I Cry Reading This Part Of The Forum


Daddy of 4
Thread starter
Adult Cat
May 8, 2019
Like a blubbering idiot... big lump in my throat... stomach in knots... every single time. Anyone else?

My heart goes out to everyone here who has lost their beloved pet(s).

When my babies pass I'm going to need psychiatric help!


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I do, but I come here every time I'm online. I cry, and try to find some words of comfort, knowing that when the time comes, the wonderful people here will rally around me with words of comfort as well. This is what it is to be part of a community. We know very well that sorrow shared is halved, and that joy shared is more than doubled.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 4, 2019
Northeast USA
I am a softie for my babies. It gets harder with every one I lose (I have lost 5 over the years). The last one was my Oliver and this time I decided to bring him home to bury. I buried him in the rain and that was one of the hardest things I have ever done. Yes, I cried.


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I joined here years ago asking questions when Sebastian was sick and he passed very soon after, and the love and support that I got was so very helpful that I decided to stick around and try to help ease the pain for others when their little ones go. We have lost 6 over the years, it never gets any easier, and yes I too will be a train wreck when my baby boy Sylvester checks out, whenever I read some of these posts that are so sad I send a response to the person and hope that it helps and then go and get him and get a "Vester" hug from him.

And I also feel relief when I log in and see that there have been no new entries which is always good news, but if there are we help them the best that we can....

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I'm crying right now, hoping my husband won't walk in and ask what is wrong.....
when I think back all those years ago and remember how much every single post meant to me when I was drowning in pain and sorrow, it was a lifeline back to sanity.
That is why we come here, not to relive that pain, THAT would be torture, it is because if we can help to make ONE person not feel so alone, to maybe have hope that the future will bring releif, that giving them the knowledge that we will share their burden and help to make it easier to carry because we know what they are going through. Or even for those that have not lost a part of their heart yet but know it is enevitable, to have the knowledge that someone cares, someone will offer sympathy, someone will cry with them when the time comes, just helps in some small way.
This is something that you never get over, it is something you learn to live with, to get through, but it helps so much to not go through it alone. It is solely personal, noone else in the world will go through what you are, but there are those who empathise because they have lived through the hell you are living through. And as the saying goes, "what doesn't kill you will make you stronger" When you finally get the point of realizing that to know such a love, to experience such a love is one of the best things in your life, and it can never be taken from you, you will find peace. Because to have never known that love at all would be far more tragic then your loss.
This forum helps you know you are not alone, that the pain that consumes you, and seems unending, will get better in time, because time is the healer of all wounds, even broken hearts......may God bless us all.....


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 1, 2018
I come here because when my leo and mc died 3 months apart i felt extremly alone and depressed and the people on this site helped me to get through it by listening to all my posts, i didnt have anyone around me who understood what i was feeling and it is great to know that there are people out there who understand what i was going through.
I also like to come here to help others so that they dont feel like they are alone when their buddy has passed, because it is a very difficult moment were you doubt yourself in your decisions or actions , guilt, sadness, depression, lonliness, and raw emotions that some people may not be able to speak to their family about it or have no one to talk about it.

its been 6 months since leo had passed and 3 months for mc and i am getting better , but i still think of them when i am alone ,the good times and then i think about where it all went wrong. But i know i will never forget them. Even when i am having a crappy day at work or at home i still talk to them in my mind when i am on my own even though they arent here , i know they are listening up in heaven.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I have often thought it is unfair that our beloved cats have such comparatively short lives. But if it is true that all things have a reason, or that we can find a lesson in all things, then perhaps this is it...they teach us that we can love with our whole beings, lose that love, mourn that love, and then open our hearts to love again. Even knowing that we will certainly lose again, we do it, for the joy of the loving is greater than the pain of the losing in the end.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
I cry every time I read a new thread of a cat that left this world, I feel the usual lump in my throat, and everything.
The bad thing is that I usually read this forum early in the morning at work... You can just imagine in what situation I put myself into...

But I had so much help and comfort when I lost my Lola in 2017 that I can't help being here and see if I can be of partial help to anybody else.
The loss of my Pallina last year hit me hard again, and again this community helped me a lot.

I will never be grateful enough to all of you!


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
I have to admit it's not easy for me to come to this section of TCS either. And I also have to admit it never gets easier for me. :sniffle: We have lost so many cats of our own over the years, yet each and everyone of them were special. :hearthrob: We have rescued them, cared for them, loved them, given them their forever homes and even though we recognize this it only makes it more difficult when the time comes to say goodbye. However, the members on this site understand and are always here in support of one another. For that I am eternally grateful. :touched:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
I can't read this forum much of the time. I feel everyone's pain, and it hurts too much. I put off getting another pet 25 years ago after my beloved Sheltie died, but eventually my sons talked me into getting a cat. And then I couldn't walk away from Lily. Sometimes when I hold them and love on them, I become very afraid of the day they will die. I'm mourning while they are still with me.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2017
I dont like coming to this forum. But i feel its my duty.

This is one of, perhaps the only site I have posted on, where there seems to be no malice, no trolls, no nastiness....just good people with a common love and understanding.

Having lost cat buddies over the years, I feel I should try to comfort those who are suffering here. Most who have not experienced a loving relationship with a cat, or any animal, can not comprehend the pain when that animal passes. They can not provide empathy or support. But I can. And I should and so I do...it does take a little part of me when I visit here. But it also reminds me how special my boys and relationships with others are.

And I know that one day it will likely be me asking for support.


Ms. Jeff's Legacy
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2019
To be honest, I am in so much grief over losing Jeff a few months ago that I doubt I would be much help to anyone else who is in mourning. But I do come on here in an effort to reach out to others and also to remind myself that I am not the only one who is going through pain.