How To Introduce Surrogate Mom Cat To Orphaned Kittens?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 4, 2018
Hello this is my first time posting in the forums but i really need advice

Last April 3,2018 my cat Mimingsu passed away after her c-section leaving me with 4 cute kittens
Until now Im still in shock she died like that, the vet told me that when she woke up she had a hard time breathing and anyway there were many complications in her surgery that she just couldnt make it
After burying Mimingsu, Im so afraid to take care of the kittens because the fur reminds me of her and I just can't handle taking care of them on my own. I gave my kittens to my boyfriend and I just visit them at times but the responsibility of taking care of kittens is just too much. My boyfriend has zero sleep and is only having 1 hr naps just to feed the kittens on time. I feel bad about it but luckily my vet told emailed me yesterday. She knows someone willing to help foster the kittens.
Tomorrow I'll be receiving the mom cat but my problem is how do I introduce the surrogate mom cat to the orphaned kittens. I dont know how to let the mom cat be comfortable with the orphan kittens. Has anyone been in a situation like this? I really need advice because I really want the kittens to live.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Losing your little girl has filled you with pain and grief. I am so sorry for your loss. I want you to remember, though, these tiny little beings are a part of your girl, her last gift to you, and I know she would want you to help them. If you can't be responsible to take care of these innocent babies, who will? You will always have a bond of love with Mimingsu, that can never be taken from you. Ask her to help you, to guide you through this and she will. Like a mother with many children, you can make room in your heart for these little ones, right next to hers. Each one is unique and precious. I know your heart is aching, the emptiness you feel. These little ones can help fill that emptiness, they can supply you with a distraction to your pain if you let them. This constant care won't last forever, just a few weeks. The surrogate you are receiving is a blessing, she will find the love and compassion to raise these babies as her own, because that is what mother do. She will be frightened and very unsure at first. Put her in a room by herself to make it more intimate and not so big. Put the kittens across the room from her in a bed and sit close by them and observe, let her come to them. Let her explore the room first and give her reassuring strokes and talk softly to her. Once teh kittens begin to cry, see what she does. You may have to feed them the first day or two until she becomes less afraid and more comfortable in her new surroundings. Instinct should take over. PLease keep in touch and tell us how things are going. And please post a tribute to your beautiful girl on our Crossing the Bridge forum. My thoughts and prayers are with you!


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
I agree completely with the above!
Moms are usually willing to adopt new fosterlings. its seldom necessary to make big fuss. Some scent swapping, ie her scent on them (or if she has her own kitten with her, the kittens scent on them is best), may be good if it feels better for you, but really dont necessary... You have seen you tube pics on cat mommas whom fetched orphaned squirrel babies??

But its of course important the new momma feels safe and secure at your place, so she isnt forced to use up her strengh just on survival... If she is at ease, feeling welcome and loved, she will have easier to open op her own heart.

If you want to give, its good you do have, no? So its with foster moms too...

Good luck!

Ps. is the boyfriend whom is having 24/7 with the kittens now?? Take him, whatever you do. Be sure he isnt no boyfriend much longer, make him your dear husband as soon you manage. He is of the right wood and has proven himself.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
The mom will likely take to the kittens easily. I suggest putting her in a dark, quiet and private room away from people so she will feel safer. Put her food, water, and litter nearby.

Spend time sitting on the floor nearby and observing, talking in a soft voice.

Does this cat have an owner? I ask because if so, it may be easier to take the kittens to her at the home where she lives. Or was she a stray who lost her kittens but is lactating?

Hopefully it goes well. Please let us know!
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 4, 2018
Losing your little girl has filled you with pain and grief. I am so sorry for your loss. I want you to remember, though, these tiny little beings are a part of your girl, her last gift to you, and I know she would want you to help them. If you can't be responsible to take care of these innocent babies, who will? You will always have a bond of love with Mimingsu, that can never be taken from you. Ask her to help you, to guide you through this and she will. Like a mother with many children, you can make room in your heart for these little ones, right next to hers. Each one is unique and precious. I know your heart is aching, the emptiness you feel. These little ones can help fill that emptiness, they can supply you with a distraction to your pain if you let them. This constant care won't last forever, just a few weeks. The surrogate you are receiving is a blessing, she will find the love and compassion to raise these babies as her own, because that is what mother do. She will be frightened and very unsure at first. Put her in a room by herself to make it more intimate and not so big. Put the kittens across the room from her in a bed and sit close by them and observe, let her come to them. Let her explore the room first and give her reassuring strokes and talk softly to her. Once teh kittens begin to cry, see what she does. You may have to feed them the first day or two until she becomes less afraid and more comfortable in her new surroundings. Instinct should take over. PLease keep in touch and tell us how things are going. And please post a tribute to your beautiful girl on our Crossing the Bridge forum. My thoughts and prayers are with you!
Thank you so much your words hit deep and made me realize that mimingsu's babies are a blessing for me to mebrace instead of giving it away. It's still hard for me to talk about her death. I tried to write a thread in the crossing the bridge forum about Mimingsu but I started crying again and couldnt do it hopefully these heart stabbing pain will go away with time. Thank you again for the touching words and advice!!
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 4, 2018
I agree completely with the above!
Moms are usually willing to adopt new fosterlings. its seldom necessary to make big fuss. Some scent swapping, ie her scent on them (or if she has her own kitten with her, the kittens scent on them is best), may be good if it feels better for you, but really dont necessary... You have seen you tube pics on cat mommas whom fetched orphaned squirrel babies??

But its of course important the new momma feels safe and secure at your place, so she isnt forced to use up her strengh just on survival... If she is at ease, feeling welcome and loved, she will have easier to open op her own heart.

If you want to give, its good you do have, no? So its with foster moms too...

Good luck!

Ps. is the boyfriend whom is having 24/7 with the kittens now?? Take him, whatever you do. Be sure he isnt no boyfriend much longer, make him your dear husband as soon you manage. He is of the right wood and has proven himself.
Thank you so much for the reply! I still havent gotten the mom cat yet because the owner had a meeting to go to but I'll be getting them in the afternoon. Also my boyfriend dropped off the kittens at my place and its a chance for him to get a decent sleep. I'll be handling the mom cat and kittens from now on. I don't think I'll find anyone else as commited as him to care for young kittens he is definitely a keeper!
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 4, 2018
The mom will likely take to the kittens easily. I suggest putting her in a dark, quiet and private room away from people so she will feel safer. Put her food, water, and litter nearby.

Spend time sitting on the floor nearby and observing, talking in a soft voice.

Does this cat have an owner? I ask because if so, it may be easier to take the kittens to her at the home where she lives. Or was she a stray who lost her kittens but is lactating?

Hopefully it goes well. Please let us know!
Hello! thanks for the reply and the mom cat does have an owner but she is very busy and can't oversee the kittens 24/7 so we had an arrangement that we agreed on. I would have to take care of her mom cat and bring her to my place so that I can monitor their behavior. I'm still in college and it's currently summer so I still have a few weeks to spend time with all of them. I still haven't gotten the mom cat yet because the owner got caught up in a meeting in the morning so hopefully she finishes soon and I can meet up with her this afternoon.
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 4, 2018
they are so cute and small hehe theyre waiting for their foster mom~


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
Do you know what happened to the foster mom’s kittens?


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Be sure they are warm and comfy, they look a little thin, ie somewhat premature. kiarah113 kiarah113

I want so dearly they thrive and grow... So you will get your wonderful memory from your loved cat.
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 4, 2018
update: the light grey kitten died and i dont know how to cope with this anymore i dont know why she died it makes me so sad the kitten that looked liker her mother died so soon im really hurt and depressed i feel like im not good enough to care for the little ones

StefanZ StefanZ : the kittens are overdue for a week thats why the mom cat had a c section and thats how they came out to be huhuhuhu

talkingpeanut talkingpeanut : i met with the foster mom cat and she is willing to let the kittens drink her milk but the kittens dont know how to suck the milk even tho we've pinched the nipples and such :(

ashade1 ashade1 : thank u so much huhu

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Put honey water on their gums to give them more energy, have they been stimulated to go the bathroom? have you seen step mom licking their behinds? Just keep putting them on mom, and supplement every two hours. You can do this, it won't be forever. They do look thin, and weak, they have to get stronger to suckle. Are you feeding with KMR for kittens? Tummies down, and kept warm? Make sure you call the vet and get their advise, you may need someone who is experienced to step in. My heart is with you.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Yes, follow Stefan’s advice in the post above. Here is a helpful video regarding feeding. You must supplement with formula around the clock until they learn to latch.

Syringe Feeding
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  • #15


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 4, 2018
@dl and bob: the problem is my parents dont want the mom cat to be in the house and they kept screaming at me not to do it bec what if the mom cat bites or the mom cat does this and that and i was so depressed and frustrated
plus the girl texted me that she cant bring the mom cat over because they dont have a cage and her mom cat doesnt like getting in boxes. The mom cat might escape or run away along the road if the girl carries it to the meeting place we planned. The girl lives 10 mins. away from me so I decided to go over there with the cage that we have but my parents kept mocking me and screaming not to do it so they made me bring the kittens to their house. I did that and when I got back it was 30 mins. late for their feeding time I noticed the grey kitten didnt want to eat so I warmed her up and fed her. Later I noticed she stopped breathing and I kept rubbing her but she really passed away
My parents wont allow the mom cat to stay here Im so troubled idk wat to do anymore I wish I didnt bring the kittens there maybe the grey kitten got tired I really dont know what to do.

Ive been feeding them milk replacer for kittens using a small syringe about 3 CC like the vet told me and I feed them in a position that is like how they would suck milk from a mom cat and im putting hot packs covered with towels for them to be warm and have a heating lamp over them too. I stimulate their poop and pee after feeding as well.

I really dont know what to do I cant help blame myself that I shouldnt be swayed with other peoples comments I should have brought the mom cat at home. My heart hurts so much I dont know how to think I dont know what to do next :(

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I really think you should get hold of the nearest shelter or vet's office and see if they can take the kittens. Thye need round the clock care. or someone who can stay with step mom and feed the kittens until they learn to suckle. This is getting critical and if your parents are not able to be understanding or compassionate, something else has to be done. Step mama cannot be shut up in your room?


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Is the mom cat even lactating? Unless she was just separated from her own litter, she will not have milk.

I agree with Di and Bob, you need to turn the kittens over to a shelter. It will be better for you and the kittens.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
The foster mom’s kittens died due to a c-section? How long ago?
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  • #19


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 4, 2018
Sarthur2 Sarthur2 : yes the mom cat is lactating and even grooms the kittens when I was there but the kittens dont know how to drink from nipples bec they got too used to syringes

the animal shelter available from where i am has the option of surrendering animals and i wont be able to get them back i rly dont want to lose them :(
and if i go to my local vets most of them are pricey for my wallet to handle
i spent all my money on mimingsu's c-section bec. the fund raising couldn't handle everything

the girl did tell me that its better if i buy those rubber nipples and put it over the syringe so that they'll get used to a sucking motion when they eat and i can come back at her place when they've gotten the hang of it

thats all i can think of a solution for a moment since the momcat rly cant come over here :(
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  • #20


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 4, 2018
The foster mom’s kittens died due to a c-section? How long ago?
she died last april 3 2018 just this tuesday she died during her recovery they said when she woke up she had a hard time breathing and just died :(