Homeless with a feral kitten that bonded with me.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 28, 2023
So I've been on the streets in SC for a year now, was on the streets longer but in a different state(came here because I was put under a false impression of getting help from a so called friend)....but anyways just about 6 days ago I rescued a stray kitten from being trapped under a dumpster that was close by where I was walking, he was loudly meowing for awhile and ppl weren't paying no mind...I was trying to figure out if it was in fact a cat meowing so when I realized it was I went up to the dumpster and to look in it to see and nothing.

The meowing stopped tho, so I backed up and heard it again so I checked under and saw a kitten (same kitten you see now as my profile picture) he was definitely stuck so I went behind to get him and was able to get a hold of him and get him out(he was hissing, growling, and meowing as if he was gonna be murdered, understandable stating I'm probably the only human that's ever gotten this close to him).
To make story shorter, hes been trusting me since a few days ago, still jumpy but always wanting to be around me....I've had a drug problem as well for awhile but after finding him for some reason my need for another high became the need to care for this kitten who I named Myloh, like I made sure any amount of cash I got went for food and equipment for him...even if it meant I wouldn't have any to get food for myself...and I've gained a strong attachment to him and he's gained trust towards me(took a few days but it happened, which is quite good being feral cats/kittens usually take weeks before trusting a human)....I've been feeding him well and making sure he has water to drink as well ofc...but I've been stressing about getting him medical care as it's expensive...I wanna know if there's such thing as free vet care or anything close, I do know he surely has worms and that's about it, I love this kitten and Ive grown a bond with him and he has grown some sort of bond with me, he doesn't like any other person besides my gf but he still runs from her and hides next to me...so anyways if there's any advice someone can give me on how I can get him medical care it would be appreciated.

white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
Hi FeralKitten414 FeralKitten414 and a warm welcome to the forum !

Google exactly this: "low cost vet care in sc".........and, you can add the city in there too. I just tried it and, under the businesses there are quite a number of organizations offering subsidized veterinary care.

Here's another Google search you can use (and inserting the clty): "cat rescue in sc". This time, the "businesses" that show up are actually non-profit organizations that care for stray and feral cats. These groups will also have information that you're looking for.

Make sure that vaccination is done as soon as possible, preferably as the #1 priority. Cat "distemper"/"parvo" is most often fatal.

Best of luck with your search and keep us posted!


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Hi and welcome to TCS
Thank you for helping this little fellow out ,Myloh- and for taking care of him .
I hope you don't mind if I speak from my heart in consideration for both you and Myloh- and what I believe is in your best interest
Though Myloh- has touched your heart and Bountifully Blessed you by taking your focus away from drugs and onto him you must consider this is highly likely a temporary fix-soon enough little Myloh will be tagging along and you just might yeild to temptation once more and then what? You know first hand addiction will drag you to places you never imaginrd could would dare to go

I'm sorry you are in the position you are in right now and I only hope to encourage you to seek help so that this is not a temporary thing and that you can maintain sobriety.... Perhaps consider bringing Myloh to a rescue or a no kill shelter so that he can have a stable forever home of his own,young kittens are very adoptable,easily socialized and someone else could provide him with Veterinary care,food and permanent shelter.... Though your heart is in it that's probably not what's best for him and for you,not at this time as you are living in the streets and don't really know where your next meal is coming from

white shadow white shadow has made suggestions that will undoubtedly help you to give Myloh what he needs right now but what about next month,next week or even tomorrow

Please,find an AA or NA group and take some steps to remain drug free.No doubt you'll find folks who can give you good advice,support and point you in the right direction to obtain the help that you need.Im sure you would not want anyone to be in your position or to live on the streets- that includes Myloh,doesn't it?
I wish you the very best and both you and the little fellow are in my prayers
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 28, 2023
I appreciate the suggestions y'all, I'm going to try what white shadow mentioned, giving him up tho it'll be heart breaking... especially since he has already bonded with me and with feral cats/kittens they gain a special bond that's different than a stray or domesticated cat/kitten...and for my drug problem I should specify, it's not that he makes me not want the drug ( methamphetamine) he just has been making it easier...I was already clean for a couple of weeks prior to finding him and I've came close to relapsing(most ppl on the streets along with me keep coming around with it,etc)...but the spot Im in is a distance away from veterinary clinics/organizations...as well as quite violent and heavily gang populated(I'm surprised myself that I haven't gotten into any problems) I'm willing to walk any distance I can but idk if it would stress Myloh.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
The best to you FeralKitten414 FeralKitten414

A kitten will adjust easily -I do know a little about ferals,lol

In any event be careful walking a long distance with him,anything can happen if he's spooked and darts out and away from you to get back to where he came from

Stay well and take care..... keep us posted,at least you have a phone
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 28, 2023
The best to you FeralKitten414 FeralKitten414

A kitten will adjust easily -I do know a little about ferals,lol

In any event be careful walking a long distance with him,anything can happen if he's spooked and darts out and away from you to get back to where he came from

Stay well and take care..... keep us posted,at least you have a phone

When he would get spooked he would always climb my leg and go into my hoodie and curl up in a ball...or he would climb up on my shoulders...it's very adorable, even when I'm at a spot where I'm going to chill he would climb into my hoodie..it's so heart warming to see him for that.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
You're not going to convince me thst Myloh us better off with you,sorry If you were telling me about a long time pet and you found yourself homeless my heart would break and I'd completely understand,for me it would be the same as a parent giving up a child

You found this kitten not even one week ago and though he may very well be tye best thing thst ever happened to you ,he's not ",a thing"..... I'm sorry if this sound I'm lacking empathy but I think taking away his chance of living in a safe house with someone who can provide all of his needs is unfair to him

And no,he's not irreversibly bonded to you in 6 days ,he knows you are his food source and he trusts you.Ive worked with ferals for decades -feral kittens are easy to socialize and they do very well adopted even after starting out in foster homes... so you asked about Veterinary care for the indigent and didn't ask my opinion of the whole situation but I gave it anyway as one who is passionate for animals..

This might help you in any event
About Us | Pets of the Homeless
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 28, 2023
Im aware but, street or not this kitten knows only the streets and the ppl here wouldn't care they sat and walked by as he was crying for help....ppl who had cash, and a home ya know...and me, spending any money on food...he's eaten, just got him dewormed and will be going tmr for shots....as I got help that i needed to make sure hes safe and I have someone willing to take him just have to wait for response

white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
Hi again FeralKitten414 FeralKitten414 !

I'm really sorry about some of the response you've had.....hopefully that will quieten. You've come to a place that's usually warm, welcoming and not judgmental. May that return!

So, it sounds as if you found some Vet care - super !!!!!!!

[Just a heads-up about the vaxx >>>>> many cats will be a little/a lot 'down-in-the-dumps' after being vaccinated. It would help if you could arrange to get them administered over 2 appointments, with the rabies vax done separately. Try and insist on that tomorrow if you can. And, be extra careful with her for the next couple of days.....when cats feel lousey, their natural tendency is to go away and hide. That's not something you want! So, eagle eyes on her and some extra 'protection' for her if you can.]

Considering what's happened earlier here, I'm not surprised you're a little 'tight-lipped' now.

There are some cautions where it comes to surrendering......if the 'air in the room' here were to change for the better, would you want to discuss some of those? They mostly have to do with ensuring the safety and welfare of the animal.

'Hope you do stay around!


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Look into centers that help with getting donated items for cats/kittens. Maybe you can get him a little carrier with a shoulder strap to help you move about with him and ensure he doesn't jump out of your arms or your hoodie! If you provide a more specific location (city at least), I would be happy to do some searching for you - not just for vet care, but for food for your kitten. Not all cities have them, but there are pet donation pantries where you can go to get food for him, putting less stress on you feeding yourself.


Adopt don't shop.
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Where do you think?
Hi again FeralKitten414 FeralKitten414 !

I'm really sorry about some of the response you've had.....hopefully that will quieten. You've come to a place that's usually warm, welcoming and not judgmental. May that return!

So, it sounds as if you found some Vet care - super !!!!!!!

[Just a heads-up about the vaxx >>>>> many cats will be a little/a lot 'down-in-the-dumps' after being vaccinated. It would help if you could arrange to get them administered over 2 appointments, with the rabies vax done separately. Try and insist on that tomorrow if you can. And, be extra careful with her for the next couple of days.....when cats feel lousey, their natural tendency is to go away and hide. That's not something you want! So, eagle eyes on her and some extra 'protection' for her if you can.]

Considering what's happened earlier here, I'm not surprised you're a little 'tight-lipped' now.

There are some cautions where it comes to surrendering......if the 'air in the room' here were to change for the better, would you want to discuss some of those? They mostly have to do with ensuring the safety and welfare of the animal.

'Hope you do stay around!
Indeed, we do not know OP's situation or anything about them other than this cat is clearly in their life for a reason. Lets not jump to conclusions.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Thank you so much for everything you've done for him FeralKitten414 FeralKitten414

If he is going to be with you for any length of time I suggest that you get a cat carrier for him. These aren't usually very expensive, I've picked them up at second hand stores before.

This will mean that if you have to walk a long way with him, to find a vet or whatever, he will feel safer and there will be less chance of him getting spooked and running away. It will also give him a secure place to sleep and mean he is protected from things like stray dogs and aggressive people.

A few places you could try for help. The Humane Society offers free vet care.

Home - Humane Society of South Carolina

You can get free pet food here.

Welcome to City of Columbia Animal Services - City of Columbia - Animal Services

Pawmetto Lifeline: Pet Food Pantry | Pawmetto Lifeline

Harvest Hope | Pets of the Homeless

This place is a little far from you, but might know of resources available close by.

Pet Food Pantry - Application for Pet Food Assistance - SAFE Haven for Cats

Good luck, please keep us posted on how everything goes


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
:hellosmiley: FeralKitten414 FeralKitten414 , welcome to TCS! Best catsite you can find.

for saving Myloh despite the position you are in right now. Bless your heart. Myloh's a cutie! :redheartpump: :hearthrob:

You've got Very good response from our members.

Here are some help to find a vet :-

No Money For Vet Care? How To Find Help And Save Your Cat's Life - TheCatSite

Financial Aid for Pets

and also you may get in contact with cat rescues like :- Advocacy Toolkit for help.

Feel free to ask questions. There is no such thing as a stupid question.

Do keep us posted of the progress.