Is This Just Normal Aging Or Something Else?

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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 26, 2019
So the last week has been very up and down. Duncan maintained his 'new normal' for around four or five days, then on Friday he started going downhill fast. It was incredible how quickly he deteriorated. I'd been due to take him to the vet for a B12 shot on Friday night anyway, and his blood pressure then was 168/133. The vet advised giving the amlodipine twice a day instead of just once, so I gave him an extra dose that night, and then his usual dose in the morning. By Saturday afternoon he was starting to show improvements and yesterday he seemed back to his new normal. Today he's deteriorating again.

Apart from Friday when he lost his appetite, he's been eating the wet food (with added water) but has shown no interest in drinking, which is why I've been making his wet food extra wet. He seems to be peeing a lot more than usual, but he's been doing that since he first got the IV fluids.

I'm running out of ideas here...
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  • #43


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 26, 2019
Duncan died last night.

In the interests of possibly helping someone else whose cat might be showing the same strange combination of symptoms, and also because it helps me to process it, I'll give an update here.

On the 13th when I took him to the clinic his BP was 159/93, and the vet advised increasing his dose still further, so he was getting triple the usual dose of amlodipine. Like before, this helped for maybe a day, but then he went downhill again. He started panting a lot, and although he still had the compulsion to pace, it was as though he didn't have the energy, so he would just stand in one spot, and this is when the panting would start. Last Wednesday he still had a good appetite, but by Thursday he started to refuse food. On Friday he vomited twice - a white foamy substance, and his BP was 164/114. We re-did his blood tests, which confirmed kidney disease, but the values weren't super high (according to the research I've done since joining this site), and there were no other red flags. The vet inserted the IV again and gave him some fluids. I noticed that his stomach was very noisy and gurgly, which the vet thought may have been due to all the air he was swallowing while panting. The gurgly stomach continued, as did the lethargic pacing. On Sunday I had to rescue him from behind the stove where he had wedged himself. (I had tried to block access to all the tiny spaces in my apartment, but he overcame my blocking attempts). At the vet clinic that night they gave him more fluids, but were unable to get a BP reading. The vet examined him again and said he was constipated. He hadn't pooped for a few days, but then he had barely been eating either. Anyway, the vet prescribed lactulose and gave him a dose - most of which ended up on the examining table! Duncan threw up again when we got home. I'd been thinking he was about to vomit the whole time we were at the vet, but like the gentleman he is, he waited until we got home.

Yesterday I gave Duncan his medicine and confined him to the bathroom for his own safety while I was at work. He'd been choosing to hang out in there anyway, so it seemed the best option. He was much the same when I got home and although he showed some interest in his food, he didn't eat any. So I blended some and fed him with a spoon, which he accepted with apparent relief. Shortly before I went to bed, I rescued him from where he was trying to squeeze behind the dresser. He'd shoved his head in the impossibly tiny gap and was trying to get further in, but I eased him back out and took him to the bedroom with me. I had him in his soft carrier next to the bed. It was unzipped so he could have got out if he wanted to, but shortly after 1am I woke to the sound of him vomiting. It was very loud and clearly a strain for him. He vomited a little more, then he pooped, and then he went limp. In that instant, he had died.

I suspect a brain haemmorhage based on how quick it was.

I'm sorry this is so long, and I don't know if this is of any interest to anyone else, but I just felt like I had to share this somewhere.


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
Thank you for all the updates, and especially for today. Heart breaking news. I feel for you most sincerely: I had not seen your thread before today and was reading through feeling so frustrated for you as I previously had a mature cat who was diagnosed quickly with high blood pressure which had damaged both her sight and kidneys.
It sounds very much like Duncan was feeling increasingly unwell. With limitations in vetinarian care where you are perhaps his passing without further suffering is best for Duncan: t must have been terrible for you watching him trying to cope with the changing symptoms and fighting to get answers and help.
My heart goes out to you, and to Duncan's currently abcent human guardian.
RIP Duncan, run free. :rbheart:
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  • #46


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 26, 2019
Here's Duncan in happier times. This was his defining characteristic. Being super affectionate!

Any tips on helping my other cat deal with the loss? She's only about 18 months old and didn't have a strong bond with Duncan, but she's been very confused by this whole situation. She's now seen two cats die in my bedroom in less than a year. She'll be terrified to go in there again!

Aico & Nacho

TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 17, 2019
Antwerp, Belgium
I just came across this thread and I just want to say I'm so sorry for your loss. I can only imagine how frustrating this ordeal was to go through because it was frustrating for me to read. Just know that you did your best for him.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
I'm so sorry for your loss. I pray for peace for you and your other little kit. I can see where she would be terrified of your bedroom. Perhaps you can move your covers into the living room and sleep there for awhile. That way you can be with her and comfort her.

white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
Hi Selena.
I've been away and so I missed your updates. Just back now and very saddened to hear this news.

Passing is inescapable and to be able to pass at home - and remember, cats are especially place-oriented - was an invaluable gift for him, one that most of our little ones do not receive. I hope that thought may give you some comfort.

My little white shadow, Sam, passed equally suddenly in the presence of his buddies and brothers. While I have known of cats who searched for their missing friends and housemates and mourned their disappearance, my fellows have accepted and understood Sam's departure. Your little one may well similarly understand Duncan's absence.

She will naturally now have all of your attention. Apart from giving her that, it will be important to just simply return to the ordinary routines of day-to-day life. Cats thrive on routine - it's the new and unexpected that cause anxiety. (I wouldn't worry about the bedroom - I just wouldn't make any kind of 'big deal' over it. Simply carry on.)

I'm glad you found this place when you did. Thinking of you both:redheartpump:.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
SelenaG SelenaG I'm so sorry to hear you lost your boy. We always lock the threads when a cat passes, so I'll lock this one now.

When you feel ready please start a thread for Duncan in our Crossing the Bridge forum.

If you'd like to start a new thread to ask for advice about your other cat our Cat Behavior forum would be the best place for that.

Rest In Peace Duncan, you will be missed.
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