Kitten to multi-cat household introduction not progressing


TCS Member
Nov 30, 2023
That's a shame it didn't work out with your friend. But, if she was willing to give Momo back after just one day, it's probably better she didn't keep her.

In terms of other things that may help:
  • as rubysmama rubysmama suggested, Feliway might help (for me it didn't really do anything, but it also didn't hurt).
  • There are also herbal/natural calming diffusers/pipettes that you can try (I had good experience with Beaphar No Stress, in the form of pipettes/collar; I already had Feliway Friends plugged in, so I didn't try the diffusers.)
  • I've never heard of the vanilla extract method, but you mention that scent is not an issue for the cats so I'm personally a bit sceptical of its results.
  • Definitely try some calming medicine for Momo (e.g., Fleur de Bach's Rescue Remedy, Zylkène or Vétoquinol...), as well as for the other cats if you think they are aggressive out of fear. If Prozac is the only thing available in your country, I'd definitely go that route.
  • When you get to the pet gate stage and they are comfortable looking at each other, start to leave the door open for more and more time even outside of mealtime so they get used to seeing each other just "live their lives". Before you physically reintroduce them, they should be able to live calmly with the door open 24/7 (only with the pet gate in between them). You can get a pet camera to monitor them during these introductions.
  • Try to designate a "neutral room" where both the cats and Momo spend several hours per day to get comfortable (separately), but which is a "no man's land". Then do the introductions there. Make sure there are plenty of hiding spaces and high-up places where Momo can go to hide (her running around scared is triggering the "cat and mouse game").
  • As a last resort - this is NOT recommended by experts but I've done it - you can leash train Kaiya and have her on a leash during the next round of face-to-face introductions so you have a way to stop her from chasing/attacking Momo. But, be aware that if she is not perfectly comfortable on a leash this might stress her out more.
  • Also, when you redo the introductions, it's good to not just let the cats see/meet each other during meal time. Basically, what this does is that it distracts them, but it does not change their underlying behavior. This method helps the cats to get to know each other under positive circumstances - but your cats already know each other.

    So you need to not distract them, but train them to adopt a different behavior. You can watch some videos on positive reinforcement training. You can make your own behavior modification plan, but I'm proposing one below.

    The goal is for the animal to choose the "right" behavior, which then gets rewarded. So, with your cats, you would actively reward whenever they choose to ignore each other.

    Have a pouch with treats on you. Now that Momo is back in her room, whenever you see them come up to the door, sniff it and then turn away and walk away, say "leave it", throw them a treat and praise them. Then, you start opening the door with the baby gate. You open it for a very, very short time at first (maybe 3-5 seconds). The goal is to close the door before anyone has had a chance to get anxious or angry. If the cats come running at the sight of the door being open, you close it, say "leave it" and reward them when they walk away. Repeat again after 30-60 mins as many times as possible each day. Ideally, they should learn (1) to not come when the door is open, and (2) really cement the meaning of "leave it" into their brains.

    Then, you can start leaving the door open for longer periods (1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes...) as long as they are calm and show little to no interest in Momo. Always reward them when they choose to walk away and ignore her. At the same time, you do the same training with Momo, but you reward her for coming to the gate (because with her, the goal is different - you want to build her confidence!) Eventually, you should be able to come to a point where the door is open and the cats are ignoring each other for 30mins, 60mins, then the whole evening, then the full day... Ideally, you then start moving the baby gate, so they get used to seeing Momo in different rooms, but are always separated. And even when Momo is exploring "their room" or sleeping on "their" cat tree, they still can rely on the routine of "I ignore the intruder = I get a treat".

    Once everything seems calm, I would introduce her to the calmest cat (which is Snow, I suppose?) and I would try to get her to bond with Snow. Once she's comfortable with Snow and they can spend several hours together (with ALL cats ignoring each other), then you can add another cat.

    If this seems like a lot of work and a lot of steps - it is. You can of course modify the approach as you see fit, but I would strongly lean towards incorporating actual training into the reintroduction, rather than just trying to make positive association. In parallel, you can train your cats to do a whole bunch of tricks which would both stimulate their brains and build up their confidence so they aren't as scared/aggressive. Plus, many of the tricks can be helpful during the introduction process (e.g., sitting on a target, and then you slowly move the targets closer together).
I'm really no expert though, so maybe you should consult with someone who specializes in positive training. It's going to be a lot of work, but it will be worth it! P.S.: I also work a full time job and during the introduction process I spent about 6h per day (3h in the morning and 3h in the evening) doing the introductions training, playing with the cats separately, swapping their stuff etc. It's definitely time consuming, but doable even with a full time job!


Forum Helper
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Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
V vpaon06 : Just wanted to say thanks for posting that long detailed plan for re-introducing Momo and the other cats. Lots of good ideas in there. :)
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  • #43

Sarah M

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 3, 2024
That's a shame it didn't work out with your friend. But, if she was willing to give Momo back after just one day, it's probably better she didn't keep her.

In terms of other things that may help:
  • as rubysmama rubysmama suggested, Feliway might help (for me it didn't really do anything, but it also didn't hurt).
  • There are also herbal/natural calming diffusers/pipettes that you can try (I had good experience with Beaphar No Stress, in the form of pipettes/collar; I already had Feliway Friends plugged in, so I didn't try the diffusers.)
  • I've never heard of the vanilla extract method, but you mention that scent is not an issue for the cats so I'm personally a bit sceptical of its results.
  • Definitely try some calming medicine for Momo (e.g., Fleur de Bach's Rescue Remedy, Zylkène or Vétoquinol...), as well as for the other cats if you think they are aggressive out of fear. If Prozac is the only thing available in your country, I'd definitely go that route.
  • When you get to the pet gate stage and they are comfortable looking at each other, start to leave the door open for more and more time even outside of mealtime so they get used to seeing each other just "live their lives". Before you physically reintroduce them, they should be able to live calmly with the door open 24/7 (only with the pet gate in between them). You can get a pet camera to monitor them during these introductions.
  • Try to designate a "neutral room" where both the cats and Momo spend several hours per day to get comfortable (separately), but which is a "no man's land". Then do the introductions there. Make sure there are plenty of hiding spaces and high-up places where Momo can go to hide (her running around scared is triggering the "cat and mouse game").
  • As a last resort - this is NOT recommended by experts but I've done it - you can leash train Kaiya and have her on a leash during the next round of face-to-face introductions so you have a way to stop her from chasing/attacking Momo. But, be aware that if she is not perfectly comfortable on a leash this might stress her out more.
  • Also, when you redo the introductions, it's good to not just let the cats see/meet each other during meal time. Basically, what this does is that it distracts them, but it does not change their underlying behavior. This method helps the cats to get to know each other under positive circumstances - but your cats already know each other.

    So you need to not distract them, but train them to adopt a different behavior. You can watch some videos on positive reinforcement training. You can make your own behavior modification plan, but I'm proposing one below.

    The goal is for the animal to choose the "right" behavior, which then gets rewarded. So, with your cats, you would actively reward whenever they choose to ignore each other.

    Have a pouch with treats on you. Now that Momo is back in her room, whenever you see them come up to the door, sniff it and then turn away and walk away, say "leave it", throw them a treat and praise them. Then, you start opening the door with the baby gate. You open it for a very, very short time at first (maybe 3-5 seconds). The goal is to close the door before anyone has had a chance to get anxious or angry. If the cats come running at the sight of the door being open, you close it, say "leave it" and reward them when they walk away. Repeat again after 30-60 mins as many times as possible each day. Ideally, they should learn (1) to not come when the door is open, and (2) really cement the meaning of "leave it" into their brains.

    Then, you can start leaving the door open for longer periods (1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes...) as long as they are calm and show little to no interest in Momo. Always reward them when they choose to walk away and ignore her. At the same time, you do the same training with Momo, but you reward her for coming to the gate (because with her, the goal is different - you want to build her confidence!) Eventually, you should be able to come to a point where the door is open and the cats are ignoring each other for 30mins, 60mins, then the whole evening, then the full day... Ideally, you then start moving the baby gate, so they get used to seeing Momo in different rooms, but are always separated. And even when Momo is exploring "their room" or sleeping on "their" cat tree, they still can rely on the routine of "I ignore the intruder = I get a treat".

    Once everything seems calm, I would introduce her to the calmest cat (which is Snow, I suppose?) and I would try to get her to bond with Snow. Once she's comfortable with Snow and they can spend several hours together (with ALL cats ignoring each other), then you can add another cat.

    If this seems like a lot of work and a lot of steps - it is. You can of course modify the approach as you see fit, but I would strongly lean towards incorporating actual training into the reintroduction, rather than just trying to make positive association. In parallel, you can train your cats to do a whole bunch of tricks which would both stimulate their brains and build up their confidence so they aren't as scared/aggressive. Plus, many of the tricks can be helpful during the introduction process (e.g., sitting on a target, and then you slowly move the targets closer together).
I'm really no expert though, so maybe you should consult with someone who specializes in positive training. It's going to be a lot of work, but it will be worth it! P.S.: I also work a full time job and during the introduction process I spent about 6h per day (3h in the morning and 3h in the evening) doing the introductions training, playing with the cats separately, swapping their stuff etc. It's definitely time consuming, but doable even with a full time job!
Wow! I cannot even begin to thank you.

You say you are not an expert, but here you have basically given me a step by step. Which is what I needed. I really appreciate the detail!

So, on using Feliway, I tried that. Snow acts strange when it is on, and apart from that it has had no effect. So I have decided not to use it.

I will definitely allot some time in the morning and some time in the evening to work on this.

What you saif about distraction versus training makes a lot of sense because they were distracted during meals and the attacks only happened once the food was over.

I have some questions because I want to make sure I do it right.

1. The layout of the house is in such a way that Momo's room is in a far corner of the house. There is never much traffic and the cats have never been all that interested in the room. So, shall I draw them to the room and then train them to leave it? Will that be counterproductive.
2. Initially I should stand on the side of the three cats right? To give them the instruction to leave it and then reward them with a treat?
3. Snow is not very treats or food motivated. But there is a toy she goes absolutely crazy for. Can I mix and match with the treats for Nayla and Snow and with toy for Snow?
4. What is the criteria for the 'no mans land'? Can it be the living room which is not claimed by any one cat and all coexist peacefully with one another (3 cats).
5. During work days my time will be limited as I do have other stuff to take care of at home. But can I ramp up the efforts during the weekend? Or will it lead to inconsistencies and mess up the schedule?
6. Also, the cue to increasing the gate open time will be that the door is open with the pet gate for 30 mins, and let's say Momo is in my room, and the cats are in the living room right? This is when I increase the time to 45 mins, lets say. Also, that is 30 mins per day right?
7. Where am I supposed to be? Sorry if this is a silly question. But the cats do follow me around a lot. So if Momo is in my room, and if I am in the room with Momo, the three cats will want to be with me. So they won't ignore her. (I think). And if I am in the living room, and Momo is in my room, the 3 cats will be near me. Or is that what we are aiming for?
8. Till when do I need to pair the command leave it with the treats? Until they are integrated? Or how?

I have a leash that I was thinking of using with Kaiya to be honest, but she doesn't like wearing anything. And she gets stressed on the leash. So it will be counterproductive... sorry if my questions seem redundant and long. I am just very anxious about the whole situation.
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  • #44

Sarah M

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Young Cat
Jan 3, 2024
I've just done a quick search and all the anxiety supplements recommended by V vpaon06 are available for me here. Which one have you had the most success with? I can get that. The more tools I use the better it is. I am leaning towards the liquid, because Kaiya is a bit of a fussy pill eater. But I can get the one that has been used and has atleast anecdotal evidence of being effective.


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Apr 29, 2022
You had some amazing advice above so I don't want to muddy things up. Just wanted to add a couple things.

Feliway: we had great progress with Feliway Multicat, some with the classic formula and none at all with Optimum. Others have also reported a lot of backsliding on Optimum.

Cat Calming Music: helps to not have the cats jumping at every little sound. Or a loop of cats purring. Very helpful. 100% recommend. Any streaming services has some so pick any without a lot of high-pitched tones in them.

These are Magnus's favourite.

- Taking a used shirt of yours and rubbing each cat and then along the baseboards of the home to build a family scent. Start with NC, then "aggressor" and then your other RC

- use catnip to your advantage. If it hypes them up, use before a play session that comes before intros. If it chills them out, use during intros.

- encourage under the door play if possible.


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Apr 29, 2022
I'll also add that when introducing Calcifer to Magnus and Nobel, I did have join sessions but Magnus got comfortable faster so I let him go faster with Cal.

Then with Ghost, it was available that Cal and Magnus could both come, but Magnus chose not to sometimes. Calcifer would jump into Ghost's room and they were fine so we just gave up trying to prevent it. But that let Magnus witness that Ghost would not hurt or hunt him and then he became comfortable fast too.

I used "back up" as the command because we use it at the doors too. If they are stressed, I want them to back up. So tossing a treat away after the initial "back off" hiss happens we say Back up! And then toss a treat so that the leave the gate. They also learn to listen to cat language and that hissing also means "back up".
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  • #47

Sarah M

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 3, 2024
You had some amazing advice above so I don't want to muddy things up. Just wanted to add a couple things.

Feliway: we had great progress with Feliway Multicat, some with the classic formula and none at all with Optimum. Others have also reported a lot of backsliding on Optimum.

Cat Calming Music: helps to not have the cats jumping at every little sound. Or a loop of cats purring. Very helpful. 100% recommend. Any streaming services has some so pick any without a lot of high-pitched tones in them.

These are Magnus's favourite.

- Taking a used shirt of yours and rubbing each cat and then along the baseboards of the home to build a family scent. Start with NC, then "aggressor" and then your other RC

- use catnip to your advantage. If it hypes them up, use before a play session that comes before intros. If it chills them out, use during intros.

- encourage under the door play if possible.
Thanks for your reply.

Yes, I used Feliway Optimum and it didn't do anything to Nayla, Kaiya, and Momo, but I did notice that Snow started excessive vocalisation when it was on. It's not typical for Snow. So I stopped using it. Snow went back to normal. I forget who, but someone on this thread noted that such pheromone products will not work in my situation.

The cat calming music, I had tried some time ago. Just purring. But it didn't seem to be working. I can give it another go, do you think I need to keep it on at all times, sort of like background noise or only when they see each other?

The t-shirt thing is a nice idea, I will definitely do that. I did think that maybe I am also their resource that they are feeling insecure about sharing? So using my t-shirt might help.

I have been using vanilla extract over the past few days, and I don't know maybe its placebo effect, but Kaiya seems to have calmed down a smidge. They still can't see each other, but they are not interested in her door anymore.

I am waiting for this anxiety spray that is available to me locally that has some good reviews. So I have bought that (it will arrive tomorrow). So, now that they are not showing that much interest in her door, I will start opening up the door a bit.

I have also provided Momo with more resources in her room so that she also builds more confidence. I think it has helped. She would hide everytime I would open the door, but she was just sitting and chilling on her bed just now when I entered. Maybe vanilla essence is helping her too.

Catnip is also a good idea. It hypes up my cats so I will be using it before playtime.

I know its only been three days, but I feel that vanilla essence has certainly helped in at least them feeling less threatened. I don’t know, maybe its me over analysing. But I am definitely gonna take it slow and start opening the door for a few seconds from this weekend onwards.

My cats have already been trained on 'No' and I am telling them to 'Leave it' and it seems to be working. As soon as I say leave it, when I see them lingering at her door, they move away and wait for the treat. I guess its good to have food motivated cats 😂.

I'm still looking for someone to adopt Momo. Tho I have had zero enquiries, so there is little hope. Hope introduction works out! 🤞


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Apr 29, 2022
I think for introductions mostly. What it does is just take that edge off from hyper listening. It's not going to work like a calming medication or anything but what the music does is stops the cats from being startled by small movement sounds or say sounds from another apartment because there's always something going.

For me why I like the purring is because I think it helps cats to form a bond over time. Cats purr when they feed from their mum first so foremost it's family building.

And then the reason I say to choose cat calming music is more because there's not going to be a lot of tones that irritate the cats. Theres not going to be sudden loud sounds like what might happen on a TV show or a regular playlist.
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  • #50

Sarah M

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Young Cat
Jan 3, 2024
Sarah M Sarah M : Just thinking about you. How are things going?
Hello 👋

Things are moving slowly. I've set up a screen door in Momo's room and am able to keep it open for a minute before the aggression starts.

Snow is responding very well. As soon as I say 'Leave it', she turns away and I give her the treat.
Nayla and Kaiya are having a harder time.

With Kaiya, she doesn't respond to my command immediately. It takes me a couple of times to say Leave it where she finally looks at me and I toss her the treat a little farther from the door so she has to physically 'remove' herself from the door in order to eat the treat. Once she has the first treat, she responds sooner the next time, if that makes sense. It's only the first time that she is very much focused on Momo.

With Nayla, its harder actually. Which is very surprising to me as I have already trained her before with ease for No. Even when I open the door just till she runs and comes up to the door, and I say leave it and toss her the treat, she doesn't eat it. And this is her absolute favourite treat, which she goes crazy for otherwise. So I am scaling back with her a bit and letting her go slower.

Momo's confidence is improving day by day. I have not yet started training her to come to the door, because I want to avoid incidents where she comes out when I open the door to enter the room (which is how one of the attacks had happened). So I have placed a medium height cat tree in Momo's room which I keep in the line of sight of the door. Usually, when I do the training, Momo is perched on top of the tree or around it.

I am also using an anxiety spray on Momo and Kaiya. It's helping take the edge off. It's not working with Nayla for some reason. Plus Nayla vomited a bit after I used it on her. I think she may be sensitive to some ingredient in it. She is sensitive anyway, so I need to find something else that works for her. Even with the treats, I give her very little because she gets loose stool if she has too many treats. She's always suffered with stomach issues since she was a kitten.

I tried using purring sound, but it seemed to agitate Nayla more as she puffed up and was searching for the source of the purrs. Kaiya was relaxed when it was on, and Snow did not have any effect. So I'm not using that when I am trying training Nayla.

Meanwhile, I am also looking for an alternative home for Momo. However, I have had no leads whatsoever so I don't even have any such hopes.

With all this, there was a near miss incident. So we let Momo hang out in the living room while the other cats sleep, which is a good 3 to 4 hours each afternoon. One of these days, Nayla somehow opened the door and ran out, only to see Momo. I was at work, this was recounted by my Mom. Momo didn't scurry away after seeing Nayla, but rather laid down and showed her belly. Nayla puffed up, as is her usual reaction to seeing anything remotely suspicious, growled at Momo but didn't chase her. It was more of a staring match. Mom intervened and picked Nayla up before it could escalate. Usually, when something like this would happen, Momo would hide for a whole day. But she continued chilling in the living room, and so yeah I know it shouldn't have happened, and its probably why Nayla is having a tougher time, but I am at least kinda satisfied that Momo didn't scurry and run like a mouse. Momo is getting bolder by the day.

I'm trying as best I can. I thinking of posting an update on here in a few days, so thanks for following up 😄😄


Forum Helper
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Nov 25, 2013
Thanks for the update. Doesn't sound great, but not totally awful either. Post updates whenever you feel up to it. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that things slowly but surely get better.
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  • #52

Sarah M

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 3, 2024
Thanks for the update. Doesn't sound great, but not totally awful either. Post updates whenever you feel up to it. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that things slowly but surely get better.
I will take it being not totally awful at this point 😂

Its only been some 15 days since I started this process fully, to put it in perspective. And the initial few days was with the door fully closed. I cannot be picky. If it works out by even the end of June, which is when I have to move, I will be happy. I am trying not to think of what I will do if it doesn't work out. I'm just desperate for it to work. Fingers crossed 🤞


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Apr 29, 2022
That's loads of time :)
Are you using a worn shirt of yours to pet each cat daily?
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  • #54

Sarah M

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 3, 2024
That's loads of time :)
Are you using a worn shirt of yours to pet each cat daily?
Yes, I am using a t-shirt. Though I am not doing it daily. I will do it daily.

Btw, I just crossed 1 minute and entered the 1 minute and 30 seconds zone 😅 with Kaiya. And 2 minute zone with Snow. Will keep this momentum going for the next week and see how it goes. Nayla just ate the treat, so she is also making progress, I guess.

I may have to use another tactic with Nayla. She 'argues' with me when I tell her to do something and she doesn't want to do it. So my cats are trained at No and at Come (they come to me). I have also trained them to look at me when I call their name, which they do without fail. Rarely, if Nayla doesn't want to come to me, she meows back at me when I say 'Nayla, Come'. She does listen but its usually when I repeat a couple of times. She is doing this with leave it as well. She is arguing with me. Is there any way you know to counteract this?


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Apr 29, 2022
Wonderful. If you rub it along the baseboards or lower wall as well you will spread the family scent along your home.

Nope! Some cats are just sassy. More practice might help or trying a different reward but she may just be more headstrong than your other ones.
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  • #56

Sarah M

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 3, 2024
I have an update. I'm not sure, if I moved too fast, but after my last post, the time they tolerated Momo increased significantly. The next day, Snow crossed into the 5 minute mark, Kaiya crossed into the 4 minute mark and Nayla tolerated her for around a minute or so. This was on Thursday.

Snow doesn't care that much. But when she does get interested in Momo, I say leave it and she listens to me and moves away. So that's a good thing. With Kaiya, she is still tough to deal with, I give her a treat before opening the door so she gets distracted. Then when sees the door is open, she goes to the door and I say leave it and she looks at me and I toss her a treat. I don't have to do it for the entire 5 minutes, but in those random moments when she remembers that the door is open.

With Nayla, I am using a slight different approach. She has a lot of separation anxiety with regard to me and so I am giving her lots of pets and interaction when the door is open. That seems to have worked better than the treat for her. Plus her favorite toy is also there help.

I was doing it with these three separately. Just yesterday and today I tried with them together. Because when they are in the room and I am outside, they 'break' the door to come out. So I just let them be together and it significantly improved the reaction. So today, I opened the door, said leave it tossed them their treats, gave them their pets, etc. And it all went up to 10 minutes.

Momo was sitting in her basket and chilling, watching these three.

During these ten minutes, I was playing with them a ways away from the door. And Nayla and Snow was very much engaged in the play. Snow got tired and went in the other room at one point.
Kaiya was a little more interested in Momo, but her tail was not wagging, pupils were normal, and body language was fine. I also played with her with a laser pointer (her favorite).

At the end of the ten minute mark, she went and stood near the gate like this.

View attachment 469047

I sensed that maybe I was pushing a bit so I closed the door and finished the session. Her body language seemed relatively okay, not puffed up, tail was not wagging, eyes were normal. Ears are a bit slanty, but that's usual for her.

Does this seem fine? Or am I pushing it and need to take a few steps back.


Forum Helper
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Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Sounds good to me. Now I've never actually introduced cats myself, but I've certainly read many posts from cat parents doing introductions, and this latest update from you sounds like a positive, or maybe I should say pawsitive, one. :catlove:

Keep on doing what you're doing. Good luck. Keep the updates coming.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Hi ,my name is Kwik - someone asked if I saw your thread and I fud not- I somehow missed welcoming you to TCS- so welcome and it's nice to meet you
-I started at the beginning moments ago but then I got to the point 4months in and you were talking about an upcoming move and seriously considering rehoming this 7mo old - so before I continue reading and hopefully will be able to offer some help and encouragement Id just like to know if you ard still looking to give thr kitten up for adoption?

I hope you don't mind me asking but I'd like to know whats in your heart- I don't believe in ' it won't,it can't,he doesn't,she never will ' .... Your cats are not singlets,it's a multi cat household to begin with but you have to set rules for your residents - what is acceptable and what is not- this takes time,patients,correction and reward - up for it?

Now,please understand that not everyone is well suited or equipped to train but cats are very trainable and they can be reconditioned with consistency,under gentle yet firm supervision.....

Well,before I read all the details may I ask your plans and what you are hoping to achieve?


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Yes, I am using a t-shirt. Though I am not doing it daily. I will do it daily.

Btw, I just crossed 1 minute and entered the 1 minute and 30 seconds zone 😅 with Kaiya. And 2 minute zone with Snow. Will keep this momentum going for the next week and see how it goes. Nayla just ate the treat, so she is also making progress, I guess.

I may have to use another tactic with Nayla. She 'argues' with me when I tell her to do something and she doesn't want to do it. So my cats are trained at No and at Come (they come to me). I have also trained them to look at me when I call their name, which they do without fail. Rarely, if Nayla doesn't want to come to me, she meows back at me when I say 'Nayla, Come'. She does listen but its usually when I repeat a couple of times. She is doing this with leave it as well. She is arguing with me. Is there any way you know to counteract this?
Yes- lead( leash )training - that's basic,great aid in obedience training because you have control---- if she's vocal it's highly likely she's not arguing but really paying attention and she's very engaged - she's complaining,not quite understanding what is pleasing to you

My Sami is a complainer,especially if he's not exactly sure what I'm asking and especially when he'd prefer to play fetch - Sami is a certified Therapy Animal so he has to pay attention and he's not been to work( at the hospital) for quite some time so hes gotton lazy about his performance --- hes a Bengal btw,a handful when bored

The only difference really between training a cat and training a dog is the short attention span of a cat,easily distracted- so timing is crucial


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Apr 29, 2022
I have an update. I'm not sure, if I moved too fast, but after my last post, the time they tolerated Momo increased significantly. The next day, Snow crossed into the 5 minute mark, Kaiya crossed into the 4 minute mark and Nayla tolerated her for around a minute or so. This was on Thursday.

Snow doesn't care that much. But when she does get interested in Momo, I say leave it and she listens to me and moves away. So that's a good thing. With Kaiya, she is still tough to deal with, I give her a treat before opening the door so she gets distracted. Then when sees the door is open, she goes to the door and I say leave it and she looks at me and I toss her a treat. I don't have to do it for the entire 5 minutes, but in those random moments when she remembers that the door is open.

With Nayla, I am using a slight different approach. She has a lot of separation anxiety with regard to me and so I am giving her lots of pets and interaction when the door is open. That seems to have worked better than the treat for her. Plus her favorite toy is also there help.

I was doing it with these three separately. Just yesterday and today I tried with them together. Because when they are in the room and I am outside, they 'break' the door to come out. So I just let them be together and it significantly improved the reaction. So today, I opened the door, said leave it tossed them their treats, gave them their pets, etc. And it all went up to 10 minutes.

Momo was sitting in her basket and chilling, watching these three.

During these ten minutes, I was playing with them a ways away from the door. And Nayla and Snow was very much engaged in the play. Snow got tired and went in the other room at one point.
Kaiya was a little more interested in Momo, but her tail was not wagging, pupils were normal, and body language was fine. I also played with her with a laser pointer (her favorite).

At the end of the ten minute mark, she went and stood near the gate like this.

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View attachment 469048
I sensed that maybe I was pushing a bit so I closed the door and finished the session. Her body language seemed relatively okay, not puffed up, tail was not wagging, eyes were normal. Ears are a bit slanty, but that's usual for her.

Does this seem fine? Or am I pushing it and need to take a few steps back.
Seems fine to me. She looks like she's communicating that she's done or taking a break..a bit stressed as her tail is curled around her, but not so stressed that it's tight to her body. (Can be a sign of cold too, just as a disclaimer. But if it was cold you'd expect her to crouch, not sit.)