Hi There!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 13, 2017
Brisbane, Australia
Hello everyone!

My name is Gillian and I hail from Brisbane, Australia. I'm a 26 year old Early Educator with 3 loving partners.
I've had cats my entire life growing up, and my mother had 2 rules: They have to be male, and they have to be ginger! Male because they were cheaper to desex, I think the ginger rule was just because she liked the colour 
This little man got adopted instantly by one of my other partners, his name is Cinnabun. We're almost certain he's got Ragdoll in him, his colouring is convincing, there's a Ragdoll that hangs around the property where Mumma was occasionally and he's got a habit of just going really limp and, well, ragdoll-y when you hold him. He's a pretty docile kitty.

This little goober was the runt of the litter, we nicknamed her Squid. When my cousin and her 3 daughters adopted her, she was renamed to Sophie-Lucy, courtesy of the resident 3-yo.

These two we called Twinnie-Leftie and Twinnie-Righty, because they were near identical save for their little white mustaches. They even had an identical black spot in the exactly the same place on the back of their left leg on an identical white sock. Twinnie-Leftie was adopted by a Metamour of mine and renamed Princess Buttercup. 

And this little munchkin we decided to keep early on, we went through a couple of names before deciding on calling her Parsnip.
I still tease my partner about wanting to name her Senorita Greypants.

Twinnie-Rightie we had trouble homing, if only for the fact we couldn't find anyone else who was willing to adopt a cat, and Kitten Season is only just starting to wind down here. The plan was to eventually surrender any of the kittens we didn't rehome to the RSPCA, but we've all grown pretty attached to her. I'm not sure she'll be going anywhere at this rate. So, looks like Parsnip will be growing up with her sister. Which is fine by me, they tend to cry when they can't find the other, so I'd be heartbroken if we had to separate them. We haven't decided on a name for her yet, she might just end up being 'Twinnie' forever, but I'd like to give her a proper name.The receptionist at the vet said we should name her Pumpkin because of Parsnip, but I really don't think she's a Pumpkin 
Anyway, my photodump is over for now, I look forward to being active and getting to know you all :)


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Hello Gillian and your lovely Aussie Bunch, welcome to TCS :wavey:

You've come to the right place and I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay here. Feel free to ask questions s and do check out the rest of the site as it is filled with great informations.

Your kitties are very lovely and do post more of their photos ;)


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Welcome to TCS, Gillian & kitties!
  And thank you for introducing us to Mumma and her delightful kittens.  I'm very glad you decided to keep Twinnie-Righty as she looks to be a very sweet girl and sure to bring you (and Parsnip) much joy in the coming years. 

You'll find this is a great site where you can get information, support and advice.  There is a vast amount of information in the articles and threads, both past and present, should you have a question about anything cat-related.  You can also post your question in the forums where you'll find people are always ready to share their expertise or just offer some words of support.  There is also a vibrant community of cat lovers here and we are always happy to have new members. 

One thing to remember:  We can never have too many cat pictures!  Please feel free to post as many pictures of the feline members of your family as you'd like & don't worry about a photo dump.  We love them! 


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
What a lovely little kitty family.  They're all so cute.  Welcome to TCS.  