I think my cat has a broken leg please help


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 14, 2014
I have a pair of blue Persian cats and they live together in a room when i am not around. Yesterday night when i went to check up on them my female cat Nala was limping and seemed disorientated. She kept her paw curved, avoiding contact with the floor. Then she just lay on the floor. She didn't eat, didn't drink water. Just above the paw I could see two small spots like a bite. I placed her in an open crate that I had placed for them to play in. I can't take her to the vet, because of the lack of vets in my vicinity and because the vet I do know doesn't have all the supplies for treating a cat. COULD YOU PLEASE help because i really want her fixed.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
If it was just the two cats in the room together she could have been bitten by the other cat. Is there any chance any other animal could have gotten in? Another cat or a snake?

If you're sure that nothing else could have bitten her, treat this like a cat bite. Wash the bite with warm water and soap and use an antiseptic cream, the same kind you use on yourself. It would be best to put a bandage over the bite so that she doesn't lick the antiseptic cream off right away. A clean piece of cloth and a few band aids will be OK. She'll probably be able to get the bandage off by herself after a while but as long as it stays on for an hour, to give the cream time to work, it should be OK.

Cat bites can get infected and may need to be treated with antibiotics. Ask your vet whether any of the antibiotics they have can be used on a cat or whether they know where you can get some.

Not eating or drinking is also dangerous for cats. Try syringing some water into the side of her mouth so that she doesn't get dehydrated. If she doesn't start eating after a day or two you need to start syringe feeding her too. Some of her regular wet food mixed with water or some soft tuna. Try something really tasty and strong smelling and see if she will eat a little by herself. 

Hope she is going to be OK. 