Hospitalization, heartbroken momma.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Ah, such a sweetie. Your girl looks like she is resting without being in distress. The fact that she ate a bit of food is encouraging. Cats in real pain don't eat. I think white shadow white shadow has given you some excellent suggestions. I wouldn't worry right now about her being groggy or out of it. That is just temporary. You are your cat's best advocate and the goal here now is to help her dissolve/pass this stone. Your girl is fighting and depending on you. Remember this: the only thing worse than failure is to have never tried at all.
Hang in there and keep fighting for her.
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  • #24


Loving Mother of a Flower Petal
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 24, 2018
Ah, such a sweetie. Your girl looks like she is resting without being in distress. The fact that she ate a bit of food is encouraging. Cats in real pain don't eat. I think white shadow white shadow has given you some excellent suggestions. I wouldn't worry right now about her being groggy or out of it. That is just temporary. You are your cat's best advocate and the goal here now is to help her dissolve/pass this stone. Your girl is fighting and depending on you. Remember this: the only thing worse than failure is to have never tried at all.
Hang in there and keep fighting for her.
Thank you guys so much...You all have reminded me why I love this safe community here. On another note, I feel so empty without her here. I miss her so much. I keep turning thinking shes by me but she's not. I miss my shadow:sigh:


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
I'm so sorry you and your girl are going through this. I have walked the path of CKD with one kitty many years ago and am on it again with my oldest kitty. It's rough. It's so hard to be separated from your girl and not even be able to visit with her. I took my girl to the vet a couple of weeks ago and had to wait in the car for her and almost came undone. I can't imagine having to leave her and not be able to visit. Big hugs to you!
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  • #26


Loving Mother of a Flower Petal
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 24, 2018
I'm so sorry you and your girl are going through this. I have walked the path of CKD with one kitty many years ago and am on it again with my oldest kitty. It's rough. It's so hard to be separated from your girl and not even be able to visit with her. I took my girl to the vet a couple of weeks ago and had to wait in the car for her and almost came undone. I can't imagine having to leave her and not be able to visit. Big hugs to you!
It is so rough. Sending you a hug too. I hate being away from her...what makes it hurt less is they at least are sending me photos of her and it makes me calm down looking at them. I have spent most of the day crying, printing photos of her (props to my Canon Ivy mini printer I got for my bday) and just cleaning to keep myself busy. I miss my girl so much. Here is some photos I just got, she is eating still. Being her pretty self, and giving me those eyes I love so deeply.


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  • #27


Loving Mother of a Flower Petal
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 24, 2018
An update to those who have supported us. She came home today. Her creatinine dropped from 10 to 6.2!:yess: BUN came down from 170+ to 123. And *drum roll please* her phosphorus is back to NORMAL RANGE! We have been sent home with antibiotics, an adjustment to her thyroid medication dosing, and SUB-Q fluids. She will be getting 50ML every other day, and she will have a recheck with internal medicine in a few days. Praying this therapy and everything helps us keep bringing these kidney values now. Thank you for everyone who prayed for my girl.:grouphug::heartshape::hearthrob:


verna davies

TCS Member
Feb 23, 2016
Wales uk
I've just caught up with this thread, my heart went out to you and your kitty. Such good news that she has improved and you have her home with you where she belongs. I bet she is getting lots of hugs and love. Enjoy her and let us know how you are both doing.
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  • #33


Loving Mother of a Flower Petal
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 24, 2018
I am so happy that she came out of this and is home again.
The day she came home, I cried when the tech brought her to the car. That night she slept on her blanket, the one I hadn't let leave my sight, between my husband and I. Saying our hearts were full and at peace is an understatement. We we're complete again. :itslove:
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  • #34


Loving Mother of a Flower Petal
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 24, 2018
I've just caught up with this thread, my heart went out to you and your kitty. Such good news that she has improved and you have her home with you where she belongs. I bet she is getting lots of hugs and love. Enjoy her and let us know how you are both doing.
Thank you so much Verna. She is right here with us again, getting stronger day by day. She played for the first time yesterday on her pet stairs, it made both of us so happy to see again. Seeing her eating more, and just lively with more energy again is the biggest blessing we could ask for. As of right now, she is doing better. She is still wobbly, and no bowel movement yet. But I caught her at least attempting to have one this morning! Fingers crossed she has one. Yesterday she ate the best she has since being home on Tuesday, I'm hoping its due to the fact that whenever she is up and about or even awake and on our bed, I sit with her and handfeed her some kidney safe wet food that I warmed up. I did my first session of at home Sub Q Fluids that day after she was released as well, which I'm so proud of! :cheerleader: Today is our second go around of fluids, hoping it continues helping her. On one last note, she has been thankfully tolerating this antibiotic well. Which is a godsend due to how scary it was when she was on the Cipro...that gave her 4 seizures. Each day we have our little victories, I gave her the best chance at fighting. The Internal Medicine doctors saved her.:grouphug: