I feel awful


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 11, 2021
Yesterday my wife and I had to go through a terrible time as we had to put down our sweet cat Edgar who was around 10 years old. We had him for only three years and I feel so, so guilty of how it all went down.

Just a bit of a background -- Edgar has FIV and has never a good patient at the vet. He would always hiss, try to attack the vets, etc. No one is sure of his backstory as he was found outside with an injury that looked like a torn ACL, but we are so happy he came into our lives. The animal shelter was shocked that we picked him because he was never known as friendly and even scared some of the volunteers there. When we went, I sat down and he came right on my lap.

We took Edgar home about three years ago and one vet thought he ad a torn ACL, another didn't, the problem was he was very hard to x-ray or do anything with. Throughout that time Edgar opened up to us. He would tuck my wife in at night and purr. He always had food, water, and plenty of love.

We had him scheduled for a dental procedure as I noticed that one of his fangs fell out. Then, the lower fang fell out. The vet wanted to do bloodwork and it came with with multiple things wrong. It showed he was malnourished, his white blood cell count was low and about 9 other levels were off. The vet could not do the dental work. From our past experience with many cats, we were very scared as we know that FIV can be very tough once infections start to kick in. This last weekend he slowed way down on eating. He would always eat a ton of food but not he wouldn't eat a freshly opened can of tuna, or his wet food. He would eat minimal hard food and treats. We even tried deli turkey and he would have one small piece and not finish the others. Something was very wrong.

After giving him 100mg of liquid gabapentin, we took him to the emergence vet very early in the morning. It was a struggle to even get the gabapentin in him. He hates to be held down and have thing shot in his mouth, etc. He has always loved on his terms, etc. He would basically lay on us for two minutes and his tail would start going all over the place , then he would abruptly meow, get up and walk away.

Once we got to the emergency vet they took him away from us and brought him in the back. I was petrified because I know he is way more calm at the vet when we are in the room as we can help control him. He freaked out back there and in order to do the tests they had to sedate him. When the tests came back the dr said there wasn't exactly one thing wrong, it could be a multitude of things. First, he had an enlarged heart, second, she thinks the FIV made it to his bone marrow, he definitely needed dental work he had signs that could point to pancreatitis. The doctor said he would have to be on 4-5 medicines a day and would have to come back at least monthly for other test and meet with other internal medicine doctors. The doctor said that if the cat didn't mind coming it might be doable, but it is harder with a cat like Edgar.

I was so scared. With both of us in tears, my wife and I went back and forth on what we should do. I didn't want to let him go so I wanted to try anything. My wife knew he would hate that kid of life, being handled, having medicine shot in his mouth etc. I knew she was right, but I didn't want to admit it. Finally, I saw her side and we agreed to do the terrible thing of putting him down.

The vet was extremely busy that day and Edgar was starting to wake up from his sedation. By the time we got into the room and saw him, he looked SO scared. His little face was so scared, his body was shaking and he still had the IV in his arm from sedation. I felt so terrible putting him through all that stress now to see him shaking and scared just to put him down. We cried so much as it came to the end. I felt so guilty and felt like I needed to apologize for what I just put him through. When he passed his eyes were open and his body was lifeless. It was such immense pain.

When we got home we went through the process of removing his litter box, food bowl, toys, etc. I felt like a horrible person as it looked like we were "erasing" him.

I know this sounds crazy, but last night I felt like I wanted to drive to the vet and just hold his body to keep it warm. I love him so much and I feel so, so guilty that his last moments was him scared and shaking.

I'm really struggling with this and hope that posting here can be a first step for me. I just feel an immense amount of guilt for putting this sweet creature through that.



Toxoplasmosis Mind Control Slave
Adult Cat
Jan 19, 2024
Hi, I am so sorry. It sounds like you gave a struggling older cat a chance when others overlooked him and provided him with a really good life and a happy last few years. You tried to provide him with the best care possible but with a cat his age that struggles with FIV and other issues from his past, for who knows how long, there was only so much you could do. It’s really not your fault so don’t feel guilty, he was loved and you did everything you realistically could, sometimes it’s just out of our hands.

It absolutely sucks to have them go in an unpeaceful way, scared at the emergency vet. My oldest boy went suddenly the same way last month and the shock and guilt and heartbreak is a lot so I totally understand how you feel, it was awful, but again, it’s not your fault. Had he not been into the ER and put to rest he likely would have suffered even more, so you did what was best for him, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. Again I am so sorry, I know it’s hard but try not to beat yourself up about it, and in time these sad memories of his last moments will fade and be replaced by the happier ones.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 26, 2022
I am so sorry to hear this. I experience your sorry and know what you are going through. I can't say it enough to those of us who are missing our pets..start writing down in a notebook all the memories that you have of your boy. I have been doing this for a little over a month now and now some of the memories that brought a flood of tears now bring a gentle tear and a smile as I re-read and remember. Little things like putting a screen saver of his photo up, or putting his photo or photos on a table and putting candles around it as a memorial helps as well.
One of the Forum Helpers here posted this link to a fine chatroom(free) and I go online every now and then from 8-10pm to meet with others who have lost pets and are having a difficult time grieving and understanding grief. Sometimes just being in the 'room' and sitting quietly helps.
You can find more helpful things there as well.
I am so sorry.

Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement – Free pet loss & grief support


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, Edgar, dream you deep. You walk in someone's heart forever.

I hope you remember this...cats live in a sort of "forever now" state, so the three years that were so short to you were Edgar's forever. He lived, breathed and had his being wrapped in your love, and that love was so open and giving that he was allowed to be himself at all times. That is a rare gift to ANYONE!

I know, to the depths of me, the pain of letting a cat go because you know that keeping them alive would be a misery to them. I do. Not only that, but I know that you made the right choice for Edgar. Absolutely you did. And at the cost of your own heartbreak. That takes a very special kind of courage.

This is the Deepest Truth that I know...love never dies. It is translated and purified into Love, and continues on. Now, from his home in That Place Where All Things Are Known, Edgar blesses you, and he sends his Love back to walk with you down through all of your days. Because Love abides. Always and forever, Love abides.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 26, 2022
Rest you gentle, Edgar, dream you deep. You walk in someone's heart forever.

I hope you remember this...cats live in a sort of "forever now" state, so the three years that were so short to you were Edgar's forever. He lived, breathed and had his being wrapped in your love, and that love was so open and giving that he was allowed to be himself at all times. That is a rare gift to ANYONE!

I know, to the depths of me, the pain of letting a cat go because you know that keeping them alive would be a misery to them. I do. Not only that, but I know that you made the right choice for Edgar. Absolutely you did. And at the cost of your own heartbreak. That takes a very special kind of courage.

This is the Deepest Truth that I know...love never dies. It is translated and purified into Love, and continues on. Now, from his home in That Place Where All Things Are Know, Edgar blesses you, and he sends his Love back to walk with you down through all of your days. Because Love abides. Always and forever, Love abides.
So true, Mamany..thank you for that . Great words to meditate on tonight....for us ALL.💗

Tik cat's mum

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 20, 2019
I'm so sorry for your loss. Please try to be kind to yourself and remember sometimes thing's are out of our control. You gave Edgar a loving home that I'm sure he was thankful for, and you cut short his what would of been a very slow painful end. Believe me guilt is part of the process we go through when we say goodbye. I myself have been there and so many others on here have been there too. You have nothing to feel guilty about.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I am a retired RN and hope I can take away some of your guilt by assuring you you did the right thing. FIV is a horrible disease, it is uncurable and unrelenting in bringing misery and pain. This was something that would NOT get better, and you knowing him better than anyone would have to agree that putting him through all the tests, meds, etc. would do nothing but prolong the inevitable and bring him more suffering. I am so sorry you had to witness him being scared and shaking, but having had cats go through both, dying at home brings fear too, and takes MUCH MUCH longer. We all want to die at home in our sleep, but this happens rarely, almost not at all......
I pray you can find comfort in the fact that being there brought him a lot of comfort, he was surrounded by your love. His bond of love will always be connected to your heart. The grief and anguish you are feeling right now will some day turn into gratitude for him being in your life, but that is a long way in the future. He is at peace, he has your love in his heart. You gave him what he wanted most in life, care, a home, and someone to love him. In return he gave you one of this world's greatest treasures, a cat's love.........
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Time is the only thing that dulls the sharp edges of grief. Be gentle on yourself, everything you did was out of love and concern for that sweet boy, and he knows it. Bless you for loving him so much.......RIP precious Edgar. You will always be remembered and loved. You will have secure places in loving hearts forever. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Dec 28, 2023
I'm so sorry about Edgar. May he RIP. I had to put my cat to sleep last week too. It is certainly never easy.

I know you only had him for three years or so, but think how much you improve his life in that time. He could have languished in the shelter with no one adopting him. He could have gone home to an abusive and/or neglectful home. Instead, he went home with you where you cared for and loved him. You weren't together as long as you would have liked, but I'm really improved each other's lives in that time.


TCS Member
Feb 16, 2024
I'm so sorry this happened. Our kitty was 10 and he hated being taken into the back at the vets. The good vets always let us stay with him. You did such a kindness for him as his human, to take on that pain of making the decision for him to not experience any more pain. Our kitty was put to sleep yesterday and I'm feeling all kinds of guilt. I think this is the cost of loving an animal and the way our society handles their care. The relationship between animals and humans is unique - they are independent in their own way but ultimately we protect them. Something a vet said to me resonated - Buddy wouldn't have made it to 10 years old without human intervention. He had numerous blockages and infections. We adopted him in the last year of his life and tried to undo the harms but they were too much. We gave him the best of the best in his last months. Edgar appreciates everything you did for him and I'm sure he felt like he had won the lottery ❤ Hugs


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 21, 2013
Orlando Area, Florida
I’m very sorry for your loss of Edgar. I went through a very similar situation about a year ago. It’s a horrible sad experience to let your cat go so suddenly. But you did what was best for Edgar. You took his pain away and set his spirit free. My deepest condolences to you and your wife. :hugs:
Rest In Peace, sweet baby.:redheartpump:


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 29, 2011
I am very sorry about Edgar, may he rest in peace.

and he knows he was loved and had a good life in the time he had...I know it was an awful experience and thank you for coming here to share him. He was cared for an loved and that is more than many get and one day, you'll be reunited again.