the layout to make it more appealing.
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TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 21, 2016
She's not injured or anything, she's perfectly healthy. I understand that other owners just let their cats be and let them free roam, but this isnt really a good case for Espa in my opinion. Espa is social and likes to socialize, but putting her in the room isnt for her, its for the guest. Its a room where her litter, kibble, water, cat tree, and toys are.

Some people who come to our house (there are only a few visitors we really have), are either allergic to cats, or are not aware how to play with kitties, despite us telling them, therefore scaring us that we may have an accidental bite on our hands. Where I live, there have been a few cases where an animal will bite a guest, and the owner had to put the animal down, even if it was the first time. I don't wanna risk that.

Also, slightly selfish reasons that I wont lie. Espa sleeps in her safe room rather than being out and about, to avoid her getting into places (she can open doors if not supervised or distracted, and we have a room that could be a bit dangerous), she can break things, and she will cry at the door because she hates being alone around the house. In her room when alone, she just minds her own business, the only issue is when I have to put her in the room.
I know this advice isn't for everyone and may not be for you either. My home is set up to accommodate my animals, formerly dogs, now a cat. Any visitors to my home know in advance, they are guest, the animals are the residents. They either abide by my rules that will keep my animals safe & happy or they don't come. Instead, I'll meet these non animal loving friends in a public place. I've tossed a couple of folks out my house as I felt their behavior was abusive to my animals. I am the human it is my job to protect my animals in all situations. As I said, this pretty hard line and not for everyone.

As to  the special room where you don't want the cat, to go, block it off so your treasures won't be damaged, then let kitty have free run of the rest of your home. As to the safe room, I actually have one for our cat, we call it his sanctuary and it's in my master bedroom suit. All his stuff is there and he sleeps at the foot of our bed. I have put him in there in the early days when we first got him as I wasn't sure on his litter box habits. If he made a mistake, at least I'd only have a couple of rooms to clean. He also goes in there on his own for quiet time when my grand dogs come to visit. Along with all the usual stuff he also has a cat tree in a sunny window where he watches the birds. After a month, I never shut him in there, only did so when we both had to leave the house for an hour or two, we are retired, so no long work days.  He has free of the house 24/7 now and is perfectly well behaved stays off my kitchen counters and doesn't shred the furniture. I truly can understand your kitty's displeasure on being shut away by itself. Cats are after social creatures. They do like their space & quiet times, on their terms.

Bottom line, visit with your non cat friendly guests in public places and totally cat proof your home, so it can have free reign, as king cat of your home, which is his due. Just ask him 


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 21, 2016
On hindsight, I hope I didn't sound harsh, that was not my intention and hope you didn't take it wrong. I know everyone has their own way of doing things. Just because my home is set up to keep my animals safe and I monitor visitors, doesn't mean it's the right thing for anyone else.

An additional thought, have you considered clearing out the 'safe room' and putting all your treasures into it that you don't want the cat to have access too, then shut the door? yeah that won't be much on your decorating scheme probably :(  but it would keep that which means the most to you safe. Relocate all his things to another area of your home. Also get baby locks for any doors or cupboards he tries to open. Another thing is cats like really high places, consider cat shelves that attach to the wall with easy access from his cat tree or something else that is kitty approved. That way he can be up high and look down his beloved humans. Just tossing out a few ideas for your consideration in both of my posts.  Good luck in whatever you decide to do.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
Some people who come to our house (there are only a few visitors we really have), are either allergic to cats, 
With regards to your visitors being allergic it doesn't matter if you put your cat in a safe room or not, i.e. the cat's saliva, fur and/or dander is already throughout your house.  Putting her in a safe room when they come really won't make any difference.  
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 3, 2016
Yeah, I know, I have a slight allergy to doggies (surprisingly), and going to a house with dogs, even without any dogs around, makes me sneeze up a storm. But the visitors we have sit on our leather couch which Espa never touches, and has no reaction or problem whatsoever. They just freak out at the idea of having her out and about while theyre there, like they're only allergic to her presence, so mom doesn't wanna scare them.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 3, 2016
On hindsight, I hope I didn't sound harsh, that was not my intention and hope you didn't take it wrong. I know everyone has their own way of doing things. Just because my home is set up to keep my animals safe and I monitor visitors, doesn't mean it's the right thing for anyone else.

An additional thought, have you considered clearing out the 'safe room' and putting all your treasures into it that you don't want the cat to have access too, then shut the door? yeah that won't be much on your decorating scheme probably :(  but it would keep that which means the most to you safe. Relocate all his things to another area of your home. Also get baby locks for any doors or cupboards he tries to open. Another thing is cats like really high places, consider cat shelves that attach to the wall with easy access from his cat tree or something else that is kitty approved. That way he can be up high and look down his beloved humans. Just tossing out a few ideas for your consideration in both of my posts.  Good luck in whatever you decide to do.
You didnt sound harsh at all, its actually a really nice idea. The safe room is mostly for the night time, or when we leave, but I try my best to keep her out as much as I can. When I'm able to move out, maybe I'll be able to fully cat proof my home (still living with my parents, I can only change so much).

Thank you to everyone who responded, maybe I'll be a bit more strict on myself to let Espa have more free reign, the less she goes in, the less she might hate it.

Espa thanks you!
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Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
My whole house is a safe room for my boy. Just like what others have said, I'll inform before hand about my boy and tell them my boy rules the house and the set up of my house from living room to bathrooms to bedrooms are his territory and I'll let whoever is coming take the cue from there :lol3:

By the way, your kitty is handsome! [emoji]10084[/emoji]️


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 21, 2016
That helps, parents home, parent's rules. Two suggestions, can you get permission for kitty to sleep in your bedroom at night? You'd need to set up a 2nd litter box and feeding station. If not, then is there a chance you can put a bed, even a blow up air mattress in the cat's room and sleep with it? Either way, she needs company and even if you are both sleeping, she'll know you are there. Go into your room a bit early so you can have playtime together, then just hang out while you listen to your music or use your electronic devices. Yes please, let her out as much as you are able, make a point to take care for her needs before your own. She's feeling isolated and that's the worst thing you can do because bad behaviors are in your future. Actually it's already started as she's fighting you when you put her up. That's not a safe room for her but a punishment.  Right now you've a loving, sociable kitty and you need to put extra effort into making sure she stays that way. Talk to your parents and compromise for her benefit. If you put things to them in a reasonable, adult fashion, with facts to back you up, they'll listen. At least, as a parent, I'd sure would.
 When caring for your kitty or any animal, it's needs and best interest is not unlike caring for a baby. You have to put their needs first, yours second. Good luck, hopefully you are successful with the parents.
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TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 5, 2016
Kitty misses your presence when she's shut away in the safe room. But I do use a safe room too whenever the cleaners come around (vacuum sounds scare her) and she's there for 4-6 hours alone while I sort out home stuff and cleaning. But this is what I usually do:

1. Put a blanket which I usually sit on/use in the room with her cos it has my smell so somehow it comforts her.

2. Use a cat carrier to move her there to avoid getting bitten or scratched if kitty is not agreeable. When in the room I will set the carrier facing away from the door and unlatch the carrier door but not swing it open. Then I leave the room quietly without saying bye or making a big fuss. So she will push her way out when she's ready to come out and she won't feel my absence so much because I didn't make a fuss when I left.

It works for me so maybe you can try that? However it might be different for you cos I only use that safe room twice a week.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 3, 2016
I also have a room for my kitten. He only goes in there while we are at work (I work part time so he's only in there a couple hours a day). My vet actually suggested it until he's a little older! My house is pretty big and I have two sons 10 and 13 that leave things everywhere, so even though we cat proofed I still get nervous leaving him roam free when nobody is home. He's very, very curious about everything. I do sleep in his room with him every night. Maybe you can try sleeping with Espa in her room at least a couple nights a week. I'm new to all of this so I'm not sure if it will help or not but my boy doesn't fight me when I put him his room. I think he associates the room with sleeping because I usually put him on his favorite bed and as I'm walking out of the room he curls up and goes to sleep.
Good luck and I hope things work out!