Introducing Betty White


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Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
I hate to throw yet another food at her. But I'm hoping that she'll do a dry-wet combo once again. I picked up Boss Cat Freeze Dried Raw. I put out a few of the dry pieces next to a small pile of rehydrated pieces. Sure enough, she ate the dry pieces first and then continued to eat the wet bits next to it. Because it is a raw food, I don't think I can leave hydrated pieces out for very long. But let's see how she does with a small allowance for dry pieces and Rawz wet food available to her next to it.

That is assuming her stomach isn't doing flips by dinner or overnight.

I also picked up some fresh catnip and wheat grass. She showed more interest in the catnip than the wheat grass. So I'm leaving the catnip out for her to nibble on if she wants some roughage. I decided it wasn't fair to punish her for Krista's grass barfs. Betty should be given the benefit of the doubt with cat grass until she shows me whether she can handle it or not.
You might want to hide those greens most of the time and just give at your discretion.
And yeah, I wouldn't leave the moistened pieces out for more than an hour or two.
I know you're trying to find a regular diet for Betty, and that you're aware that a lot of experts recommend any new addition to the diet to be gradual. You know all about the 90/10 working up to 100/0. So I won't even mention that.😶
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  • #482


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Sep 7, 2018
A friend told me about limited-time sales on amazon and I was fortunate enough to get our largest one on there several years ago. It's Go Pet Club brand, unfortunately made in China, and it has the faux fur on the horizontals, with sisal on the verticals. It's gotten a lot of play, relaxation and enjoyment. has their disclaimer and you can view a variety of configs and colors, at affordable prices and you can see the venues where they're sold. Baby Su doesn't go in the living room any more, but Elvis occasionally climbs it and enjoys a little R&R, especially when the patio doors are open. IDK if it would meet with your approval in all ways, but we like it. The others are all carpeted. There are $$$ ones that are mostly wood *plywood* with carpeted platforms, but they're not affordable by me. Lotus is one of the popular brands and they come in different sizes and shapes. There are some $$$ ones from Europe, ditto. has links to a lot of these.
I did look a little at hauspanther. But those are generally $$$. I don't want to spend $$$ until we've got her gut sorted. And maybe also started on her joints.

I had a look at GoPetClub.

I like these two based on the space and her creaky joints. She will get some help from the Katris to get in and out of the higher platforms should she need it.


But of course, I'm still looking.
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  • #483


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Sep 7, 2018
You might want to hide those greens most of the time and just give at your discretion.
And yeah, I wouldn't leave the moistened pieces out for more than an hour or two.
I know you're trying to find a regular diet for Betty, and that you're aware that a lot of experts recommend any new addition to the diet to be gradual. You know all about the 90/10 working up to 100/0. So I won't even mention that.😶
Of course. But at this point, the only 90 she'll eat was Fancy Feast. I don't want to go back to that unless I absolutely have to. It's okay by me if she does her own naked transition 0/10, 0/25, etc as if the FF was still on the plate. As long as actually eats a 10 percent portion or a quarter portion at least a few times a day. I think all the new food is making her stomach something awful and I'm just trying to stay ahead of the carpet eating. That's why I'm being a little more annoying trying to get bites here and there when she looks like she'd rather eat a cat tree. The Boss Cat has probiotics in it. Maybe that will help settle her stomach. Tonight's selection will simply be Boss Cat dry with Rawz chicken pate for wet. I'm going to hold off on the rabbit for the moment to keep things simple.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
I did look a little at hauspanther. But those are generally $$$. I don't want to spend $$$ until we've got her gut sorted. And maybe also started on her joints.

I had a look at GoPetClub.

I like these two based on the space and her creaky joints. She will get some help from the Katris to get in and out of the higher platforms should she need it.


But of course, I'm still looking.
I'd opt for 48. It's too bad they don't have any like the one I got anymore.

The one to the left is from Petco. I like the natural wood verticals. But the carpet wouldn't be a choice you'd make and it probably isn't available any more, anyway.
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  • #487


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Sep 7, 2018
I'd opt for 48. It's too bad they don't have any like the one I got anymore. View attachment 414678
The one to the left is from Petco. I like the natural wood verticals. But the carpet wouldn't be a choice you'd make and it probably isn't available any more, anyway.
It’s funny you should recommend the one with the all wood posts. Because look at the one I “bookmarked” (photo in my Photo Roll) at Petco today.
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  • #488


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Sep 7, 2018
So I’ve decided that if Betty doesn’t get her eating up tomorrow morning, we’ll back up and add FF back in. Probably a slow chicken to chicken transition will go better than a chicken to rabbit. Might be easier to get her to rabbit (if that’s even necessary) after I have her on Rawz chicken. Boss Cat seems popular with her. But she doesn’t seem eager to crunch the pieces. It’s a good thing she has a dental exam next Friday. I’ve also seen her paw food off her plate to eat off the floor. Makes me think she might have an upper tooth that clinks the plate that she’s not happy with. I’ll pick up paper plates tomorrow.

💩👍 and 🏎🏁

I’m not even sure where that poop came from going off how little she was eating since last night. But no wonder why she’s zooming! It was quite impressive—a head’s length log and a slightly hairy bonus bit. And surprising still how good quality it was for all the different foods she’s had in the last 24. (Rawz rabbit, Rawz chicken, S&C rabbit,…Boss Cat will be represented in tomorrow’s issue.)

She used to love curling up with me in bed. Sometimes she still does. Usually in the mornings and at least once overnight. But she has also developed this “just passing through” habit of walking right across my chest on her way to her corner cloud. 🤦🏼‍♂️😹

Anyway. Im glad she’s zooming. Can’t be all bad if she’s got the tent tipping zoomies. (Video coming soon.) Should be good for her appetite. 🐷👍 I hope. 🤞
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  • #489


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Sep 7, 2018
When I woke at 1am and saw the chicken Rawz had not been touched, I realized waiting til morning to go back to FF was just extending her grief. I wasn’t going to starve her into transition. I busted open a can of FF in the middle of the night and plated a 50/50 portion of FF and Rawz. Well, that must have done it. Because most of that and nearly all of the Boss Cat was gone by morning. Of course, she didn’t actually eat the wet until 4 or 5 am. So now she’s not hungry for breakfast proper. 🤦🏼‍♂️ But at least I know she’ll eat one or both of her options this morning: some Boss Cat and more 50/50.

She found the catnip plant I left on the Katris. 👍 I don’t know if she eats it or just smells it. But I didn’t wake up to any barf this morning. So as long as my carpets remain dry, and she keeps eating real food, I’ll leave the catnip plant out for her. It’s supposed to be good for digestion.

I realize as much as I want to get her eating Rawz on a schedule, it’s going to take a longer, slower transition to happen with possibly more “hiccups” along the way. But there are worse fates than the occasional spit up as I worried about things like pancreatitis and hepatic lipidosis while she was on (near) hunger strike. Compared to those, I was willing to risk a little tummy upset bringing the FF back.

In any case, last night was last night. We will have to see how the day plays out and whether she’ll eat the 50/50 again. 🤞


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
That's a really nice tree. It looks like ours on the left in my photo, updated. But that IS carpet. Wondering if the poof comes with it?
A lot of cats do NOT like raw. Betty obviously loves the FF. And her poof. You might have to put the poof next to you in bed so she'll join you?
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  • #491


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Sep 7, 2018
That's a really nice tree. It looks like ours on the left in my photo, updated. But that IS carpet. Wondering if the poof comes with it?
A lot of cats do NOT like raw. Betty obviously loves the FF. And her poof. You might have to put the poof next to you in bed so she'll join you?
I do prefer the faux fur over the carpet. Especially now that I know Betty will eat frayed carpet. But I think a new tree won’t have much loose carpet to tempt her. Also I am hoping the catnip plant will redirect her roughage desires when a new tree is obtained and installed.

I fear I may have created a Boss Cat addict. We’ll see over the day and tonight whether she’s going to touch the 50/50 again or if that was just a “new food” experiment on her part that she prefers not to repeat. To be honest, with the addition of the Boss Cat and the catnip plant, I’m willing to go back to all FF if that keeps her eating wet food. I do not want her eating only Boss Cat because she’s not eating enough of it hydrated. I also think I need to move her to scheduled meals before I try another transition.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
I do prefer the faux fur over the carpet. Especially now that I know Betty will eat frayed carpet. But I think a new tree won’t have much loose carpet to tempt her. Also I am hoping the catnip plant will redirect her roughage desires when a new tree is obtained and installed.

I fear I may have created a Boss Cat addict. We’ll see over the day and tonight whether she’s going to touch the 50/50 again or if that was just a “new food” experiment on her part that she prefers not to repeat. To be honest, with the addition of the Boss Cat and the catnip plant, I’m willing to go back to all FF if that keeps her eating wet food. I do not want her eating only Boss Cat because she’s not eating enough of it hydrated. I also think I need to move her to scheduled meals before I try another transition.
Sounds like a good plan all the way. Cats like pattern/routine. They tell time by the light. I've always fed my cats on a schedule -- not a rigid one but basically before my breakfast and before my dinner, which are at pretty much the same times, especially with having to fit things into a schedule with roomies. And I've become very aware that Elvis is very good at telling time, because he comes in and wakes me up just about every day, at the same time, right before my alarm goes off. Very thoughtful of him!:crackup:Treats are bestowed right before bedtime and they absolutely know when that is.
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  • #493


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Sep 7, 2018
50/50 FF/Rawz chicken seems to be a hit. She's once again rejoined the clean plate club with her three ounces for the day. 🐷

Let's hope the good in Rawz dilutes whatever might be problematic in FF and we can solve the mystery barf problem.

I'm good staying right here at 50/50 until she's given me her weekly feedback. 🤦‍♂️ Hopefully it won't come. 🤞

I'm still "stuck at work" (one room over) and she's already deep in post-meal sleep having finally picked up the afternoon snack I put down. I was about to pick it up myself and change it out for dinner. But she told, "you keep working. I'll take care of that." 😹
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  • #496


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Sep 7, 2018
Minor crisis averted this morning. The other day when I made an after hours purchase of Rawz chicken, I wasn’t certain whether she’d take to it. I only bought four cans. Much of that went down the disposal. 🤦🏼‍♂️😔 I split the last can into last night’s meals and a refrigerated portion for today’s meals. This morning I mixed a fresh can of FF into the remainder and used the hot water bath method to take the refrigerator chill out of first breakfast. And then I waited to see if the boss would go for this or demand a fresh Rawz can. She did a sniff and go drive-by twice over the next couple hours. Then she snuggled with me for a good hour before jumping down to inspect it once more. I thought she was going to eat it this time. Then she shows up at the catnip bar. 😳 But miracle of miracles, she went back to the plate and demolished it. Or at least that messy first pass that looks clean enough. But I know she’s saving the last of it for later. In any case, her food bill became that much cheaper knowing that I can use the full can of Rawz even if half of it still gets dumped—half a 5.5 oz can plus a 3 oz FF can gets stirred together. Half gets plated over twelve hours. The other half goes to the garbage disposal. The other half of the 5.5 oz can is now free to repeat this quartering on the next feeding shift. Wasteful. Sure. But I’d rather feed the disposal than the carpet. Anyway, whether it’s consistency, flavor, or both, she’s not so much a nibbler with this 50/50. She eats nearly an ounce in a go. 🐷 Doesn’t sound like much. But it’s huge for her. And it’s such a relief that she can be trusted in that catnip corner once more. Here’s hoping this finally sorts it all. 🤞


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Minor crisis averted this morning. The other day when I made an after hours purchase of Rawz chicken, I wasn’t certain whether she’d take to it. I only bought four cans. Much of that went down the disposal. 🤦🏼‍♂️😔 I split the last can into last night’s meals and a refrigerated portion for today’s meals. This morning I mixed a fresh can of FF into the remainder and used the hot water bath method to take the refrigerator chill out of first breakfast. And then I waited to see if the boss would go for this or demand a fresh Rawz can. She did a sniff and go drive-by twice over the next couple hours. Then she snuggled with me for a good hour before jumping down to inspect it once more. I thought she was going to eat it this time. Then she shows up at the catnip bar. 😳 But miracle of miracles, she went back to the plate and demolished it. Or at least that messy first pass that looks clean enough. But I know she’s saving the last of it for later. In any case, her food bill became that much cheaper knowing that I can use the full can of Rawz even if half of it still gets dumped—half a 5.5 oz can plus a 3 oz FF can gets stirred together. Half gets plated over twelve hours. The other half goes to the garbage disposal. The other half of the 5.5 oz can is now free to repeat this quartering on the next feeding shift. Wasteful. Sure. But I’d rather feed the disposal than the carpet. Anyway, whether it’s consistency, flavor, or both, she’s not so much a nibbler with this 50/50. She eats nearly an ounce in a go. 🐷 Doesn’t sound like much. But it’s huge for her. And it’s such a relief that she can be trusted in that catnip corner once more. Here’s hoping this finally sorts it all. 🤞
*C'mon, Betty girl. There must be SOMETHING you like well enough to eat a lot of, every time. I know you're a cat. I'm well aware of that. But even as next-to-perfect as cats are, they still have to eat. Make your dad happy. EAT.*
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  • #498


TCS Member
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Sep 7, 2018
*C'mon, Betty girl. There must be SOMETHING you like well enough to eat a lot of, every time. I know you're a cat. I'm well aware of that. But even as next-to-perfect as cats are, they still have to eat. Make your dad happy. EAT.*
She's eating just fine now. 50/50 mix is a hit. She ate herself fat, happy, and sleepy. She's been working on the same post-meal nap for over two hours now. It's been quiet in the office this morning. I left her napping in her sleeping corner cloud when the shift change occurred (the lights and music in both rooms are on schedules to shuttle me from front room to office at 9:30am.) I want to plate her next meal, and go out and pick up some more Rawz chicken cans. But I don't want to wake her.

Well, lookie here! The queen finally awoke from breakfast nap and wants lunch. 🐷 😹


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
She's eating just fine now. 50/50 mix is a hit. She ate herself fat, happy, and sleepy. She's been working on the same post-meal nap for over two hours now. It's been quiet in the office this morning. I left her napping in her sleeping corner cloud when the shift change occurred (the lights and music in both rooms are on schedules to shuttle me from front room to office at 9:30am.) I want to plate her next meal, and go out and pick up some more Rawz chicken cans. But I don't want to wake her.

Well, lookie here! The queen finally awoke from breakfast nap and wants lunch. 🐷 😹
You start work at 9:30? So you must work until late-thirty? I start as soon after 8 as possible and usually sign off at 5:30.
What a helpful Betty! *Halpful kitteh iz halpful!*
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  • #500


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Sep 7, 2018
well that didn’t last. 🤦🏼‍♂️

She spit up something mysterious. It looked like a bit of food or maybe a bit of acid too. No hair. Not a lot of food. No greens. I feel horrible that she’s still struggling. 😔😿