Horrific Response From SPCA Monterey County, California


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
I wish those kitties could know how lucky they are to have someone taking care of them who dedicates so much time, love and money to their care!   
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  • #62


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 17, 2014
On the coast of Central California
It is a huge responsibility and a financial worry but honestly the joy they bring to my  life is immeasurable. Their love is constant without any conditions. They ask only for some food and water and shelter. They pay for those comforts with steadfast loyalty, a willingness to cooperate with each other, and an understanding that while the love for them will always be there, the feeding schedules may change and the food may not always be the kind they like best.

It is so little to give for so much in return. I am blessed to care for them. I wish everyone had the chance to experience what it means to care for God's kids. He knew what he was doing when he created them. And for all of the people who are lonely and sad an animal is the answer to life's hardships.

Thanks Besty for your continued encouragement and support. And guess what? As of yesterday morning, the room is rented!! Two adorable college students (one I work with at Walmart) are moving in for the summer. I am so happy. Now only three more weeks of a little worry over food, and then I will be firmly back on my feet again.

This site was certainly the place that gave me the support and push I needed to get over the crest of the mountain. You all have been life-savers, thank you everyone.


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
Congratulations on the room rental!  That's got to be a huge relief.  

What a wonderful philosophy about the symbiotic relationship between you and the kitties.  I still say those kitties are an awfully lucky bunch.  


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
How's it going, Sally--I hope everybody is getting used the new routine?  Hope all is well with you and your tribe.  


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 4, 2013
I would contact Alley Cat Allies and see if they will intervene.  This is outrageous.  I am so sorry this happened to you.

Please do set up an Amazon wish list with some food choices.  I am sure there are many here who might want to help you out.
Yes, this.

Alley Cat Allies is great, and hopefully they can set you up with assistance, and connections in your area.

PETA is NOT TNR friendly and is NOT "no kill", I would not contact them.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 21, 2012
Yes, this.

Alley Cat Allies is great, and hopefully they can set you up with assistance, and connections in your area.

PETA is NOT TNR friendly and is NOT "no kill", I would not contact them.
I had heard that about PETA before.  You'd think PETA would be more animal friendly for being a supposedly pro animal organization!  
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  • #69


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 17, 2014
On the coast of Central California
Hi everyone,

Here is the current news from The Feral Cat Sanctuary!

As some of you know, I was able to get a job at Walmart so I could continue caring for my colony of 50 feral cats (all neutered and spayed, of course!)

I am working late shifts, 3:00 p.m. to midnight. Last Saturday night I arrived home around 1:30 a.m. to see a kitten walking in circles and stumbling in the middle of the street in front of my house. I had never seen the kitten before and have no idea where he came from. After watching him for a bit I could see he was in real trouble. I was able to approach and scruff him. He went limp in my arms and I could tell he needed immediate vet care.

I rushed him to my emergency vet thinking he wouldn't survive the night but knowing that at the vet's he would get care so as not to suffer.

The vet said it was a three-month-old little boy who had been hit by a car probably three or four days before. He was in bad shape with brain trauma and multiple injuries to two legs and his tail. The vet said they would make him comfortable and do what they could for him. The next day I called from work to see how he was doing and the vet said they had been trying hard to help him but that it didn't look good and that he should probably be put down. 

I agreed to have him euthanized and went back to work feeling so sad about the little guy. Our plan was for me to go back to the vet after work to pay the bill. So after work I drove there still feeling sad about the little kitten. The nurse met me at the Hospital door wondering if I had gotten the vet's message about the cat. (I hadn't looked at my phone since the conversation to euthanize the kitten).

She explained: when the vet went to the oxygen chamber to euthanize the kitten he was sitting up looking bright and very alert! as if to say: "No one is going to put me down!!!" Everyone was pretty astonished!! Needless to say, so was I.

From that point on everyone felt the need to do what they could to support him. It has been three days since that night, and there have been some touch and go moments, but he was taken off all of his I.V medication this morning with the plan for him to go home with me tonight. Each day he has gotten more and more feisty and everyone is hopeful he will make a full recovery. He did become septic so there is still some concern for his chance of survival. 

The little guy, a grey tabby, has been named "BillyBob" and he is just as cute as cute can be! I am nervous about bringing him home, of course, especially since I have to work and can't be here to watch over him. But I think he is a "miracle" kitten so I am probably not the only one in charge of his little life. 

He has a long road ahead of him and he may be a little retarded but I will do all I can for him and I am going to try and find a special home for him.

If any of you think you could help by sending Friskies wet and dry food for the next week I would be so grateful. I am going to need to buy special food and some supplies for little BillyBob which will leave me short to buy food for the colony. So any amount you all could send would be such a help. I can send you my address by private email.  The GoFundMe account is here:  
I will update tomorrow. Thanks in advance and hugs.


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  • #70


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 17, 2014
On the coast of Central California
Just a quick update....BillyBob is surely the miracle kitten! Each day he does better and better. The change in him is really hard to believe. Each day now his recovery moves ahead by leaps and bounds! 

There are no signs of any brain injury. He is putting weight on all four legs and seems happy and content. I still am not sure they sent home the right kitty!! 

I have to go back to work today so he will be alone for nine hours. I hate to leave him, but he has survived so much already I think he will be able to handle be alone.

I have had to medicate a lot of kittens and cats over the years, but little BillyBob is an angel about medication. He takes all of it without any fuss. I get the sense that he is so grateful and happy to get help  he will do anything to show his thanks.

I will update again in the next few days. In the meantime, as you know, this whole thread was started over the terrible response I received from our Monterey County SPCA. Our local Weekly newspaper recently did an investigative report on them. I have attached the article here. Obviously, what happened to me was a reflection of an attitude that has prevailed there. I am glad the information is now available to everyone. Here is a link to the article:


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  • #71


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 17, 2014
On the coast of Central California
All bandages are now off of BillyBob! Terrific progress the last 24 hours even though I had to be at work for nine hours and he was all alone. 

With bandages on his leg, he couldn't use a litter box and so the towels in his cage were getting pretty messy every few hours meaning I was doing multiple loads of wash trying to keep up. And then yesterday just before I left for work the dryer stopped working!

All I could do was put a litter box in the cage and hope he could figure it out while I was gone. No surprise with this smart little survivor, he used the litter box all day.

I know all kittens are special and wonderful but after 20 years of caring for feral cats and kittens, I have never had a sweeter more loving or smarter cat than little BillyBob. I let him out of the cage today for a little bit to get some exercise and explore and he did really well.

It is really hard to leave for work since being with him is so joyful, but he seems to manage it okay. I think in a day or so I will be able to put the cage on the floor and let him have the chance to get out of the cage while I am gone. My office area is secure, and away from the other cats so it should be fine.

Cheers to the Vets who brought this little one back from the brink of death. 

Hope all is well with everyone here at the Cat Site.