I Had To Bury My Sweet Boy Today. He Was Only 21 Months Old.


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 19, 2016
21 months ago, a car gave birth in our garage. Someone killed their mother and I took the 5 newborn kittens in my house, thinking I could save them by giving them some milk for 2-3 days and then letting them go back outside. I had no experience with kittens and had never owned a cat before. They were hungry, cold and that same woman had made threrats about "getting rid of them" too.

I researched everything, realised that things weren't as easy as I had originally thought but I loved them all since the moment I laid eyes on them and decided to try. After a month where I basically didn't sleep at all and with some luck, all 5 survided. I couldn't afford keeping all 5 of them, so I gave 2 away to 2 loving families and kept 3 of them.

So, now I had Meera, Cookie and Flynn and we couldn't be happier in the last 21 months. Last Friday, literally out of nowhere, Cookie fell down, couldn't breath and was obviously in distress and pain. I immediately took him to the vet thinking he probably swallowed something, like a piece of string or something. The vet said that he had trouble breathing and that he would need x-rays. I took him to a 2nd vet where he got x-rays and after the 2nd vet's advice, also an echocardiagram.

I got the terrible news that he was suffering from Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy and that he was already in heart failure, as he had gathered a lot of fluid in his lungs and that's what was causing him trouble breathing. He was very calm and relaxed and he told me that many cats live up to 10 years with this condition with the right medication, etc.

Back to the 1st vet, where we got him on meds, a whole list of pills, liquid meds, needles. Again, I research the disease on the internet and realise things are tragic. He had at best a few months to live. On Wednesday, Cookie, already suffering from extreme pain and breathing with a lot of trouble, not eating and having zero energy, suddenly became paralyzed in his bottom legs. I rush him to the vet once again, where he stuck a needle in his sides and drew out 200 ml's of liquid to make him a bit more comfortable breathing. The meds weren't working. He also had what was described as a "saddle thrombus", which from my research I knew that was basically a death sentence and the final stage of his disease. The vet suggested that we take him to a clinic because things were about to get A LOT difficult and that he needed a lot of medical attention 24 hours a day.

My little boy seemed extremely scared, in pain, howling, not able to move. I didn't want to leave him like that at a strange place with strangers in what seemed to be his final hours. I made the first suggestion to the bet about euthanasia and he was negative, he said that things aren't that bad yet and that we should fight it first.

So, I took him to the house and did everything he told me to do. He got his pills, his liquid meds, his shots, I had decided to fight. On Friday, yesterday, he took a turn for the worst. He couldn't move at all, he had spasm and he was obviously in a lot of pain. He was trying to crawl on me, he was howling in pain and his breathing broke your heart. I call the vet in order to go, but he said that he wouldn't be going to his office for the day. I take him to a 3rd vet, having decided to euthanize. I had taken him to that vet before and he really loves cats.

My beautiful boy was in agony. Rge vet saw his xrays, the echo, examined him, I told him about the spasms, everything.
I told him I had decided for euthanasia. He said that he doesn't even want to hear about this word, that "only God knows when it's time to go", that "miracles happen", "feeling pain means we're still alive", etc. I told him that I wasn't interested in miracles and that the animal was obviously in agony, but he said "that's normal, he's in pain, he's crying because he's hurt. That doesn't mean we should kill him". People waiting right next to us were giving me dirty looks, the vet was adamant in his opinion on not euthanising and he gave me for free all the meds Cookie was gonna need for the next few days. He didn't even get paid.

I take him back to the house and after 4 agonizing hours, he died. I have never seen a worse thing in my life, his last 30 minutes were hell and I blame MYSELF for it. He was gasping for air, he was looking at me with his terrified eyes and he was putting his hand in mine. He died in my arms while I was holding and kissing him, in his favorite place in the house.

I could have spared him though those last 4 agonizing hours. I should have insisted. From the 3 vets I visited, NO ONE told me the truth and how serious things were. If it weren't for the Internet, I would have thought that he had 10 years ahead of him and at then end that he just got unlucky. I KNEW and I told all of them that things are dire and I get that they don't want me to panic but I need to see my options or prepare mentally for the worst. They all acted as if he had a cold.

I had to bury my sweet, baby Cookie today. I cannot stop crying. My heart is broken. The image of him dying cannot leave my head. The image of him looking at me, trying to touch me. The image of him trying to crawl on his toilet, even though he had no energy and his legs weren't working, so that he wouldn't make a mess at the house. His feet getting blue and cold from not getting any blood and oxygen. His brother and sister, usually very active and vocal cats, staring at him from a distance, scared. I prepared his box to bury him last night, I put in his favorite blanket and his toys and when his siblings thought I wasn't watching, finally mastered the courage to approach him. They stood there and cried a human cry for their dead brother.

I couldn't imagine such pain exists. Those aren't cats, those are little children.

And now I have to test my two remaining babies two because this disease is hereditary and they could have it too since their birth. I am out of my mind from grief, thinking of my sweet Cookie alone in the cold ground and not here with me.

He was sleeping in my bed every night, when I changed sides he changed too so that he can be the little spoon. He licked my hands, he was following me everywhere and had never given me any trouble at all. He was quiet all his life, even since day 1, watching, something that I now suspect was a symptom of his disease, he probably didn't have a lot of energy.

I miss you my Cookie. I have loved you with all my heart and I will never forget you. Our house will never be the same without you.

And I am SO SO sorry I let you go through those final terrible hours, I will never forgive myself for getting talked out of my decision. At least you're not in any pain now, the needles and the pills and everything is over, you can get some rest...

And TO HELL with this disgusting disease, HCM & Saddle Thrombus. NO kitty in the world deserves to go through something like this.

I am sorry for the wall of text. Thank you for reading.

This is my last photo of him. This was taken about 4 days ago, after I found out about HCM but before he threw the clots.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
I cried through the whole post.
You're right, no cat, no pet, should deserve a split second of pain or suffering. The're innocent creatures, they have nothing to aton for.
I'm so sorry you have to go through this pain, and I blame your vets for not helping Cookie in his last hours.
Unfortunately we are going towards merry days and this event will mark your life for a long time, if not forever.
RIP Cookie, look down upon us, you're an angel now and your eyes will shine in the sky forever! :(

Kitty Mommy

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 7, 2017
I lost my Tiger to an undiagnosed cardiomyopathy almost 3 months ago. He was 10 and the vet said he probably had it since birth. He never showed any symptoms and just suddenly died. I feel your pain. What a horrible thing to happen. You tried to give him a peaceful end and I'm sorry the vets were not willing to help. Is a hard enough decision to make and having someone second guess you is awful. I am so sorry for your loss. I'm sure Cookie knew you tried to help him. I hope your other cats are okay. I know how hard it is to let go.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 22, 2017
Bator. very sorry for your loss. You are right in wanting to have Meera and Flynn checked. If they do have the condition, there may be medication as a preventive treatment.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, Cookie, dream you deep. Your paw prints are on someone's heart forever.

YOU did not fail Cookie. Your vet failed both of you, and you both suffered for it. And if there were one single STINKING thing that I could do to make that different for you both, I would do it right now.

I will tell you this, Cookie knew that he was loved, and Cookie knew you tried. And you were with him, every step of that horrible journey, you were with him.

And...this is important for you to remember...Love never dies. Never. Cookie is NOT in the cold ground. Only a poor, worn-out body that could no longer serve his great heart and gentle spirit is in that ground. You will miss (OH how you will miss!) his physical presence, but Cookie is with you, nearer than you know. I believe this with everything in me. I have experienced it. I know.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Mar 19, 2016
Rest you gentle, Cookie, dream you deep. Your paw prints are on someone's heart forever.

YOU did not fail Cookie. Your vet failed both of you, and you both suffered for it. And if there were one single STINKING thing that I could do to make that different for you both, I would do it right now.

I will tell you this, Cookie knew that he was loved, and Cookie knew you tried. And you were with him, every step of that horrible journey, you were with him.

And...this is important for you to remember...Love never dies. Never. Cookie is NOT in the cold ground. Only a poor, worn-out body that could no longer serve his great heart and gentle spirit is in that ground. You will miss (OH how you will miss!) his physical presence, but Cookie is with you, nearer than you know. I believe this with everything in me. I have experienced it. I know.
Thank you for your kind words. I am sitting here looking at his pictures crying, with his sister in my lap. I know she misses him as much as I do. All 3 of them got along great, not once did they have a fight, but Cookie really loved Meera. He was always seeking her to sleep next to her. Even on the day I found them, almost dead, they were next to each other, holding each other.

With his sister:

The day I found them:

All of them together:


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I am so so sorry to read this heartbreaking story, you were so attached to them and saved them from the beginning, you did all that you could and more; if I was a cat I would LOVE to have someone like you take care of me, you did all you could, please don't blame yourself you did the best that you could with what you knew at the time, he is no longer in pain nor suffering, he is fine now, no more pain or suffering, and the way that he passed will haunt you for awhile but it will lessen with time, I know how you are feeling I lost Sebastian 11/15 in a horrible way but with time it loses some of it's sting.

"Their last breath on Earth is their first breath in Heaven" :rbheart:

I hope that your heart heals a bit more each day, Lord Bless you......:alright: :grouphug: :rbheart:


TCS Member
Nov 3, 2016
I'm crying as I read this, I lost my baby in June, died in my arms also. It was heartbreaking. He was sickly his entire life and we had many scares. I really think when they have illnesses or in your case you saved his life, it hurts a little worse when they pass. You're a good mom and he knows he was well loved, don't be hard on yourself, I know it's easier said then done, I still cry every day. , we will see them again. But I have to believe we will see them again. Hugs


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 7, 2017
Baator, thank you for sharing Cookie's and your story. Like many others, I cried all through this post (and reading the comments). Those pictures, though, are what really got the waterworks going, and that peculiar, warm fuzzy feeling in my heart. Cookie had you his whole life, from teensy baby Cookie, to his final breath. We should all be so lucky to be so loved our whole lives through.

I didn't believe it, after Midnight died, but time does help lessen the pain. Part of me doesn't want it to lessen, part of me wants to cling onto it forever. As it stands, do what you must, from testing Meera and Flynn, to holding and loving on them, to crying, and raging, and writing your thoughts down, and scrolling through pictures as a new daily ritual. You'll visit the spot. The memory of his final moments may cling with you, for a while. In my case, it even overrode happy memories, and every time I thought of Midnight, it re-directed to those awful last moments. But it does, eventually, fade and let the good memories win out. Writing about her life, looking through pictures, even talking to her aloud, helped me reclaim the memories of her in all her temperamental glory.

For now, know you did all that you could. You fought for him, despite the vets, and when they failed, you made him as comfortable as he could be and loaded him down with love.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
My heart cries for what you went through, the pain in your post was felt by all. You did what you could, you followed the advise of those who are experienced in these matters, though they should gain a little empathy for both patient and caretaker. My cat Burt just died recently from his heart problems, he did live at least 5 more years on the medications. He was not diagnosed until he was twelve or so. I guess what I am trying to say is taht they CAN live longer if any of your other babies come up with the diagnosis. He had been through so much in that last year that we had both promised him he would die at home, not at the vets which terrified him to the point of panting. He died in our arms too, after HOURS of suffering, I still have nightmares on his end. It was on a weekend and the vet was out of town.
Your little one was so young to have developed this condition, he was most likely very grave. Death is never easy, it is the most painful thing to watch in our lives at times. I am in the medical field and have witnessed many human deaths.The will to live is extremely strong. Some like your sweet boy and my Burt have a tremendous will to live and fight it to the very end. I can honestly say that to die peacefully and in your sleep is extremely rare. But I want you to know that to die in the arms or near the one you love above all else is the most comforting thing in the world for them. You were there for him and he knew it. He is beyond pain now, he is following a new path. But this path will forever parallel yours. Love is spiritual, so it never dies, his love will follow you until the end of time. You had an incredibly strong bond with that little boy, use that to tell him how you feel, to tell him how much he is loved and missed. Don't dwell on the end, I know how impossible that is at times, but it brings nothing but heartache and pain, and it changes nothing. Try to celebrate having him in your life, it was meant to be. You saved his life when he was so little , you cared for him and showed him the love that was all he ever wanted. To have never known him and that little family would have been a great loss to your soul. Use your beautiful memories of happier times to bring comfort to your broken heart, and know there are others here to share your pain, because we know it all too well.
Time is the only thing that helps. Please try to remember that Cookie would never want you to be so sad because of him, he loves you too much to want anything but happiness in your life.Try to live your life as you would would want him to if you were the first to go, he wants the same.For now you must mourn because you love him, and in this time of the year it is so hard to see others so happy while you are in so much pain. It is magnified. But know we are here to share your burden, it helps to release a little of the pain by talking to those who understand.
My heart breaks for you and your remaining little ones. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, and pray the blessed serenity that marks this season will come into your heart and help you through this, take care.......RIP precious Cookie. You will forever hold a place in a loving heart, may the good Lord bless and keep you until you meet again. Goodnight, sleep tight, little Prince!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Dec 21, 2017
I am so very sorry for your loss. And I am so sorry that you had to go through what you went through. My heart breaks for you. I hope that you can find some consolation in the fact that Cookie is not suffering any more, and that he took his last breathes in the arms of the person he loved the most. Rip angel x


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 30, 2013
Ontario, Canada
Huge condolences for your loss :redheartpump: :grouphug: :redheartpump:

In addition, thank you for being an amazing hero for saving those kittens. You have an amazing character!

Cheers to the wonderful Cookie :bouquet::touched::beerchug: R.I.P.