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  • #81


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 18, 2017
Los Angeles
Thank you for that. I've tried everything from chicken thighs to sardines... but I'll try what you have advised.


Pearl, my labrador who loved cats. RIP.
Top Cat
Aug 28, 2016
Colorado, USA
The fish flakes from a fish called Bonito. They're very thin, and not cheap; but can order them on Amazon. I've also put them on top of some canned food when trying to entice Waffles somewhere or to get him to eat on one side of the door when Milo is eating on the other side of the door.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016
Every time Sherry Spice is in the common area and there is no incident it will help her build confidence. It is very common for them to "cling" to the human for safety. As they get more confident they cling less. Has Sherry Spice gotten less clingy? How is her body language? Her tail? Walking tall? Etc.

Do you think Sherry Spice is reluctant (playing by the gate) because of Cilla or a different reason? How is her body language when she is reluctant?

Great that Cilla can be distracted. Also excellent you are cognizant not to scare her.

Cilla is at the gate when she is in the common area. Do you see it as defensive meaning protecting the common area or is it more of being interested in Sherry Spice? Is the body language typically positive during this time?

How exactly does it work with them eating at the gate? Does Cilla just watch Sherry Spice eat then when Sherry Spice walks away Cilla eats? Any tension? Any negative body language?

When Cilla jumped the gate what exactly did she do? You say she didn't seem to want to go after Sherry Spice. Was she focused on her? Did she look away or turn her back to Sherry Spice? How was her body language? Sherry Spice did not see her at all? It sounds like Cilla doesn't fear Sherry Spice which is great. I would think Cilla knew Sherry Spice was there so the fact she didn't go right after is a big positive.

It does sound like we need to get Sherry Spice to feel more comfortable. Make sure you do some scent swapping with Cilla's scent on an old shirt and have it where Sherry Spice sleeps, hangs out. Where she feels very secure. And by the gate when Cilla is there do anything you can to distract Sherry Spice and to make her feel as comfortable as possible. Any time they are together without incident and feeling good it is a positive.

It does sound like Cilla is doing well well. I am a little surprised Sherry Spice isn't feeling a little more secure. We don't want Sherry Spice acting like prey when they meet. But it could be that her not always feeling well is holding her back a bit. I hope Sherry Spice is feels better.

Cilla is really the key so I love to hear that you feel pretty good about where Cilla is at. She really is the key in my opinion.


Thanks for the post. Very interesting. I never tried that for finicky cats. Thanks


Pearl, my labrador who loved cats. RIP.
Top Cat
Aug 28, 2016
Colorado, USA

Thanks for the post. Very interesting. I never tried that for finicky cats. Thanks
The bonito flakes are very thin so they don't fill the kitty up. They are so thin, if my AC is running and I put them at the bottom of the door, they blow away from the AC going under the door :) so I have to watch that. But they seem like kitty crack the way mine go for it. It's more like a taste than a heavy treat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016
That is very helpful to know. Anything to help distract them is always good. Thanks again.
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  • #86


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 18, 2017
Los Angeles
Every time Sherry Spice is in the common area and there is no incident it will help her build confidence. It is very common for them to "cling" to the human for safety. As they get more confident they cling less. Has Sherry Spice gotten less clingy? How is her body language? Her tail? Walking tall? Etc.

Do you think Sherry Spice is reluctant (playing by the gate) because of Cilla or a different reason? How is her body language when she is reluctant?

Great that Cilla can be distracted. Also excellent you are cognizant not to scare her.

Cilla is at the gate when she is in the common area. Do you see it as defensive meaning protecting the common area or is it more of being interested in Sherry Spice? Is the body language typically positive during this time?

How exactly does it work with them eating at the gate? Does Cilla just watch Sherry Spice eat then when Sherry Spice walks away Cilla eats? Any tension? Any negative body language?

When Cilla jumped the gate what exactly did she do? You say she didn't seem to want to go after Sherry Spice. Was she focused on her? Did she look away or turn her back to Sherry Spice? How was her body language? Sherry Spice did not see her at all? It sounds like Cilla doesn't fear Sherry Spice which is great. I would think Cilla knew Sherry Spice was there so the fact she didn't go right after is a big positive.

It does sound like we need to get Sherry Spice to feel more comfortable. Make sure you do some scent swapping with Cilla's scent on an old shirt and have it where Sherry Spice sleeps, hangs out. Where she feels very secure. And by the gate when Cilla is there do anything you can to distract Sherry Spice and to make her feel as comfortable as possible. Any time they are together without incident and feeling good it is a positive.

It does sound like Cilla is doing well well. I am a little surprised Sherry Spice isn't feeling a little more secure. We don't want Sherry Spice acting like prey when they meet. But it could be that her not always feeling well is holding her back a bit. I hope Sherry Spice is feels better.

Cilla is really the key so I love to hear that you feel pretty good about where Cilla is at. She really is the key in my opinion.


Thanks for the post. Very interesting. I never tried that for finicky cats. Thanks
Sherry Spice when she is in the common area, her tail is up, usually in a question mark (but always seems to be a question mark). She walks very tall and happy. She doesn't seem afraid before coming out into the common area, per say, but I would say cautious and waiting for me to tell her it's ok. She seems calm, just sits and waits for an ok.

Cilla almost always eats first, when I open the can, she goes immediately to the gate. If I put the food where I always used to, she goes to the gate and waits for her food. Sherry-Spice, sometimes won't come to the gate to eat. Sometimes, she will watch Cilla and then start eating, and sometimes, she will eat at the same time.

When Cilla jumped the gate, Sherry Spice was in the common area, but not in plain view to Cilla. My belief is she just didn't want to be locked in. I don't think either was aware of the other and I scooped Sherry Spice up as soon as it happened. I was so fast, I'm not sure either knew much of anything.

I think when Sherry Spice doesn't get enough time in the common area, she loses confidence quickly. I do the best I can, but do have to be away at times, and she is then locked in behind a the glass door. (I always use the door when I am not home).

Last night: one time they were at the glass door, very close, Cilla stood up on the glass door, no fat tail, but Sherry Spice just sat and looked at her. (maybe knew she was safe behind the door). Later on, they were both at the gates, very close, just looked at each other. Cilla sort of looked away and eventually left, very slowly. Sherry Spice just sat and watched her. I did not see any aggression on either side. This was a good encounter!?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016
Well, this is a really positive post.

I love that Sherry Spice is confident in the common area. GREAT!

And Cilla wanting to eat by the gate. GREAT. Associating the other cat with something good. Taking focus off the other cat. So many positives. I would like to see Sherry Spice be a little more carefree at the gate but it sounds like she is doing well.

It sounds like last night was a good encounter. Good body language, calm, sounds like they felt secure.

I do what to understand how Cilla left? You said slowly. That is a cautious move. But was she otherwise normal? How low to the ground was she? How was her tail? Was Sherry Spice watching? How was Sherry Spice? Cilla was saying "I am not a threat, don't attack me" by walking slowly.

Overall, I am very encouraged about what I read here. Please keep thinking about how we can get them together and where. Common area would be best but we may need to do it by the gate. Also, practice distracting as if we get them to look away from the other it is a big win.

I think we could try any time you are ready. The above questions need to be figured out but I really like how Cilla is acting. She was really the key in my opinion. Sherry Spice is maybe a touch behind where I would have liked here. I would like her to not be as focused on Cilla at the gate and just eat etc. I just don't want her to see Cilla and act like prey. Let me know how you think Sherry Spice would act.

I am really proud of Cilla and really proud of what you have done. This was not an easy situation but you have done a great job!!
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  • #88


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 18, 2017
Los Angeles
Yes, Cilla was walking away slowly, as not to be prey. Sherry-Spice is still reluctant when there is only 1 gate up. Sherry Spice is getting better in the common area. But she has one chair she likes to go under (not in fear, more a safe place to sleep). I've tried blocking but she figured her way in anyway. I'm starting to see, I think, that she is more comfortable going low than high. When I see more of the positives of both at the gates, then I will go the next step. Probably at the gate, I think it's my only option to avoid a sneak attack


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016
I would think about trying to do more of the single gate if possible. Sherry Spice will be safe and it will be another step in letting her know there isn't a threat and it should help build her confidence.

It would be best for her to go high as it does build confidence. I am not sure how you feel about cat shelves in the house but they can look alright and be a good option and confidence builder for cats as well.

Yes, please go at the pace you believe appropriate. Just keep building confidence and making every encounter as positive as possible as that will help when they do meet. And keep trying to associate with something good (usually food) and if you sense any tension or unease try to distract.

I too think it should probably be at the gate area to do the meeting as that will be the area where Sherry Spice is most confident and Cilla seems to be comfortable there as well. But we'll cross that when we come to it.

Keep up the great work.