How To Take Care Of Feral?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 31, 2016
hello! I have recently started feeding a feral cat whom I've named Percy. She has been coming by every day but will not let me touch her. I can however, get close to her. I noticed yesterday that her nipples are very large (clearly visible when she is sitting) and I think she has recently given birth to kittens. I am very worried that they need help or she needs help since I have not seen the kittens around my apartment complex. I have been feeding her every night but am just all around worried. I would eventually like to take her to the vet and get her spayed with proper shots, but there is no way I can catch her right now. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! I've attached a picture of her.


TCS Member
Nov 20, 2008
Burlington, North Carolina
Keep feeding her - if you can get wet kitten food, it will give her the extra nutrients she needs for nursing. If there is a shelter or rescue group near you, they may be able to help you find the kittens and hopefully get them to a foster home for socializing.

She may also bring the kittens to you when they are old enough Trapping her then is best - as the kittens can survive without her at that point. If you do not see kittens soon, trap her, as she has a good change of getting pregnant (again). Having her spayed is the kindest thing you can do for her. Fingers crossed you are able to find the kittens!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
Bless you for caring for Percy! She is a real cutie - so many sad stories out there in the field. Cats are typically excellent mothers and since kitties are more often prey than predator, their instincts are to thoroughly hide their kittens. The kittens will probably appear at about 3 or 4 weeks; hopefully, you will discover their lair and be able to catch and tame them before then. At any rate, it is advisable to feed her kitten chow (canned is best but life is real and budgets must be considered) so her kittens get the best nutrition possible, especially since Percy is probably unvaccinated. Please give up updates!


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
The real question here is, if she HAS kittens, or if she got preg recently... If she has kittens, they will come forward soon enough, etc.
But if she got preg recently, its now you can still spay her... (yes, taking her with a trap is prob necessary - even if you can perhaps try with wrapping her up in a blanket)
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 31, 2016
Thank you guys for all the advice! As usual, she came meowing at my door again last night and I gave her more food (I'll go to the store today and get kitten food). I fed her with me sitting right next to her and she ate with no hesitation. As soon as I extended my arm though for her to sniff my hand, she got really scared and nearly ran away. I tried talking to her and backed up a bit and she came back, but I worry she's still very scared of me. Hopefully I'll be able to follow her around on Saturday when I do not work and see where she goes. I saw her climbing the side of the building and I think she may be "living" in between the walls. I desperately want to catch her so I can get her looked at but she is so so scared. I also would like to give her some capstar because I think she may have fleas as well, but I don't think I can do that until the kittens are done nursing. She is very smart and has to be around two years old. Again, I'm assuming she recently had kittens because of her nipples and looser stomach. hopefully i can gain her trust quickly.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 29, 2016
Southern California
Back in 2004 I adopted two semi-feral kitties. They had been abandoned at a young age and spent a couple years outside on their own. I fed them every day for 4 months before I was able to pet one of them and soon after, the other.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 31, 2016
Back in 2004 I adopted two semi-feral kitties. They had been abandoned at a young age and spent a couple years outside on their own. I fed them every day for 4 months before I was able to pet one of them and soon after, the other.
Good!!! I've been feeding Percy now for about three weeks I would say. She has made a lot of improvement so it's good to know there's hope for the future.


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Hello misskirby, thank you for taking care of Percy.

You have a very good chance of winning her heart. Very good suggestions coming from the above members.

Keep feeding her and get her to associate you with food. First and foremost is for her gain total confidence in you before all the petting and stroking comes in.

As you can sit by her to feed her, feed her less so that she'll ask you for more and then you present the food in your hand to her and this way the bonding will be greater and the trust of your hands will be no longer a threat. There is a reason why she runs away when you extend your hand towards her. She might have a bad experience with hands. Do not raise your hands up but extend slowly to her at a level lower than her head in a fist form. Best is always that you stay low like sitting on the floor.

Keep calling her name so that she knows it's her name during feeding time before laying down her food and hope that she'll come up to you. If she hesitates, just lay out some and increase feeding by hand.

In other words, make her feel at home. Hopefully the process don't take too long so that you can get her vaccinations done and also she'll show up with her kittens. Keep your ear tuned to cries of kittens and that'll lead you to her nest but do not remove the kittens as yet. Let her bring them to you. At least you know where they are and make sure they are safe.

Get some toys or a cat wand and play with her the next time she comes around for food. Get a towel or blanket and place her food on it so that she'll leave her scent on the towel and she'll feel more secure each time she comes around and find her scent there. It's like it's going to be where she belongs.

Do keep us updated. Hoping for the best for you :wink:
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 29, 2016
Southern California
Keep calling her name so that she knows it's her name during feeding time before laying down her food and hope that she'll come up to you. Of not just lay out some and increase by hand.
Yes, that's another important thing. Talk calmly to her a lot. They seem to respond to that for some reason.


Extraterrestrial Being
Top Cat
May 30, 2016
Floating Untethered In The Stratosphere
Thank you so much for looking after her. It really puts a smile on my face because it reminds me of all the struggles I went through to get Felix's sister and nephews off the streets.

In my experience, it really really helps to have a feeding schedule. Feed her at a specific time so she knows she'll be fed and always be consistent. I tried to get closer to Hazel each day always trying something new. I knew that even if she ran away, she'd come back because she wasn't getting food from anywhere else. Thankfully she trusted me with her kittens from the start because I fed her when she was pregnant. Hopefully if she has kittens or is currently pregnant and due to have them, she'll bring them around and you can take appropriate action. Please please please keep me updated. I know it can be a long road but it's so worth it! It's been a year since I first met Hazel and looking back on all of it now, I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 31, 2016
Thank you everyone for all the great advice and support!! We made so much progress the other day when she nearly came into my apartment. I currently have a cat so I had to put her in my room, but Percy was very curious about my apartment. Yesterday, we had a bit of a setback. Two dogs started fighting, to the point where one dog had a good amount of fur ripped out, and I think she was near. I feed her when I get home, around 6, and she always comes maybe around 6:15. Yesterday, I'm assuming she came around at her usual time but the dogs scared her tremendously. I've seen her get chased off by a dog and up a tree many times, so I know she is terrified of them. She came back once the dogs left, but was INCREDIBLY scared. I couldn't even sit next to her like I usually do and she didn't want me near. I gave her some canned food and normally she'll come running to sniff it and eat it right next to me, but she wouldn't even touch it if I was around. I felt so bad for her. Then, the weirdest thing happened. In the middle of her eating, she looked up and started meowing like crazy. Like very worried meows. She ran to the bushes and meowed even louder some more and then another dog came and scared her away. I ran to the bushes hoping to find her babies, but nothing was there. I have no idea what caused her to suddenly meow so much and so loudly, but she did come back and finish her food. I have not heard any kittens and am very worried they're living in the wall. Hopefully today will be better.


TCS Member
May 6, 2017
Just like you and your new friend ms Percy ,I find myself in somewhat the same position with Tuxedo an her sister BettyBoop.both are with litter and Tuxedo just delivered her litter of three not more than 4 hours ago while Betty has yet to deliver I'm sure shell retire sometime today to one of three spots she has picked to give birth.........much like Ms Percy the sisters belonged to what could best be described as a warren of cats belonging to a former tenant of my apartment complex as many as up to 15 cat resided in the apt with the lady and for over 18 years that was the status until february of this year.
It was really never my intention to become a cat caregiver but as fate would have it that seems to be the case, both cats are affable enough but still retain much of the feral traits of a self reliant wild cat.however together they seem to have owned me and in doing so or allowing them to become part of my house hold I've placed my self in a less than tenable position with the management.
Believe me when I state that all four legged creatures are at times more preferable to be in the company of than many bipeds Ive known.( I Say that tongue in cheek).....but when its a choice of roof over my head or the company of two manipulating feral furballs with kittens..........well LETS JUST SAY YA GOT ME IN A BOX HERE.....(that may soon turn into a cardboard box in a alie some where) hummm all the sudden ferals lookin pretty

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Meowing loudly might be she is calling her kittens. I hope you see them soon or it might be that they are trapped between those walls. She is definitely a stray, not feral, to go to your door and let you get so close, so it is really just a matter of time a lots of good food before she will calm down. The kittens need to be socialized though, you don't want them to be raised as ferals, they need found as soon as possible, preferably before they are old enough to run fast. Good luck!


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Hi misskirby misskirby

Thank you so much for taking care of her. I take care of a colony of semi-feral cats. It can take time but they will eventually get used to you. I cat pet all of mine now and pick up around two thirds of them.

She will keep her kittens hidden until they are about 12 weeks old. They usually start to follow mum to the food source at around that age. I know living in a wall space doesn't sound great, but at least they are safe from dogs and other animals there.

If you can coax her to come closer and closer to your apartment you might be able to persuade her to come inside eventually. Even is she won't come in, you might be able to catch some of the kittens that way.

Is there any way you could make her a shelter on the porch just outside of your apartment? Mother cats will move their litters a couple of times while they are growing up. If there is a safe place near her food source she might be tempted to move there.

Good luck, please keep us posted.


Mother of Cats
Young Cat
Feb 9, 2017
They can become pregnant as young as 6 months of age, so perhaps she has already given birth or is currently pregnant! I would keep a close eye on her, supply her with food and water, spend time with her as much as you can, speak to her, try to earn her trust. I rescued a stray that was very young and pregnant. If you're considering taking her into your home or to the vet, do not vaccinate her just yet! If she has any fleas or ticks, get rid of them with home remedies that won't be harmful to the little one(s). You wouldn't want to risk anything happening to them.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 25, 2017
Cat in the window
Thank you for caring for her and your babies, by feeding her good foods (the wet will ensure she gets plenty of water - add a bit more if you want, so as not to dilute or thin it too much.) I would ask that you do nothing to jeopardize her parenting of her young. I would be patient until you or a rescue trapper can get them all. I would not worry about touching her. If she is around long enough, that will come on its own to the point she will be like a second skin and you'll start to resemble a Yeti when she sheds.

Once you have her become a regular dinner guest, observe her from a distance and try to determine where she is bedding the litter, but don't approach them to close until she trusts you well. Capturing and spaying her separate from her litter could cause her to abandon them as it is an invasive procedure and may alter her behavior towards her young and towards you.

If you're able to locate her home and the litter, an experienced rescuer using a box trap could easily get them all at once. You find their home, withhold food for like 24 hours, then set the box trap nearby with some good smelly fresh wet food. If this is at a time when the babies are tagging along with will get them all using a box trap. Should you not, then you will know exactly where the remaining babies are sheltering and trap them afterward.

She may move the babies closer to you, as long as you have her trust and there is food, water, and shelter. Please stay close as she eats as her presence and the food may attract other cats and scare her away from feeding. Also, monitor her eating and remove any remaining foods or scraps, so as not to attract other cats, that may threaten her young. With her being pregnant you can be assured there are other outdoor or stray cats around, and possibly critters that prey on baby kittens. We would love regular reports and some baby pictures later if possible. Thank you again for caring and making a difference in this little one's precious life.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 10, 2017
hello! I have recently started feeding a feral cat whom I've named Percy. She has been coming by every day but will not let me touch her. I can however, get close to her. I noticed yesterday that her nipples are very large (clearly visible when she is sitting) and I think she has recently given birth to kittens. I am very worried that they need help or she needs help since I have not seen the kittens around my apartment complex. I have been feeding her every night but am just all around worried. I would eventually like to take her to the vet and get her spayed with proper shots, but there is no way I can catch her right now. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! I've attached a picture of her. View attachment 178915View attachment 178916
I completely know where you're at right now. I got lucky with the help of a rescue person with a have a heart trap and found mom feral next to the porch where her kittens were but mom would come down the street cuz I fed her. I am soooo grateful it worked out like that cuz if I had trapped mom, we would've had a very hard time finding her babies. They were 2 weeks. They are with the rescue person in a double large cage (mom went nuts-wouldn't come down to feed) and they're well. I can't offer advice cuz I'm getting ready to ask my own question but that's my experience so far. Moms getting spayed, kittens adopted and I'm going to attempt to keep and socialize mom. I will post question ASAP cuz I will probably have several. Thanks for caring