Introducing Betty White


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Sep 7, 2018
Groom faster!

Betty is in her poof grooming herself. Grooming usually precedes eating and Betty has a fair amount of that to do this morning. She did pretty well on the overnight. But she did a lot of eating in the last hour before breakfast. She was such a sport and showed up for meds anyway. Breakfast itself was a predictable sniff and snub. I got her to eat three larger pieces of chicken off the carpet to humor me. So now we’re just a few minutes until the shift change where morning living room becomes daytime living room and I migrate to the office. And if she doesn’t start eating soon, I expect she will follow me into the office and bed down for another nap on the daybed. 🤦🏼‍♂️


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Sep 7, 2018
So yeah. When the home automation shifted us to the next stage of the day, she went back to sleeping in her poof. That's where she remains and we're running out of breakfast time. Her remainder is well within reach of a single pass. If she wakes up and takes it. But it's also going to put our feeding schedule off all day. She had 170 calories yesterday. She can skip her breakfast remainder and I'll start her with a fresh lunch portion in a half hour.


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Sep 7, 2018
Well, she made it just under noon. I plated lunch anyway. She likely won't get to first pass until 2 pm. She should have time enough for a second pass. We'll see if she takes it. She's running late today. But so far, she's not behind at all.


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Sep 7, 2018

She made a very impressive first pass on lunch. About 33 grams. That’s about 50% larger than her usual passes on a plate. It’s not that she can’t do that much. But she hasn’t in awhile. And it showed. She promptly gave it back. 33 grams. I weighed the plate. I weighed the barf bag. She was quite an efficient regurgitater with nothing extra from her stomach. I’m inclined to simply let her have the gut rest. She can finish the 1/4 portion that remains (about 14 grams) and we’ll simply reset at dinner. She has the weight to spare to skip a regurgitated portion.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
You're right - I'm sorry.
Over the last year an a half I read about your dear Krista - and I can't tell you how much it helped! I read about cpa/cpx toxins and spoke w/doctors from mskcc and researchers from regeneron. Yeah, SK, kitty biome etc etc etc.

For us it was like ... in a way it made sense, whenever he would have diarrhea he would be happy and normal. No diarrhea - head shaking, altered personality, sleeping a lot, pretty much like some toxin would get absorbed rather than be eliminated (bunch of stuff in literature). It took a long time to realize it was ammonia causing this, I didn't know why moor was helping so much. It could have been a coincidence why h pylori antibiotics helped.
Now my second cat ( had cp diarrhea but resolved with SB / no diabetes/pancreatitis ) - basically a perfectly healthy cat rescued from the trash can has the same symptoms. Except - like Betty, no diarrhea. He did have black/tarry solid poop, but go figure vet said it doesn't mean anything ( yes, tested positive for blood). Not even hairball. And again I'm told there's nothing wrong w/ my cat. Like suddenly him sleeping 20h a day and gingerly laying on his stomach is normal. So there I go again ...

Best of everything to you and Betty and I will follow your thread.
Just reading your post and my *Prayers* go up for your cat! My condolences for your loss of your first cat. It's very difficult to find a good vet these days, no matter the location; but I hope you will be able to find answers somehow, somewhere, to help your cat attain good health.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia

She made a very impressive first pass on lunch. About 33 grams. That’s about 50% larger than her usual passes on a plate. It’s not that she can’t do that much. But she hasn’t in awhile. And it showed. She promptly gave it back. 33 grams. I weighed the plate. I weighed the barf bag. She was quite an efficient regurgitater with nothing extra from her stomach. I’m inclined to simply let her have the gut rest. She can finish the 1/4 portion that remains (about 14 grams) and we’ll simply reset at dinner. She has the weight to spare to skip a regurgitated portion.
Well, I guess a lot of us -- of whatever species -- get the urge to regurge at times. Hopefully it's not a big deal and Betty will eat well soon.


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Sep 7, 2018
Well, I guess a lot of us -- of whatever species -- get the urge to regurge at times. Hopefully it's not a big deal and Betty will eat well soon.
She nibbled a few bites of her lunch remainder. Probably tasted like the lunch she tossed. She's either not finishing it and waiting for dinner. Or she's going to wait until just before dinner. Nope. If she hasn't yet finished it, I'm going to take it up. We'll start fresh with dinner.


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Sep 7, 2018
Ha! Too late. I walked in to pick her plate up and she's just finished it. She gave me the smacky lips and a mew. Well, hopefully she will still have room in her eating pants for a little bit more at dinner time.


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Sep 7, 2018
At first glance, her first dinner pass looks kinda small. And then I remembered that she had finished her lunch remainder just a short time before that. Adding the two of them together and she ate a respectable amount (25 grams) in a short time.

I am saddened for her that she regurge'd. But I'm also somewhat encouraged that she was initially feeling well enough to eat as much as she did. Perhaps her stomach will catch up with time and practice. And in the meantime, it gave me a chance to use the wet vac on her meds/dining area outside the kitchen. It wasn't where she regurge'd. But it needed it and I already had the Bissell out and set up.

And if there's one bright spot to a regurgitation, she generally deposits it in a smaller space than her hairballs or hairball aftershocks. It's like a small mound vs an explosion.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
At first glance, her first dinner pass looks kinda small. And then I remembered that she had finished her lunch remainder just a short time before that. Adding the two of them together and she ate a respectable amount (25 grams) in a short time.

I am saddened for her that she regurge'd. But I'm also somewhat encouraged that she was initially feeling well enough to eat as much as she did. Perhaps her stomach will catch up with time and practice. And in the meantime, it gave me a chance to use the wet vac on her meds/dining area outside the kitchen. It wasn't where she regurge'd. But it needed it and I already had the Bissell out and set up.

And if there's one bright spot to a regurgitation, she generally deposits it in a smaller space than her hairballs or hairball aftershocks. It's like a small mound vs an explosion.
So all's (fairly) well that ends well, I hope!


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Sep 7, 2018
So all's (fairly) well that ends well, I hope!
She finished first dinner. But then she must have sent her eating pants to the laundry overnight. She ate half of second dinner and a third of the feeder. Add those remainders to the regurged portion and her final score for yesterday was 125.

She was purrfectly content to sit or lay on my shoulder/chest last night. Until my back had enough. Then she slept most of the night through in the office. Finally she came back for more shoulder sitting. But not so much eating.

For breakfast, she didn’t seem like she would show up. But she eventually did and ate half on first pass. Then she reduced that half by half during my breakfast. So she has a very approachable remainder and several more hours to get to it.

I think the colder weather and thus colder apartment is causing her to want to sleep more. Or at least bundle up and bed down more. I’m with her there. The radiator has now been running almost 24/7 this week. I have it on a smart plug so I can turn it on and off from bed. Heck. Even my coconut oil has gone from liquid to solid. That’s how I know the summer has gone. 😔


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
She finished first dinner. But then she must have sent her eating pants to the laundry overnight. She ate half of second dinner and a third of the feeder. Add those remainders to the regurged portion and her final score for yesterday was 125.

She was purrfectly content to sit or lay on my shoulder/chest last night. Until my back had enough. Then she slept most of the night through in the office. Finally she came back for more shoulder sitting. But not so much eating.

For breakfast, she didn’t seem like she would show up. But she eventually did and ate half on first pass. Then she reduced that half by half during my breakfast. So she has a very approachable remainder and several more hours to get to it.

I think the colder weather and thus colder apartment is causing her to want to sleep more. Or at least bundle up and bed down more. I’m with her there. The radiator has now been running almost 24/7 this week. I have it on a smart plug so I can turn it on and off from bed. Heck. Even my coconut oil has gone from liquid to solid. That’s how I know the summer has gone. 😔
Yeah, even though it gets up into the 80s and 70s days, the nights are starting to get cooler, into the 50s, which I'm SO GLAD about. Elvis is spending lots of laptime and staying close to me overnight. He's on his cat blanket on my lap right now.
Eat, Betty, Eat!!!


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Sep 7, 2018
Breakfast is in the books. She let out one lonely meow to alert me to as much.

And now she's gone back to faceplant city ( 🎼where the catnip's green and the cardboard's gritty 🎶) (Sing it to the melody of Guns n Roses' Paradise City.)

Lunch is plated.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Breakfast is in the books. She let out one lonely meow to alert me to as much.

And now she's gone back to faceplant city ( 🎼where the catnip's green and the cardboard's gritty 🎶) (Sing it to the melody of Guns n Roses' Paradise City.)

Lunch is plated.
Never listened to that type of music so don't know. Like the post, though!

Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
…I imagine doo wop lends itself well to this theme!

On another note, as an avid birder wondered if anything has turned up yet in your feeder? I think you said you live near the Bay Area, so a lot of migrations have happened….but at the very least you ought to get an English Sparrow. (Non native, but a charming fellow, anyhow). Maybe other sparrows too: white crowned, junco, perhaps a Stellar’s jay?


TCS Member
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Sep 7, 2018
…I imagine doo wop lends itself well to this theme!

On another note, as an avid birder wondered if anything has turned up yet in your feeder? I think you said you live near the Bay Area, so a lot of migrations have happened….but at the very least you ought to get an English Sparrow. (Non native, but a charming fellow, anyhow). Maybe other sparrows too: white crowned, junco, perhaps a Stellar’s jay?
No saved shots yet. Either I still haven't been visited or it's new technology that isn't quite working like it should. Speaking of that, there is a solar panel on the roof of the birdhouse that is supposed to keep the camera charged. But it's not working out like that. I don't think that panel gets enough sunlight throughout the day. I can see in the afternoon that it puts a little juice back into the camera. But not enough to account for the loss over the rest of the day. 🤦‍♂️
It seems I have spotted an albatross. :doh2:


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Sep 7, 2018
Apparently she got her eating pants back from the cleaners already. I stepped out over lunch to pick up a couple things. I came back and three-quarters of her lunch is gone on first pass. I looked around for the puddle and didn't find one. Apparently she managed to keep that amount down today. 🐷👍

Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
Don’t give up! You are sort of both in the “off season” (aka not Spring) but it also takes a bit for them to locate. Once one does, the others get the “aha” message. (And the spilled goodies ought to attract mourning doves). Hard to see, but looked like you had a good mix in there, enough for a finch, say, or…perhaps even a stray wild parakeet? I wonder if it could stand the weight of a woodpecker, in which case a little suet wouldn’t go amiss. If it doesn’t work at all, I wouldn’t discredit it completely but perhaps, if possible, try duct taping on a larger perch area. I’m assuming the thing was tested before it got sent, so, should be fairly sturdy.

Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
…and that “second pass” thing is so huge with cats! It’s like they have to think about it. Mine just gave me a HUGE snub, then, seconds later after I’d given up in total despair, wolfed it all down.